Cricket 1897
M at 27, 1897. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 175 Cricket Orotmd TEAK BEATS Lawn Tennli TEAK BEATS \ and portable folding TEAK jt * \ CHAIRS c r x . B i t CISTLB'B Teak Saata rhlch r e g a in neither I I I nor Y 1 RHIBH. i f iupplied It Ihe SURREY COUITT CLUB, K I I I I 8 T 0 I OVAL. for CRICKET u i TannlaOroanda Parka, Oardena, Parades, I I P I L L O PEI SPACES. ADDRESS— H.CiSTLKftSONS,Lfl. BA LT IC W H A R F , MILLBANK, S.W. T ENTS ! TEN TS!- Good sound Government Bell Tents, 10ft. high, 13ft. diameter, suitable for Bathing, Camping Out, Cricket. Tennis, &c. 16s. 6d. complete. The best in themarket.— Knight, Arcade, Lowestoft. THOMAS J. TA TE , CRICKET BATS, BALLS. AND ALL-ENGLAND CHAMPION RACKETS, W O R K S = 310, KENNINGTON ROAD, LONDON, S.E. N.B.— A SAMPLE BALL POST FREE. FREQUENTED BY CRICKETERS. Announcements are inserted in this column at a charge o f 21 s. per annum. Half-inch space , 60 s. per annum. Each Hotel inserting an Advertisement will receive a copy o f the paper, by post, free o f charge . B IR M IN G H A M , THE GRAND HOTEL. Centrally situated. 300rooms. All modern luxuries. Equal to best London Hotels. P re s s N o tic e s .— Best Hotel outside London. Ranks amongst thebest Hotels in the country. J osep h A dam s, Manager. EA STBOURN E CAVENDISH HOTEL, Grand Parade. G e o . L ow m an, Manager . SOU TH AM PTON . DAVIS’S HOTEL Facing Station. F. B e n n e tt, Proprietor. This Hose is vsed at Lord's. TESTIMONIAL. A CUSTOMER writes - “ The Merryweather Garden Hose supplied nearly ten years agois still in use, and ismost satisfactory.” Largest Makers of High-Class Hose in the World. Write fo r List o f Merryweather's specially designed Pumps fo r watering Cricket Grounds. Just published—Catalogue of Garden Pumps and Fittings, 40pages, 500illustrations, post free. M E R R YW E A T H ER ’S, 63, L o n g A c re , Lond on , W.C. C. LILLYWHITE & CO. are clearing a quantity ofgoodMatchBalls, thecolourhavingslightlyaltered. Best Match, 3/9; Cat-gut Seamed, 4/3; Four Seamed, 4/6; Treble Practice, 3/each, Post Free. 1/6discount, on six. Only address, C. Lillywhite and Co., South- borough, Tunbridge Wells. 18, PRINCES STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, OXFORD CIRCUS. R E T A I L O N L Y . ABEL & LANE, (Surrey XI.) (25 years with E. J. Page & Co.) Cricket Ball Manufacturers. PATENT F LEX IB LE BALL , 6/- (No. 9190). As used on the Surrey, Essex, and other County Grounds. COUNTY BALL - - - 5/- SPEC IAL MATCH BALL - 41 - OF ALL DEALERS. P I C K E R I N G S ’ “ B L A Fo r Whitening all Articles of Buff or Buckskin Leather, such as Leg Guards, Gloves, Military Equipment, White Helmets, Gloyes, Hunting Thongs, Whips, Cricket and Tennis Shoes, Tennis Balls, &c., &c. It is prepared in a very careful manner, and extra precautions are taken to insure AN EVENNESS OF COLOUR. It contains nothing that will in any way injure the article to which it is applied, and if used as di rectedasplendid white of a glossysatin like appearance and soft silky surface is insured, which will not readily rub off. The mouldsof ‘‘ B la n c o ” aremadein one size only, and will fit specially made zinc boxes, which are non-corrosive. Manufacturers:—JOSEPH PICKERING & SONS, £SH5, SHEFFIELD London Office: ST. G E O R G E ’S H O U S E , E A S T C H E A P . GRADIDGE’S Celebrated CRICKETBA TS& BALLS A Splendid Stock of well-seasoned BATS and BALLS to select from. Special Terms to Clubs and Schools. GRADIDGE’S imperialDriver,”“Extra Special,”and"SpecialSelected' BA T 6 4 A N D S U P E R IO R M ALL MANUFACTURED ON TH E PREMISES. PRICE LISTS FREE. OOOOC3000C3000C3000C3000CZ3000<I300a Faetory: ARTILLERY PLACE, WOOLWICH, LOflDOfl, S.E.
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