Cricket 1896
A pril 16, 1896. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 79 P U B L I C A T I O N S . TO BE HAD AT “ C R I C K E T ” O F F I C E S . THE FOOTBALL ANNUAL. For Season 1895-6. E dited by C. W . ALCOCK. Containing Laws of the Game (both codes), revised to date. Full Review of the past Season. Results of Public School Matches, with Notes on Players. Doings of the Principal Clubs, with Secretaries Names and Addresses, &c., &c. P rice , 6d.; P ost F ree , 7§d. FAMOUS CRICKETERSAND CRICKET GROUNDS. HANDSOME VOLUMES. Cloth (gilt edges), 12s. 6d.; Half Roan, 13s. 6d. ; Half Calf (gilt edges), 16s. 6d.; Half Morocco, 168. 6d.; Whole Morocco (gilt edges), 18a. CRICKET SCORE BOOK. P rice , I s . ; P ost F ree , I s . 2d. J. WISDEN’S CRICKETERS’ ALMANACK, 1896. P r ic e , Is. ; P ost F re e , I s . 3d. FAMOUS FOOTBALLERS&ATHLETES Price, 6d. per part; postage. 2d. Subscriptions for the 12 parts 8s., post free. Payable in advance. J. LILLYWHITE’S CRICKETER’S ANNUAL, 1890. P rice , Is. ; P ost F ree , I s . 3d. COUNTY CRICKET CHAMPIONSHIP, With an Appendix on the Selection of -an English Eleven. By “ Rover.” P rice , Is .; P ost F ree , I s . 2d. CRICKET RULES, &c., &c. LAVS OF FOOTBALL. (Waistcoat Pocket Edition.) The Laws of both codes neatly bound together in a stiff paper cover. Revised to date. O ne P enny . *** Special terms to clubs requiring quantities. CRICKET Terms of Subscription, 6s. per annum ; Summer Numbers. 5s. ; Winter Numbers, Is. 3d. CRICKET : TheSong of the “ Centuries.” (Dedicated by permission to W . G. G rach .) P rice , 2 s . “ CRICKET ” REPORTING- FORMS. 10d. per D ozen (post free). OFFICES: 168, UPPER THAMES STREET, LONDON READY SHORTLY. SURREY CRICKET AND CRICKETERS. An exhaustive record of Surrey Cricket, dating as far back as 1773, with numerous Hlustrations and Portraits of Players. P rice , 6d.; P ost F ree , 8d. “ CRICKET” ORDER OF GOING IN CARDS. 7d. per D ozen (post free). 'T'ENTS. Bell tents. Square Tents. Marquees. 1 For lawns, bathing, cricket, camping out. New and secondhand. Before purchasing write postcard for list.— W illiam M oore , Lauderdale-buildings, Aldersgate, London. COBBETTS CRICKET BAT CO., Limited. Sole Manufacturers of the “ COBBETT ” BAT. Factory—56, Capland Street, Grove Road, Marylebone, London, N.W. WHOLESALE AND EXPORT. (WITHIN THREE MINUTES WALK OP LORD’ S.) E A C H B A T B E A R S A R E G I S T E R E D Cobbett’s “ Jubilee Patent Gutta Percha Driver," with, patent handle , also manufactured in Youths' aim, special attention being paid to weight and balance. COBBETT'S ALL-CANE SPRING HANDLE BAT, SPECIALLY SELECTED AND SEASONED FOR HOT CLIMATES. C. C. B. Co. have a good stock of well-seasoned Bats and Wood, and all requisites for the game, to which they invite inspection GRADIDGE’S Celebrated CRICKETBATS & BALLS A Splendid Stock of well-seasoned BATS^and BALLS to select from. Special Terms to Clubs and Schools. GRADIDGE’S“ImperialDriver,”“ExtraSpecial,”and “SpecialSelected’ B A T S J A N D S U P E R I O R M A T C H B A L ALL MANUFACTURED ON THE PREMISES. PRICE LISTS FREE. 0000d>000ci3000cz>000c3000c3000c300ft Faetory: AHTIIthERY PLACE, WOtMlGfl, IiOpOfl, S.E.
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