Cricket 1896
?2 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A pril 16, 1896. AS USED AT LORDS. Grass Seeds FOR CRICKET GROUNDS. “ Gentlemen,’— Lord’s ground has been mar vellously improved for many years by the use of Carters* fine Grass Seeds, as specially prepared for Cricket Grounds, and I can strongly recommend its use to Secretaries and others interested in the game. W e use no other seeds but Carters’ .—Yours, etc., P ercy P e a r c e , Superintendent. PR ICE 26/- PER BUSHEL, 1/3 PER POUND. SPECIAL NOT ICE ! >15 USED A T THE OVAL . CARTERS’ GRASS SEEDS ONLY have been used on the Surrey Cricket Ground, Kennington Oval, during tbe last seven years. Signed, C. W. ALCOCK, Sec. PR IC E 26/- PER BUSH EL. 1/3 PER POUND. CA RT ERS ' G r a s s S e e d s FOR TENNIS GROUNDS. As used upon the All-England Ground. S E A S O N 1B9B. J.LILYWHITE, FROWD&Co. (The original old established firm of Lillywhite), Manufacturers and Outfitters OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF C^ICKETI/IC and L^WJI TENNIS Goods, FOOTBALLS and UNIFORMS, BOXING GLOVES, GOLF, AND ATHLETIC GOODS G E^E^A LLY . All Goods correct Pattern, Best Style and thoroughly seasoned. An immense Stock to select from. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. Liberal Cash Discounts. Frowd’s Patent Special Driver Bat is unapproached for sterling quality, and still holds the title of the King of Bats.______________________ M an ufactory an d W a r e h o u se :— 2, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 & 74, BOROUGH RD., S.E. W est E nd B ranch :— 24, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. SHIPPERS AND THE TRADE SUPPLIED. c U u l y w h i t e £ c AS USED IN THE LONDON PARKS AND PUBLIC GARDENS. PR ICE 25/- PER BUSHEL. 1/3 PER POUND. CARRIAGE FREE. B«nd for a Catalogue containing Photographs of the finest Grounds in the World. Seedsmen by ltoyal Warrants to H.M. The Queen, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. 237, 238 & 97, HIGH HOLSOKN, LONDON. REGISTERED TRADE.. MAB& C. LILLYWHITE & Co, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURERS. THE CELEBRATED “ COMPOUND” HANDLED CRICKET BAT ( r e g d .) 18s. 6d. each, post free. Y outh ’ s size, 10s. 6d. SUPERIOR TREBLE SEAMED BALLS, From 40s. per dozen. Every tall is fitted with the original Hand- Made Spring Quilt, and is confidently recom mended and Guaranteed. NO MACHINE WORK. H.J.GRAY&SONS Patentees and Manufacturers of GAMES m m A L L GOODS GU AR A N T E ED . THE PLAYFAIR DRIVER acknowledged by experts to be unsur passed. Illustrated Catalogues Free. C am b r id g e AND 8, Goswell Road, AIdersgate, London , e . g . Cricket: C. LILLYWHITE & Co., SOUTHBOHO’ , TUNBRIDGE WELLS. ESTABLISHED 1853. T HOMASTWORT&SONS Wholesale and Export Manufacturers of CRICKET BATS, BALLS, LEG-GUARDS, etc., etc. Soathboro’, Tunbridge Wells, A WEEKLY RECORD OF TBE GAME, 168, UPPER THAMES STREET, LONDON, E.C. THURSDAY, APRIL 16 th , 1896. p t o U t o n The abstract and brief chronicle of the time.— Hamlet. F. A. I r e d a l e , as the following an nouncement taken from the Daily Tele graph of Friday last will show, took unto himself a wife not long before he started on his voyage to England with the other members of the Ninth Australian Team:— Iredale—Brace—On February 24th, at Leichhardt, Sydney, by the Rev. E. Madg- wick, Francis Adams Iredale, of Baulkham Hills, N.S.W., to Edith Rebecca, second daughter of William Brade, of Leichhardt, Sydney, N.S.W., and granddaughter of the late Daniel Brade, Esq., of Ashleigh, near Liverpool. S. E. G r e g o r y , another of the Austra lian cricketers now nearing England, was also married, so I learn from an Australian paper, on the same day. T h e Orient steamer, Cuzco, with the members of the Ninth Australian Team
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