Cricket 1896

M arch ' 26 , 1896 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 47 H OW R E A D Y . Paper Edition 7 s., Post Free Is. 3d.; Cloth Edition 2s., Post Free 2s. 3d. JO H N W IS D E N ’S CRICKETERS’ ALMANACK FOR 1896, Edited by Sydney H. Pardon. Contains special photograph of Dr. W. G. Grace; articlesonW. G. by theRightHon. Lord Harris and A. G. Steel, Esq. ; Public School Cricket, by W. J. Ford Esq.; full scores and bowling analyses of all first-class matches in 1895; Mr. Stoddart’s Team in Australia, &c., &c. Back numbers on sale, 1879, 80, 1, 2,. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1892, 3, 4, 5, at 2s. 3d. post free ; 1889, 1890, 1891, at 5s. each. JOHN WISDEN & CO., 21, CRflflBODW STREET, LONDON, W.C. MOW R E A D Y . Vol. XIV. of “ CR ICKET ,” i Neatly bound in dark green cloth with gilt lettering. P r ic e 8 s . Gd. (Per Parcels Post, securely packed, 9d. extra.) ; B esides Full Scores of all principal matches |played in 1895. Biographies of Eminent ICricketers, and a mass of Valuable Informa­ tion, it contains the following portraits :— Dr. R. B. Anderson, D. Denton, C. J. Eady. Easby, W . T. Grabum. L. H. Gwynn, T. Bearne, W. McG. Hemingway, Clement Hill, F. C. Holland, F. A. Iredale, L. G. Jessop, G. Lohmann, Mead, Paul, J. Phillips, K. S. Ranjitsinhji, W. W . Read, C. L. Townsend, A. E. Trott, A. Woodcock, Parris, W . G. Grace, 8. H. Evershed, and Mold. In addition to the above, the following Illus­ trations are also included in the volume :— ' Barbadoes Cricket Ground, Cambridge University Ground, Canterbury Cricket Ground, English Cricketers in West Indies, Incidents of English Team in Australia, Lucas’s Team at St. Vincent Cricket Ground, Mr. Westray’s Team in Portugal, Old Cricket Bill (Lillywhite, 1842), Queen’s Park Cricket Ground, and Warwickshire County Ground. Cases for Binding, 2s. OFFICES OF “ C R IC K E T ,” 168, U pper T hames S treet , L ondon , E.C. R 6 P O R T S H E E T S FOR SENDING MATCHES TO “ CRICKET” POST FREE lO d. P e r D o z e n MERRITT & HATCHER, 168, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C. WATERPROOF LEATHER CRICKET BALLS Each Ball stamped in gold. M anu factu red under a Paten t, and G uaranteed not to lo se th eir shape, and to be im p erviou s to w et. Apply to any Sports Depot for descriptive pamphlet &supplies. Q ualities . Men’s Selected Match. „ Club Match. „ Practice. Youth’s 5 oz. Selected „ „ Practice Makers W P A D A T C C St. Mary’s Mills, I & A l D A I L O j LEICESTER. Loadon Dep6t:—121, Stamford Street, Blackfriars, S.E. COBBETT’S CRICKET BAT CO., Limited. Sole Manufacturers of the “ COBBE T T ” BAT. Factory—56, Capland Street, Grove Road, Marylebone, London, N.W. WHOLESALE AND EXPORT. (WITHIN THREE MINUTE8 WALK OF LORD’ S.) E A C H B A T B E A R S A R E G I S T E R E D Cobbett's “ Jubilee Patent Gutta Perclia Driver '' with patent handle , also manufactured in Youths' sizes , special attention being paid to weight and balance. COBBETT’S ALL-CANE SPRING HANDLE BAT, SPECIALLY SELECTED AND SEASONED FOR HOT CLIMATES. C. C. B. Go. haye a good stock of well-seasoned Bats and Wood, and all requisites for the game, to which they invite inspection GRADIDGE’S Celebrated CRICKETBATS & BALLS A Splendid Stock of well-seasoned BATS and BALLS to select from. Special Terms to Clubs and Schools. GRADIDGE’S“ImperialDriYer,”“ExtraSpecial,”and “SpecialSelected' B A T S A N D S U P E R I O R M A T C H B A L ALL MANUFACTURED ON THE PREMISES. PRICE LISTS FREE. OOOOC3000CZ>OOOC30»OC3000CI>OOOCDOOa Factory: ARTILLERY PLAGE, WOOLWICH, LOpON , S.E.