Cricket 1896

46 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M arch 26, 1896. The pitch was entirely in favour of the bowlers, and the Victorians, who went in first, mode a poor show against the bowl­ ing of Eady. He got up very danger­ ously, and eight of the nine batsmen who fell to the bowlers, were dismissed by him at a cost of only thirty-four runs. In the second innings of the Victorians the wicket was in capital condition, but they were even less successful, and Eady and Windsor were unchanged. K. Bum, the Tasmanian Captain, who was over here with the Australian team of 1890, was the principal scorer for his side. Score and analysis :— V ictoria . T. Warne, c Windsor, b Eady ...............................14 b Windsor............ 0 H. Stuckey, c Westbrook, b Windsor ........................ 2 J. Worrall, c Bum, b Eady 12 <3. G. Wilson, c Savigny, b Eady ............................... 2 lbw, b Eady ... 3 P. Lewis, c Vautin, b Eady 11 b Eady................ 5 R. Mitchell, c Bum, b Eady 17 b Windsor........ 9 C.H. Peryman,c and b Eady 6 b W indsor......... 0 W . G. Ingleton, c Maxwell, b Eady............................... 19 lbw, b Windsor... cBurn,b Windsor M. Roche, not out .......... 8 R. O’Connor, c Savigny, b Eady ............................... 0 W . Fenton, runout ............ 0 Byes ............................... 10 b Windsor . c Maxwell, Windsor ... Notout b Eady.......... b Eady.......... Total J . Savigny, b Fenton 37 W . Savigny, c Roche, b O’Connor .......... 4 K. Burn, b Worrall... 66 <3. J. Eady. c Mitchell, b Worrall.................18 E. Maxwell, st Lewis, b Worrall................. 3 A. Douglas, c Roche, b Mitchell .......... 5 V. R. Westbrook, c Roche, b Mitchell... 0 101 Tasmania. Total .. 65 C. Vautin, st Lewis, b Mitchell ................. 1 E. A. Windsor, c Wor­ rall, b Roche ..........45 J. Watt, not out..........13 J.Bingham.c Ingleton, b Worrall.................16 Extras .................16 Total 224 BOWLING ANALYSIS. V ictoria . B. R. M .W . B.R. M .W . C. J. Eady ...138 34 13 8 ............ 115 29 8 4 W . A. Windsor 102 37 3 1 ..............114 36 8 6 J. Bingham ... 36 20 1 0 T asmania . B. R. M .W . M. Roche 81 51 1 1 O’Connor 30 25 0 1 W.Fenton 48 36 1 1 B. R.M. W . J. Worrall 84 46 1 4 R. Mitchell 60 40 1 3 Ingleton... 48 10 3 0 TASMANIA y . BALLARAT. Following on from Geelong, the Tas­ manians played Fifteen of Ballarat, in that town, on Jan. 24. The Tasmanians who went in first did a creditable per­ formance, scoring 209 on a treacherous wicket, of this total 86 were got by C. J. Eady, of the Ninth Aus<ralian Team now on their way to England. He also bowled with remarkable success. In the two innings of Ballarat he took twelve wickets for 46 runs. Windsor’s eight cost 100. Watts’ six, 27 runs. The Tas­ manians won by 126 runs. In the second innings of Ballarat Eady did the hat trick, getting rid of Christy, R. Radcliff, and Dudley, with successive balls. T asmania . Savigny, b Boldeman... Eady, lbw, b Pearce ... . lbw, b Pearce ... 10 c J. Bailey, b Pearce ......... 1 b Pearce .......... 0 c Christy,b Pearce 31 Maxwell, b Boldeman ... 0 Bum, b Boldeman .......30 Bingham, b Bolderman ...0 not out". . Windsor, lbw, b Bolderman 1 Douglas, b Pearce ... ... 15 b Bolderman Butler, b Boulderman ... 3 Watt, not out .....33 run out....................... Westbrook, b Pearce........ 0 Vautin, b Pearce............... 28 Extras .......12 Extras ... Total ......209 Total ... * Innings declared closed. , 48 *126 B allarat F ifteen . First innings C. Bailey, c Bingham, b Windsor ........................ 8 WanJiss, b Eady.................19 Morgan, b W indsor.......... 5 David, b Eady ................. 5 Kissling, c Eady, b Windsor 17 Graham, c Vautin, b Eady 8 J. Bailey, b Eady..............15 C. Greenhalgh, c Butler, b Eady .............................. 0 R. Radcliff. b Windsor ... 4 Bryant, b Eady ................. 1 Christy, c Watt, b Windsor 5 Radcliff, st Vautin, b Watt 16 Boldeman, b Eady ......... 1 Dudley, b W a tt................. 9 Pearce, not out ................. 6 Extras ................ 6 Second innings. b Eady................. 4 lbw, b Windsor 4 c Bum, b Watt... 15 b Watt................29 cVautinbWindsor 0 c Westbrook b Windsor ... 2 run out .......... 2 Total ... 117 c Maxwell,bWatt 0 b Eady................. 0 c Westbrook, b Eady .......... 3 c Bum, b Eady... 1 run out................. 8 c Vautin, b Watt 13 b Eady................. 0 not out................. 1 Extras..........10 T o ta l..........92 TASMANIA v. GEELONG NONDE­ SCRIPTS. After their victory over Victoria at Melbourne, the Tasmanian Eleven played several matches in Victoria, one of these was against the Geelong Nondescripts at Osborne House Ground, North Geelong, on Thursday, January 23rd, between the Tasmanian Team and the Nondescripts. The Nondescripts batted first on a capital wicket, and declared their innings closed when their score stood at 261 with seven wickets down. The match, notwith­ standing, ended in a draw. At the close of the day’s play the Tasmanians had lost six wickets for i35 runs. Score N ondescripts . Houston, b Windsor 14 I M’Kinnon, not out ...120 J. Baker, b Eady ... 63 ! De Little, run out ... 1 j Fairburn, b Watt ... 2 Greene, b Windsor ... 60 ! W . Lockwood, run out 18 Orr, b W indsor.......... 9 E. Lockwood, not out 6 Extras .................13 Total (for 7wkts.)*261 Innings declared closed. Tasmania. Savigny, run out ... 26 Burn, b E. Lockwood 0 Maxwell, c Fairburn, b E. Lockwood ... 13 Eady, c De Little, b E. Lockwood..........13 Butler, b De Little ... 6 Bingham, not out ... 53 Windsor, b E. Lock­ wood ........................ 0 Douglas, not out ... 18 Leg-bye .......... 1 Total (6 wkts.).. .135 MELBOURNE v. ST. KILDA. In this match, completed at Melbourne on February 8th, Melbourne scored 683 runs. Three batsmen made over a hun­ dred in an innings as will be seen. St. Kilda, who batted two short, were beaten on the one innings played by 513 runs. M elbourne . W . Bruce, c Wilson, b Fenton.................20 C. M’Leod, b Fenton 126 H. Graham, c Box- shall, b M’Shane ... 46 S. Donahoo, c Wood- house (sub),b Fenton48 H. Trumble, run outl63 C. H. Perryman,c Tay­ lor, b Fenton......... 3 C. H.Ross,b M’Shane 27 J. Phillips, c Ahem, b Fenton ...............70 W . Roche, st Boxhall, b Fenton.............. 109 R. M’Leod, c Dunlop, b Fenton...............40 A. A. Aitken, not out 13 E xtras...............18 Total C. G. Wilson, c Dona­ hoo, b Roche.......... 0 J. Fitzpatrick, c Trum­ ble, b Roche ..........32 P. G. M’Shane, c Ait­ ken, b Phillips ... 30 W . T. Ahem, b Trum­ ble ........................ 4 J. Russ, b Roche ... 27 A. Dunlop, st Ross, b Phillips .................14 S t . K ilda . A. Fenton, st Ross, b Phillips .................16 C. Boxshall, not out 24 R. Russell, c Trumble, b C. M’Leod ... H. Taylor, absent E. Kough, absent Extras .......... Total 13 .. 0 .. 0 .. 10 ..170 EAST MELBOURNE v. RICHMOND. In this match, conclnded at Melbourne on February 8th, it will be seen one batsman scored over 200 and two over 100 in Melbourne’s innings- E ast M elbourne . J. Harry, c Gregory, b Haddrick....................56 H. Stuckey, b Over .. 31 A. E. Trott, c Kelly, b Wade...........................86 F. Laver, c Howes, b Green...........................26 P. Lewis, c Haddrick, b Green .................. 154 G. Vautin, c Green, b Wade.......... ........... 254 M’Allister, c Kelly, b Haddrick..............184 M’Michael, run out ... 19 Costelloe, c White­ head. b Wade........14 Chrystal, c amd b Kelly ...............11 Steele, not out .......... 7 Extras ...............24 Total 876 R ichmond . A. Haddrick, b A. E. Trott... A. Wade, b Laver A. Green, b A. Trott................. W . Over, not out A. Whitehead, Laver................. R. Kelly, b Laver E. Howes, b Laver ... 13 ... 1 E. H. Wells, c Vautin, b A. E. Trott ..........108 T. Barmby, b Laver... 1 W . Gregory, c Chrys­ tal, b A. E. Trott ... 1 Keogh, absent .......... 0 B, 3; lb, 1 .......... 4 Total ...219 CARLTON v. THE UNIVERSITY. This match, concluded at Melbourne, on February 8, produced a record total for the world, as well as the highest indi­ vidual score for Australia. Score: C arlton . Wame, bLewis.. Hetherington, ... 19 st Johns, b Lewis ...45 Freeman, c Johns, b Lewis...........................38 Worrall. not out .. .417 Pullar, b Lewis............ 95 Rolfe, c Johns, b M’Leod ....................53 Blackham, c Osbome, b M’Leod....................54 Hannah, c Johns, b Henry .................97 Hastings, c Suther­ land, b M’Leod ... 32 Anderson, c Quirk, b M’Leod .................22 Fortescue, b M’Leod... 0 Extras .................50 Total ...922 U niversity . M’Leod, b Fortescue 4 Sutherland, c Pullar, b Fortescue ..........10 Quirk, b R o lfe ..........34 Millar, b Pullar..........48 Raleigh, c Rolfe, b Pullar ................. 1 Henry, b R olfe ..........13 Osbome, cJones (sub), b Pullar ................. 4 Meares, c Hannah, Pullar .......... Johns, not out ... Lewis, absent ... M’Lean................. , Extra .......... Total 10 ... 1 ... 0 ... 0 ... 11 ...136 CR ICKET IN P H IL A D E L PH IA . THE HALIFAX CUP. At a recent meeting of the Halifax Cup Committee the Germantown Cricket Club was declared the winner, the official record being as follows :— Germantown Belmont Philadelphia Tioga .......... Merion.......... Won. . 7 4 3 . 2 . 1 Lost. Average. . 1 ... -875 . 2 ... -6(57 . 5 ... -375 . 4 ... -333 . 5 ... *167 In the individual prizes the Childs Batting Cup was awarded to George Stuart Patterson, of the Germantown Cricket Club, whose average of 77'57 runs per innings was far superior to that of any of his competitors. Mr. Patterson played nine innings for 543 runs, and was twice not out, with 202 as his highest score. The Childs bowling Cup was awarded to E. M. Cregar, of the Tioga Cricket Club. He delivered 419 balls, and took nineteen wickets at the cost of only 200 runs, or an average of 10'53. According to the latest advices from Australia, J. J. Ferris was likely to settle in Adelaide. In this event, he would play for the Norwood Club. Mr. W. C. J. Emmett, for several years treasurer of the One and All C.C., died on the 16th inst. He was also an old member of the Surrey County C.C.