Cricket 1896

40 f CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M arch 26, 1896. SPECIAL NOT ICE ! AS USED AT LORDS. Grass Seeds FOR CRICKET GROUNDS. “ Gentlemen,’—^Lord’s ground has been mar­ vellously improved for many years by the use of Carters’ fine Grass Seeds, as specially prepared for Cricket Grounds, and I can strongly recommend its use to Secretaries and others interested in the game. We use no other seeds but Carters’ .—Yours, etc., P ercy P earce , Superintendent. PR ICE 2 5 - PER BUSHEL, 1/3 PER POUND. A S USED A T THE OVAL . CARTERS’ GRASS SEEDS ONLY have been used on the Surrey Cricket Ground, Kennington Oval, during the last seven years. Signed, C. W. ALCOCK, Sec. PR ICE 2 5 - PER BUSH EL. 13 PER POUND, C A R T E R S ’ G r a s s S e e d s FOR TENNIS GROUNDS. As used upon the All-England Ground. AS USED IN THE LONDON PARKS AND PUBLIC GARDENS. PR ICE 2 5 - PER BUSH EL. 1/3 PER POUND. CARRIAGE FREE. Send for a Catalogue containing Photographs of the finest Grounds in the World. Seedsmen by Royal Warrants to H.M. The Queen, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. 237, 238 & 97, HIGH HOLBOfiN, LONDON. SEASON 189 S. J. LILLYIHITE, FROWD & Co. (The original old established firm of Lillywhite), Manufacturers and Outfitters OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF C lilC K E T p and TENNIS Goods, FOOTBALLS and UNIFORMS, BOXING GLOVES, GOLF, AND ATHLETIC GOODS G E^E^A LLY . All Goods correct Pattern, Best Style and thoroughly seasoned. An immense Stock to select from. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. Liberal Cash Discounts. Frowd’s Patent Special Driver Bat is unapproached for sterling quality, and still holds the title of the King of Bats.______________________ M anufactory and W arehouse :— 2, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 & 74, BOROUGH KD., S.E. W est E nd B ranch :— 24, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. SHIPPERS AND THE TRADE SUPPLIED. I V Y CRICKET AND LAWN TENNIS G R O U N D , F orest H ill R oad , H onor O ak . T wo minutes from Honor Oak Station, L.C. & D. and 12 minutes from Peckham Rye Station, L.B. & S.C. CRICKET PITCHES and LAWN TENNIS COURTS to Let, for the Day or Term. For terms and particulars apply to H . A nderson , Proprietor, 1, Hem Villas, Forest Hill Road, Honor Oak. c U U -YWH ITE « c REGISTERED TRADE. MARK. C. LILYWHITE & Co, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURERS. THE CELEBRATED “ COMPOUND” HANDLED CRICKET BAT ( kegd .) 18s. 6d. each, post free. Y outh ’ s size, 10s. 6d. SUPERIOR TREBLE SEAMED BALLS, From 40s. per dozen. Every ball is fitted with the original Hand- Made Spring Quilt, and is confidently recom­ mended and Guaranteed. NO MACHINE WORK. SEND FOR LIST OF ALL REQUISITES. HIGH QUALITY. REDUCED PRICES. FREE DELIVERY. C. LILLYWHITE & Co., S0UTHB0H0’ , TUNBRIDGE WELLS. ESTABLISHED 1853. T HOMASTW0RT&SONS Wholesale and Export Manufacturers of CRICKET BATS, BALLS, LEG-GUARDS, etc., etc. Soatbboro’, Tunbridge Wells, C OAT AND CAP BADGES embroidered with Crest, Coat of Arms, Monogram, or Initials, at strictly moderate charges. Samples post free. Orders promptly executed.—Address, “ B adges ,” c / o Mr. Buswell, 169, White Ladies Road, Bristol. W HAT OFFERS.—Vols. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Crickety well bound. Also send for List of rare Cricket Literature.—“ Cricket Press,” 25, Temple Chambers, London, E.C. G REEN’S HORSE LAWN MOWER for sale, 36in. In thorough repair. Cost £22, price £14.— Apply, H. J S tone , Bedfords, Hovering, Essex. THE SUMM ER NUM BERS . IMPORTANT NOTICE. T he present is the last of the Monthly "Winter Numbers. The Weekly Summer Numbers will begin on THURSDAY, APRIL 9 th , AND CONTINUE TILL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 th INCLUSIVE. “ CRICKET” is now the only paper in the world solely devoted to the game. All communications to be sent direct to the Oflices of Cricket, 168, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C. Cricket: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME, 168, UPPER THAMES STREET, LONDON, E.G. THURSDAY, MAR. 26 th , 1896. ^ a l n l t o n © o s f g t p . The abstract and brief chronicle of the time.— Hamlet. P. S. M c D o n n e l l , it will gratify the hundreds of Cricket readers who still retain vivid and withal pleasant recollec­ tions of the merciless manner in which he punished some of our best bowlers when he was over here with the Australian team, to know, is able to keep the ball moving as briskly as ever. In a match at Brisbane, on February 1st, he ran up one hundred and fourteen runs in seventy four minutes. If these lines should meet his eye it will no doubt please him to learn that news of his doings is always welcomed by cricketers in the old country. J o h n s , the veteran wicket-keeper, who was chosen as one of the Ninth Australian team for England, had plenty of oppor­ tunities of practice apparently in the