Cricket 1896

IB, 18G6. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 223 CLAPTON v. LONDON HOSPITAL - Played at Clapton Pffihine li. LofoDOit f t b s p n .... R. E. Pitt, not out ... __ D. L. Crew, st Purser, b Thorogood -........... 2 A.E.Gilmore, b Heller 1 JLW.Hodg»on,bHeller o W . M. King, c and b F>vM ler . 7 A . B. Fry, c and b . Heller Vi.. ... ... i 5 G Hutcherson ,b Heller 6 . 'C e I& o K F. A. Bishop, c Jack­ son, b Pitt ........... 4 E. H . Berridge, st Jackson, b Gilmore 0 Stanley Briggs, b Pitt 65 J. H. Douglas, notbtit 50 P. D. Blakes, 1>ileller 6 W . M. Jackson, b Bishop .......... ... 8- L. M. Morris, c Heller, j b Bishop ... 0 T. W . Morepmbe, lbw, b Bishop ............ 7r B 5 ,I b 2 ,n b l 8 total ...123 H.E.Trafford,b Morris 18 H. S. Purser, c Hodg­ son, b Gilmore Lb 6, w 1/ ........... 7 /Total (5 wkts) 144 STREATHAM v. WANDERERS. — Played at Streatham on Jane 13. S trb a th a m . N. Miller, c Colman, b Thompson .. .... 44 C. J. Francis, c Col­ man, b Bicknell ...40 C. Scanlah, c Col­ man, b Thompson ... 22 R. G.Candy, hit wkt., b Bicknell ........... 0 3 . tk DawSOn, b .Thompson ............ 1 C.L.Lmneft, b Thomp­ son .............................28 F. G. Wagner, st t Brooks, b Thompson 15 0 . B. Gabriel, c Pretty, b Bicknell................... 8 N. C. Bailey, c Colman, b Bicknell .......... 9 E. C. Bawtridge, b Thompson ........... 1 A . Docker, not out ... 2 Extras .......... 10 Total ..180 W an derers . W . W . Thorosrood, W . M .,Heller*. MaUership, Dr. Ladell, and H. W interbum did not bat. CtAT’TON' 'f > H dtBO BSf -r la y e d » Clapton off June-f3. C lapton , R.R.‘feruce,t)Harr 6 w5r S. A. Hasser, c Har­ rower, b Vieusseux 4 H v.E. Chichester, b Vieusseux ........... 5 H. E. Trafford, br i Harrower... .... ,.. 31 J. S'.-DoUglas, Ibw, b ^ Henry «••• I4 F. A. Bishop, c Ha^es, b Vieusseux •......... ; 35 fc. S . Nelson; b Httiry 7 J. A. Attenborough, b Vieusseux ...........12 :JfL , Tater c Newell, ^, b Vieusseux ...........20 H.Richardson, not .put 10 W . W . Thorogood, t) Henry 0; Byes .... ... ... 3 Total ..144 E. T. Vieusseux, c .i [Nelson,,t> Bishop ... P. R. Harrower, b Bishop H.i ... W .H . Wheeler,bAsser G. Trounce, b Asser... H . Trounce, e I^ishop,, b Asser ................. G. T. Risien, b Asser... H olborn . S. Hawes, b Asser ... -7 A , C. Boden,-b Bishop 0 P. N&Well, b Bishop ... 8 W . faraday,c Richard­ son, b Chichesfei* ... 26 F. Henry, not out ... 10 B 12, lb 4 .............. 16 Total PALLINGSW ICK v. EALING.—Played at East Acton on June 13. E a lin g . X). R . Dangar, b Bite 9 E. Jowitty c and b Bate 0 Chilman, b Collins .. 12 R .W . Aldridge, b tfate 5 P.Beatty,junf. notrout 1 B 7, lb 5, w 1...-13 Ei B. lbwj b 0hee?eftian ..h F.J. Worth, b Budden 46 H. H. Perry, c sub, b CKeeseman ....... 1 C.W Chater* e Collins, A »ffeh ^ < Jr/b CdM te & f - Total C. C. Frye, b Bate ... 3 ■l^ALt<NGS>V^ 6 k. First, innings. J. , .S..%Haycraft, c , F.Saunderson, b Perry 7 Aldridge, b Terry ... 21 A.J.'Clarke, cDfrilgaf,' * H. V. 'Site,’ b Ohater 10 bOhdter \A ... 7 E. A . Collins, b .Perry 0 H.A.Budden, b Chater 7 S. Cheeseman} lbW,b •A.* JV.Carter, b Perry 5 Chater ................... 5 J. C. Clay, not out ... 2 : i B 3, lb 2 ' 1:. 5 TT 1 Total .. ... 75 S. CpW ra, not out ... 74 D.- L. A.‘ .Jephson, 0 Dawsoh,bBawtridge 98 HWC. Pretty, lbw, b Dawson ..................28 R. Williams, b Gabriel 56 ,E. i>: I)dn8tan, A. Thompson, J. H. Yearsley, G> !$.•Bioknell, and G; P. Joy did not bat. R. 6. Brooks, b Baw- .. triage... ... ... 21 G. Hackratt, not oat 13 Extras ...........14 Total ...304 B.Ai Carter, ’e Dangar, b Ghater rr.- F. Hebden, b Ghater Second innings; J. ___, _ . 6, Haycraft, c (JKarter, Dangar, 22; S. Cheeseman, b Chilmah, 12 ; B. 3^.* Carter, not out, 24; A- j- Clarke, not out, 5 ; J. C. Clay, b Chilman, 9; Byes, 6.—Total, 78'. GRANVILLE v. WH ITGIFT' WANDERERS.— Played atLfee on Jtme lfT. Wilrrtjfrt' WAs’tfknT.R#: E. burner,'b 8warm 24 R. Biseoej b Edwards i6 H. B. Htibbard, b Gott- G.r]5aiia, '6: i2A b' Swaijn .................. 16 L, L. Reed, b Godfrey 5 H. L. Turner, b dod- frey .................. ... 0 A. E. Hptyesi Cf Lay­ man, b Godfrey ... 0 R. L. Turner, b Ed- , wards... ...................23 A. W . Cooper,-b God­ frey ............ ... 5 L. ISi Turner, hot Put 24 E. H. Balch, c Lay­ man, b Swantt.;* 4 B 19, IB 5 ... ;,V 24 Tofa! G r a n v ille . W . Morris, lbw, b' Balch..........................84 J. ^VihsoU, |unr., b L. Turner ... ... 0 F. E . Lanaer, cMarks, b L . T u rn er...------ 0 G. C. Nicoll, b L. Tur- ' ner .......................... 0 C. J. M. Godfrey, b flowed ... ... 12 E. Ryirier Jones, c Reid, b Howes ... 6 E. R. D. Mpulder, c L. Turner, b Howes 37 I>. R. Havers, b Balcll 7 P, G. Swafijl, b Baleh 0 W . IMwards, b' Howes' 2 A . R. Layman, not out .0 B 1,1b 2 ........... 3 Total ..151 LONDON & COUNTY BANK v. LONDON & WESTM INSTER B A N K -P layed at Champion Hill on June 11 and 12. L ondon & W estbiinster B a n k . C. A. Snell, c and b L. Pitt Brook, runout 11 28 Total (5 wkts.)*lfe5 Cumings H. O. Manfield, Cuinings ........... -C.. tS. J.. ^Douglas, b Broomfield ... ... W . Bradbery, e Cnm- ings, b Finlinson ... J. B. Squire, J. Bradbery, A. Podmore, and O. C. Simpson did not bat. * Inningfr declared closed. L ondon & C qunty B a n k . E. J. Bowman, not out 41 A. G. Gough, not out 16 B 16, lb 10, nb 1 27 A. Jackson,c Manfield, b Simpson... ... ... 3 J. A. Bien^enu, c arid . b Podmore ... 56 W . E. Broomfield, run out ..........................61 W . R. Pattinson, not : out ... ... 15. F^G. Cumings* B. SI. W --------.. . E. Er Walrond, and A t A. Y-eomari did not bat. W . Bentley, b Snell... 0; F. J. Fmlinson, not out ... ... ... 1 B 11, lb 2 ...13 TotaT (4 wkts.) 149, nldork, H. W . Walrond, LUDGROVE (MR. A. T. B. DUNN’S X I.) v. BARNET.—Played at I/udgrove on June 6. L u dgrovb . A. T. B. Durih, lbw, b D eW inton ... ..>49 F. Fi,Crabtree,cHarris- son, b Higg^j ... ... 11 F. E. T. Jpnes, c Snd b D eW inton .......... 7 T. Howard, b De Win- tori . ...........29 Total G.W . Howard, not outl02 T. C. Weatherhead,, c Pank, b De' Winton 5 Y. Malcolmson and R / Wells did not bat. B a r n e t. J. R, Pank, b Dunn ... 6 F. R. Goslihgj t Dres­ ser, b De Winton ... 38 R. W . Pearson, b Har- risson.......................... 7 J. Bevan, b Hamsson 14 Extras... 3 ..265 E. Dor£, not put.. ...34 E'. Higgs, 0 Gosling, b Jones... ... .......... 10 J.S.Harrissori,cBevan, b Dunn ... 21 Total ... J. de Wintori, j . W . Dresser, it. t). Hailey, Cartwright, and P. Margetts did not bat. W.- A . Cornwall, Dunn... T. Parsonage, not Extras........... b out ... 71 A . W . DULW ICH v. PRIVATE BANKS.- ford on June 13. P r iv a te B a n k s . W . H. Coppinger, b Darby .......... ... H. R. Swatman, c and b Darby .................. A.W.Harper, b Pearse T. A. Tapson, b Pearse A. F. Dashwood, b .Pearse ... ... Ralph, b Pearse... -Played at Cat- b E. 0!. E. Byrne, Heasman ... R. H. More, b Pearse C.T.Hurlburd,bt’earse V. Carleton, b Pearse L . H. Curtis, not out Extras.................. Total ...........103 D u lw ic h . L. Phillips, not o u t... 36 Extras................... 3 C. P. Tregellas, c Tap­ son, b Ralph ............. 20 T. C. Stafford, not out ..........................1C3 Total .....................185 G. White,b Garlett/ri..: 23 H. Darby, G. T. Heasman, O. Jones, T. R. Pearce, T. Firflmaon, iJ. H. Heasmari, and J. N. Stud did not Bat. MR. H. HARRIS’ S W ILTSH IRE X I. v. ETON RAMBLERS.—Played at Trowbridge on June 10 and 11. M r . H a r r is ’ s X I. & P. Kinnier, c Mott, i H. Harris, c Fol- b’ Stantoif,.. .... .... 35 I jambe, b Stanton ... 0 •fames, c G. Foljambe, pF. W . Stancomb, not b Stanton................47 J.- R. Wyndham, c Hamburg, b Stanton 98 A . M. Mitrer, c Scott, b Milles ............ 25 Sfeiart, c Hamburg, b Milles............................ 0 J. Beaven, b G. Fol­ jambe... at ... 20 out ..........................87 R. Blake, c sub., b Stanton .................. 2 Eldridge, b Stanton... 7 George, b Scott........... 0 Extras ...........19 Total .340 E ton R am blers . First innings. Second innings. H. i ’oljambe^b Eldridge ... 25 b Eldridge ... ... 9 K. Hamburg, b Miller ... 2 c Miller, b Smart 8 S. F. Mott, run out ......... 2 b Eldridge................11 Lord H. Scott, b fille r ..v i b Smart ...........18 JV'A. Gibbs, e Smart, b t o e r ..................................86 b Miller .............13 A*. D. W hatm an,b Miller... 26 c Smart, b Eld­ ridge ...........15 F’v G. Stanton, c Miller, b .Eldvidge .......................... 1 b Miller ........... 3 (&■£[. L. E|«kine, b Eldridge 34 b Smart . ......... 0 Hon. H. A. Milles, pot out 36 c James, b Smart 0 G. S. Foljambe, c Smart, b ..M iller.................................. 9 not out ........... 6 C< iL Thorfiton, b Miller ..v b Smart ........... 4 Extras... ... ........... 7 Extras...........14 Total ...101 Total.. ...178 BtiACKHEATH v. BICKLEY P A R K — Played at Bickley Park on June 13. B la c k h e a th . First innings. Second innings. S. Castle, b C. Boosey......... .•20 J. E; Mason, b Fisher........... l b Cooper ........... 0 J. R. Mason, c Jeffery, b C.' Bposey... ..........................33 notout......... 21 Gf. C. Hubbard, b Foxley ... 2 b Foxley ... ... 0 Capt. Lindner, b C. Boosey 1 b Foxley ... 0 R.B. Stewart, lbw, b Foxley 17 G. J. V. Weigall, c Fisher, b Foxley ...- .... .......... 22 K. Christopherson, b Foxley 0 Capt. E. Gf Waymouth, b G. Boosey .: ................ 6 Stanley Heath, not out ... 16 A.W.Lewis,fe Dove,b Fisher- 9 B 19, w 2 ...................21 25 not out................ c Livingstone, Foxley ... . o Dove, b Cooper 18 b Foxley ...... 1 b Cooper ...... 0 Bye... ... ... 1 Total u ...........148 B ickley P a r k . G.R.Clarkson,b Heath 1 W.W.Coopdr, b Heath 14 G. C. Boosey, b Heath 4 E. Fisher, c Hubbard, b Stewart.................. 7 C. T. Boosey, lbw, b Stewart :.. .;. ... 1 W _ D . Mackewan, b Heath ... ,is 2 W i J. Livingstone.c J. R.Mason,b Hubbard 36 Total (7 wkts) 67 and b Foxley, c Stewart ......... ... A. Jeffery, c Lewis, b J. R. Mason ...........] W . C. Luxmoore, b Hubbard ................... E. Dove, not out B 6, lb 1 ... Total ... ... i CRYSTAL PALACE v. LONDON HOSPITAL.— Hayed at Crystal Palace on June 15. L ondon H o spital . D. 3 1 R. Le Creu, c Cipriani, b Umney 28 A. E. Gilmore, c Hen- nell, b Upaney...........58 W . M. Sing, c Cipriani, b Umney i ................. 2 P. A.-Green, b Dunlop 22 H. W . Hodgson, c Cipriani, b Colegrave 20 G. Hutcheson, c Dun- lopib Um ney........... 6 F. T. Waldron, b Cole­ grave ... m :i! 0 C r y s t a l A. B. Cipriani, c Mor­ ris, b Waldron ... 3 H.M.Colegrate.c Sing, b Waldron ::i ... 11 M. Moberley, c Green, b Gilmore.................. 1 J. F: Dunlop, run out 29 F Hill, c Jackson, b Barrett ... ... 10 Dr. W . F. Umney, c and b Gilmore........... 11 R. H. Dillon, not out 26 Dr. J. E. Barrett, b Colegrave ... 9 P. R. Blake, b Cole­ grave... i.. ... .. 24 W . M. Jack8on,b Um­ ney ......................... . 13 F. M. Morris, not out 7 B 9, lb 5 ... ». 14 Total . ..203 P a la c e . A. Kayess, c Green, b Gilm ore................. 11 H. F. T. Phillips, c Barrett, b Gilmore 3 A, Hennell, b Gilmore 2 W.Mortimer,c Morris, b Gilmore ........... 0 B 13, lb 2, w5... 20 Total ...127