Cricket 1896

2 2 2 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J cne 18, 1890. ETON KA3IBLE113 v. W IX D iO R HOME PARK. —Played at Windsor Home Park on June 13. W indsor H ome P ar k . Rev. L. B. J. Ford, b Lubbock ................... 6 Rev. W . Marshall, run out .......................... 16 C. M. Wells, c Fam-r, b Lubbock ........... 3 J. H. M. Hare, c and b Lubbock ...........13 Rev.F. M. Hargreaves, b G. A. Ftiljambe ... 0 F. Gore, b G. A. Fol- jam be................... s.. 6 E ton R am blers . C. M. Woodbridge, b Bridgeman,bPelham 64 Dr. E. Norris, b G. A. Fo jam be...................22 P. J. de Paravicioi, c Walker, b Pelham 9 P.V Brook, b Pelham 0 C. H. Allcock, not out 0 B 8, nb 2 ...........10 Total .149 W . C. Bridgman, Allcock, b Wells ... 6 H. Foljambe,c Allcock, b W ells .................. 0 C. P. Allen, c and b Allcock ................... 1 Hon. N. M. Farrer, lbw, b Wells ...........18 C. Rodwell, b Allcock 7 A. C. B. Ind, lbw, b W ells......................... 17 H .F . Wright, b W ells 26 J . B. Pelham, run out 4 G. A. Foljam be,csub, b Ford ...................23 G. Lubbock, b W ells 0 J. H. Walker, not out 0 Extras ........... 3 Total .101 B U C K H E A T H v. CHISLE HURST.— Played at Chislehurst on June 13. B i . a c k jir a th . A . W . Stewart, b J. M Nussey ...................31 C. B. 8. Mason, b J. M. Nus&ey ...................32 H. C. Mason, cDun, b J. M. N ussey........... 2 A. G. Uubbard,b J. M. Nu*sey ........... . 7 A . Adam, b Hutton ... 5 A. R. Smith, b Hutton 0 M. Christopherson, c W\Chat tell,bHutton 0 C h isleiiu rst . W . H. Prosser, not out J. H. W . Davies, b J. M. Nussoy ........... L. Browning, c W . Chattell, b J. M. Nussey ............... H. Livingstone, absent B II, nb 1........... Total ......... W . J. Chattell, b C. E. Mason .................. 7 R. H. Dun, c Davies, b P rosser................... 3 J.M. Nussey, c Stewart b P rosser................... 9 A. Robinson, c Stewart b C. E. Mason........... 1 H. A. Hutton, c Browning, b H. C. Mason .................. 22 F. A. Green, not out... 17 Rev. S. Goudge, b H. C. M ason.................. 4 F. E. Proctor, b Prosser ...................23 P. Simmonds, b C. E. Mason ................... 1 F. A. Nussey, b C. E. Mason ................... 0 E. de G. Quincey, c Davies.bC. E.Mason 0 Lb 6, nb 1 ... 6 Total ... 93 BARNES v. EW ELL.—Played at Ewell on June 13. B arn es . W . L. Donaldson, b Leggatt ................... 8 C. W . Young,c Stone, b Leggatt...................62 W . L. F. Frith, b Leggatt .................. 22 H. E. Barham,bWhite 8 C. E. Ratcliffe,c Barry, b Leggatt......................11 F.E.Butt, b Harrowell 13 E w e ll . J. J. Franco,b Lfggatt 2 M. n . Krskine, c Leg­ gatt, b W hite...........27 A. S. H. Stevens, b Leggatt ...................23 C. E. Sissons. b White 0 J. P. Mitchell, not out 0 B 2, lb 3 ........... 5 Total ...180 C.A.8.Leggatt,notout 58 F. E. Cuming, b Stevens ...................19 A. F. White, b Young 23 G. H. Eyre, not out ... 11 B 6, lb 2, w 1 ... 9 Total . ... 120 F. Barry, P. F. Stone, W . L. Harrowell. R. Mason, A. Perks, F. A. Rawlinson, and A. M. Walters did not bat. PALLINGSW ICK v. EASTBOURNE.—Played at “ The Saffrons,” Eastbourne, on June 11. E a s tb o u r n e . Gibson, b Collins ... 0 E. G. King, b Bell ... 0 M.J. Maw, bBowstead 33 H. Bartlett, b Clarke 29 E. Matheson, c Bow- stead, b Budden ...103 E. O. Powell, b B ell... 18 C. Harrison,c Budden, b Bell.......................... 0 HORNSEY v. WOODFORD WELLS.—Played at Homsey on June 13. W oodford W ells . L. Glasccck, c Clarke, b Haycraft ...........16 S. Hart, b Cheesman 12 Morrison, b Bell ... 16 Wheeler, not out ... 6 B 10,1b 2, wb 4. .. 16 Total .. 251 J. S. Haycraft, Wheeler ................12 B. A. Carter, c Gibson, b Wheeler ........... 0 S. Cheesman, lbw, b Glascock ................43 J. Bowstead, c and b Glascock ................14 H. Y. Bate, b Wheeler 6 E A. Collins, c Powell, b King i.. ............45 P a llin g sw ic k . A.Tosetti.b J. Nicholls 44 A. D. Chamen, b L. Bacmeister ........... 0 W . J. J. Giller, b L. Bacm ister .......... 5 O. Tosetti, c and b F. Swinstead ........... 2 E. C. Palmer, b King 13 H F.Chamen.c Hutch­ inson,b G.Swinstead 61 H. H. Davies, c Col- lingridge, b G. Swinstead ...........37 J. Musselt. not out ... 2 B 18, lb 5, nb 2... 25 Total ... *189 A. P. Bain, N. Kemsley and H. Woodhouse did lot bat. * Innings declared dosed. H o rn sey . E. H. Bacmeister, b Palmer ................... 0 R. W . Nicholls, st Woodhouse, b G. Tosetti .................. 36 R. J. Hutchinson, b G. Tosetti..................10 W . H. Davis, run out 2 L. H. Bacmeister, not out ..........................12 E. W . Nicholls, H. Collingridge, J. H. Nicholls, and E. F. King did not bat. F. H. Swinstead, st W o o d h o u s e , b Kemsley ................... 1 G. H. Swinstead, not out .......................... 0 Leg-byes ........... 2 Total 63 H.A.Budden,b Mathe­ son .......................... 31 A. J. Clarke, b King... 12 Bell, b King ........... 4 A. J. Carter, b Mathe­ son .......................... 0 C. Chalmers, not out 0 B 11, lb 3 ...........14 Total DULW ICH y . GRECIANS.—Played at Dulwich on June 13. G re c ia n s . M. R. Holman, bKing 0 M. C. Pope, b Calcott 0 R. Ellwood, run out .. 30 H. Newberry, b Cal­ cott .......................... 0 G. Stay, run out........... 0 H. B. Skinner, b Cal­ cott .......................... 0 W . H. B. Lilley, c T. Huntley, b Calcott... 0 H. O. Wells, c S. Huntley, b King ... C. Banks, not nut H. W. Gill, c Darke, b R e e d .......................... H. Duncan, cS. Hunt­ ley, b Darke ........... Extras.................. Total D u lw ic ii . J. T. Cjlyer, notout . 154 A . R. Colyer, b Hol­ man ......................... 2 W . M. Frizell, b Hol­ man .......................... 1 T. A. Darke, b Hol­ man ........................... 4 S. E. Huntley, W . A. King, S. Simpson, M. B. Calcott, G. H. Reed did not bat. T. Huntley, c Holman, b Stay ...................51 C. Esson, not out ... 3 Extras.................. 26 Total (4 wkts) 241 PALLINGSW ICK v W EST M ID D LE 3E X .-Played at Acton on June 13. P a llin g sw ic k . S. Heynemann, b Dr. A. D. Vallency, b Neale... ......... 25 N eale.......................... 8 L. Lancaster, b C. R. Forward, b Neale.................. 0 Beldam .................. 0 M. Hamilton, b A. B. Dampier, b N eale................... 0 Beldam .................. 6 Bowstead, lbw, b G. Read, b Beldam ... 2 Beldam ........... 1 W . Foxton, not o u t... 0 . W . Burnt ide, i> Byes................... 3 N eale................... 0 — . J. Piper, run out 4 Total ........... 49 W e st M id d le se x . A. W . Maldera, c De Vallency,bBowstead 31 H. T. Latt, c Heyne- mann,b Bowstead... 16 J. Knowles, b Hamil­ ton .......................... 9 W . Read, c Burnside, b Hamilton ........... 0 J. J. Maldern, b Bow­ stead .......................... 8 C. A . Beldam, not out 3 S. Graves, c Piper, b R ea d .......................... S. H. Bradforth, b H am ilton.................. B. W . Secretan, b H am ilton................... H . Neale, b Bowstoad A.Philpot, b Bowstead B 9, lb 3 ........... Total C r ystal H.Colegrave. c Cooper, b C. M. Baker.......... 14 E. H. Lulham, lbw, b A . A. Baker .......... 12 J. H. Todd, b A. A. B aker.........................11 C. Mitchell, b C. M. Raker.......................... 0 A . B. Cipriani, b A. A. Baker.......................... 7 Dr W . F. Umney, b C. M. Baker ........... 5 , 84 Second innings : W . Read,c Piper, b Bows'ead, 10; B. W . Secretan, c Foxston, b Bowstead, 4 ; H. Neale, not out, 7 ; A . Philpot, not out, 16; Byes, 4 Total, 41. CRYSTAL PALACE v. BECKENHAM .-PJayed at The Palace on June 13. B eckenh am . ...180 E. H. Simpson, c and b Lulham ..................21 C.O. Cooper, b Lulham 2 F. D. Brown, c Todd, b Phillips.................. 59 A. H. Marshall, c Blackwood ,b Kayess 11 G. J. Gulliver, not outlOl C. M. Baker, c Cole­ grave, b Lulham ... 6 H. E. Baker and A. A. Baker did not bat. •Innings dcclarcd closed. R. H. Dillon, c and b Kayess .................. 6 W . R. Stratton, c Cip­ riani, b Kayess H . W . Dillon, not out B 19, lb 11...........30 Total *252 P a la c e . M. Moberley, c C. M. Baker, b Coop<r ... 18 H.Blackwood.cCooper, b C. M. B aker......... 1 H. F. D. Phillips, b Cooper ................... 6 A. Kayess. not out ... 2 C.F.Powell,c Gulliver, b Cooper ................... 3 B 2, lb 1 ........... 3 Total .......... 82 EPSOM v. SUTTON.—Played at Sutton on June 13. E psom . Firet innings. F.W . Ledger, c F.Abraham, b Knight .......................... 12 J. E. Biay. c F. Abraham, b H. Hyslop ................... 8 G. H. Longman, st Jackson, b Knight .......................... 19 R. O. Crawford, c Ulington, b Dally..................................24 J. G. B. Lester, c Dally, b A. R. Dagg.......................... 15 A. J. Green, b D a lly ........... 7 F. L. Rawson, lbw, b Dally 1 E. A. Feild, c sub, b Dally 28 H. E. Hockley, c Dally, b A. R. Dagg.......................... 0 H. W . Edwards, b Dally ... 9 G. B. Moir Ryres, not out... 4 B 3, lb 3 ........... 6 Total .........133 Sui to n . A. C. navers, lbw, b Green..........................21 R. S. Dally, st Rawson, b Hockley.................. 0 J. A. Knight, c and b Hockley .................. 9 H. Hyslop, run out ... 7 J.T . Illington,b Green 26 L. Jackson, c Rawson, b Edwards.................. 11 Si cond innings. 11w, b Havers c A. R. Dagg, b Knight ...........94 b H. Hyslop ... 5 c Knight, b H. Hyslop ...........15 not out...................14 b Knight ... .. 5 not out ........... 7 b Knight ........... 3 B 5, lb 1, nb 1 7 Total (6 wkts.) 181 F. Abraham, st Raw­ son, b Hockley ... 1 W . A . Hunt, st Raw­ son, b Hockley ... 0 A . R. Dagg, b i ester 14 D. Jackson, not out. . 3 P. H. Dagg, run out 0 B 7, lb 1 ........... 8 Total 100 INCOGNITI June 13. D. C. Lee, c Macpher- son, b C. Peachey ... 4 J. A Healing, c M. Barker, b C. Peachey 10 T. L. Nelson, b Mac- pherson ... ........... 5 Capt. D ’Aeth, b Mac- pherson ................... 4 D. M. J. Duncan, b Macpherson ........... 0 Sir Wm . Russell, run out .......................... 6 Esn H. G. Peachey, c and b Russell .................. 28 R. P. Sewell, b D’Aeth 135 C. A . Trouncer, not out ..........................170 ESHER.—Played at Esher on I n c o g n iti. b J. E. Bazalgitte, Macpherson ........... O.L.Tudor,st Peachey, b Macpherson........... M. G. Nelson, b Mac­ pherson ................... W .J. Seton, b Peachey B. Pares, not out E.G. Beckwith, absent Extras.................. Total ........... J.H.Roberts,b D’Aeth 0 S. A. P. Kitcat,not out 49 B 35, w 2 ............. 37 Total ........... 419 L. R.Wilkinson, P. Barker, C. B. Peachey,A . C. Macpherson, H. P. Gillard,and M. M. Barker did not bat. BROADWATER v. LEATHERHEAD.—Played at Broadwater on June 13. B r o a d w a te r . W . D. Marshall, b H. C. Bett, b Noakes 0 Noakes .................. 30 F. B. Everitt, c Paice, S. H. Northcott, b b N oakes................... 6 Noakes .................. 6 Capt. Malcolmson, b E. B. W inch, c Paice, Noakes ................... 13 b N oakes.................. 4 E. C. Fraser, not out 7 Col. Fairilough, c F. G. C. Bett, b Noakes 6 H u e-W illia m s, b M. Marshall, b Noakes 1 Noakes .................. 25 Extras................... 11 H. H . Butterworth, c — Sutherland,bNoakes 0 Total ...........109 L e a th e r h e a d . H. S. Goodwin, c C. Bett, b Butterworth 67 H. E. M. Stutfield, c C. Bett, b Butter- worth ....................... 55 T. W o .d, b H. B ett... 0 Hon. D. Lambton, b Butterworth .......... 0 A. H. Sutherland, not out ..........................72 B. L. Hue Williams, b Northcott ...........13 J. N. Noakes, lbw, b Northcott ........... 0 S. Chaplin, c Faiit- lough,b Butterworth 1 L. J. Paice, lbw, b Northcott ...........23 Extras ...........22 Total ............253 R . Foster and F. H ue W illiam s did not Lat.