Cricket 1896

June 18, 1896. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 221 YORKSHIRE v. Played at Bradford ESSEX. on June II and Yorkshire won by 7 wickets. 12. Last year, at Bradford, Essex just managed to beat Yorkshire in a bowler’s match, after Yorkshire had made more than half the runs required to win for the loss of two wickets; this year Yorkshire again seemed likely to havo an up-hill task when they went in to make 85, but a.ter th y had lost two wickets for 34, Tunnicliffe hit so liinely, and Lord Hawke played so steadily, that only 5 runs still had to be made when Lord Hawke was out. Except Mr. Perrin for Essex and Tunnicliffe (in both innings) for Yorkshire, none of the batsmen made 20, and the bowlers, of whom Wainwright and Mr. Bull shewed up very prominently, had matters nearly all their own way. E ssex . First innings. Carpenter, b Shaw ........... 3 C. G. Littlehales, b Shaw ... 2 Second inning?, b Wainwright ... c Earnshaw, b Shaw.................. P. Perrin, Ibw, b Wain­ wright ......... ...........40 b Wainwright C. McGahey, c Denton, b Hirst ..................................12 b Wainwright H. G. Owen, b Wainwright 7 b Wainwright C. J. Kortright, c Hirst, b Milligan ..........................17 J.W .Bonner, b Wainwright 1 Russell, c and b Wainwright F. G Bull, c Hirst, b Wain­ wright .................................. Mead, c Denton, b Wain­ wright .................................. run out ........... c Shaw, b Wain­ wright ........... b Wainwright ... 1 b Wainwright ... 2 Pickett, not out B 5, lb 1 Total 14 lbw, b W ain­ wright ........... not out.................. Leg-bye ................109 Y o r k s h ir e . First innings. Total ... 55 Kilburn, b Mead F. W . Milligan, b Bull Mounsey. b Bull........... Shaw, b Bull ........... Earnshaw, not out ... B 1 ,lb 1 ........... Total ........... Brown, b Bull ...........11 Tunnicliffe, c Owen, b Bull .......................... 47 Denton, b Bull ........... 0 Lord Hawke, c and b Bull .......................... 1 Wainwright,c Russell, b Bull .................. 0 Hirst, c Perrin, b Mead 9 Second innings.—Brown, st Russell, b Mead, 10; Tunnicliffe, not out, 55; Denton, b Mead, 6 ; Lord Hawke, c and b Bull, 12; Wainwright, not out, 1; bye, 1.—Total (3 wkts), 85. E ssex . First innings, ^ ^ Wainwright . Shaw ... . Hirst ... . Milligan... . 0 . M. . 301 11 . 34 15 . 7 4 3 1 W . 6 ... 2 ... 1 1 Second innings. O. M. R. W . 15 4 34 8 14 7 20 1 Mead Bull Y orksh ire . First innings. O. M. R. W . ........... 16 3 34 2 ... ........... 15-4 4 44 8 ... Kortright ... Second innings. O. M.R. W. .1 0 2 42 2 . 9 1 28 1 . 2 0 14 0 THE ABBEY SCHOOL, BECKENHAM, v. TEMPLE GROVE.—Played at Beckcnham on June 12. A b b ey S c h o o l. G. C. B r o w n e , c Crump, b Stavely ... 4 W .H .Johns, c Stavely, b Mallinson ........... 6 T. A. Tapp, b Stavely 8 P. T. Spencer-Phillips, not out C. E. C. Thurlow, c Ainsworth b Durn- ford ................. 2 W. E. Cornabe, c Rei- gurn. b Stavely .. 36 N. C. Phillips, b Dum - ford ........................ 1 J. D. Craig, b Crump 25 B. Taff, c Crump, b Stavely ..............42 R. D. Craig, c Crump, b Reigurn... ... ... 5 B. T. Renward did not bat. * Innings declared closed. T emple G rove . Extras Total. ..*145 17 E. S. G. Wickham, c Renward, b J. D. A. V. Crump, b Taff... R. P. Reigurn, c and b Taff ........... ............ F. J. Ainsworth, b Spencer-Phillips ... 14 G. H. Stavely. b Taff 4 Sir J.Eardly-Wilmott, b Craig .................. 4 F. H. Durnford, c Browne, b Spencer- Phillips .................. 41 H . V. P. Wesbow, c Browne, b Spencer- Phillips .................. C. Burn, not out........... F. J. Harrisson, c J. D. Craig, b Spencer- Phillips ................... R. M a llin s o n , c Browne, b Spencer- Phillips .................. Extras ......... T o t a l..........] CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY v. SOMERSET. Played at the University Ground on June 11 and 12 . Cambridge won by 10 wickets. In a bowler’s match the University did not show to any great advantage until the second innings, when, with 80 runs to make, Mr. W . G. Grace and Mr. Burnup went in first and won the match without being parted. On the first day’s play Somerset had a slight advantage, for, with 9 wickets down, Cambridge were 20 runs behind the Somerset total of 109. Tne last wicket brought down the lead to 11. but even this, on such a wicket, seemed likely to be of considerable use to Somerset, especially when their wickets began to go down with great rapidity in the second innings. Mr. Gray, the Cambridge fast bowler, shewed that he has not lost his skill, and Mr. Wilson also bowled well. Everybody expected to see a close finish to the match, but Mr. Grace and Mr. Burnup, by excellent cricket, knocked the runs off. Six bowlers were tried iu the effort to get one of them out. C ambridge U n iv e r sity . First innings. W . G. Grace, jun., b W oods ..................17 C. J. Bumup, c D. Smith, b Woods ... 0 H . H. Marriott, b W oods .................. 4 N. F. Druce, b Woods 2 C. E. M. Wilson, not out ..........................29 W . McG. Hemingway, b W o o d s................. 29 F. Mitchell, b Nichols E. H. Bray, c Mac­ donald, b Woods ... E. B. Shine, c Mac­ donald, b Woods ... H. Gray, b Nichols ... P. W . Cobbold, b Nichols ................... Lb 2, w 1 Total , 98 Second innings: Grace, not out, 37; Burnup, not out, 40 ; extras, 5.—Total (no wicket) 82. S om erset . First innings. Second innings. S. M. J. Woods, c and b Shine ............................... 21 c...Grace, b Cob­ bold .................. 9 Tyler, c Grace, b Cobbold ... 12 b W ilson .......... 4 Robson, c Marriott, b Cob­ bold .................................. W . Trask, b Gray ........... M. A . S. Sturt, c Bray,' b Shine .................................. Smith (D.), b Gray ........... Nichols, b Gray .................. A . G. Barratt, b Gray........... L. H . Macdonald, run out 0not out D. H. McLean, not out ... 9 b Gray Smith (W .), c Burnup, b Cobbold .......................15c Bray, b W ilson 0 Lb 4, nb 1 ............ 5 Leg-bye ... 1 3 c Druce, b W ilson 0 22 c Druce, b Wilson 11 0b Wilson ................ 6 8 b Gray..............10 8 c Druce, b Gray 1 6 b Gray.................. 0 ... 22 ... 4 Total.. ..109 Shine .. Cobbold Gray .. S om erset. First innings. O. M. R.W . ........ 12 6 23 2 ... ... 26-2 6 66 3 ... ... 15 8 15 4 Total Second innings. Tyler .. W oods Nichols W ilson 18 C am briuge U n iv e r s ity . O. M. R. W . . 1 3 5 28 0 ... . 2 6 6 54 7 ... 13-1 6 13 3 ... Robson ... Smith (W .) Trask ... W oods bowled one wide. BARNES v. LONDON SCOTTISH.-Played at Brondesbury on June 6. L ondon S cottish . 0. M. 11. W . 7 2 15 1 10-3 5 20 4 8 32 5 0 . M. R. W . 11 4 12 0 12 7 15 0 11 4 i<; 0 3 2 10 0 72 4 10 0 6 0 14 0 J. Major, c and b Bar­ ham ..........................52 H. Fraser, lbw, b Stevens .................. 0 A. T. Denniston, c Robertson,b Stevens 10 W . E. Maclagan, c Stevens, b Sissons... 24 J. D . Laing, c and b Donaldson .......... 14 C. K . Macdonald, b Donaldson ........... 7 B ai C. Ratcliffe, b Pope ... 0 F. E. Butt, c Mac­ donald, b Moser ... 0 W . Donaldson, b Pope 10 H. Barham, b Pope ... 20 J. J. Franco, c Moser, b Major ..................10 A . Sissons, c Mac­ donald, b Pope ... 5 J. G. Robertson, b Major .................. 2 J. W . Moser,b Stevens 0 H. Price Williams, c and b Stevens...........10 C. C. Allom, b Barham 2 H. R. Pope, b Barham 2 B. Hume, not out ... 1 B 17, lb 5 ...........22 Total ...144 G. R. Mossop,c Allom, b Pope ................... 1 J. A. Walker, not out 1 A. G. Stevens, c and b Major ................... 2 H. Shirreff, c and b Major ................... 5 B 9, lb 3 ...........12 Total 68 LANCASHIRE v. WARWICKSHIRE. Played at Birmingham on June 11,12 and 13. Lancashire won by 293 rims. The state of the wicket, of which Warwickshire had the worst, had much to do with tbe result of this match. After the heavy rains, Lancashire, who won the toss, did very well to make a total of 168 in the first innings. In Mr. E. Rowley, the county has found a most promising recruit, and his batting in both innings was as good as one could wish to see. Ward, Sugg, Baker and Mold all did something to­ wards making the total fairly large. Against the bowling of Briggs and Hallam, the Warwickshire eleven could do nothing after a short stand had been made for the first wicket, and the total was less than that made in any first class match at the end of the week, except that of the Australians at Lord’s. On an improving wicket, Lancashire ran up a large score in the second innings, and nine of the team made double figures. The back of the Warwickshire bowl­ ing was broken by the first three men, Mr. Rowley, Ward and Paul, who all made about 60, and though aft‘ r their dismissal the individual scores were not large, Lancashire gained such a lead that Warwick­ shire could only hope for a draw. Despite the efforts of Lilley, who by his frequent good innings of late has stamped himself as being in the front rank of batsmen, Law and Diver, Warwickshire were beaten with very great ease. L an cash ire . First innings. E. Rowley, b Santall ... Ward (A.), b Ward ...........18 Paul, c Lilley, bCresswell... 2 Sugg, c Bainbridge, b San­ tall ..................................22 I’Anson, c Lilley, b Cress­ well .................................. 1 Briggs, c Walter Quaife, b Santall .......................... 3 Baker, c Lilley, b Santall ... 26 Smith (C.), not out ........... 8 A . N. Hornby, c W . G. Quaife, b Santall .......... 4 Hallam, c Ward, b Pallett 0 Second innings. st Lilley, b W . G. Quaife ...........61 b W . G. Quaife 66 c Bainbridge, b Santall ...........60 st Lilley,b Santall 26 st Lilley, b Pallett 17 Mold, c Diver, b Santall Byes .................. b Pallett ... b Cresswell... runout b Pallett ........... c Law, b W . G. Quaife ........... not out.................. B 8, w 2 ... , 22 1 !) 16 Total Total W arw ick sh ire . First innings. Second innings. H. W . Bainbridge, c Smith, b Hallam .......................... 10 b Mold.................. 0 Quaife (Walter), c and b B riggs.................................. 13 c Rowley,bBrigg8 9 Quaife (W . G.), lbw, b Hallam .......................... 3 b M old.................. 0 Law, b Hallam .................. 2 c Hornby, b Hal­ lam ..................35 Diver, lbw, b H allam ........... 0 cSmith.bFAnson 19 Lilley, b Briggs ........... ... 0 lbw, b Baker ... 54 Weiford, c l ’Anson, bBriggs 0 b Mold.................. 5 Pallctt, not out ......... 8 c Smith, b Mold... 4 Santall, b B riggs.................. 3 not out.................. 9 Cresswell, c Hornby, b Hal­ lam .................................. 7 st Smith, bBriggs 8 Ward, b Briggs .................. 3 b Briggs ........... 0 E xtras................. 0 Extras.......... 0 Total.......................... 49 Total ...143 L an cash ire . First innings. Second innings. O. M R. W . 0. M. R. W . Pallett .. ... 36 12 67 1 ......... . 37 10 86 3 Ward ... ... 12 4 26 1 ......... . 13 2 40 0 Cresswell ... 21 7 27 2 ......... . 31 13 43 1 Santall ... 27.3 11 44 6 ......... . 44 11 99 2 W elford .........,. 2 0 8 0 Quaife (W .G.) . 15.4 5 31 3 Ward and W . G. Quaife each bowled a wide. W arw ick sh ire . First innings. O. M. R. W. M old ... Briggs ... Hallam 18.3 13 Second innings. O. M. R. W . 1 180 ........... 31 10 55 4 9 145 ............ 18.2 5 35 3 7 175 ............ 14 8 19 1 I’Anson... 4 1 19 1 Baker ... 14 6 15 1