Cricket 1896

216 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J une 11, 1896. T E N T S . —Tents, second-hand Government Bell Tents, 40ft. in circumference, with lines, pegs, &c., 17/6 each. Dozen quantities cheaper. Cash with order.— W o o d & S on s, Government Contractors, Brandon Street, Walworth, London. M ARQUEES. Second hand. Suitable for every purpose. SO X 16 ft., £8; 28 X 14 ft., £7; 15 X 9 ft., 65/-. Army Bell Tents, 17/6. Complete in every requirement. Best Value. P e t e r s & S o n s , 44, Tenter Street South, Goodman’s Fields, E. S URREY X I. IN 1895.—A Descriptive Record of the matches played in that season, with Batting and Bowling Averages and Portraits of the Team. Price, 3d.; by post, 4d. Obtainable at Bookstalls, Newsagents, or of Messrs. Merritt & Hatcher, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C. T ENTS, TENTS, suitable for gardens, cricket, or camping out purposes, 40ft. in circumference, pegs, poles, mallet, and lines complete (with tent bag included. These tents are white, and have only been used a little by Her Majesty’s Government, and originally cost over £6 each. I will send one complete for 30s. Can be sent on approval. N .B.—I have a quantity of tents from 15s. to 25s. each, but the tents which please my customers are those I send out at 80s, each. Price list of marquees (any size) post free. —H EN RY JOHN GASSON, Government Contractor, Rye, Sussex. Ii. J. NlCOhliS, EOBERTSBRIDGE, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF THE AUTOMATIC BAT HANDLE rp H E S E engravings show the advantages/ this handle gives, a s ! each curve forms a key \ or abutment against the elastic substance. A l­ though these handles are in two pieces from the shoulder to the blade, it is impossible to get them out of shape. The bats, introduced in 1890, have been used bv the best Cricketers o f England, Australia, and New Zea­ land, as well as having been sent to India and Africa, and the universal testimony is that nothing has ever been brought into the Cricketing world to give such advantages to the batsman in cutting and driving powers. N o t ic e in ca se o f I n f r in g e m e n t . — The Patentee doesnotbindhim­ self to any number of curves. 15, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. October 6th, 1895. D kar S ir ,—I used one of your bats at Hastings in 1894 and scored 131. I may mention it was perfectly new. I kept it until this year, and have scored over 2,000 runs with it. I used it when I made my 100th century, and scored a 1,000 runs in May with it, so I think I may call it my record bat. This year, at Hastings, I scored 104 with another of your bats, and hope it will turn out as well as the old one. Yours truly, To. Mr. L. J. Nicolls. W . G. GRACE. In ordering Bats give the size of handle by measuring round handle; and mention weight. These Bats will be sold as Nos. 1 ,2 , and 3, so that Clubs can make an easy purchase. IV Y CRICKET AND LAWN TENNIS G R O U N D , F o r e s t H i l l R o a d , H o n o r O ak . T w o minutes from Honor O ak Station, L.C. & D. and 12 minutes from Peckham Rye Station, L.B. & S.C. CRICKET PITCHE8 and LAW N TENNIS COURTS to Let, for the Day or Term. For terms and particulars apply to H . A n d e r s o n , Proprietor, 1, H em Villas, Forest S ill Road, Honor Oak. CRICKET & LAWN TENNIS. S E A S O N 1 8 9 6 . M e ssr s . COLLINS beg to direct attention to their SERIES of CRICKET SCORING and LAWN TENNIS BOOK8. They are made of their well- known “ SIGH T-PRE SER VIN G ” PAPER, and being printed in dark green ink. the glare of the sun upon the page is materially lessened. Each book contains the amended Laws of the Game as passed by the Marylebone Cricket Club. T h e U N R IV A L L E D C ric k e t S c o rin g : B o o k s Retail Price s. d. The “ New L im p” Pocket Scoring Book, size 7in. by 14in., 31 innings ......................... 0 6 The “ Handy,” a compact little book for pocket size 5in. by 3|in., with space for 29 innings, neatly bound ..................................................o 6 The “ Pocket,” size 7in. by 4in., 55 innings, neatly bound ..................................................i o The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by 10in., neat fancy covers. 30 innings..........................0 6 The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by 10in., bound in cloth, 62 innings .......................... 1 o The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by 10in., bound in cloth, 100 in n in g s ..........................1 6 The “ Unrivalled,” quarter bound, cloth sides, flush, turned i n .................................................. 3 0 The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by 10in., half bound roan, cloth sides, very strong, 200 innings .................................................. 4 0 C o llin s ’ S h illin g : P a c k e t o f “ U n riv a lle d ” C ric k e t S co rin g : S h e e ts. Containing 18 sheets of two innings each, size 12 by 10 inches, with the Laws of the Game. In stiff cover, price Is. C o llin s ’ R e p o rte rs ’ M a n ifo ld S coring: Sh ee ts. Perforated, &c. Four copies can be written at once. Price Is. Post Free, Is. 2d. L a w n T e n n is S c o rin g : B ook. The “ Pocket,” size 8 in. by 5in., 40 matches, strongly bound, 6 d. each. LONDON AND GLASGOW . William Collins, Sons & Co., Limited. b r e a k f a s t - s u p p e r . E P P S ’ S G R A T E F U L -C O M F O R T IN G . C O C O A BO ILING W A T E R OR M ILK. J . L Y O N S & 22 &23, REDCROSS ST., CRIPPLEGATE, LONDON AND 8, CHURCH ST., MANCHESTER. m a n u fa c t u r e r s o f REGISTERED MARYLEBONE & ALL ENGLAND CR ICK E T ING BAGS, GOLF CADD IES A FO O T B A L L BAGS- p R IC K E T ! C A U T IO N ! Messrs. J. L Y O N S and SO N S, 22 and 23, R ed Cross-street, Cripplegate, London, E .C ., and 8, Church-street, Manchester, M anufacturers of the 0 RIG INAL R e g is t e r k d m a r y le b o n e and A l l E n g la n d C r ic k e t B ags, regret that they have to caution the public against purchasing bags pirating their designs o f inferior quality None are genuine unless bearing the registered trade mark stamped 011 the bottom o f each Dag, viz., "T H E M ARYLE­ BONE” and “ TH E A LL E n g la n d .” T o be obtained from all respectable cricketing establishments, or wholesale o f the above. Price Lists upon application. P R I C K E T ! C A U T I O N ! “ T h e M a r y le b o n e ’ C r ic k e t BAT BAG (R egistered N o. 7.351) and “ THE A L L E N G L A N D ” (Registered N o. 7,352). A ny person making use o f these titles without our authority will render themselves liable to legal proceedings.—J. LYONS AND SONS, 22 and 23 , R ed Cross-street, C ripplegate, L on d on , E .C ., and 8, Church-street, M anchester. A p o l o g y . M essrs J. Lyons and Sons, Kidderminster. Gentlem en,— If I have in any way infringed your rights by u sin g the word M arylebone in invoice o f cricket bags, I apologise for having done so. I was, however, ignorant that th e w ord was used b y you as a Trade M ark, and I will for the fu tu re discontinue the use o f it as applied to bags o f m y m anufacture. I am, Gentlemen, yours obediently, (Signed) BENJAMIN ANKRETT. C RICKET Report Sheets, lOd. per dozen, post free. Order of Going-In Cards, 7d. per dozen, post free. Pocket Scoring Book, 7d. each, D ost free. — To be obtained at th e Office of Cricket , 168, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C. P I C K E R I N G S ’ ‘ ‘ B L A For Whitening a ll Articles o f Buff or Buckskin Leather, such as Leg Guards, Gloyes, Military Equipment, White Helmets, Gloves, Hunting Thongs. Whips, Cricket and Tennis Shoes, Tennis Balls, &c., &c. It is prepared in a very careful manner, and extra precautions are taken to insure AN EVENNESS OF COLOUR. It contains nothing that will in any way injure the article to which it is applied, and if used as di­ rected a splendid white of a glossy satin- like appearance and soft silky surface is insured, which will not readily rub off. The moulds of ‘ ‘ B lan c o ” are made in one size only, and will fit specially made zinc boxes, which are non-corrosive. ManufacturersJOSEPH PICKERING & SONS, £ L0I¥KNS) SHEFFIELD. L o n d o n O ffice : ST. G E O R G E ’S H O U SE , E A S T C H E A P . RANSOMES’ LAWN MOWERS ARE THE BEST . USED ON T H E C R IC K E T GROUNDS OF Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities, Haileybury College, Dulwich College, Royal Military College, Woolwich, etc . Pony Machines ... 26in. and 30in. wide j P r ic e s from £14 Horse Power do. ... 30in. to I81n. „ j rrom ALSO THE BEST MACHINES FOR HAND POWER. RANSOMES, SIMS, & JEFFERIES, Ltd. IPSWICH. Printed for th* Proprietor by M ksses . M jc r r itt & H a tch k k , 187,168 and 109, Upper Thames Street, Lcndon, E.C., June 11th, 1896.