Cricket 1896

J une 11, 189G. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 215 COBBETT’S CRICKET BAT CO., Limited. So le Manu fac tu rers of the “ C O B B E T T ” BA T . Factory—56, Capland Street, Grove Road, Marylebone, London, N.W. W H O L E S A L E A N D B X P O B T . (W IT H IN T H R E E M IN U TES W A L K OP L O R D ’ S .) E A C H B A T B E A R S A R E G I S T E R E D Gobbett's “ Jubilee Patent Gutta Percha Driver," with patent handle, also manufactured, in Youths' sites, special attention being paid to weight and balance. COBBETT’S ALL-CANE SPRING HANDLE BAT, SPECIALLY SELECTED AND SEASONED FOR HOT CLIMATES. C. C. B. Co. have a good stock o f well-seasoned Bats and Wood, and all requisites for the game, to which they invite Inspection S p le n d id f o r S p ra in s o r T e n d e r ^ SEABATHS ATHOME. OF CHEMISTS. Etc. NOW READY. ONE PENNY. TheAustralianTour, 1 8 9 6 . P a r t i c u l a r s o f t h e T eam a n d f u l p a g e I l lu s t r a t io n o f t h e A d e l a i d e O va l. “GPieket” Office: 168,Uppep Thames^St. L L I M A N S “ Z limincdcspain Jrcpared on/y U h szt MBRCCATION J rcfa red on lyh y H IU M A A Jo Hsbfi,. SlouqJl j E hcjjatd GRADIDGE’S Celebrated CRICKETBATS & BALLS A Splendid Stock of well-seasoned BATS and BALLS to seleot from. Special Terms to Clubs and Schools. GRADIDGE’S“ImperialDriYer,” “Extra Special,” and“Special Selected B A T S A N D S U P E R I O R M ALL MANUFACTURED ON THE PREMISES. PRICE LISTS FREE. •v OOOOCZiOOOC^OOOCDOOOCDOOOCDOOOCDOOa Factory: ARTILLERY PLAGE, WOOLWICH, LOftDOfi, S.E.