Cricket 1896

214 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J une 11, 1896. SUNNINGDALE SCHOOL v. FARNBOROUGH SCHOOL.—Played at Sunningdale School on June 6. S unningdale S chool . C. G. C. Fane, c Leat- ham, b Stevenson ... 15 R.A.Ratcliff, b Steven­ son .......................... 17 E. Culme-Seymour, b Stevenson.................. 19 R. E. D. Milner, b Stevenson .. ... 0 W . Hallsw elle, cZinn, b Stevenson .......... 6 H. C. Scrimgeour, c Zinn, b Stevenson ... 30 F arnborough S chool . H. Peel, b Oppenheim 11 G.T.Whitla, b Oppen­ heim .......................... 6 N. It. Hasluck, b Stevenson.................. 6 F. G. Strange, run out E. V. Dearman-Bir- chell, not out B 9, nb 4 3 .. 13 Total ... First innings. B. Symons-Jeune, run out 2 D. Pigot, b Culme-Seymour 4 A . C. Oppenheim, c and b Culme-Seymour ........... R. K . Stevenson, c and b Culme-Seymour ........... G. Boulby, c D. Birchall, b Culmf-Seymour .......... N. G. W ood, b Culme-Sey­ mour .................................. B Tollemache, b Culme- Seymour .......................... R. E. K. Leatham, run out G. Zinn, lbw, b Culme-Sey­ mour .................................. W . James, b Strange........... G. A. Ripley, not out........... Second innings, b Culme - Sey - mour................... i c W h it la , b Strange ........... : 25 run out ........... 0 b Culme-Seymour 0 c and b Strange... b Strange ........... not out................... b Culme-Seymour b Culme-Seymour b Culme-Seymour Total ... 42 B 7 ,lb l,w 1, nb2 11 Total ...........36 PALLINGS WICK. — on June 6. HENLEY-ON-THAMES v. Played at Henley-on-Thames H e n le y . First innings. Second innings. G. H. Nevile, lbw, b Collins 19 b Leggatt ........... ( Eustace, c de Vallency, b Bell .................................. 3 F. E. Chapman, b Cheesman 31 W . O. Nares, c de Vallency, b Collins ......................... 9 H. R. Blaker, b Collins ... 1 R. H. W . Brewis, c Bell, b Cheesm an.......................21 M. Molloy, c Bowstead, b Collins................................. 6 R. W . Brakespear, b Collins 17 Dandiidge, c Bowstead, b Cheesm an......................... 8 P. F. Tuckett, run out ... 1 R. Ovey, not o u t ................. 0 B 6, lb 1 ................. 7 b Leggatt ... c Bowstead, Collins ... b Collins ........... b L e g g a tt........... c Bowstead, b Leggatt ........... b Collins ........... b Collins ........... c Bell, b Leggatt not out................... b L eg g a tt........... Byes ........... Total ...123 Total ... 22 P a llin g sw ick .— First innings. J. Bowstead, b Nevile 19 --------- ---- " ‘ 7 1 and b F. Sanderson, Nevile .................. 22 L.M .Leggatt, b Nevile 4 A. de Vallency, Brewis, b Nevile . F. Kiernan, not out . B 7, lb 2, nb 1 . Total ... . 96 A . J. Carter, b Eustace H.A.Budden, b Nevile S.Cheesman,b Eustace 9 E. A. Collins, c and b Nevile .................. 2 Bell, b E ustace........... 9 F. S. Mayo, c Dan- dridge, b Nevile ... 4 Second innings : — Bowstead, run out, 9 ; Cheesman (not out), 22 ; Collins, b Eustace, 5; Bell, run out. 6 ; Sanderson (not out), 1; leg-bye 1.— Total, 44. 7tii ANNUAL T O N B R I D G E C R I C K E T W E E K C o m m e n ce s J u n e 1 5 th . M a tch es—June 15, 16, 17— KENT v. M IDDLESEX. June 18, 19, 2 0 - KENT v. SUSSEX. B ands - The Band of the KING’S RO YA L RIFLE CORPS (60th) will perform on the Ground on T uesday 16th, and T hursday, 18th. E n tertain m en ts — Monday Evening— Theatricals. Tuesday Evening— Smoking Concert. Wednesday Evening— Venetian Fete. Thursday Evening— Ballad Concert. Friday Evening —Public Ball. A Guide to the Week’s Entertainments, together with Band Programmes and other information, will be printed for circulation among subscribers. Subscriptions may be sent to, and further informa tion obtained of the Hon. Secs., J . W . L it t le , ) 117, High Street, F. W . F ranks, ( Tonbridge. FREQUENTED BY CRICKETERS. Announcements are inserted in this cohimn at a charge of 21s. per annum. Half-inch space , 50s. per annum. Each Hotel inserting an Advertisement will receive a copy o f the paper , by post , free of charge. B IRM INGHAM . THE GRAND HOTEL. Centrally situated. 300 rooms. All modern luxuries. Equal to best London Hotels. P ress N otices. —Best Hotel outside London, t.'anks amongst the best Hotels in the country. Joseph Adams, Manager. S O U TH AM P TON . D AVIS’S HOTEL Facing Station. F. B e n n e tt, Pi'oprietor. All lovers of England’s National Pastime should procure a copy of W. W. R E A D ’ S ANNALS OFCRICKET: a Record of the Game, compiled from Authentic Sources and my own Experiences during the Last Twenty-three Years. By W . W . R ead, for many years a Member of the Surrey County Team. With an Introduction by John S h u ter. late Captain Surrey County Eleven. W ith nearly 30 Illustrations, in­ cluding a Portrait ot the Author. Post 8vo, picture boards. 2s. 6d. Also E d ition de L uxe, printed on Hand-made Paper, each Numbered and Signed by the Author, demy 8vo, 10s. 6d. net. SAMPSON, LOW, MARSTON &Co.,Fetter Lans,E.C. CRICKET REPORT FORMS N ow R e a d y . PI^ICE lOd. PER DOZ., POST FREE. &atltoap j&ottces. GREATNORTHERNRAILWAY, CAMBRIDGE MAYTERM ATTRACTIONS. CRICKET MATCH.—CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY v. SOME RSETSHIRE. F riday 12th and S a t u r d a y 13th J u n e . C h e a p D a y E xcursions t o CAMBRIDGE will leave Moorgate at 8.40 a.m., Aldersgato 8.42, Farringdon 8.44, King’s Cross (G.N.) 9.5, Finsbury Park 9.10, returning on day of issue only at 9.35 p.m. Third class return fare 4s. For further particulars see "bills. HENRY OAKLEY, General Manager. SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY. To nb rid ge C r ic k e t Week M o n d a y ,J u n e 15 to S a t u r d a y ,J u n e 20. On each of the above days CHEAP EETURN TICKETS (1st, 2nd and 3rd Class), at a S ingle F a r e will be issued to T O N B R I D G E . Charing Cross dep. 10.10 a.m., 12.40 p .m .; Waterloo 10.12 a.m .: Cannon Street, 10.20 a.m., 12.48 p.m. ; London Bridge 10.25 a.m., 12.51 p.m .; New Cross, 10.34 a.m., 11.46 a.m. Tickets available to return by any Train on the day of issue only. Cheap Tickets will also be issued from several Country Stations. ALFRED W ILLIS ( Manager Passenger Dept.). ORDEROF GOING-IN CARDS. OFFICES OF THIS PAPER. P R A C T I C E N E T S put up and removed v e r y q u ic k l y b y u sin g t h e S T E E L G E O M E T R IC C L AW (registered). Fixed (Fig. 2), released (Fig. 4) by a tread of the foot. Those with eyes packed away with net (Fig. 5 ); those with hooks used with running cords. Set of Four, 4/- c r i c k e t r ^ c k ( r e g is t e r e d d e sig n ) FOR SCHOOLS, CLUBS , AND HOME. Made in various woods, different in size and price F R OM 12 S . TO 4 - 2 S . The Racks are fixed to a wall and are an ornament to hall, lobby, passage or smoking The contents can be seen at a glance, and can be kept under lock and key when the flap at the bottom is closed. SEATHING & CO., MALVERN.