Cricket 1896

J une 11, 1896. jCRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 213 J. C. LOVELL’S X I. v. HOME & C O LO N IA L.- Played at Hornsey on June 6. H ome & C o lo n ial . Ford, b Robinson Oakes, b Candler Kent, c Langton, R obinson................ Rendell, run out... . Norman, b Candler . Mitchell, c and R obinson........... . Pimm, b Robinson ... Edwards, b Candler... Beech, not out ........... Wesh, b Candler Grimston, b Robinson B 5, lb 2........... Total J. C. L o v e l l’ s X I. 44 C. H. Mountain, b Rendell .................. W . M. Yetts, run out L. W . Roberts, b Rendell ........... K . Robinson, o Kent, b Ford ................... 0 J. P. Candler, c Beech, b W est .................. 15 S. Lloyd-Jones, b Rendell ................... 0 E. G. Langton, e Rendell. b Ford ... J. C. Lovell, b Rendell E. D. Lovell, b Rendell A. Meller, not out ... H. Ring, c Ford, b Rendell .................. B 11, lb 2 Total 91 J. C. LOVELL’S X I. v. W H ITGIFT SC H O O L- Played at Tulse Hill on May 16. W h itg ift S chool . Crawford, c Roberts, b Candler................... Henman, c Roberts, b Flindt ................... I Sheppard, run out Neligan,' ~ — ■" Candler ........... West, c Roberts, Robinson........... Humble, c Meller, Flindt ........... and b Sandell, b Candler ... 0 R o o s e , c and b Candler ................... 1 Hampton, b Robinson 22 E. J. Sheppard, not out .......................... 3 Aitken, b Flindt........... 3 B 2, lb 1 ........... 3 Total ...113 S. Lloyd Jones, b Crawford.................. E. I). Lovell, b Craw­ ford .......................... K. Robinson, c Hen­ man, b Humble ... W . M. Yetts, b Craw­ ford .. ................... L. W . Roberts, c Shep­ pard, b Crawford ... C. H. Mountain, not out .......................... J. C. L o v e l l ’s X I. A. Meller, b Craw­ ford .......................... E G. Langton, b Hum­ ble .......................... J. P. Candler, c Roose, b Humble.................. S.H.Flindt, b Humble F. Lovell, c and b Humble .................. B 3, lb 6 ........... Total 39 Second innings K. Robinson, b Humble, 9 ; W . M. Yetts, b Hampton, 12; L. W . Roberts, b Crawford, 0 ; C. H. Mountain, not out, 17 ; Total (3 wkts), 38. PALLINGSW ICK v. ST. MARGARETS-ON- THAMES.—Played at East Acton on June 4. P a llin g sw ic k . J.S.Haycraft, run out 188 P.S. Lancaster, b East 8 C. Hay Campbell, c Medcalfe, b Braid- wood ........................... 0 S. Cheesman, c Mon­ tague, b E ast...........123 H. J. Piper, not out... 18 B 6, lb 5, nb 2 ... 13 Total ...350 H. A. Budden, A . J. Carter, H .G . B. Walton, F. S Mayo, and A . J. Clarke did not bat. S t . M ar g a r e ts . First innings. Second innings. H. L. Braidwood, b Clarke T. Rutter, run out ........... G. A. Medcalf, c Mayo, b Campbell .......................... 3 A. J. East, b Clarke ........... 1 A . Montague, b Campbell... 13 Dr. A. de Vallency, b Chees­ man .......................... ... 21 F. W . Brassey, o Clarke, b Cheesm an.......................... W . B. Chalmers, c Piper, b Cheesm an.......................... W . Braidwood, not out ... H. J. Dunsterville, b Clarke R. H. Kerr, b Campbell ... B 11,lb 3 .................. 4 c and b Mayo c Hall,b Haycraft 21 b Haycraft........... 0 not out.................. 1 8 Total ... ...114 lbw, b Haycraft... 1 not out................... 0 Byes ........... 6 T otal......... 30 PALLINGSW ICK v. ENFIELD.—Played at East Acton on June 6. P a llin g sw ic k . J. S. Haycraft, b Ford 4 F. S. Heynemann, b A ttew ell................... 6 B. A . Carter, c Sherrie, b Ford .................. 3 E. M. Hamilton, c Smith, b Ford........... 7 P. L. Lancaster, c and b Ford .................. 10 H. J. Piper, b Attewell 5 H.W .Bumside,bAtte- well ........... 0 J . C. Clay, not out ... C. H. Campbell, b F o r d .......................... A. H. Millson, c Row­ ley, b Ford ........... A. J. Dampier, b Ford Leg-bye ........... Total ........... E n field . A. H. Smith, b Mill­ son ..........................12 F. Rowley,st Dampier, b Havcraft .......... 35 E. T. Vint, c Dampier, b Haycraft ..........30 H. R. Ford, run out .. 6 J. Boundy, lbw, b H aycraft.................. 0 E. V. Ford, c Clay, b Campbell..................48 M. T. La Thangue, b Millson .................. 23 F. Lampard, b Camp­ bell .......................... 4 L. S. Craven, st Dam­ pier, b Haycraft ... 2 Attewell, b Millson ... 5 Sherrie, not out.......... 4 B 5, lb 1, w l,ab 1 8 Total ..177 TONRRIDGE SCHOOL v. CAMBRIDGE UNIVER­ SITY CRUSADERS.—Played at Tonbridge on June 3. T onbridge S chool . S. C. A. C >sser, c As­ ton, b C larke.......... 9 L. J. Le Fleming, b Burnup .................. 9 C. T. Scott, c Marriott, b Burnup.................. 0 B. M. T. Gale, c Simp­ son, b C larke.......... 10 A. R. Power, c Wilson, b Mason ..................21 E. Beeching, c Clarke, b Mason ..................26 C rusaders . G. P. Fox, c Worth­ ington, b Mason ... 2 H. A. Collins, run out 2 E. T. Langdale, c Simpson, b Mason 0 J. Postlethwaite, not out ..........................15 F. W . Orr, c Simpson, b Mason .................. 6 B 16, lb 6 ...........22 Total ..122 F. Mitchell, st Lang­ dale, b Orr .......... 62 C. J. Bumup, b Cosser 9 K. Clarke, c Postle­ thwaite, b Le Flem­ ing .......................... 9 G. H. Simpson, st Langdale, b Orr ... 31 T. E. Wilson, b Postle­ thwaite .................. 0 C. R. Worthington, st Langdale, b Orr ... 8 st Le A. F. Todd, c Postle­ thwaite, b Orr........... H. H. Marriott, Langdale, b Orr J. Le Fleming, i Fleming, b Orr G. A. Mason, c Lang­ dale, b Beeching ... R. L. Aston, not o u t... Leg-byes ........... Total ...........: WANDERERS v. LEYS SCHOOL.-Played at Cam­ bridge on June 6. W an d erers . S.Cohnan, b L. Walker 49 D. L ? A . Jephson, c Morgan, b J. E. Walker ....................I ll H. C. Pretty, b W . S. A. Brown......................14 A . M. Latham, c W . S. Brown, b J. E. Walker ................... 2 G. E. Bicknell, b J. E. Walker ................... 4 R. Williams, c L. Walker, b Spicer ... 15 G. P. Joy, b W . S. A. Brown ..................... 10 E. L. Dunster, c W y­ att, b W . S. A . Brown ...................16 J. H. Yearsley, c and b W . S. A. Brown... 0 H. V. Bate, c Wicks, b W . S. A. Brown... 13 P. S. Jamieson, not out ........... _. ... 0 Extras.................. 9 Total ...243 W . S. A. Brown, c La­ tham, b Bicknell ... 69 A. B. Horsley, c Jame­ son, b Jephson ... 1 L. Walker, c Latham, b Yearsley .......... 16 N. Spicer, lbw, b Jeph­ son .................. .. 0 J. E. Walker, b Jeph­ son .......................... 0 H. D. W yatt, b Bick­ nell ..........................18 L eys S chool . W . B. Beckett, c Bick­ nell, b Jephson C. A . Wicks, b Jeph­ son .......................... H. A. Morgan, st L a­ tham, b Bicknell ... F. D. Brown, not out P. H. Beckett, bJeph- Extras... Total MERTON v. EPSOM.—Played at Merton on June < M e r to n . J. Cranston, c and b Bassett .................. 1 G. A. E. Smith, c and b Green ..................38 H. W . Stedman, c Rawson, b Soden ... 4 M. Moorhouse, c Bas­ sett, b Soden .......... 0 T. P. Harvey, b Green 32 Rev. A. G. P. Baines, c Rawson, b Soden... 27 L. Godfrey, b Soden... 18 C. A. Godward, c Raw­ son, b Soden ........... A.H.Raeburn, b Green 12 P. Craven, b Soden ... 8 F. L. Head, not o u t... 4 B 21,lb 10,nb 3... 34 Total ..178 E psom . A. J. Newsom, b God­ ward .......................... 3 F. L. Rawson, c Moor­ house, b Harvey ... 6 H. Bassett, b Harvey 9 A. J. Green, c and b Harvey ..................13 F.W .Ledger,b Harvey 3 G. H. Longman, c Moorhouse, b God­ ward ..........................28 A, N. Other absent, A. S. Soden, run out... R. W . Harter, run out ........................... A. T. G. Hunt, b Harvey ................... A. C. Barton, not out 2 B 12, lb 2 ...........14 Total .......... INCOGNITI v. SHERBORNE SCHOOL.—Played at Sherborne on June 1 and 2. I ncogniti . A.E.Gibson,b Prichard 19 H. G. Peachey, c W inch, b Prichard... 57 N. F. Felton, b Prichard .................. 0 H. B. Carver, b Prichard .................. 7 Rev. B. Bradford, b Prichard ..................15 T. C. Bett, b Prichard 41 T. Higson, c Stenning, b Prichard..................58 Second innings :—H. G. L. Harrington, b P richard.................... 7 R. M a r s h a ll, b Prichard.................. 14 H. C. Pinckney,c Mar­ tin, b Rougem ont.. 20 T. Wilson, not out ... 47 B 31, lb 2, w 1 ... 34 Total ..319 H. B. Carver, not out, 7. —Total 17. Peachey, not out, 10; S h e rb o rn e First innings. A. C. Temperley,b Gibson... C. F. Stanger-Leathes, c Carver, b Bradford........... L. Partridge, b Bradford ... H. F. Whinney, c Harring­ ton, b Bradford ........... C. Martin, c Peachey, b Gibson.................................. H. W . de Rougemont, b Bradford .......................... W . O. Prichard, c Harring­ ton, b Bradford.................. T. G. Winch, b Gibson R. J. Crawford, c Harring­ ton, b Bradford.................. F. W . Kemp, not out........... H. E. Stenning, run out ... B 1, lb 1, w 1, nb 5 Total S chool . Second innings. 21 st Peachey, b Bradford.......... 18 23 b Bradford........... 7 14 b Carver ...........30 10 lbw, b Bradford 3 71 b Gibson ........... 1 4 c Harrington, b Higson ...........34 17 b Carver ...........17 16 c and b Carver ... 1 8 b Carver ........... 0 0 not out ... 6 14 o sub., b Gibson 4 8 B y e s .......... 6 .206 Total...........127 BALDOCK v. BRIXTON WANDERERS.—Played at Baldock on June 4. B aldock . First innings. Second innings W . Payne, c Jones, b Veillard .......................... 7 c Rider, b Mason 6 D. Ellingham, b Veillard .. 4 c Jones, b Rider 10 H. Raxwortliy, b Jones 2 b Mason ........... 8 Rev. G. Hicks, c Mason, b Veillard .......................... 17 c Rider, b Mason 0 W . Bracey, b Veillard 10 b Mason .......... 10 H.J.Izzard, c Hogg, b Jones 8 c Hogg, b Rider 0 C. J. Peck, b Mason ........... I not out ........... 15 F. Flitton, b Veillard........... 7 c Jones, b Rider 8 H. Hankin, b Jones ........... 0 not out ........... 3 F. F. Cockburn, b Jones ... 4 C. E. Page, not out ........... 4 c Jones, b Rider 8 B 18,lb 1 ................... 19 B 6, lb 3 ... 9 Total ................... 83 Total (8 wkts) 77 B rixton W an derers . ^ First innings. Second innings. F. P. Rider, b Izzard...........19 F. Odell, ht wkt, b Izzard 13 H. Mason, b Izzard ............ 19 C. Hogg, c and b Flitton ... C. Smith, b Flitton ........... F. E. Thomson, st Hicks, b Izza rd .................................. 5 H. Odell, b Izzard ............ 4 A. E. Veillard, c Hicks, b Flitton ..................... 1 C. N. Phillips, lbw, b Izzard 0 C. F. Jones, b Izzard........... 0 C. Boto, not o u t ................... 1 B 8, lb 1 ................... 9 lbw, b Izzard st Hicks, b Izzard c Allingham, b Payne .......... not out.................. st Hicks, b Payne b Payne ........... Total ...103 Byes ........... 2 Total (5 wkts) 39 W H ITGIFT WANDERERS (2) v. H ILLSIDE.— Played at Hillside, Warlingham, on June 6. W h i t g if t W a n d e re r s . H.V.Green, b Lighton 22 C. S. Jupp, b Ruck ... 3 C. M. Goodbody, b Lighton .................. 9 E. C. Swathurst, b Thring .................. 38 H. Docking, b Stand­ ing .......................... 0 G. B. Thwaites, b Lighton ................... 9 E. R. B. Tensen, b Lighton .................. 1 H. Stovold, run out... 47 R. S. McCulloch. run out .......................... 2 D. D. Purser, not out 19 A. Green, b Ruck ... 9 B 21, lb 3, w l ... 25 Total . .184 H illsid e . C. E. Ruck, b McCul­ loch ..........................14 E. Lighton, not ou t... 8 B 5, w 1 .......... 6 C. H. M. Thring, not out ..........................115 Hillyard, c Swathurst, b Stovold.................. 20 H. W yld, b Stovold ... 0 E. G. Beckwith, c and Total ...........176 b McCulloch ...........13 H. Standing, C. Hale, L. Ashwall, R, White, and H. H. Kent did not hat*