Cricket 1896

182 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF TI1E GAME. J une 4, 1S96. TOXBEIDGE SCHOOL v. MAKLBOKO’ BLUES,— Played at Tonbridge on May 30. M arlboro * B lu es . W . H. Lindsay,c Post­ lethwaite,b Cosser... 0 C. W . Lindsay, c Orr, b Le Flem ing...........18 II. M. Uarwood, b Le Fleming .................. IB W . E. Leach, b Cosser 32 \V. Underwood, c Col­ lins, b Orr ...........24 H.P.Lindsay ,c Hutch­ ings, b Orr .......... 8 H. C. Daniel, st Lang­ dale, b Orr ..........12 W . A . F. Rogers, o Power, b Postleth­ waite ..........................13 F. Bellamy,cLangdale, b Postlethwaite ... 0 G. K . Marten, not out 11 H. M. Prescott,c Lang­ dale, b Postlethwaite 2 Extras ...........11 Total ...147 T onbridge S chool . W . E. C. Hutchings, b Rogers .....................10 L. Jr. LeFleming, c Leach, b Rogers ... 0 B.C.A.Cosser,c Daniel, b R og ers...................101 C. T. Scott, b C. W . Lindsay ................... 7 B. M. T. Gale.cUnder- w ood,bC . W . Lind­ say ................................. 0 A. R. Power, b C. W . Lindsay ......... ; ... 8 E. Beeching, c Leach, b W . H. Lindsay ... 29 H. A . Collins, c H. P., b W . H.Lindsay 4 E. T.Langdale,cDaniel b W . H. Lindsay ... 1 F. W . Orr, b C. W . Lindsay ...................17 J. Postlethwaite, not out ........................... 4 Extras ...........23 Total ..217 WTLLESDEN v. UPPER CLAPTON.—Played at Willesden on May 30. WlLLESDEN. F. J. Potter, not out 79 T. P. Bull, b Sowerby 0 G. W . L. t-hort, b Homer ................... 2 J. Brydone, b Sowerby 0 C. Cooke, c Mowt, b Sowerby .................. 2 A . O. Breeds, c Clarke, b Sowerby ...........42 H. W . Carson did not bat. closed. U pper C la pto n . H. Hudson, c Irby, b Sowerby ................... 0 A. S. Dornton, run out 5 W . Cooke, b Sowerby 7 H. W . Smail. not out 14 Extras ........... 7 Total (8 wkts) *158 Innings declared H. L. Saton, c and b Smail.......................... 10 P. A. Irby, c W .Cooke, b Dornton.................. 18 J. S. Tekell, c Hudson, b Dorntou ...........13 E. A . Homer, c Hud­ son, b Domton ... 0 J. P. Dickson, not out 13 A. J. Richardson,lbw, b Dornton ........... o E. Crabb b Dornton 0 P. E. W olf, not out ... 0 Extras ........... 6 Total (6 wkts) 60 W . J. Sowerby, J. Fox, and E. C. Moss did not bat. ARM Y COLLEGE, HEATH END v. 2nd BAT­ TALION RIFLE B R IG A D E .-Played at Heath End on May 30. A rmy C o lle g e . First Innings. R. C. W elch, b Shute... . G. H. Piice, run out ... . E. G ibb,e Mills, b Pickett Second Iunings. 13 b Connor ........... 4 0 c Mills, b Couper 6 4 c Dawnay,b Mur­ phy.......... 13 L. D. Spencer, b Shute ... 18 cPickett,b ouper 5 Varney, b Shute ... .......... 0 c Mills, b Murphy 41 R. C. Campbell, c Couper, b Shute.................................... 2 b Couper . H. P. M. White, c Mills, b Pickett.................................... 9 b Murphy ... 0._ W . E . Bannerman, c .. *.0 lbw, b Muiphy .. 17 b Murphy ... .. 0 st Thesiger, b Couper .......... 3 ... 1 not out................... 2 •• 2 Byes ........... 2 Dawnay. b Pickett . D. If. V . Bengough, Pickett.......................... A. C. Burton, b Shute... L. E. Darell, not out ... Leg-Byes ........... Total . £6 Tot 1... 2nd. B a t t a lio n R i f l e B r ig a d e . First Innings. S. Mills, b Campbell ... Second Innings. 6 c Welch, b Camp- _ b e l l ................... 5 Hon. H. Dawnay, c Spencer, b Campbell ........... 10 o White, b Varney 8 G. H. lhesjger, b Campbell 2 not out......... 26 Cipt. Couper, c Gibb, b Campbell ... ... ...........27 c D irell.b Varney 3 Capt. Godfray.b G ib b ......... l b Gibb . o Pte. Keith, c Darell, b Gibb 4 H. D. Ross, c Welch, b Campbell .......................... 6 c Darell, b Camp­ bell ... o Pte. Murphy, b Campbell .. 1 notout... n Capt. Shute, b Varney ... l Pte. Willins, c Welch, b Campbell ................ Pte. Pickett, not out . B 10, lb 5 Total ... 6 runout... ... 0 ... 15 B 9... 79 T otal (6 w kts) 65 ETON RAMBLERS v. H AILEYBU RY COLLEGE —Played at Haileybury College on May 30. E ton R am blers . A . T. B. Dunn, b Giles 73 F. L. Crabtree, lbw, b Jupp G. H. Duckworth, b G ile s.......................... 18 A. D. Whatman, b G ile s...........................23 A. H. Dickinson, b G iles........................... 0 Rev. E. Lyttelton, c F. Smith, b Sandford 61 H. Philipgon, c Harri­ son, b Jupp .......... 2 M. Farrer, not out ... 82 V. W . Yorke. b Jupp 4 H. A. Arkwright, c C. Smith, b Giles ... 8 F. M. Buckland, not out .......................... 4 B 18, lb 1, nb 3... 22 Total ...304 F. Hervey Bathurst did not bat. H a ile yb u r y C o lleg e . J. F. Carter,run out... 33 A. n. C. Fargus, c F.E.G. Talbot, c Crab- Yorke, b Arkwright 0 tree, b Arkw right... 0 F.D. Parbury, run out 0 C. H. Jupp, b Dunn... 9E. J. Sandford, c J. H .R . Fiaser,bDunn 11 Yorke. b Arkwright 4 C. B. Smith, b Ark- W . T. Giles, not out 4 wright ................. 1 Byes ..............14 N. S. A. Harrison, c — and b Dunn ...........10 Total .............. 86 A. H. Spooner, b Dunn 0 F. C. Smith, b Ark­ wright .................. 0 Second I n n in g s C . H. Jupp, not out, 16, J. H. R. Fraser, not out, 4, N. S. A. Harrison, b Yorke, 0, F. D. Parbury, st Philipson, b Bathurst, 14, E. J. Sandford, c Crabtree, b Yorke, 3.—Total (3 wkts.) 37. GRANVILLE “ A ” v. ST.DUNSTAN’S COLLEGE. —Played at Cati'ord on May 30. S t . D unstan ’ s C o lleg e . First innings. Second innings. C. M. Smart, b Hersee ... 49 lbw, b Windett... 25 A . B. Smith, c and b Glover 10 b Hersee ........... 0 C O. Lee. b Glover ... ... 6 b W indett...........20 J. T. Miller, c Glover, b W indett. ........... .......... C. G. Young, b Glover W . S. Maclean, lbw, b Windett .......................... R. Mortimore, c Grant, b G lover................. ........... D. Young, b Glover ........... K. Souter, b Glover ........... M. Dovey, not out ........... S. F. Goldby, b Hersee Byes .......................... c Davis, b Helder b W in d ttt........... 0 b Austin 10 c Grant,bWindett 0 not out.................. 0 Total B 9, lb 2, nb 1... 12 Total (7 wkts) 82 G ranvilli H. W . Gill, b Maclean 1 A. L. Ryder, c Dovey, b Maclean .......... 0 C. E. G. Lee, b Young 1 L.R.Glover, b Maclean 12 A.H.Bersee,bMaclean 3 E. L. T.Grant,bYoung 27 J. A. Johnston,b Mac- lean ........................... 3 G. Helder, lbw, b Smart.................: ... 21 T. P. Austen, c Dovey, b Young .................. 4 H. G. Davis, run out .. 85 S. V. Windett, not out 2 Extras .................. 8 Total... ...ISO GRANVILLE “ A ” v. HURST CO LLEGE.-Playcd at Hurstpierpoiut on May : 6 . H urst C o lleg e . First innings. Sccond innings H. S. Cadnun, b Havers ... 0 lbw, b Havc-rs ... 0 R. M. Nixon, b Pettman ... 11 b Lamb ........... 0 G. 1$. Campion, b Havers 0 b Pettm an.......... 18 A. A. ( arver, st Layman, b Havers.................................. 1 b Havers ........... 12 W . S. Coumbe, b Havers ... 9 b l'ettm an........... 14 F. R. S. Whitbourne, b Havers .......................... 0 lbw, b Ellis........... 9 H. H. S. Upton, not out ... 26 c Pate, b I’ettman 12 K. L. Moffatt, b Havers ... 16 b P ate.................. 5 C. Goldring, b Pettman ... 1 st Layman, b Lincoln ........... 12 W . S. Rutherford, c Ellis, b Pettman .......................... 0 not out.................. 7 B. Westmacott, c Laj man, b Havers .......................... 12 b Lamb ........... 2 B 1, nb 1 .................. 5 B 9, lb 5 ... 14 Total .................. 81 Total.......... 105 G ran ville “ A .” W . S. Pate, b Nixon .. 18 J. Wilson, Jun., b Up­ ton ........................... 2 L. R. Havers, c M of- fatt, b U pton............ 0 P. P. Lincoln, c M of- fatt, b U pton ........11 R. F. Taylor, b Nixon 0 S. Elan, b Nixon ... 5 J. A. Johnston, b Up­ ton ........................... 6 E. F. Lamb, c and b Nixon.......................... F. E. Glover, b Upton A . O. Pettman, not out .......... ........... A. R. Layman, c U p­ ton, b Mixon ........... Byes .................. Total ........... GRANVILLE “ A ” PRIETORY SCHOOL, on May 30. B lack h eath P ro prietary S chool . BLACKHEATH PRO- Played at Manor W ay, Lee, C. H. Latham, b Pass- more .......................... L. S. de Havilland, b Passmore.................. Mr. W oolrych,b Pass- more .......................... C. H. B. Kendall, b Passmore.................. Morris, c Passmore, b E llis ......................... : A. P. Whatley, b Passmore.................. A. W . Smyth, b Ellis 0 F. C. Kendall, b Nicoll 17 Hodgson, not out ... 19 Davidson, c and b Passmore . McCullock, b Nicoll... B 4, lb 1 ........... Total ........... G ran ville “ A ’ F.E.Lander,c Latham, b de Havilland ... 2 E. R. D. Moulder, c Latham, b de Havil­ land .......................... 7 J. Moore, b de Havil­ land .......................... 20 G. C. Nicoll, b C. H. B. Kendall .......... 48 J. R. Hollingworth, b de H avilland...........16 C. S. Carey, b M oiris 11 E. Furze, lun out ... 18 E. T. Lloyd, c Morris, b C. H. B. Kendall 48 S. Ellis, b W oolrych... 48 E. F. Debenham, not out .......................... 18 T. Passmore, not out 14 B 2, lb 6 , w 3 ... 11 Total (9 wkts.)261 GRANVILLE v. HAMPSTEAD. Played at Lee on May 30. H am pstead . P. F. Wilson, lbw, b Havers ................. 10 W . S. Hale, b Havers 6 C. D. McMillin, st Layman, b Hull .. 65 J. Gibbon, c Godfrey, b Bull....................... 4 A. A. Carter, c Stone, bB ull.......................... 10 Dr. G. Thornton, and b Hemmerde ... 49 B. W . Sharpe, st Lay­ man, b Godfrey ... 0 J. C. Toller, c Swann, b Bull .................. 33 A. W . Sharpe, not out 25 A. Reid, c Morris, b Godfrey ................... 7 A.R. Grylls. b Godfrey 2 B 14, lb 5 ...........19 Total ..230 W . Morris, b Hale ... P. G. Swann, b Thorn­ ton .......................... 9 J. C. Stone, c Sharpe, b Thornton .......... 39 F.G. Bull, b Thornton b C. L. Hemmerde, b Thornton..................21 C .J.M.Godfrey,not out 42 P.P. Lincoln, b Thorn­ ton .......................... 8 G r a n v ille , 7 L.R. Havers, b Gibbon 0 E. Ryrner Jones, b Gibbon ................... 5 J. Wilson, jun., c Grylls, b Gibbon ... 4 A. R. Layman, lbw, b G ibbon................... 0 B 8 , lb 6 ...................11 Total ...157 HONOR OAK v. THAMES DITTON.—Played at Thames Ditton on May 25. H onor O a k . First innings. G. S. Harrison, c Deane, b C. Lawless .................. 1 II. burton, b Ainall ...........55 F. A. W ilkie, b Ainall ... 5 Second innings. c Morrison, b S. Lawless b Arnall not out G. Hayman, c Mathews, b S. Lawless ............................20 P. Carmichael,.c Mathews, b S. Lawless .................. 0 F. J. Winter, b Millbourn 13 b Arnall F. Lamborn, c and b Mill­ bourn .......................... ... 6 b Arnall ........... A. Jones, c Arnall, b Mill­ bourn ................................. 14 c Deane, b S. Luwhss ........... W. Grey, c Deane, b C. Lawless .......................... 10 n otou t.................... T. Renton, b C. Lawless ... 10 lbw, b Arnall ... C. Thomas, not out .......... 0 b Arnall ......... B 4 , lb 3, nb 1 ... 8 B 2, lb 2 ... Total.................... 142 Total 17 wkts ) ’ T hames D itto n . 6 15 21 22 P. J. Arnall, b Wilkie 8 W .Millbourn,cBuiton, b Harrison ...........19 S. B. Lawless, c Jones, b Harrison ........... 3 W . Deane, c Renton, b W ilk ie .................. 14 C.T. Lawless, b Wilkie 2 F. J.Mathews,c Wilkie, b Harrison ...........12 A. T. Webb, c Jones, b W ilkie ..................12 J. Craig, c Renton, b \Mlkie ................... A. Morrison, b Wilkie G. Russell, c Renton, b Harrison ........... F. Leppard, not out... •Leg-bye ........... Total ........... C RICKET Report Sheets, lOd. per dozen, post free. Order of Going-InCards, 7d. per dozen, post free, loeket 'C orin g Book, 7d. eacli, post lree.—To be obtained at the Office of Cricket. 1C8, Upper Thames street, London, E.C.