Cricket 1896

J une 4, 1896. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 181 NONDESCRIPTS v. EW ELL.—Played at Ewell on May 25. N ondescripts . First innings. J. 8 . Haycraft,b A, F. W hite .................. 4 H. Wade, c Bridges, b Legiratt .................. 21 A. P. Baker, c and b A. F. White ........... 9 W .W .A ’ Deane,c Raw- linson, b Leggatt ... 26 H. H. Cobb, run out.. 16 H .C.Preston,cCuming, b A. F. White ... 9 D.H. Bayley,c Reeves, Smith b A . F. White 44 Second innings.—J. S. Haycraft, notout, 35 ; H. C. Preston, not out, 0; J. S. Worthington c and b A. Perks, 2; R. A . Hill, b A. M. Walters, 2 ; G. S. Hickson c Rawlinsonb Stone, 12, B 6 —Total, 57. E w e ll . J.S.Worthington,c and b Rawlinson ........... 5 L .HutchinsoncBridges, b A . F. W hite.......... 32 H .T. Tew 8 on,c Brandt, b Leggatt.................. 3 R. A. Hill, notout ... 20 G. S. Hickson, c J. E. Perks, b A. F. White 4 B 8 , lb 3 ... 11 Total 204 J. H. Bridges,b Baker 46 C. A. S. Leggatt,c and b Worthington ... 61 J.E. Perks, b Baker ... 3 F. Barry, c Hickson, b Baker .................. 18 A.M.Walters, c Cobb, b Haycraft .......... 44 T.A.Rawlinson.notout 60 A . F. White, c Bayley, b Haycraft ........... 5 H.Reeves Smith,absent 0 R.E.Brandt,bHaycraft 0 P. T. Stone, c Hill, b H aycraft.................. 0 A. Perks, c Tewson b H aycraft.................. 13 F. Cumming st Hick­ son b Haycraft ... 6 B 5, lb 6 , wb 2 ... 13 Total .269 DULW ICH v. M.C.C.—Played at Dulwich on May 23. D u lw ic h . H. T h o m p s o n , c O’Brien, b Barnes... 0 T. C. Stafford, c Lee, b B u rton .................. 22 R. Longley, c Daven­ port, b Burton......... 13 J.Darby,lbw, b Barnes 4 W .R.Darby, c Burton, b B arnes.................. 10 W . Morris, c and b Barnes .................. 6 T. R. Pearse, b Burton 2 J. F. Colyer, c Cobb, b B u rton .................. 2 S. E. Huntley, notout 14 E. White, c Lee, b Burton ................... 3 C. P. Tregellas, c Hulton, b Burton ... 8 Total ... 84 M.C.C. J. A. Gibbs, b W . R. Darby .................. 178 F. M. Lee, c J. Darby, b Pearse .................. 1 H . H. Cobb, c Pearse, b White .................. 24 Davenport, c Thomp­ son, b J . Darby ... 1 Barnes, b W . R. Darby 77 G. Denison, b J. Darby 21 C. Hilton, c and b Longley ................... 1 G. E. B. Pritchett, b W . R. D arby........... J. G. O’Brien, b W . R. Darby ................... D. Brooks, not out ... Burton, c Thompson, b J. Darby ........... Extras.................. Total ........... J M r . T. W . GIRDLESTONE’ S X I. v. BALLIOL ERRATICS.—Played at Sunningdale School on May 26. B a llio l E b r a tic s . H. W . Bentinck, c Daffen, b Bush ... 21 E. A. Elgee, c O. T. Cooke, b Daffen ... 7 P. Nichols, c and b Daffen .................. 0 C. H. Marten, c and b Daffen ...................36 C. .Whittaker, c Ber­ ners, b Daflfen.......... 0 G. R. Pember, b Bush 0 E. W . Walker, c W . M. Cooke, b Bush ... 14 J. A. Richey, lbw, b Daffen .................. 0 C. H. Elgee, b Daffen 0 J. C. R. Sturrock, c O. T. Cooke, b Bush ... 0 E. H. Farrer, not out 0 Extras................... 6 Total . 84 M b. T. W . G ib d le s to n e ’s X I. A. Daffen, b Bentinck 86 O. T. Cooke, run out 92 E. A. Bush, b Farrer... 81 E.Nicholson,cNichols, b Whittaker .......... 3 S. F. Mott, c Whitta­ ker, b Walker ... 27 J. A. Berners, run out 3 W . M. Cooke, c N i­ chols, b Whittaker 45 E. W . Piper, notout... 4 E. Culme-Seymour,not out .......................... 1 Extras.................. 11 Total (7 wkts.) 353 T. W . Girdlestone, and Rev. J. O. Young did not bat. INCOGNITI v. R. M, Woolwich on May 20. I xcooniti . 0 ACADEMY.—Played at E. A . Parke, b Nevill J. A. Healing, c Camp­ bell, b Bedwell H. B. Carver, b Nevill A. G. Torrens, st Sad­ ler, b Turner . M. G. Nelson, st Sad­ ler, b T u rn er........... 2 D. C. Lee, c Harrison, b T u rn er.................. 11 C. H . Blake did not bat. 29 J. J. Howley. not out 25 H. H. Harington, b Nevill .................. 51 Capt. Yanrenen, c Sadler, b Turner ... 7 A. J. Duncan, not out 7 B 8 , lb 2, nb 1 ... 11 Total ... *225 * Innings declared closed. R. M. A cad em y. H.F. Stopford, c How­ ley, b Blake .......... 13 E. B. Bedwell, c Har­ ington, b Blake ... 1 A. J. Turner, b Carver 4 K . G. Campbell, b Carver ..................10 G. M. Wyatt, b Carver 0 A . H. Harrison, c Healing, b Nelson... 12 G. H. Tailyour, b Car­ ver .......................... 10 M. H. Mahon, not out 29 W . C. E. Twidale, c Howley, b Carver ... 5 H. L. Neville, b Carver 6 J. H. Sadler, not out 0 B 10, nb 1 .......... 11 Total .145 INCOGNITI v. UPPER TO O TING .-Played at Upper Tooting on May 23. I n cogniti . First innings. Capt.Fleming,c Hemmerd b L indsay........................ H. H. Harington, lbw, Lindsay ....................... A . A. Torrens, c Thorne, Lindsay .................. M. G. Nelson, c Thorne, Bartley.......................... H. B. Carver, c Thome, Harvey............................... C. Dixon, run out.......... C.JJ. Carver, b Hemmerde A. Scott, c Hawkins, Lindsay .................. C. H. Blake, not out .. . S. Harper, b Lindsay ... Rev. M. C. Clare, run out B 8 , lb 2 ............... Second innings. Total .. 9 run out................. 7 b .. 8 b .. 23 b .. 0 b Laurie ........... 7 b .. 39 c Butcher,b Haw­ kins ................... 10 ... 1 b Laurie ........... 23 .. 0 not o u t ................. 8 b .. 31 not out.................. 1 .. 11 b Hawkins........... 17 .. 0 b Laurie ........... 0 .. 6 .. 10 Byes ........... 2 ..141 Total ........... 75 U ppeb T o otin g . A . H. Parey, c and b Fleming ..................23 R. M. Harvey, c H. Carver, b Blake ... 1 D. H. Butcher, c Dixon, b Fleming... 20 T. W . Hemmerde, b Torrens .................. 21 F. G. Thorne, c Dixon, b Fleming..................20 D.C.Bartley,bFleming 0 J. H. Lindsay, b Fleming .................. C.F. Whistler, b Blake R. A . Laurie, c and b Fleming .................. S. C. Hawkins, not out J. R. Calder Smith, b H. Carver................... B 5, nb 1 ........... Total .........1 INCOGNITI v. CHRIST CHURCH.-Play®d at Oxford on May 22 and 23. I ncogniti . First Innings. Second Innings. F. Skipwitb, c Daglish, b Berens........... ................... 3 c amd b Baker ... 0 C. L. Hemmerde, c and b B a k e r..................................34 c Severn, b Berens 9 H. F. Fox, b Baker...........14 b Berens ...........20 J. W . Stratton, c and b B ik e r ..................................31 cBolans,b Berens 6 R. H. de Montmorency, b Berens..................................13 b Berens ........... 2 4 cBennett,b Baker 6 P. F. Hadow, b Berens W . E. Martyn, not out ...4 4 b Berens ........... T. C. Bett, c Berens,b Baker 0 b Baker ........... A . Miller, b Berens ........... 0 b Berens ........... A . F. Mullins, c Baker, b Boland.................................. 1 not out................... L. E. G. Abney, c Briggs, b Probyn...........14 b Berens .................................... Byes2 .................... 2 Leg-Bye 3 i ... Total ....................160 Total ............ C hbist C hurch C o lle g e . First Innings. Second Innings. R. A . Bennett, b Abney ... 15 J. G. Donaldson,b Abney... 91 b Mullins ........... C. E. Briggs,c Montmorency b Miller ........................... 0 P. C. Baker, c Fox, b Abney 0 J. P. Boland,bMontmorency 21 c Hemmerde, b Abney ........... 0 cHadow,bMullins 15 c Hemmerde, b Stratton...........49 F. Dessair, c Martyn, b Mullins .......................... 3 c and b Abney ... 3 Symes Thompson, c Mullins b Abney .........................24 b Montmorency... 16 A. R. Severn, b Mullins... 9 E.Berens.c Martyn, b Mont­ morency ........................ 20 not out................... 1 A. A. Dalgleish, notout ... 22 cHadow,bMullins 20 S. E. Probyn, c Abney, b Montmorency .................. 0 B 7, lb 1, w 1.................. 9 B 4, lb 1 .. ADDISCOMBE v. CROYDON.—Played at Croydon on May 25. A ddiscombe . Total . -14 Total J. H. Purser, b Archer 10 J. R. Coulthard, c Adams, b Paget ... 27 S. C. Purser, not out 5 Extras..................45 E. Wiltshire, b Paget 128 A. Wiltshire, lbw, b Ching.......................... 4 J. Grant, b Paget ... 48 A. Hughes, c Archer, b Paget ...................46 P. Allen, b Archer ... 7 Total (7 wkts.) *364 A. J. Trollope, not out 44 N. E. Cutler and T. F. Perrin did not bat. * Innings declared closed. C b o y o o n .— First innings. H. R. Groom, b Perrin C. W . M. Feist, b Hughes ................... J.Whitcomb,b Hughes J. W . Adam, c E. Wiltshire, b Hughes E. Glenshaw, b S. Purser .................. J.A. Archer, b Hughes H. W . Patey, c Trol- lope, b S. Purser 0 1 R. Biscoe, not out ... 25 S. J. Ching, b S.Purser 24 11 Rev. Curgenven, b S.. 5 Purser .................. 2 C. G. Paget, c Grant, b S. Purser.................. 0 Extras ........... 1 Total 93 Second innings.—Groom scored (not out), 0; Archer, c J. Purser, b Cutler, 11; Curgenven, b Allen, 8 ; Paget (not out), 30; extras, 7.—Total (for two wickets), 56. HORNSEY v. FINCHLEY.—Played at Hornsey on May 25. F in ch ley . W . W . Fennell, b Swinstead.................. 0 H. E. Langton, not out .......................... 2 M. Jones, c Sloper, b Dempsey.................. 0 F. R. Dempsey, b D em psey.................. 3 T. Storey, b Swinstead 1 Lb 1, w 1 ........... 2 E. C. William1*, c and b Dempsey ........... 52 B. Venables, b Forster 15 E. V . Tumham, c H u t c h in s o n , b D em psey.................. 17 C. H. McJones, c Carter, b Dempsey... 6 W . D. Etherington, b Swinstead.................. 0 F. Tuck, b Swinstead 2 Rev. F. S. Keysell, b Swinstead.................. 0 Second Innings : —E. C. Williams, b Bryer, 55; B.Venables, not out, 51 ; E. V. Turaham, not out, 28; T. Storey, b Swinstead, 0; Lb 6 , w 1 ,7 .— Total 141. Innings declared closed. H obksey . First innings. R. J. Hutchinson, b Tum ­ ham .................................. Total ...100 Second innings. c Etherington, b Tumham........... A. E. Flower, c Williams, b Tumham .......................... C. D. Drayson, b McJones 3 G. H. Swinstead, c Fennell, b M cJones.......................... R. H. King, b Me Jones ... J. Dempsey, c Fennell, b Turaham .......................... 5 E. F. Nicholls, b Tumham 0 E. W . Carter, b Fennell ... 25 run out... J. A . Waterer, b McJones 2 H. W . Forster, st Langton, b Turnham.......................... 0 not out... 0 b Turnham E. W . Sloper, b McJones . D. Bryer, Dot o u t................... B 14, lb 3 ... . Total 18 c Etherington, b b Turnham ... 0 4 c and b Turnham 17 B 4, lb 1 ... ...162 Total (5 wkts.) 33 QUERNMORE HOUSE SCHOOL v. SIDCUP COL­ LEGE.—Played at Bromley on May 20. Q uebnmore H ouse S chool . P. Strudwick, b Lloyd 43 S. Cazeaux, b Lloyd... 33 T. H. Edey, bLloyd... 6 R. H. Eckford, notout 33 C. Powis, not out B10, lb 5 ... Total 4 15 *134 H. R. M. Groves, S. E. Brearly, W . Durbridge, H. W . Powis, A. Strudwick, P. B. Sharp did not bat. •Innings declared closed. S idcup C ollege . 1.4 First innings. Second innings J. W . Noble, b Eckford ... 0 b Eckford .......... 2 R. Parkinson, b Edey........... 8 b Edey.................. 1 W . Lovibond, b Eckford ... 0 not out.................. 7 S. Greenham, c Sharp, b Eckford ... ........... 6 b Edey................. b Eckford .......... 2 L. Sandercock, b Edey 10 0 V. Waller, b Eckford........... 0 b Eckford ........... 0 E. Dinwiddy, c and b Powis 2 not out.................. 3 J. Lloyd, b Powis................... 7 did not bat.......... 0 R. Sandercock, b Eckford... 5 c Edey, bCazeaux 12 S. Parkinson, c Eckford, b Groves.................................. 0 b Eckford .......... 0 E. Marchant, not out........... 0 b Edey.................. 2 W 2, nb 1 ................... Total.......................... 3 41 Total -9