Cricket 1896

M a y 28 , 1896. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 175 COBBETT’S CRICKET BAT CO., Limited. Sole Manufacturers of the “ COBBETT ” BAT. Factory—56, Capland Street, Grove Road, Marylebone, London, N.W. WHOLESALE AND EXP0B.T. (W ITH IN THREE MINUTES W ALK OF LOBD’ s .) E A C H B A T B E A R S A R E G I S T E R E D T Cobbett’s “ Jubilee Patent Gutta Percha Driver,’ ’ with patent handle, also manufactured in Youths’ sines, special attention being paid to weight and balance. COBBETT’S ALL-CANE SPRING HANDLE BAT, SPECIALLY SELECTED AND SEASONED FOR HOT CLIMATES. G. G. B. Co. have a good stock of well-seasoned Bats and Wood, and all requisites for the game, to wbich they invite inspection T H E E V EN T O F 1896. The Latest Patent Cricket Bat. * * * TENTS. Bell tents. Square Tents. Marquees. For lawns, bathing, cricket, camping out. New and secondhand. Before purchasing write postcard for list.— W illia m M o o r e , Lauderdale Buildings, Aldersgate, London. * * * After many ex­ periments and pro­ tracted trials, F ra n k S u g g has at last succeeded in pro­ ducing a Handle, which, from his prac­ tical knowledge, he has no hesitation in asserting is abso­ lutely superior to any other Patent Handle in use at the present time. Section showing top of handle, p a te n t a p p lie d f o r “ LANCASHIRE W I T C H , ” 17 s . 6 d . e a c h . Carefully Selected Canes, Superior Straight- Grained Blades. FRANK SUGG, 3 2 , ItOFd St., Itiveppool. LLIMAN'S BOTTLES l/l* 2/9 * f JARS 11/- * 22/- TrefareS. only by SIouyA 1 JS m j j h d GRADIDGE’S Celebrated CRICKETBATS & BALLS A Splendid Stock of well-seasoned BATS and BALLS to seleot'from. Special Terms to Clubs and Schools. GRADIDGE’ S“ImperialDriver,”“Extra Special,”and “Special Selected’' B A T Si A N D S U P E R I O R M A T C H B A L ALL MANUFACTURED ON THE PREMISES. PRICE LISTS FREE. OOOOC=>00<>C3000C3000CZ>OOOCDOOOCZ>OOa Faetory: ARTILLERY PLAGE, WOOLWICH, LOpOfi, S.E.