Cricket 1896

174 CRICKET A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M a y , 28, 18 96. CRYSTAL PALACE t . B L ACKH EA TH ,-Played at Crystal Palace on May 25. C r y sta l P a la c e . L. 8. Wells, e and b Heath ...................79 A. Cosens, c Linder, b H ubbard.................. 25 E. H. Lulbane,bHeath 0 C. Mitohell, b Heath... 26 Dr. J. E. Barrett, b Mason ...................42 G. E. Bicknell, c A. Stewart, b R. Stew­ art ...........................55 A. B. Cipriani, J. C. Umney did not bat. B la c k h e a th . J. E. Mason, c J. C., b W . F. U nney........... 0 A . W . Stewart, b Co­ sens ...........................52 J. L. Phillips, b Cosens 25 Capt. Linder, b Wells 16 K. Christopherson, b W . F. Umney...........21 A. G. Hubbard, c Bick­ nell, b W . F. Umney 28 . D. Elloit Lockhart, A. W . Lewis did not bat. H. M. Colegrave, c A. W . Stewart, bHeath 7 Dr. W . F. Umney, not out ...........................29 J. F. Dunlop, not out 2 B 26, lb 3 ...........29 Total (7 wkts) 294 M. Christopherson, not out ........................... 5 S. Heath, b W . F. Umney ................... 8 R. B. Stewart, not out 2 £ 3, lb 2 ........... 5 Total (7 wkts) 162 GRANVILLE “ A ” v. G U Y S H O SP ITA L .-Played at Honor Oak on May 25. G u y ’ s H o spita l . P. W. Hunter, b Pass- more ...........................10 T. Morgan, c sub, b Passm ore.................. 23 H. A. Gaitskill.bPass- m o r e ........................... 9 W . G. Palmer, cMoul- der, b Nicoll ...........11 J. Beavis, b Passmore 0 H. Burbridge, b Pass- more .......................... 0 H. H. Buster, not out 20 F. R. Featherstone, b Passm ore................... 0 W . H. P. Barrow, run out ........................... 6 F. C. Robinson, b Passmore .„ ........... 0 J. T. De Coteau, st RymerJones,bNicoll 16 B 6, lb 6, w 2, nb 2 16 Total ...111 G r a n v ille “ A .” E. Rymer Jones, c Morgan, b Palmer... C. S. Carey, c Palmer, b H unter................... J. R. Hollingworth, c Robinson, b Palmer W . S. Pate, b Hunter W . Greer, c Barrow, b Palmer ................... E. R. D. Moulder, b Palmer ................... 16 G. C. Nicoll, c Bevis, b H u n ter.................. 45 R. F. Taylor, not ou t... 33 J. A . Johnston, cj Pal­ mer, b M organ...........12 W .M . Cox,b De'Coteau 2 T. S. Passmore, not out 0 B 6, lb 6 ...........12 Total (9 wkts) 154 GRANVILLE v. CRYSTAL PALACE.—Played at Lee on May 23. C r y sta l P a la c e . J. M. Campbell, c Lay­ man, b Bull ............ 0 D. Elliot Lockhart» run out ................13 H. M. Colegrave, c Havers, b Bull ... 4 L. S. Wells, c Havers, b Bull ................27 W . F. L. Frith, c Havers, b Bull ... 22 A. B. Cipriani, run out 8 G ran ville J.F.Dunlop, c Havers, b Godfrey................... 5 W . Moberly, not out 11 J. Elliot Lockhart, b Bull .......................... 0 F. W . B. Campbell, b Bull .......................... 0 E. T. Lamb, b Havers 7 B 7, lb 1 ........... 8 Total ..105 P. G. Swann, c Dun­ lop, b Frith ...........44 P. P. Lincoln, c J. M. Campbell.bLockhart 20 F. E. Lander, c Cip­ riani, b Dunlop ... 20 J. Wilson, jun.,st Cip­ riani, b J. M. Camp­ bell .......................... 7 W . Morris, st Cipriani, b J. M. Campbell ... 21 C. J. M. Godfrey, not out .......................... 28 F. G. Bull, c Lamb, b J. M . Campbell ... 78 B 5, lb 1, w 2 ... 8 Total (6 wkts.) 226 W AN STEAD v. UPPER CLAPTO N .— Played at Upper Clapton on May 23. U pper C la pto n . E. A. Homer, b Street 46 P. A. Irby, c sub., b Raison ...................16 S. W . Scott, c Rice, b Raison ...................83 J. L. Dickson run out 7 W . W . Robinson, b Street ... ... ..1 2 E. Crabb, b Raison ... 8 W an R. W . Rice, b Scott. . 8 J. W . Bonner, b Scott 31 J. F. Rhodes, b Scott 0 . Street, b Scott ... 14 F. Mundy, c Scott, b Homer ................... 0 C. Raison, not out ... 3 J. S. Jekell, b Street W . J. Sowerby, b Raison ................... P. G. W olf, not out... E. C. Mott, not o u t... B 6, lb 4, nb 1 ... Total ...1 T. E. Peppin, lbw, b S cott......................... 0 R. H . Symonds, not out ...........................11 Byes ................... 3 Total (6 wkts) 70 WANSTEAD (2) v. UPPER CLAPTON (2).—Played at Wanstead on May 2. U pper C lapto n (2). G. T. Miroy, b Knight 32 S. A . Kyffin, c Snell, b B le w .......................... 9 J. Fox, b Blew ........... 8 C. L. Gillard, run out 0 E. B. W ells, c and b B le w ..........................11 C. E, Walsham.b Blew 8 R. H. Pannell, b Blew 3 A. L. Cottingham, run out .......................... J. A. Mackay, c Snell, b K n igh t.................. A. A . Pannell, b Blew A. A. Parkin, not out B 3, lb 2, w 1 ... T otal...................! W a n stead (2). 74 [ J. Knight, run out . W . Jolliffe, not out . B 9, lb 5, w 2 . S. Snell, not out H.S.Bonner,bCottlng' h a m .......................... 32 W . J. Blew, run out... 4 J . H. Hamilton, c Total Pannell, b Cotting­ ham .......................... 0 ' J. S. Abbott, R. T. Parker, J. E. Cockett, W . W . Green, and S. Smith did not bat. ...138 SOUTHGATE v. UNION BANK.—Played at South­ gate on May 25. S o u th g a te . E. P. Sugden, b Chris- t is o n .......................... 8 C. E. Wallace, b Pear­ son ..........................15 F. P. Francis, c Chris- t is o n ..........................110 F. Bryan, b Neville ... 76 D. J. Drake, b Pearson 16 L.D.Smith,bChristison 3 E. W hite did not bat. C. T. Ewart, b Simon 0 R. T. Barker, b Simon 9 J. B. Adams, not out 3 F. H. Hunt, b Christi- son .......................... 7 B 12, lb 4, w 1 ... 17 Total ..*264 Innings declared closed. U n ion B a n k . J. C. Christison, not out ..........................21 S. C. Parson, b Drake 13 G. Simon, not out ... 5 B 2, w 1 ........... 3 E. A. Stevenson, lbw, b Bryan .................. 24 A. G. Lloyd, c Francis, b Ewart .................. 23 W . Simon, c Sugden, b Francis.................. 23 H. Whate, b Bryan ... 0 C. A. Watson, c Sug­ den, b Baker ........... 6 J. C. Robertson, C. Pearson, and A . Neville did not bat. Total ...118 CHARLTON PARK (2) v. DULW ICH (2) —Played at Charlton Park on May 28. D u lw ich . F. Huntly, c Mills, b R. Cowley ........... 0 E. A . Redman, b Thomas .................. 0 G. E. Fawcett, not out 46 T. A. Darke, b Hazle- rigg .......................... 8 W . E. Clayton, b Hazlerigg ........... 6 B. Heasman, b Hazle­ rigg .......................... 6 P. Light, b Hazlerigg 0 R. H. Howard, b Hazlerigg...................11 S. R Altman, b Hazle­ rigg ................. ... 0 R. W . Bullock, b Thomas ................... 3 H .J .Lighton ,bThomas 0 B 1, nb 1 ........... 2 Total . 82 T, Hazlerigg, lbw, b Redman .................. o E. V. Graham, b Red­ man .......................... 3 R. G. Cowley, c Red­ man, b Darke...........84 S. K . Miles, c and b Darke .................. 0 S. Thomas, lbw, b Redman .................. 8 C harlton P a r k . A. A. Jolly, c Red­ man, b Darke........... 7 W.J.Cowley ,bLighton 11 W . H. Swallow, c and b Faw cett................. 18 Capt. Richardson, not out .......................... 5 J. H. Cornish, not out 12 B 3, lb 1, nb 1 ... 5 R. W ild did not bat. Total . 98 M ARQUEES. Second hand. Suitable for every purpose. £0 X 16 ft., £8; 28 X 14 ft., £7 ; 15 X 9 ft., 65/-. Army Bell Tents, 17/6. Complete in every requirement. Best Value. P e te r s & S on s, 44, Tenter Street South, Goodman’s Fields, E. hotels FREQUENTED BY CRICKETERS. Announcements are inserted in this column at a charge of 21s. per annum. Half-inch space , 50 s. per antium. Each Hotel inserting an Advertisement will receive a cojpy o f the paper, by post , free of charge. SO U TH AM P TON . DAVIS’ S HOTEL Facing Station. F. B e n n e tt, Proprietor. P . Morris, S. Scott and A. Sub did not bat. ORDEROF GOING-IN CARDS. OFFICES OF THIS PAPER. PRACTICE NETS put up and removed VERY QUICKLY BY U8ING THE S T E E L G E OM E T R IC C L AW (registered). Fixed (Fig. 2), released (Fig. 4) by a tread of the foot. Those with eyes packed away with net (Fig. 5) ; those with hooks used with running cords. Set of Four, I/- c r i c k e t r t s c k ( registered design ) FOR SCHOOLS, CLUBS, AND HOME. Made in various woods, different in size and price F r o m 1 2 s . t o 4 2 s . The Racks are fixed to a wall and are an ornament to hall, lobby, passage or smoking room, The contents can be seen at a glance, and can be kept under lock and key when the flap at the bottom is closed. SEATHING & CO., MALVERN.