Cricket 1896

G eo . G. B ussey & Co., THE LEADING CRICKET AND SPORTS MANUFACTURERS, 168 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M a y 28 , 1896. o a a —I c c o 5 111 X I - c c 111 > o - J < 09 I - z 111 C3 < If you reach home tired out or are feeling chilly, take a cup o f boil­ ing water and stir in a quarter o f a teaspoonful of LIEBIG COMPANY’S EXTRACT OF BEEF E C O and season to taste. You will find itvery refresh­ ing, satisfying, and invigorating. Every jar you buy should bear the signature of J v. Liebig fin bluej across the label. THEBESTISTHECHEAPESTINTHEEND, ITGOESTHEFARTHEST, City&SouthLondonRailway. T o the O V A L in 1 0 M in u t e s . REGISTERED TRADE. MASH. C. LILYWHITE& Co, WHOLESALE AND RETA IL MANUFACTURERS. THE CELEBRATED “ COMPOUND” HANDLED CRICKET BAT ( b b g d .) 18s. 6d. each, post free. Y outh ’ s size, 10s. 6d. SUPERIOR TREBLE SEAMED BALLS, From 40s. per dozen. Every 1)811is fitted with the original Hand- Made Spring Quilt, and is confidently recom­ mended and Guaranteed. NO MACHINE WORK. SEND FOR LIST OF ALL REQUISITES. HIGH QUALITY. REDUCED PRICES. FREE DELIYERY. C. LILLYWHITE] & Co., SOUTHBOHO’ , TUNBRIDGE WELLS. T E N TS! TENTS !—Good sound Government Bell Tents, 10ft. high, 13ft. diameter, suitable for Bathing, Camping Out, Cricket, Tennis, &c. 16s. 6d. complete. The best in the market.— K n ig h t, Arcade, Lowestoft. ESTABLISHED 1853. T HOMASTWORT &SON? Wholesale and Export Manufacturers of CRICKET BA TS, b a l l s , LEG-GUARDS, etc., etc. Southboro’, Tunbridge Wells, A RM Y BELL TENTS and MARQUEES Direct from Government Stores for sale at low price. Apply to A . C ohkn & Co., 161, Great Dover Street, London, S.E. Telephone, 4863. T r a v e l b y t h e E le c t r ic R a i l w a y — T r a in s e v e r y f o u r m in u t e s . F a r e 2 d . THOMAS C. JENKIN, G e m eb a l M a n a g e r .