Cricket 1896

M a t 28, 1896. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 167 Second Innings. lbw, b Cohen HORNSEY v. GUY’S H O SPITAL.-Played at - Homsey on May 13. H ornsey . First Innings. R. J. Hutchinson, b Clarke 8 b Cohen R. W . Nicholls, b Goddard 15 notout. G. H. Swinstead, b Clarke 0 W . J. L. Brewer, b Goddard 8 E. A . Cox, c and b Nicholls 11 F. H. Swinstead, c and b Goddard .......................... 2 C. Bryer, c Humphrey, b Clarke .................................. T. A . Nicholls, c Wetherell, b G oddard.................. W . H. Davis, c Clarke, Nicholls ................... E. F. Nicholls, not out G. Hart, run o u t........... B 12, lb 4 ........... 38 b Cohen . 39 . 30 . 10 . 4 16 Total ..181 run out.......... b Cohen Leg-bye... T otal... G uy ’ s H ospital . A.E. Clarke, cBrewer, b G. H. Swinstead... 16 E. Cohen, b F. H. Swinstead ........... 3 K . B. Alexander, b F. H . Swinstead........... 0 F. C. Wetherell, run out .......................... 3 F. J. Nicholls, not out 105 K . V. Trubshaw, c Cox, b Brewer...........23 F. W . Sime,b Davis... 11 L. Humphrey, run out 44 E. G. Goddard, b F.H. Swinstead.................. 2 E. B. Ouralt, b F. H. Swinstead.................. 0 F. E. Walker,bBrewer 30 Lb 2, nb 1 ........... 3 Total ...240 PALLINGSW ICK v. MR. E. H. S. BERRIDGE’ S X I.—Played at East Acton on May 19. M r. B e rrid g e’s X I. First innings. E. H. S. Berridge, c Walton, b Clarke .......................... F. J. Goodall, c Cheesman, b B e ll.................................. M. Pavri, b Clarke .......... H. B. Denham, c Clarke, b Bell ............................... F. Resien, b B e ll.................. c Mayo, b H. Goodall, Campbell . Dr. de Vallency, c Haycraft, b B e l l .................................. E. Jowitt, c Cheesman, b Campbell .......................... M. Meadows, c Cheesman, b Bell .................................. C. Bascombe, not ou t........... W . Craven, run out .......... Second innings, b B e ll................... 1 c Mayo, b Budden 16 b Campbell...........23 notout .,. ... 89 st Walton, b H aycraft........... 6 : Haycraft, Bell ........... 6 b Mayo 17 B 9, lb 1 ...133 cB ell,b Haycraft 23 b Campbell........ 19 c Haycraft, b Carter ........... 1 B 7, lb 3, w l... 11 Total ........206 P allingswick . J. S. Haycraft, not out 52 F. S. Mayo, c de Vallency, b Pavri ... 2 B. W . Gonin, b Den­ ham .......................... 2 S. Cheesman, b Den­ ham .......................... 0 H. G. B. Walton, b P a v ri.......................... 5 Bell, c Craven, b Pavri 4 H. J. Piper, run o u t... 1 Dr. A . J. Carter, b Denham .................. A. J. Clarke, c de Vallency, b Pavri... H .A. Budden, c Pavri, b Denham ........... C. Hay Campbell, b Denham ... ........... B 9, lb 1 ........... Total ........... TONBRIDGE SCHOOL v. THE TOW N .-Played at Tonbridge on May 20th. T own . H.F.Kemp,cLangdale, b Le Flem ing.......... 4 J. F. Reynolds, c W. Hutchings, b Cosser 59 J. Le Fleming, c and b Le Flem ing........... 0 H . Harris, c Beeching, b Cosser .................. 12 A. R. Cox, c W . Hutchings, b Cosser 0 T. Pawley, c W . Hutchings, b Cosser 25 R. Airey, c Gale, b Le Fleming ......................95 J. P. S. Hervey, c L a n g d a le , b Le Fleming .................. 1 M. A. Streatfeild, c Beeching, b Mason 26 L. Franks, not out ... 8 H. Nash, b Mason ... 1 C. Hodson, lbw, b Le Fleming .................. 7 B 9, Lb 4 ...........13 Total ... ..251 T onbridge S chool . B. M. T. Gale, c Cox, b Harris .................. 7 L. J. Le Fleming, c Hervey,bLeFleining 76 W . E. C. Hutchings, b Le Fleming ...........35 S.C.A.Co38er,b Pawley 0 A. R. Power, not out 3 C. T. Scott, notout ... 5 B 9, w 1, nb 3 ... 13 Total (4 wkts.) ...189 E. Beeching, F. V. Hutchings, H. A. Collins, E. T. Langdale (capt.), J. Postlewaithe, and G. A . Mason did not bat. LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK (3) v. UNION BANK (2).—Played at Denmark Hill on May 18 and 19. U nion B ank (2). G. Simon, run out ... 4 C. E. Castle, run out 19 R. H. H u g h e s , c J.H.Sm ales,bHaines 0 Maclean, b A. E. J. Whicker, not ou t... 2 Bassindale .......... 50 B 11, lb 2, w 3 ... 16 D. Langridge, not out 40 — J. Stewart, c A. E. Total (5 wkts) *135 B a s s in d a le , b Thompson .......... 4 C. C. Hill, F. Landon, H. Alford, and A. Small did not bat. * Innings declared closed. L ondon and W estm in ster Bank (3). A . W . Maclean, b Hughes .................. 3 A. J. D. Welch, c Castle, b Landon ... 1 H. E. Thomson, not out ..........................33 W . Hunter, b Hughes 1 A. R. Bassindale, run out .......................... 0 B. A. E. Newman, run out .......................... 8 H . Bremner, b Simon T. W , Haines, b Simon A. H. Bassindale, b Simon .................. H. Mortimer, b Simon H. Crossley, b Simon W ide .................. Total .................. STREATHAM v. ST. PAUL’ S SCHOOL.—Played at Kensington on May 23. S t . P aul ’ s S chool . First Innings. H. P. Gibb, c M c- Dougall, b Hooper 27 J. Gibman, b Dawson 0 E. S. Littlejohn, b Parker .................. 5 C. S. Barry, b Parker 0 H. Cundell, c Bailey, b Parker .................. E. Clement-Smith, c McDougall,bHooper 21 Total ...........141 Second Innings: J. Gibman, not out, 0 ; E. Clement-Smitli, c Miller, b Bailey, 24; H. S. Keigwin, c Miller, b Dawson, 13; C. S. Alexander, c Miller, b McDougall, 8 ; B 1, lb 1, w 1,3.—Total (3wkts.) 50. S treatham . 6 H. S. Keigwin, c Rathbone, b Parker 16 J. B. Hart, b Dawson 33 L D. Bailey, b Dawson 11 C. S. Alexander, b Miller ..................11 L. T. Dodd, not out ... 4 B 6, lb 1 ........... 7 N. Miller, c and b Alexander ...........22 C.Candy, c Alexander, b Dodd ..................10 P. B. Parker, b Barry 2 H. L. Dawson, c Gil­ man, b B a rry........... 4 P. Pulbrook, b Barry 0 P. G, Rathbone, c Gibb, b Barry...........32 J. F. Hooper, b Barry 0 A Bailey, b Dodd ... 12 H. J. McDougall, b Barry.......................... 3 F. W . Proctor, bHarry 2 B. H. Woodhouse, not out .................. 0 Lb 1 .................. 1 Total . STREATHAM v. W IM BLEDON—Played Streatham on May 23. S treatham . at A. C. Broadbent, b Holland .................. 4 H. E . Hockley, c Saun­ ders, b Holland ... 8 H. M. Leaf, b Ford .. 25 C. H. Leaf, b Holland 14 H. H. Scott, not out... 85 E. H. Leaf, c and b M u ir ..........................28 H. E. Turner, b Holland .................. 1 J. F. Steedman, b Holland .................. H. W . W ilson, lbw, b Holland Freeman, c Hay, b Leney ................... A. A . Leaf, c Reeves, b Leney .................. B 9, lb2, nb 6 ... Total W imbledon . D. Ford, b Turner ...107 H. W . R. Gribble, c C. H. Leaf, b Free­ man ..........................39 H. Holland, b Hockley 17 F. Reeves, b Hockley W . Muir, b Hockley... F. Hay, run ou t........... H. Leney,cH . M. Leaf, b Scott .................. F. L. Saunders, run out ................... C. Ford, b Turner J. Nesbitt, not out B 10, lb 3 ... Total ... 11 .. 12 .. 7 .. 13 ..209 A. N. 0 ‘her did not bat. TONBRIDGE SCHOOL (2) v. Y.M .C.A.- Tonbridge on May 23. T onbridge S chool . -Played at G. P. Fox, c Killick, b P in k ..........................16 W . R. Williamson, b P a g e .......................... E. Beeching,bBaldwin 37 H. A . Collins, c Sales, b Baldwin ...........25 J. A. D. Langhorae, run out ..................16 T. B. Orr, b K illick... 0 W . H. Scott, c Pink, b Killick .................. 0 G. A . Ticehurst, b Baldwin .................. J. Postlethwaite, b P in k .......................... G. H. Colt, b Page ... V. H. Margary, not out ........................... B 2, lb 5 ......... Total ...........1 Y.M E. Sales, c Collins, b Postlethwaite...........16 W . H. House, run out 4 O. Page, b Postle­ thwaite .................. 3 T. N. Downes, run out 0 A. C. Baldwin, c and b Postlethwaite........... 1 F. Halns, b Beeching 11 P. Gower, b Beeching 1 C.A. P. H. Pink,b William­ son .......................... 10 J. Killick, b Beeching 0 A C .Austin,cTicehurst b W illiam son........... 4 W . Baldwin, notout... 0 B 8 ................... 8 Total .. 58 LONDON AND WESTM INSTER BANK (3) v LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK (2).-P layed at Dulwich on May 20 and 21. L. & W . Bank. A.W.Maclean,b Payne 22 A. H. Bassindale, b A.J.D.W elch, b Payne A. W . Harris, b Payne B. A. E. Newman, b Morris ................... H.E.Thomson,b Payne A. E. Bassindale, c Brownlie, b Payne... W . E. Hunter, c Spear­ ing, b Payne ........... Payne T. W . Haines, not out H. Bremner, lbw, b Payne .................. H. E. Wetherell, b Payne ................... B 3, lb 2, nb 2 ... Total L. J. S. Bank. G. B. Payne, b Haines 8 J. N. Brownlie, c Mac- lean, b Haines.......... 0 C. O. Emra, c Welch, b Thomson ........... 5 E. C. Theobald, c Har­ ris, b Weleh ...........25 G. E. L o c k h a r t , c Maclean, b Welch ... 6 L. Delaroque, b Thom- on ..........................28 E. T. Spearing, c Haines, b Thomson R. H. MacMahon, b Haines .................. E.H.Hudson, c Welch, b H aines.................. H. V. Morren, lbw, b Haines .................. A . Morris, not out ... B 6, lb 1 ........... Total 0 0 7 87 WEST WRATTING PARK v. MAGDALENE COLLEGE (CAMB.)—Played at W est Wratting on May 11. W est W ratting P ark . W . N. Cobbold, c and b Pryde ..................20 F. S. Nisbet, b Roberts 6 W . R. Gray, c and b Pryde..........................22 W . L. B. Hayter, c Simmons, b Pryde... 13 G. M. T. Smyth, c Foster,b Johnson ... 45 A.F.Lumsden, b W at­ son ..........................11 M. Yates, c Foster, b Johnson ..................21 C. Mitford, c Foster, b Johnson ........... 4 W . R. Grieve, b John­ son ......................... 0 D. Macpherson, b Watson .................. 10 R. H. Worley, not out 0 Extras.................. 12 Total .164 M agdalene C ollege . A.W .Watson,c Hayter b Nisbet .................. H. Johnson, b Hayter A. C. Cole, b Nisbet... T. E. Roberts, c JVIac- pherson, b Hayter... V. Brooke,b N isbet... M. Simmons, b Nisbet S. S. Kay, b Hayter ... D. Pryde, b Hayter ... R. C. N. Foster, b Hayter .................. E. Carlile, c Mitford, b Nisbet .................. D . Legard, not out ... Extras.................. Total ........... STREATHAM v. UPPER TOOTING.-Played at Streatham on May 25. U pper T ooting . First Innings. R. R. Sandilands, lbw, b Hockley..................11 J. A. Lyon, b Hockley 15 b 14 D. E. Bartley, c Miller, b Hockley................... J. H. Lindsay, b Sul- W . P. Toone, b Sul- man .......................... C. A. S. Ridout, not out ......................... Byes .................. 8 F. G. Thome, M ortim er.......... T. W . Hemmerde, Hockley .......... D. H. Butcher, Hockley .......... R. M. Harvey, c Candy, b Hockley ... 11 Rev. H. G. S. Gill, c and b Hockley ... 12 Second Innings.—R. R. Sandilands, not out, 53 ; R. M. Harvey, c F. W . Leaf, b Sulman, 8 ; D. E. Bartley, b Sulman, 16; W . P. Toone, not out, 31; C. A . S. Ridout, b Hockley, 2 ; byes, 3.—Total, 113. Total ...106 S treatham . N. Miller, b Lindsay... 26 A. C. Broadbent, b Bartley ...................10 H. M. Leaf, c Thome, b Sandilands ...........44 L. Mortimer, b Sandi­ lands ......... ... 35 H. H. Scott, c Sandi­ lands, b Lindsay ... 4 C. H. Leaf, c Butcher, b Bartley................... 8 H. E. Hockley, b Lind­ say .......................... 3 E. H. Leaf, b Lindsay 0 R. G. Candy, b Lind­ say ..........................16 F. W . Leaf, b Lindsay 1 F. G. Sulman, not out 13 B 16, lb 1, nb 1... 18 Total ......... 178