Cricket 1896

166 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M a y 2 8 , 1896. BR IXTO N WANDERERS v. STEYNING.—Played at Steyning on May 23. B rixton W an d erers . First innings. Second innings W . A. Gilligan, b Hobbs ... 4 c Duke, b Hobbs 27 F. Odell, b Green................... 2 c P. Breach, b Featherstone... 25 H. Mason, lbw, b Turner ... 23 c White, b Turner 0 C. Hogg, c Lewis, b Green... 0 b Hobbs ........... 14 F. P. Rider, c and b Hobbs 3 b Featherstone... 10 E.H. Cross,c Hobbs,b Green 4 cDuke,b Feather­ stone................... 0 F. E. Thomson, b Turner... 19 b Turner ........... 13 S. Thurston, not o u t ........... 23 c M. Breach, b Turner ........... 4 F.R.Lloyd,cBreach,bTurner 0 st P. Breach, b Hobbs ........... 6 B. Andrade, b Turner........... 1 not out................... 2 A . Turner, b T u rn er........... 0 b Turner ........... 4 B y e s........................... 6 Byes ........... 3 Total ................... 85 Total...........108 S te y n in g . First innings. Second innings A . Duke, c Thomson, b Gilligan ........................... 23 b Rider ........... 17 G.Featherstone, c Thomson, b Mason ........................... 0 c Odell, b Rider 0 C.M. Lewis, c and b Gilligan 2 G. Gatland, b M ason........... 11 c Thomson, b Rider ........... 0 A . G. White, b Mason 0 P. Breach, b Mason ........... 0 not out................... 2 W . Turner, st Lloyd, b Gilligan ........................... 1 Y.Hobbs, c Odell, b Gilligan 0 not out................... 3 W . J. May, not out ........... 6 b Thurston.......... 2 P. M. Breach, st Lloyd, b Gilligan ........................... 4 A . Green, c and b Gilligan 0 c H ogg,b Odell... 13 Extras........................... 0 B 4, w 1........... 5 Total ................... 47 Total (5 wkts) 42 FOREST H IL L v. NORTHBROOK. — Played at Forest Hill on May 25. F orest H il l . First innings. Second innings. H .M.Watmough, b Higham 22 not out ........... 6 F. Balkwill, b Higham ... 17 c Springthorpe, b Smith ...........12 C .S.J. Douglas,b S.Goodall 38 c H. Goodall, b Smith ...........83 P. J. Stanford, c Butler, b S. G oodall........................... 9 absent................... 0 W . L. Pierce, b S. Goodall 17 c Butler, b H. Goodall L . V . Cockell, c sub, b S. Goodall ........................... 0 F. Skipper, c Murphy, b H. Goodall ........................... 7 b H. Goodall L. B. Meredith, lbw, b H. Goodall ........................... ... 23 c H. Goodall, b D. Goodall ...........23 47 W . C. Elborough, not out... 2 C. J. Welchman, b H. lbw, b Spring­ thorpe ...........14 c Murphy, b H igh am ...........20 Goodall ...........................10 b Springthorpe... 13 M. Reichert, b S. Goodall... 0 c and b Spring­ thorpe ........... 3 Extras ...................10 Extras ... 6 F orest H il l . T o t a l...................132 N o r th b r o o k . A . H. Smith, c El­ borough, b W elch­ man .......................... 0 C. O. Springthorpe, c Watmough, b Balk- will ........................... 1 T o ta l...........250 C. Higham, c Reichert, b Welchman ...........15 A . W ilton, b Balkwill 6 H . Goodall, c W at­ mough, b Reichert 37 D. Goodall, b W elch­ man .......................... 7 J. W . Knowles, c El­ borough, b W elch­ man ........................... 4 S. Goodall, c W at­ mough, b Balkwill 3 W . D. Butler, c Cockell, Reichert ...................15 E. Wightwick, c El­ borough, bWelchman 0 H. Murphy, not out... 6 Extras ........... 2 Total ... 96 FOREST H IL L (2) v. ADDISCOMBE (2).—Played at Forest Hill on May 23. A ddiscom be . C.S.Desprez,bReichert 16 D . M. Roberts, c and b H ill.......................... 17 G. A . Martin, c Rew, b H ill..........................13 H. G. Roberts, c Seel, b H ill.......................... 2 G. A . Lambert, not out 31 C. M. Pascall, c and b Hill .......................... 0 H. V . Green, run out 3 H. A . Flint, c Trot­ ter, bReichert ... 6 J. T. Barker, st Seel, b Reichert ...........12 A. Pulford, c Seel, b Healy ................... 0 H. P. Moore, b Rei­ chert ........................... 0 Extras................... 3 Total ...103 F. Healy, c Barker, b Moore ................... 0 W . S. Holt, b Moore 9 H. Green, c Roberts, b Pascall ................... 0 F. Gould, c Lambert, b P a scall...................24 C. Rew, b Pascall ... 30 M. Reichert, b Moore 8 F. Seel, c Roberta, b Moore ................... 3 F. Woodman, c Bar­ ber, b Moore ...........12 H. Lanham, b Barber 2 G. Hill, not o u t........... 7 J. G. Trotter, b Moore 4 Extras.................. 3 Total ..102 ITINERANTS v. NORWOOD wood on May 23. N o rw o o d . R. S. Rogers, b Cryer 11 A . French, c Cryer, b Stone............................ 1 F. S. Hallam, b Stone 1 A . P. Roe, c W . Buck, b Cryer .................. 42 S. Hollands, c and b Cryer............................ 5 E. F. Elliott, c P. Hoe, b Stone ......................15 D. Gillespie, c P. Hoe, b Cryer ......................21 I tin eran ts . -Played at Nor- W . J. Goodwin, c sub., b A . H o e .................. 10 C. A . Checkland, c P. Hoe, b Cryer ........... 6 M. D. Hallam, c Stone, b A. H o e .................. 1 P. S. May, not out ... 0 B 5, lb 1 ........... 6 Total .119 H. Holmes, c Check­ land, b Gillespie ... 7 J. C. Stone, c Rogers, b Gillespie ........... 0 H. G. Cryer, b Rogers 6 H . M. Blake, run out 8 A . Holmes, c Good­ win, b Rogers......... 11 A. S. Hoe, b Gillespie 3 F. H e p p e n s t a ll, c French, b Gillespie 0 P. W . Hoe, c May, b G illespie.................. 11 F. J. Buck, c Gillespie, b R o g e rs.................. 5 W . H. Buck, not out 5 B 4, lb 2 ........... 6 Total 62 THE RO YAL N AV AL SCHOOL v. THE MASTERS.—Played at Eltham on Ascension Day. T h e S chool . H . L. Barnett, b Hen- wood .......................... 35 C. A . Maeers, b Hen- wood ...........................40 A . W . G. Ridings, b H enw ood................... 0 G. V. Rayment, not out ........................... 0 E.C.Ogle,bRichardson 5 G. A . Rovsmale-Cocq, b Richardson........... 2 H. D. Black, not out... 34 S. Herbert, b Richard­ son .......................... 4 W . R. Heath, b Hen- wood .......................... 0 L. James, b Mintoon 7 J. H. Robinson, b Mintoon .................. 0 B 22, lb 2 ...........24 Total ...151 T he M a sters . E. W . Rhodes, lbw, b Herbert ...................14 C.M. Mintoon, b Black 1 G.R.Joyce, lbw, bCocq 47 A.E.Henwood, notout 30 A . L. Filkin, c Black, b Cocq ... ........... 0 Rev. R. P. Brown, run out .......................... 0 E. L. Richardson, b Herbert ................... 4 Rev. A . Cross, absent. Rev.H.R. Humphreys, c Black, b Ridings M. J. Osborn, c James, b Ridings................... Sergt. W . Mogford, c Barrett, b Herbert B .......................... Total 5 2 ..113 HORNSEY v. CHRIST’S COLLEGE.—Played at Finchley on May 16. H ornsey . R. J. Hutchinson, Box .......................... 20 E. W . Carter, st W al­ dron, b Goodyear ... 4 W. H. Davis, c Mence, b Jose ...................40 W . J. L. Brewer, lbw, b Goodyear ...........30 H. Collingridge, b Fennell ...................17 F. O. Tubby, b Fennell 1 A . G. Jamieson, c Jose, b Box.......................... 6 C h r is t’ s J. T. Phillipson, b Bryer.......................... 12 E. J. Smyth, b Bryer 3 S. W . Jose, b Bryer ... 0 L. A . Fennell, b Bryer 4 J. B. Goodyear, c Bryer,bT.A.Nicholls 35 W . H. Mence, run out 0 A . J. Smith, c Colling­ ridge, b Bryer...........10 Second Innings.—E. J. Nicholls, 18; S. W . Jose, b Hutchinson, 0. B 4, lb C. Bryer, c Jose, b Box .......................... E. F. Nicholls, b Phillipson.................. J. A. Waterer, b Jose T. A . Nicholls, not out .......................... B 23,lb 2 ........... Total ...........] C olleg e . C. F. Rowden, Bryer................... C. J. Waldron, b T, Nicholls ........... A . E. Smart, not F. M. Box, b T Nicholls ........... B10, w 3 ... Total ... Smyth, c Bryer, b not out, 24 ; A . J 2, w 1.—Total, 49. b .. 10 . A. 0 out 7 A. ... 0 ... 13 ... 94 E. F. Smith, C RICKET.—Wanted im m ed ia tely. Copy April 13th, 1893, and two copies April 16th, l«y4. Lowest price, etc., to A.B. c/o Cricket, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C. GOLDSMITHS’ INSTITUTE v. M ITCHAM (2). —Played at New Cross on May 23. G oldsm iths ’ I n stitu te . P. Brownfield, not out 70 H. E MurreU, c Nash, b Peters ................... 7 W .H . Joanes, c Pullin- ger, b Hudson........... 5 F. Ladd, c Freeman, b Peters.......................... 6 L . T. Easton, cPullin- ger, b Peters ...........11 J •T. Reed, b Hudson 0 G. T. White did not bat. S. R. Best, b Pullinger 10 R. Windebank, c Har­ wood, b Freeman ... S. J. Holmes, not out B 6, w 1, nb 1... Total *132 * Innings declared closed. M itch am . E. Nash, c and b Windebank ........... J. Pillinger, b Murrell A . R. Harwood, Ladd, b Windebank G. W . Harwood, c Murrell, b Holmes W . H.Russell, runout R. Freeman, run out W . Peters, not out ... P. Shoebridge, b Murrell ................ G. Hudson, c Ladd, b Murrell .................. A . Champion, c Murrell, b W inde­ bank ........................... Bye ........... Total 31 LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK v. LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK.—Played at Denmark Hill on May 21, 22 and 23. L. J. S. Hughes, st Manfield, b Snell ...................36 Dicksee, c Bradbery, b Snell ...................11 W . Etherington, st Manfield, b Snell ... 10 J. H. Cumings, b Snell 0 E. M. Harris, b Snell 0 G. H. Ashbery, b Pod­ more ........................... 0 H . M. Scammel, b Podmore ................... B an k . W . A. Dubois, not out .......................... W . H. Fryer, c Brad­ bery, b Podmore ... G. D. Finch, b Pod­ more .......................... P. G. Reading, c Simpson, b Snell ... B 9, lb 3, w 1 ... C. A. Snell, c Dubois, b Ashbery ...........14 F.F. Musson, cDubois, b Harris ...................24 G. Raby, b Dicksee ... 12 A . G. Gough, c sub., b Ashbery ................... 6 6 W. B an k . Total H. O. Manfield, not out ..................... 18 C. J. Bowman, not out ..................... 8 B 8, lb1 ............ 9 Total (4 wkts.) 91 H. B. Squire, C. S. J. Douglas, J. Bradbery, C. C. Simpson, and A. Podmore did not bat. ADDISCOMBE v. FOREST .H ILL.—Played at Addiscombe on May 25. F orest H il l . F. Skipper, b Hughes 1 C. Welchman, b Hughes .................. 6 L. B. Meredith, b Perrin ................... 0 C. J. S. Douglas, b S. C. Purser...................38 W . Pierce, c A. W ilt­ shire, b Hughes ... 0 C. Squires, c and b Perrin ...................21 L. Y. Cockell, b S. W iltshire...................28 C.Elborough,bHughes 19 Watmough, b E. W ilt­ shire ...........................40 F. Balkwill, not out... 42 H. O. Green, not out... 9 B 12, lb 3 ...........15 Total (9 wkts) 219 E. Wiltshire, b Welch­ man .......................... N . E. Cutler, c Pierce, b Squires................... A . Hughes, run out ... J. H. Purser, b Welch­ man .......................... S. Wiltshire, b Welch­ man .......................... P.AUen, lbw, b Welch­ man .......................... A ddiscom be . J. R. Coulthard, c Watmough,bCockell 20 T. F. Perrin, b W elch­ man .......................... 9 A . Wiltshire, not out 28 R. J. Grant, b Balk­ will .......................... S. C. Purser, run out 0 Byes ...................16 Total .160 EM ERITI v. ST. CHARLES COLLEGE.—Played at St. Charles College Ground on May 21. E m e r iti . E. J. Rodriguez, not out ...........................125 Lord Southwell, run out ........................... 1 C. D . Ross, c Foley, b W right ......................21 E. W . Smythe, b Wright ................... 7 C. S. Dean, not out ... 54 B 15,1b 3,wb 2,nb 1 21 Total (3 wkts)*229 J. G. O’Brien, I. B. Bowring, F. Brennan, B. A. Smyth Piggott, C. C. Payne, and T. H. Luke did not bat. *Innmg8 declared closed. S t . C h arles C ollege . C. Poole, b Smythe ... H. Brenan, b Dean ... F. Whelan, b Smythe F. Binning, b Dean ... W . Brewer, not o u t... Ma8len,lbw, b Smythe 43 J. F. Wright, b Bow­ ring ..........................44 W . u. Foley, c Bow­ ring, b Bowring ... 10 J. 1. Curran, b Dean 4 U . Oschwald, c Bow­ ring, b D e a n ........... 4 R . Acton, b Smythe... 9 Second Innings.—J. F, \Vright, not out, 14; W . G. Foley, not out, 29. Total, 43. B 20, lb 3, nb 2 ... 25 Total ...........145