Cricket 1896

M a y 28 , 1896. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 165 OXFORD UNIVERSITY v. SOMERSET. At Oxford on May 21 and 22. Oxford won by an innings and 107 runs. In this match the Oxford team were seen to very great advantage, partly because the weather was very much in their favour. After making a total of 314, of which Messrs. Warner, Bosworth-Smith, Mor­ daunt, Leveson-Gower, Bardswell, and Waddy had something like equal shares, they were able to put Somerset in on a wicket affected by rain. Under these circumstances it is not surprising that the visitors made a poor show, for when the wicket helps them the Oxford bowlers are deadly. Mr. Cunliffe and Mr. Waddy had excellent analysis in the firstinnings, while in the second Mr. Cunliffe and Mr. Raikes were unchanged. On the Somerset side nobody showed up with great prominence,the only good scores being made by Mr. Palairet, Mr. Hill, and Mr. Stanley. The inclusion of Mr. Waddy in the Oxford team has strengthened the bowling considerably; even on a good wicket he seems able to do well. O xforix U n iv e r sity . P. F. Warner, c Stan- I • ley, b Tyler .......... 40 B.N. Bosworth-Smith, b N ichols.................. 36 F. L. Fane, c Nichols, b Tyler ................... 0 G. J. Mordaunt, c Hill, b N ich ols..................58 C. C. Pilkington, c and b Tyler .................. 2 H . D. G. Leveson- Gower, b W oods ...41 A. Eccles, b N ichols... 0 S om erset . First innings. L. C. H. Palairet, c Lewis, b Cunliffe ..........................27 C. J. Robinson, c Raikes, b W addy.................................. 0 H. T. Stanley, c Bardswell, b Waddy ..........................10 S. M. J. W oods, c Bardswell, b W addy .......................... 9 Y. T. Hill, b W a d d y ...........25 Dr. F. J. Poynton, run out 19 Nichols, c Mordaunt, b Pilkington.......................... 8 G.B.Raikes,c Palairet, b W o o d s .................. 22 G. R. Bardswell, not out ..........................66 P. S. Waddy, c and b Palairet ..................32 F. H. E. Cunlitfe, st Wickham,b Palairet 2 R. P. Lewis, b W oods 9 B 5, lb 1 ........... 6 Total ..314 R. B. Porch, Cunliffe Warner, b . 26 Tyler, c Waddy, b Cunliffe 0 C. A . Bernard, not out 1 Smith (W .), b Cunliffe ... 3 Rev. A . P. Wickham, c Lewis, b Cunliffe ........... 5 B 11, nb 2 ............... 13 Second innings. i Mordaunt, b Cunliffe ........... { 3 Bardswell, b Raikes ........... ■ 3 Bardswell, b Cunliffe ...........2< b Cunliffe ........... ! c Lewis, b Raikes i stLewis,bCunliffe I c Eccles, b Cun­ liffe .................. S c Raikes, b Cun­ liffe .................. i c Lewis, b Raikes 5 not out.................. ( c C u n liffe , b Raikes ........... ( cWarner,bRaikes 0 B 6, nb 1... 7 Total Total... 61 O xford U n iv e r sity . Tyler . Smith . Nichols . O. M. R. W . 41 6 109 3 21 8 36 0 35 19 72 3 O. M. R. W . Palairet 10 0 40 2 W oods... 21 10 51 3 Waddy... Cunliffe Raikes ... Pilkington Bardswell S om erse t. First Innings. O. M. R. W . 37 19 51 4 ... 36-417 15 49 5 13 0 12 6 11 1 1 9 0 Second Innings. O. M. R. W . ... 22-311 23 6 ... 22 9 31 5 W addy bowled one and Cunliffe two no-balls. HONOR OAK v. LEYTON.—Played at Leyton on May 16. L eyto n . G. F. Higgins,bBelleni 51 H.Hailey, c Chapman, b B elleni.................. 67 A . Law, c Burton, b Belleni .................. 2 H. Thorpe, b W ilkie... 4 F. Walker, lbw, b Belleni .................. 25 D. Christie, b Bellini... 0 H onor O a k , E. J. Watts, c Jones, b B ellen i.................. F. Whitlock, b W ilkie P. Louis, b Wilkie ... H. G. T. Lee,notout... A. N. Other, absent. B 15, lb 2, w l ... 18 Total ... G.S. Harrison,cHailey, b H iggins.................34 H . Burton, c Walker, b Higgins.................. 26 E. Chapman, c Lee, b Louis.......................... 37 F. Belleni, b Louis ... © T. E. Pilling, c and b Higgins ..................21 J. Johnson, not o u t ... 2 F. Harrison, c Hailey, b Lewis .................. 0 B 5, lb 3, nb 1 ... 9 ■ Total (6 wkts) 138 C. Barton, P. Carmichael, A. Jones, and F. Wilkie did not bat. ARMY COLLEGE, HEATH END, v. 3rd (KING’ S OWN) HUSSARS.—Played at Heath End on May 19. 3 rd H ussars . Capt. Oswald, c and b Campbell..................46 Sergt. Lightfoot, c Varney, b Campbell 2 H. S. Laverton, c Da- rell, b Varney.......... 16 A. A. Kennedy, c Da- rell,b Bannerman.. W.G.Murray,c White, b Gibb .................. G. Madden, c Darell, b Gibb .................. W . M. Tower, c Lygm, b Bannerman.......... 6 A. M. Tabor, c Welch, b Campbell ...........15 Sergt. Birch, b Gibb... 0 Pte. Pearce, c White, b Campbell .......... 2 M. Kortright, not out 6 B 3, lb 3, w 1 ... 7 Total ...117 A rmy C olleg e . R.C.Welch,b Laverton 23 G. H. Price, c Light­ foot, b Birch .......... 6 E. Gibb, b Oswald ... 94 L. D. Spencer, not out 70 Varney, c Laverton, b Oswald ..................66 R. C. Campbell, b Pearce ................... 0 O. W . E. Bannerman, b O sw ald................... 6 B 15, lb 1 ..............16 Total (6 wkts) 281 H . P. White, W . B. Dunlop,L. E.Darell,and Hon. D. Lygm did not bat. EMERITI v. MESSRS. NASH & CORBALLIS’ X I. —Played at Famham Castle on May 16. G. H. Nevile, lbw, b Newcombe ...........58 J.F.Hope,bNewcombe 8 J. G. O’Brien, b New­ combe ................... 7 J.E.B. Loftus, b New­ combe .................. 3 E. W . Smythe, b New­ combe ................... 5 T. H. Luke, b Dick- Cunyingham ........... 3 J. Smith, b Newcombe 2 M essrs. N a sh i J. Wyberg, b O’ Brien 8 Corp.Drewell,b Nevile 24 W . H. Newcombe, run out ..........................21 R. H. Dick-Cunying- ham, lbw, b Nevile 0 L. Bengough, c Hope, b N e v ile ......... ... 12 D.Bengough,bSmythe 8 R. L. Gould, c Kelly, b Nevile ..................19 E m e r iti . B.J.Belton, c Wyberg, b Newcombe ........... F. J. Kelly, b New­ combe .................. J. Carter, c Corballis, b Dick-Cunyingham Rev.E.D.Finch Smith, not out ................... Extras.................. Total ...........J C o r b a llis ’ X I. J. F. Corballis, Smythe ........... W . Windebank, Nevile ........... D. Govan, not out H . D. Beamish, Nevile ........... B 13, lb 1, nb Total ... b ... 9 b ... 14 ... 7 b ... 0 2 ... 16 ...138 PANTHER v. NEWHAVEN.—Played at New- haven on May 25th. P a n th e r . E.W . Mantle, b Young W . L. Bayley, st Weller, b Young ... 10 A . E. D. Lewis, not out ............................101 A. W . Harpur, c Weller, b Bott. ... 24 P. Newton, b Bott ... 0 R. Heame, c and b D ew dney......................10 S. Silverthorne, b Percy .................. 1 W . H. D. Williams, lbw., b Percy...........19 B. W . Green, b Bott 12 E. Dos Santos, b Bott 1 J. Day, b Coppard ... 1 Extras ...........10 Total ..190 N e w h a v e n . E. Marrable, not out 28 J. Percy, not out ... 5 Extras ........... 7 J. Coppard, b Lewis ... 17 F. Baldwin, b Newton 16 F. W . Bott, c Lewis, b Harpur ..................79 R. W . Dewdney, c Dos Total Santos, b Bayley ... 6 S. Young, c and b Lew is..........................87 J. Hayward, S. Upton, G. C. Weller, and G. Robinson did not bat. PRESCOTT DIMSDALE v. LONDON AND PRO­ VINCIAL BANK.—Played at Catford Bridge on May 20 and 21. L ondon and P rovincial B ank Case, b Hills Ingersoll, b Hills Murray, b H ills........... Curry, c Coppinger, b Ilsley.......................... Bolding, b Hills.......... Holmes, c and b Vaughan .................. Potter, c Rowledge, b H ills .......................... 11 Bryett, b Hills ........... Anderson, b Vaughan W ebb, not out ........... Loney, b Hills ........... B 7 ,lb 1 ........... Total ........... L . H. Brewitt, b Case 2 L. G. Ilsley, b Holmes 0 F. E. Hills, run out ... 14 W.Rowledge,bHolmes 3 L. V . Caudwell, b Holmes ..................48 W . H. Coppinger, lbw, b Ingersoll .......... 26 J. H. Dimsdale, c W ebb, b Holmes ... 4 P rescott D im sdale . H. E. Harris, b Holmes ...................15 F. J. Vaughan,c sub., b Ingersoll ........... 0 C. Ledger, b Ingersoll 6 W . H. Jones, not out 0 Byes ...................14 Total ,..132 GOLDSMITHS’ INSTITUTE (2) v. CATFORD (2).— Played at Catford on May 25. G oldsmiths ’ I n stitu te . First innings. A. W ive, b Grant.................. 5 J. E. De Gruchy, b Grant... 4 H. Y. Bullock, b Grant ... 1 R. Windebank,b Goldie ... 1 S. R. Best, b Grant ........... 0 F. Bowler, b Goldie ........... 2 J. A. T. Good, b Goldie ... 14 H. Joanes, b Goldie ........... 0 H.Knapton,cHooke,bGoldie 5 H. J. Vezey, b Grant...........14 J. Gill, not out .................. 0 B y e s .......................... 2 T o ta l.................. 48 Second innings, c Goldie, b Grant 0 b Grant b Grant lbw, b Goldie not out........... b Grant b Goldie b Grant run out.......... b Grant b Goldie ... B 7, lb 1... T otal... 14 10 25 2 6 2 0 0 1 0 C atfo rd . G. Cannon, b Bullock 19 ! H. Radley, b Bullock 0 A.Part, lbw, b Bullock 56 W . Gowan, b Bullock 12 A.W.Goldie,b Bullock H.B.Barker, b Bullock L. Slade, b Bullock ... H. Hooke, bBullock... W . Grant, c Winde­ bank, b Bullock ... R. Knechtli, c W inde- banke, b Bullock ... 27 H. B. Smart, not out 2 B 9,1b 7, w 1 ... 17 Total PALLINGSW ICK v. KENSINGTON. W ood Lane on May 25. ..178 t -Played a K e n s in g to n First innings. W . B. Jacks, b Hebden ... 3 F. E. W ood, c Sanderson, b Hebden ..........................25 J. W . Kahrel, b Hebden ... 37 De Lissa, c and b Hebden... 0 E. B. Todd, c Lewin, Hebden ....................... J. H. Appleby, b Lewin , B. M. Waldock, run out . W . R . Jacks, b Mayo ... , F. Briggs, c Sanderson, Hebden ........................ E. Watson, b Hebden H. W . Edwards, not out . Second innings. b Budden ........... 2 b K iem an ..............31 b Hebden ........... 8 b K iem an ........... 0 b K iem an ........... 0 cBudden,b Lewin 20 b Lewin ........... 0 notout.................. 28 notout...................11 B 5, lb 2, nb 2 9 Total ... .. 128 Total ...109 H. A. Budden, c W al­ dock, b T o d d .......... 15 W . B. Chalmers, b E dw ards.................. 7 M. T. La Thangue, c Todd, b De Lissa ... 9 F. Hebden, b De Lissa 6 J. C. Clay, b Todd ... 0 F. S. Mayo, c Briggs, b De Lissa ........... 2 A.J.Carter,lbwb Todd 10 P allin g sw ick . F. Sanderson, b De L issa.......................... 0 H. Lewin, c and b De Lissa.......................... 46 A . de Vallency, b De Lissa.......................... 6 J. F. Kieman, not out ..........................26 B 5, lb 3 ........... 8 Total ..135 PALLINGSW ICK v. KENSINGTON.—Played at East Acton on May 25. K ensington . C. E. Bloomer, b Campbell 13 b Campbell........... 2 E. T. Davis, c Collins, b Campbell .......................... 7 not out....................19 J. Briggs, b Collins ...........10 not out....................35 T. B. Jenner, b Campbell... 27 S. M. Wheatley, c Heyne- mann, b C am pbell........... 2 E. V. Gardiner, lbw, b Collins.................................. 5 b Collins ............ 1 J. A. Watts, c Tyacke, b Cheesman..........................15 E. Hemingway, b Tyacke .. 34 S.Dux,c Collins, b Campbell 10 H. R, Payn, not out ........... 0 L. de Montezuma, absent... 0 Heynemann, Collins B 10, lb 7, nb 1 5 Carter, b Mel- huish 18 70 B 24, lb 2, w 5 31 Total ... ...141 Total (4 wkts) 193 F. S. Heynemann, b G ardiner..................71 B. A . C a r t e r , c Wheatley, b Watts 15 S. Cheesman, b Watts 16 E. M. Hamilton, c Jenner, b Gardiner 50 H. J. Piper, run out... 3 F. H. Tyacks, c Davis, b Montezuma...........26 E.A.Collins, st Briggs, b Montezuma...........19 P allin g sw ick . H. W . Burnside, b Montezuma ........... 3 R. W . Melliuish, st Briggs, b Gardiner 3 C. H. Campbell, c Davis, b Montezuma 3 A. B. Dampier, not out .......................... 5 B 4, lb 1, ........... 5 Total ...219 S URREY X I. IN 1895—A Descriptive Record of the matches played in that season, with Batting and Bowling Averages and Portraits of the Team. Price, 3d.; by post, 4d. Obtainable at Bookstalls, Newsagents, or of Messrs. Merritt & Hatcher, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C.