Cricket 1896

M a t 21, 1896. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 159 COBBETT’S CRICKET BAT CO., Limited. Sole Manufacturers of the “ COBBETT ” BAT. Factory—56, Capland Street, Grove Road, Marylebone, London, N.W. ■ ■WHOLESALE AND EXPO RT. (W ITH IN THREE MINUTES W ALK OP LO R D ’ S .) E A C H B A T B E A R S A R E G I S T E R E D Cobbett’s “ Jubilee Patent Gutta Percha Driver," with patent handle, also manufactured in Youths' sizes, special attention being paid to weight and balance. COBBETT’S ALL-CANE SPRING HANDLE BAT, SPECIALLY SELECTED AND SEASONED FOB HOT CLIMATES. C. C. B. Co. haye a good stock of well-seasoned Bats and Wood, and all requisites for the game, to which they invite inspection T H E E V E N T O F 1896. The Latest Patent Cricket Bat. After many ex­ periments and pro­ tracted trials, F ra n k Sugg has at last succeeded in pro­ ducing a Handle, whicli,f rom his prac­ tical knowledge, he has no hesitation in asserting is abso­ lutely superior to any other Patent Handle in use at the present time. Section showing top of handle, p a te n t a p p lie d f o r “ LANCASHIRE W I T C H , ” 17s . G d . c a c h . Carefully Selected Canes, Superior Straight- Grained Blades. FRANK SUGG, 32, Lord St., Liverpool. • * * TENTS. Bell tents. Square Tents. Marquees. For lawns, bathine, cricket, camping out. New and secondhand. Before purchasing write postcard for list.— W illia m M o o r e , Lauderdale Buildings, Aldersgate, London. * * * T ENTS, TENTS, suitable for gardens, cricket, or camping out purposes, 40ft. in circumference, pegs, poles, mallet, and lines complete (with tent bag included. These tents are white, and have only been used a little'by Her Majesty’s Government, aid originally co>t over £6 each. I will send one complete for 30s. Can be sent on approval. N .B .—I have a quantity of tents from I5s. to 25s. each, but the tents which please my customers are those I send out at 3('s. each. Price list of marquees (any size) post free. —H ENRY JOHN GASSON, Government Contractor, Rye. Sussex. ‘OVAL’CRICKETBOT Best Russet, Calf, Lace. Sewn with or with­ out Spikes. Retail Price, 10s. Gd. ; Factory Price, 7s. lOd. Siza of foot and P.O.O. to TheATHLETIC SHOECo., 1, SUN COURT, MILTON STREET, E.C. T EN TS.-Tents, second-hand Government Bell Tents, 40ft. in circumference, with lines, pegs, &c., 17/6 each. Dozen quantities cheaper. Cash with order.— W o o d & S ons, Government Contractors, Brandon Street, Walworth, London. W ANTED TO PURCHASE.-Bookcase in oak or deal grained, size about 8 feet high by 5 feet 6 inches wide, not less than 12 or 14 inches deep’— Address, with full particulars and price, L ib r a r ia n , Cricket Office, lt8, Upper Thames Street, E.C. J . L Y O N S & S O 22&23, REDCROSS ST., CRIPPLEGATE, LONDON AND 8 , CHURCH ST., MANCHESTER. m anufacturers of REGISTERED MARYLEBONE & ALL ENGLAND CR ICK E TING BAGS, GOLF CADDIES Sc FOO T BA L L BAGS- pR IC K E T 1 CAUTION ! Messrs. J. LYONS and SONS, 22 and 23 , Red Cro-s-street, Cripplegate, London, E.C., and 8 , Church-street, Manchester, Manufacturers ol the ORIG INAL kEGISTERFD MARYLEBONE and ALL ENGLAND CRICKET Bag-', regret that they have to caution the public against purchasing bags pirating their designs of interior quality None are genuine unless bearing the registered trade mark stamped on the bottom of each Dag, viz., "THE MARYLE­ BONE” and “ THE ALL ENGLAND.” To te obtained from all respectable cricketing establishments, or wholesale of the above, l’rice Lists upon application. p R I C K K T ! C A U T I O N ! “ THE M a ry leb on e’ ^ C rick e t Bat Bag (Registered No. 7 , 351 ) and “ The ALL ENGLAND" (Registered No. 7 , 352 ). Any person making use of these titles without our authority will render themselves liable to legal proceedings.—J. LYONS AND SONS, 22and 23, Red Cross-street, Cripplegate, London, E.C., and 8 , Church-street, Manchester. A pology . Messrs J. Lyons and Sons, Kidderminster. Gentlemen,—If I have in any way infringed your rights by using the word Marylebone in invoice of cricket bags, I apologise for having clone so. I was, however, ignorant that the word was used by you as a Trade Mark, and I will for the future discontinue the use of it as applied to bags of my manufacture. I am, Gentlemen, yours obediently, (Signed) BENJAMIN ANKRETT. GRADIDGE’S Celebrated CRICKETBATS & BALLS} r 4 :(lijjI 1 A Splendid Stock of well-seasoned BATS and BALLS to select’from. Special Terms to Clubs and Schojls jjgj GRADIDGE'S“ImperialDriver,”“ExtrasSpecial,”pan(i “Special Selected" B A T S A N D S U P E R I O R M A T C H B A L ALL MANUFACTURED ON THE PREMISES. PRICE LISTS FREE. OOOOCZJOOOQOOOC^OOOC^OOOC^OOOCDOOa Factory: AHTILIiERY PLAGE, WOOLWIGH, liOflDON, S.E.