Cricket 1896

158 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M a y 21 , 18 96. EPSOM v. BANSTEAD.—Played at Epsom on May 16. Epsom . L. F. W . Ledger, c Gilbert, b Ransom... 12 E. A. Field, b Gilbert 22 R. O. Crawford, b Ransom ................... 5 A. J. Green, c Taylor, b Randall...................42 O. II. Longman, b Randall ................... 5 Mr. J. Wells, c Taylor, b Randall...................18 BAN8TEAD. First innings. H. Alston, b Soden ........... 0 C. M. Taylor, b Green ... 10 C. H. Ransom, b Soden ... 1 Chichester, b Randall ... .......... Lt. P. Levrson-Gower, b Rand ill.................. A. S. Soden, b Randall E. C. Daniel, c G. Alston, b Randall... n.SV F.dwards,not out B 5, lb 1 ........... G. Alston, b Green ........... S. Braithwaite, b Green ... R. Hilleary, b G reen .......... J. Randall, lbw, b Soden ... E Gilbert, b Soden ........... I. M. Bastard, c Crawford, b Soden .......................... R. Alston, b Green ........... A. Child, not o u t ................... Byes ................... Total ...........12 Second innings. b Edwards........... c Edwards, b Crawford........... not out................... b Edwards........... b Edwards........... b Crawford........... ! Ledger, Crawford... Lb 1, ub 1 Total ...........86 Total (6 wkts) 39 DULW ICH v. IBIS.—Played at Dulwivh on May 16 D u lw ic h . W . E. NVhite, run out ... 1 B 9, lb 1, wb 1 ... 11 Total (3 wkts)*192 H. Darby, b W right ...................56 T. C. Stafford, c Buck- land, b Dewey...........78 S. E. Huntley, not out 46 J. F. Colyer. W . A . King, F. Huntley, C. W hite­ hurst, C. C. Esson, W Adam*, and P. Light, did not bat. *Innings decljred closed. I b is . C. Marshall, b White34 G. Lewis, not out ... 3 R. Dewey, b White ... 4 B 4, w b‘2 ............. 6 E. White, not out ... 67 — W . L. Robernon, c Total (3 wkts) 104 Esson, b White ... 0 E. Dorrington, E. Rayner. E. A. Buckland, J. D. Ledbury, R. Newson, and W . W right did not bat. D TLW ICH (2) v. IBIS (2).—Played at Dulwich on May 16. J. Brown, b Alexander 7 S. P u l b r o o k , b Alexander .......... 2 W .B.Butler, c Layzell, b Alexander ...........17 W . C. Lockhart, b Symonds ................. 1 C. W . Johnson, b Sym onds................... 2 E. T. Heasman, not out .............................55 A . T h o m p s o n , b Alexander ........... 1 H. E. W . Ingram, b Dickinson B. W . Heasman, C ianfield.......... L. 11. A lt m a n , Alexander H. T. L ig h t o n , Cranfie ld ........... Extras........... Total ... .. 13 b Alexander, b Lighton Perkins, b Lighton ... Cranfield, b Lighton... Rogers, b Brown May, b Brown ........... Bell, c E. Heasxan, b Brown ................... Froom, not o u t ........... I b is . Layzell, b Brown ... 2 Eastwood, b Brown... 0 Symonds,cB.Heasman, b Johnson ...........24 Dickinson, not out ... 0 Extras...................16 Total (9 wkls.) 02 DULW ICH v. BROM LEY.—Played at Bromley on May 16. B rom ley F. E. Clarke, c and b Pearse ................... » S. E. Famphilon, b Phillips ...................11 A. W . Barrow, b Pearse ...................14 R. H. Smith, c Morris, b Pearse ................... 2 A. H. Hewett, b Phillips .. ........... 1 B. J. Hellyer, e Morris, b Pearse ...................24 D u lw ich . A. H. Bennett, lbw, b Phillips ................... 1 H. W . Haidcastle, b Pearse.......................... 2 R. Howard Smith, b Morris ...................12 J. Weeks, not out ... 23 A. Willson, b Long- ley ..........................11 B 27, lb 3, w 1 ... 31 Total .135 P. B. Calcott, b Hell- yer .......................... 5 R. Longley, b Hellyer 9 T. A . Darke, b Claike 12 L . Philiips, c Barrow, b Clarke ................... 5 C. P. Tregellas, b Clarke ................... 8 T. R. Pearse, b Clarke 10 W . Morris, b Claike... 26 O. Jones, lbw, b Clarke ................. 0 E. H. Heasman, c Weeks, b H ellyer... 0 H. M. Mnrkp, not out 5 F. J. Finlinson, b Clarke ................... 4 B 1, lb 2, nb 2 ... 5 Total ...........89 PALLING SW ICK v. BURLINGTON W AN D ER­ ERS.—Played at East Acton on May 16. B urlington W an d erers . A.J. Trollope, b Lewin 16 E. B. Warren, c Ham­ ilton, b Collins ... 71 B. Maughan, lbw, b Collins .................. 0 J. P. Clarkson, not out 12 F.W.Freeman,bLewin 66 J. W . Leonard, not out .......................... 6 B 16, lb 2 Total .. .. 18 *189 F. S. Heynemann, Bull .......................... 18 M T. La Thangue, b Williamson .......... 7 J.Bowstead, stWarren b Bull .................. 12 B. A . Carter, c W il­ liamson, b Bull ... 13 E.A.Collins.bMaughan 5 E.M.Hamilton, bFree- man .......................... 26 * Innings declared closed, P a llin g s w ic k . b A . H. M ills o n , b M aughan.................. 0 H. W. Burnside, b Freeman .................. 12 C. R. Forward, not out 2 B 8, lb 4.................. 12 Total ...107 Dr. A . J. Carter and H. Lewin did not bat. WANDERERS v. HAMPTON W IC K .-Played a4; Hampton W ick on May 9. W an d erers . S. Colman. c Biggs, b P rice .......................... 32 D. L. A. Jephson, c Capel,b Smith.......... 4 H. C. Pretty, htwkt., b Biggs ‘.................. 30 G. E. Bicknell, b Price 22 G. P. Joy, c Biggs, b Sivers..........................44 E.L.Dunster.c Robert­ son, b S ivers.......... 50 J. H.Yearsley, b Sivers 8 R B. Brooks, notout 31 G. E. G. Hadath, c Longley, b Sivers ... 6 A. J. Clarke, c Hay- Cooper, b Sivers ... 0 B. Maughan, not out 10 Extras.................. 32 Total ...272 J. Price, b Jephson ... 19 H. Kirglet, b Jeph­ son .......................... 13 A. Hodges, lbw, b Jephson ..................15 H am pton W ick . J. Sivers, not out ... 72 B.Hay-Cooper, notout 44 Extras ........... 5 Total (3 wkts.) ...172 vvj / iuvu LU lui i aia Smith (pro.), A . W . Robertson, J. W . Biggs, J. Capel, Longley (pro.) and G. Gavey did not bat. FOREST H ILL v. CATFORD .-Played at Forest Hill on May 16. F orest H il l . H. M. Watmough, c Cowell, b Robinson 20 F.Skipper, lbw,bHand 1 W . P. Dean, c Page, b Hand .................. 0 C. J. S. Douglas, lbw, b Barry .................. 3 W . L. Pierce, b Hogg 95 W . Williams, b Robin­ son ...........................42 C. F. Phillips, b Robin­ son .......................... 41 C.J.Welchman,not out 12 Extras ........... 8 Total (7 wkts) *222 F. Woodman. F. H. Gould, L. B. Meredith did not bat. *Innings declared closed. C v tfo r d . E. Barry, run out ... 7 E. C. Page, b Dean ... 46 S. Slade, b Dean ... 14 W . Hoare, run out ... 6 R. T.. Allport, b Dean 10 C. E. Cowell, c Dean, b Phillips.................. 0 F. H. Smith, b Dean 0 W . Hogg, b Dean ... 6 J. H. Yircoe, not out... 2 Robinson, c Williams, b Dean ...................18 C. E. Hand did not bat 0 Extras ... ... 6 Total (9 wkts) 115 PALLINGSW ICK v. HAMPTON W ICK .—Played at Hampton W ick on May 16. P allin g sw ick . B. W . Gonin, c Sivers, C. Hay Campbell, b Smith F. R H e b d e n , b Smith ... .........18 F. Sanderson, b Smith 12 S. Cheesman, c Chester b Clarke ..................53 F. S. Mayo, not o u t... 0 R. A. Melhuish, b Smith .................. 7 H. A. Budden, run out 11 H am pton W ick . Sivers, b Smith ... 14 F. Lampard, c Rober- ton, b Smith ........... 0 C. Foxton, b Smith ... 0 F. H. Tyack, c Sivefs, b Smith B 4, lb 4 ... Total J. Price, c Tyack, b Hebden ... ^..........177 J. Arinitage, hit wkt., b Budden..................21 R. J. .Sivers. b Budden 91 H. E. K n ig h t , b Hebden ..................70 Captain Williams, b Hebden ..................13 Smith, b Hebden ... 16 A. Chester, not out ... 13 A. W . Roberton, not out .......................... 3 F. Williams, b Chees­ man ........................... 0 B 22, w 9, nb 2 33 Total .437 A . J. Clarke and P. Moore did not bat. CRICKET REPORT FORMS Now R e a d y . Pf\ICE Ifld. PER DO Z., POST FREE. ORDEROF GOING-IN CARDS. OFFICES OF THIS PAPER. PRACTICE NETS put up and removed VERY QUICKLY BY USING THE STEEL GEOMETRIC CLAW (registered). Fixed (Fig. 2), released (Fig. 4) by a tread o f the foot. Those with eyes packed away with net (Fig. 5) ; those with h joks used with running cords. Set of Four, 4/- c r i c k e t r t * c k ( registered design ) FOR SCHOOLS, CLUBS, AND HOME. Made in various woods, different in size and price F r o m 1 2 s . t o 4 2 s . The Racks are fixed to a wall and are an ornament to hall, lobby, passage or smoking The contents can be seen at a glance, and can be kept under lock and key when the flap at the bottom is closed. SEATHING & CO., MALVERN.