Cricket 1894
MAR. 22, 1891 CRICKET % A WEEKLY TfEOORI 4 OF THE <JAM ! 3 47 D A F T ’ S NEW Illustrated Catalogue OF C R I C K E T , L A W A I T E N N I S , & C . Now Ready, Post Free on Application. ADDRE SS- ALL -ENGLAND CRICKET AND BRITISH SPORTS WAREHOUSE, Car r ington St ree t Bridge, NOTTINGHAM . ESTABLISHED 1853. How Twort l sons, Wholesale and Export Manufacturers of C R I C K E T BATS , BALLS , L E G - G U A R D S , E tc ., E tc ., SOUTHBDBO', TUHBRIDSEWELLS B R E A K F A S T — S U P P E R . E P P S ’ S G R A T E F U L -C O M F O R T IN G . O O C O A B O I L I N G W A T E R OR M I L K . 0* icket C hat fob 1892 —(Eighth Year o Issue). enlarged and improved edition, post free 7$d Containing in addition to Portraits and Biographies, Gronps of Cri ket. and Cricket anecdotes and Oddities. To be had at the Office of this paper, of all Booksellers, or W. H. Smith A 8ona stalls CRICKET GROUND TEAK SEATS LAWN TENNIS TEAK SEATS and portable folding TEAl£ CHAIRS For CR ICKET Buy CASTLE S Teak Seats wh ich requ i re nei ther PAINT nor VARNISH. A N D Tennis Grounds, Parks,Gardens, Parades AS SUPPLIED TO THE Surrey County Club, Kennington Oval. N.B. All Designs and Titles are Registered AND ALL OPEN SPACES. ADDRESS— H. CASTLE & SONS BA L T IC W H A R F , M IL L B AN K , S .W . eo So To ensure the excellence of their Goods Mes3rs. DARK prepare their own Leather at their Works at Hildenborough. First Award, Silver Medal By Special Appointment. T. FI V Established ' J 1825. Great Exhibition ROTiCIS, i DUSK k SAJIS. SOLE MANUFACTURER OF DARK’S CELEBRATED CRICKET BALLS. Under the Special Patronage of THE MARYLEBONE CRICKET CLUB. Testimonial from H. PERK INS, Esq., Secretary of the M.C.C. “ Messrs. DARK& SONS’ CRICKET BALLS are the only ones in use at LORD’S CRICKET GROUND. We have tried other Makers, and consider DARK’S MUCH THE BEST.” N.B.—None but Dark’s Cricket Balls are ever used in the Matches at Lord’s Cricket Ground, either by the Marylebone Club or the Middlesex County Club, or in the Oxford and Cambridge and Eton and Harrow Matches. Address— Thomas Francis, Hildenborough, Kent. London, 1851. International Exhibition. London, 1862.
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