Cricket 1894
46 CRICKET: A WEEKLY JRECORD OF THE GAME, MAR. 22, 1894 ELLIMANS EMBROCATION 1 /1 J , Prepared only by ELLIMAN, SON, & Co., SLOUGH, ENGLAND. F E L T H A M ’ S LEG GUARDS, GAUNTLETS, CRICKET NETS, BATTING GLOVES, STUMPS, &c., &c. All requisites for the game o f Cricket Sold by a'l Dealers, and wholesale of the Manufacturers. CITY STEAM WORKS— BARBICAN, LONDON, E.C. P r ic e L is t s o n A p p l ic a t io n . J . L Y O N S & S O N « , 22 & 23, REDCROSS ST., CRIPPLEGATE, LONDON, AND 8, CHURCH ST., MANCHESTER. MANUFACTURERS OF REGISTERED MARYLEBONE & ALL ENGLAND C R IC K E T IN G BAGS, G O L F C A D D IE 8 A F O O T B A L L BAGS. C RICKET! CAUTION I Messrs. J. LYONS and SONS, n and 23, Red Cross-street, Cripplegate. London, E.C., and 8, Chur<h-stre t, Manchester. Manufacturers of the ORIGINAL REGISTERED MARYLEBONE and ALL ENGLAND CRICKET BAGS, regret that they have to caution the public against purchasing bags pira ing their den ms of inferior quality. None are g nuine unless bearing the registered trade mark stamped on tho bottom of each bag. viz., “ THE MARY* L BONE” and “ THE ALL ENGLAND " To be obtained from all respectable cricketing establishments, or wholesale of the above. Price Li-ts U"on application.______________________ RICK 1ST ! UAUrio.s ! THE MAii Y a .KUON b J “ CRICKET BAT BAG (Re.-isterel No. 7,351) and ‘ THE ALL ENGLAND ” (Registercl No. 7,353). Any person miking use of these titles without our authority will renter themselves liable to legal pr ■ccedmgs—J LYONS AND SONS, 22 and 23. lied Cross-street, Crippleg.ite, London, E.C., and 8, Church-street, Manchester. APOLOGY. Messrs. J. Lyons and Sons, Kidd rminster. Gentlemen,—If I have in any way infringed yonr rights by tsing the word Marylebjne in invoice of cricket bags. 1 t •logise for havin r done so. I, how.vcr, ignorant thal the word was used by you as a Trade Mark, and I will for the future discontinue the use of it as applied to bags of my manufacture. I am, Gentlemen, yours obediently, _____ (S gned) BENJAMIN ANKRETT. N O W READY. Price 2/- Post Free 2 /3 Join wisflen’s F O R 1894 . Edited by SYDNEY H. PARDON. Containing Full Scores and Bowling Analyses of all the Leading Matches played in 1893, including the Australian Tour in England Photographs of Five All-round Cricketers (George Giffen, G. H. S. Trott, F. S. Jackson, Alec Hearne, and E. Wainwright.) A Discussion on the “ Follow-on ” Question. George Lohmann in First class Cricket. Public School Cricket, by C. B. Fry. Cricket Bibliography, by A. J. Gaston Lord Hawke’s Team in India. First-class and Public School Average J o h n W i s « l e i i & C o . , 21, Cr an bourn St., London, W.C, City&SouthLondonRailway N E W R O U T E TO T H E O V A L . Trains worked entirely by Electric Locomotives Bun every few minute? oOand from CI TY (King Wi l l i am Street), BORO’, ELEPHANT & CASTS. E OVAL, and STOCKWELL (for Clapham Common). SINGLE FARE (any distance) 2 d The Oval Station is about 50 yards fron the Entranoe to the Surrey Cricket Ground THOMAS C. JENKIN, G e n e ra l M anager f j . D . B l I H T L L i - -" Hallway Approach, WATERLOO STATION. Any young aypiri.g Cricketer ira become grea. in i'.ie Cricket Field by using B A R T L E T T ’3 Celebrated R E P E R C U S S IV E BATC. The Australians during their last visit all used Our C el 3brated REPER- CUSSIYE BATS See Cricket at Oval, Sept. 22nd, 18C8.—52 runs made in lees than half an hour, and 87 runs in an hour and three quarters from cur Bats. Adm tted the Fastest Scoring Bat of the Season. May he had of all Dealers in Cricket Goods. ,nUF»CTORY -71. W A T E R L O J R O A D . THE OLDEST MAKERS OF MATCH CRICKET BALLS. FELTHAM’S MANUFACTURERS OP CRICKET, TENNIS, CROQUET, &c. AND ALL IN & OUT-DOOR GAMES. FELTHAM’S Fxcelient Cricket Bat IMPBOVED HANDLE b e st SELECTED BLADE FELTHAM’S Reliable and Special Cricket Bats ALL MADE PROM WELL-SEASONED WOOD STEAM COMPRESSED F E L T H A M ’ S MATCHCRICKET BALLS
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