Cricket 1894
M AY 10, 1894 CJBXCKET g A WEEKLY EECOiU* OF THE GAME, 127 Ground T E iK SEATS Lawn Tennis TEA.K SE1TS and ortable folding TEAK CHAIRS Buy CASTLE'S Teak Seats which require n-ither PAINT nor VAKNISH As supplied to the Club, Oval T h e B lo b s a n d T b e ib B a t t l e s (1827 to 18! witn scores o f all Cricket M atches p la ce d betw een the U niversities. One Shilling, By p o s t Is 2d.— W right and Co., “ E n g lis h S p o r t s ” O ffice, 41, St. Andrew ’s H ill, D octors' C om m ons, E.C. For CRICKET AND TENNIS, BROUND3 PARKS, GARDENS, PARADES, And all open spaces H. CASTLE & SONS, BALTIC WHARF, Millbank, S.W. CRICKET, AND LAWN TENNIS— SEASIN 1893. M e s s r s . C o l l i n s beg to direct attention to their BERIES of CRICKET SCORING and LAWN TENNIS BOOKS. They are made of their w ef know n “ SIGHT-PRESERVING" PAPER, anC b riig printed in dark green ink, the glare of th« in npon the page is m aterially lessened. Each Jook contains the amended Laws o f the Gam e m passed by the Marylebone Crioket Club. T he “ UNRIVALLED ” C bio xbt S coring B oom Retail Prict The “ New L im p” Pocket Scoring Book, size 7in. by 4in., 31 in n in gs.......................... 6d. The "H a n dy," a com pact little book for pocket, size 5in. by 3fin., with space for 29 innings, neatly bound .......................... 6d The “ Pocket,” size 7in. by 4in., 65 innings, neatly bound .................................................. Is. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin. neat fancy covers, 30 innings ............... 6d. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin. bound in cloth, 62 in n in g s .......................... It. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin. bound in cloth, ISO innings...........................Is. 6d. The “ Unrivalled,” quarter bound, d oth sides, flush, turned in .......................... 8s. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin. half-bound roan, cloth sides, very strong, 200 innings .................................................. is. Collins’ Shilling P acket of “ Unrivalled Crioket Scoring Sheets. Containing 18 sheets of two innings each, size IS by 10 inches, with the Laws of the Game. In still cover, price Is. Collins’Reporters’Manifold Scoring Sheets Perforated, &c. Four copies can be written at once. Price Is. Post free, Is. 2d. L aw n Tennis Scoring Book. The “ Pocket,” size 8In. by 5in., 40 m atches, strongly bound, 6d. each. L ondon and G lasgow . WILLIAM COLLIN 1 , BOM, A Co.. Limits* ESTABLISHED 1853, D A F T S NEW Illustrated Catalogue O F CRICKET, LAWN TENNIS, &C. N ow Ready, Post Free on Application. A D D R E S S - ILL -ENGLAND CRICKET AND BRITISH SPORTS WAREHOUSE, Carr ington St reet Bridge, N O T T IN G H AM . Splendid for Sprains - or Tender ^ v V V s i* For 1Jd. A t Hom e A Sea Bath * OF CHEMISTS, Etc. L . J, N IC O L L S , ROBERTSBRIDGE, P A T E N T E E & M A N U F A C T U R E R O F T H E a u t o m a t i c b a t h a n d l e rn H E S E engravings sh o w the a dvan tages th is handle gives, as each curve form s a key or abu tm en t, again st the elastic substance. A lthough these han dles are in tw o pieces from the sh ou lder lo the blade, it is im possible to get them ou t o f shape. T h e bats, in trod u ced in 1890, have been used \y th e best C ricketers o f E n g lin d , Australia, and N ew Z ealand, as w e 1 as having been sent to India and A frica, and the u n i versal testim on y is that nothing has ever been \ rou gh t in to the C rick etin g w orld to give su ch advantages to th e batsm an in cu ttin g and driving pow ers. N o t i c e in c a s e o f I n f r in g e m e n t .— 2 he Patentee does not bind himselfto any number of Curves. T he nam es o f the C ricketers that had P resen ta tion Bat- for 50 and over at B a stin gs cri< ket week, Septem ber, 18'3:— w . L. M urdoch, A. E . Stoddart. C. E. D e 'Jra ffoid , W . W. Read, H . T. B e w .tt, and J. J. F erris. F orty runs w ere m ade w i h your Patent Bats in tw o consecutive o v e r s '.— S gfc-M »jR ich er R iding E stablishm ent, 6,6 4,4,2 22 Bergt-M aj. K e m p th o n e , „ 6 ,6 , 4. 2 18 40 In ordering Bats give the size of handle by measuring round handle; and mention weight. T hese B ats w ill be sold a s N os 1, 2, a n d 3, so that C lubs ca n m ake a n e a sy p u rch a se. THOMASTW0RT&SONS Wholesale and Export Manufacturers of CRICKET BATS BALLS LEG-GUARDS, Eto., Etc. Soutlibor’, Tunbridge Wells. E L L IM A N S EM B R O C A T IO N CO w s o M & DC ffl 4 GO Z M wj PC b CO l/lJ , Excellent for SPRAINS and BRUISES- 4*# RANSOM ES ’ LAW N M OW ER S -A -H r& IE ] T H E B E S T USED ON THE CRICKET GROUNDS OF Oxford and Edinburgh Universities , Hailey bury College, Dulwich College, Royal Military College, Woolwich, etc. P ony M achines £6in. and 30in w ide I P rices from H orse P ow er do. 3jin. to 48in. „ \ £14 ALSO THE BEST MACHINES FOR HAND POWER Ransomes, Sims, & Jefferies, Ltd., Ipswich
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