Cricket 1894
112 CEICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OE THE GAME. MAY 8, 1894 SHAW & SHREWSBURY OF NOTTS COUNTY Largest Wholesale Manufacturers and Shippers of Cricket, Tennis, and Football Goods in the Kingdom. MAKERS OF THE PATENT DOUBLE SPLICED SPRING-HANDLED CRICKET BAT. CRICKET BATS, a stock The Patent Double-Spliced Spring-Handled Bat, thoroughly well seasoned, hand-hammered, edges and face hardened in such a manner that the wood is still in possession of its natural elasticity, accurate in balance,specially selected, and autographically stamped .. .. .. .. each s. d. £*UX. The Patent Double-Spliced Spring-Handle can be fitted to Gentlemen’s own b l a d e s ............................................................8 6 The superior A.U-CaneHandle Bat, with sterling silver shield, and engraved with inscription or m onogram ........................21 0 HAND -MADE of 2 5 ,0 0 0 to select from. The “ Specially Selected” All-Cane Handle Match Bat each 12 6 The “ Patent Double-Spliced Spring H andle” Match Bat, No. 2 quality..................................... ......................................14 6 The “ Celebrated” All-Cane Handle Match Bat, as supplied to Clubs, Colleges, and S ch o o ls.................................................10 6 Very superior All Cane Handle Bats, suitable for Clubs •. 9 6 The “ Celebrated ” All Cane Handle Practice Bat .. . . 8 6 Solid All Cane Handle B a ts............................................................ 7 6 Do. do. .. .. •• •• •• 5/6 & 6 6 ________________ CRICKET BALLS. Manufactured by us and on our premises. Every Ball guaranteed to oontain a ‘ hand-made quilt’ of the very best quality Cork and Worsted Cricket Balls containing a “ oylinder quilt ” are calculated tobreakor damage the finest ^ricket^Bat made. We stock none of these lnferior^makes Superior^ “ Cat Gut Sewn ” Match Balls .. _ .. per doz. 3 12 0 “ Specially Selected ” Match Balls, as used in Nott3 and other County Matches, and recommended by Dr. W. G. Grace 3 ‘ ‘ Celebrated ” Treble Seam Match Balls .. .. „ 3 ILLUSTKATED CATALOGUE o n a p p l i c a t i o n . ^ aaress : 0 “ Special” Treble Seam Match B alls.. “ Superior” Treble Seam Practice Balls .. Specially Selected Double Seam Cricket Balls Youths’ Very Best Treble Seam Match Balls per doz. 2 14 0 2 8 0 2 8 0 2 5 0 QUEEN ’S SQUARE, NOTTINGHAM R E PO R T SHEETS For sending Matches to CRICKET POST FREE 10d. per Dozen 41, St. Andrew’s H ill, London, E .O . J. D. BARTLEx i , Railway Approach, WATERLOO STATION, Any young aspiring Cricketer may become great in the Cricket Field by using B A R T L E T T ’S Celebrated R E P E R C U S S IV E BA TS . The Australians during their last visit all used Our Celebrated REPER CUSSIVE BATS See Cricket at Oval, Sept. 22nd, 18E8—52 runs made in lees than half an hour, and 87 runs in an hour and three quarters from our Bats. Admitted the Fastest Scoring Bat o f the Season. ..l.NUrACTORV" M av be had o f all Dealers in Cricket G oods. ,—71, WATERLOO ROAD. .....muiiii„iiii,.iiiiiii.i.iii,.i..i..i.n CRICKET BALLS e a c h b a l l Best Treb|e seamed ^ Leather Matoh, guar- anteed not to lose k their shape and to be impervious to wet. Apply to the Trade for supplies. W . & A . B A T E S , St. Mary’s Mills, Leicester. STAMPED. B R E A K F A S T - S U P P E R . E P P S ’ S G R A T E F U L -C O M FO R T IN G . C O C O A B O I L I N G WA T E R OR M I L K ; J . L Y O N S ' S O N 22 & 23, REDCROSS S T ., CRIPPLEGATE, LONDON AND 8, CHURCH S T ., MANCHESTER. M ANUFACTURERS OF REGISTERED MARYLEBONE & ALL ENGLAND C R IC K E T IN G BAGS, G O L F C A D D IE 8 & F O O T B A L L BAG 8. C RICKET I OAFTION I Messrs. J. LYONS and SONS, M an.1 23, Red Cross-street, Cripplegate, London, E.C., and 8,Church-stref t, Manchester. Manufacturers of the ORIGINAL REGISTERED MARYLEBONE and ALL ENGLAND CRICKET BAGS, regret that they have to caution the publio against purchasing bags pirating their designs of inferior quality. None are genuine unless bearing the registered trad* mark stamped on the bottom of each bag, via.,“ THE MARY* Li-.BONE” and “ THE ALL ENGLAND” To be obtained from all respectable cricketing establishments, or wholesale of the above. Price Lists U"on application._____________ C RICKET! CAUTION ! “ THE MAltYLKBUNiT* CRICKET BAT BAG (Registered No. 7,351) and TUB ALL ENGLAND1' (Registered No. 7,352). Anv person making use of these titles without our authority will renter themselves liable to legal proceedings—J LYONS AND botfs, 22 and 23, Red Cross-street, Cripplegate, London, E.C., and 8, Chnrch-street, Manchester. APOLOGY Messrs. J. Lyons and Sons, Kidderminster Geutlemen,—If I have in any way infringed your rights bt Ming the word Marylebone in invoice o f oricket bags, I i ologise for havin r done so. I was, however, ignorant that the word was used by you as a Trade Mark, and I will for the future discontinue the use of it as applied to bags of my manufacture. I am, Gentlemen, yours obediently, _________________________ (Signed) BENJAMIN ANKRETT. , T E N T S —ARMY BELL TENTS in good conditioni Pure White Linen. Waterproof.* 40 feet in circumference 10 feet high. With poles, pegs, runners, lines, mallettsa bags. Suitable for Cricket,Tennis,Scoring, Bathing,Dressing,Campingout,Lawns, Boating parties,Volunteers &c. All complete and ready for use. PRICE 18/* EACH. S e n d o r d e r w ith r e m it t a n c e t o .L.Miers &Son, ilmoor lane , london . e . c Printed for the Proprietor by W r ig h t & Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons London, E.C., May 3 , 1894
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