Cricket 1893

JAN. 26, 1893 CK1CKET s A WEEKLY RECOKD OF THE GAME, 15 opposite total. M r. H orn sb y ’ s b o w lin g w as the best on the E n glish side. H e to o k seven w ickets fo r 46 runs. O n taking the field again, the Parsees did v e ry w ell, and thanks to the effective bow lin g o f M r.W riter, w h o got th e first o f the w ickets fo r only tw en ty run?, six batsm en w ere ou t for only 52. M essrs. H orn sby, W righ t, and V ern on w ere,indeed, the only m em bers o f the E n glish team w h o did anything, and th e three w ere togeth er resp on ­ sible for 66 of the total o f 85. The Parsees,w hen they began th e fourth innings, w anted 98 to w in, and so badly did th ey fare against Mr. H orn sb y’s bow ling, that w hen play ceased for the day, on ly 57 had been m ade for the loss of six batsm en. W h e i the gam e was resum ed on th e m orn in g of D ecem ber 31st th e Parsees still w anted 41 w ith fou r w ickets to fall. T h e finish proved very excitin g, but th e E n g lish ­ m en had ju st a little in hand till the finish, and a very in teresting m atch eventually ended in th eir favour, w ith on ly seven runs to spare. T h e result was due in a great m easure to the very effective bow ling o f M r. H orn sby. In the tw o innings of the Parsees he w as credited w ith fifteen w ickets at a cost of less than six runs apiece. L ord H aw h e ’ s T eam . First Innings. Second Innings. Lord Hawke, b Pa\ri ... 8 b W iiter ............. 0 J. H. HornBby, b M. D. Kanga ........................21 c G agrat, b W riter ...........18 A. B . Gibson, 1b w, b P a v r i................................... 3 b W ri'er ............ 0 C. W. W iight, c Writer, b P a v ii ................................... 3 b M. D. Kanga... 24 F. S. Jackson, bBapasola 39 c Maehlli * a!a, b W riter ........... 0 A. J. L. Bill, b W riter ...12 lbw, b W riter .. 7 J. S. Robinson, c Cooper, b Writer ..............................14 b W riter ........... 0 G. F. VernoD, c Bapasola, b W r ite r .............................15 b W riter ............39 H. F. Wright, net out M. P. Maclean, run ont ... 5 C. H. Heseltine, b W riter 1 10 c Bapasola, b M. D. Kanga 1 Extras ... Total ......... 8 .........139 P arsees . not out c Bapasola, W riter ... E itras... Total First Innings. Second Innings. B. D. Cooper, c R olinson, b B orn sby........................... 1 P. C. Machlliwall •, c and b H orn sty ........................... 1 D. E. Mody, c Jackson, b H o rn s b y ......................... 14 Ibw, b H orn s'y 0 B. D. Gagrat, run out ... 0 c Hawke, b Gib­ son ................ 12 D. D. K arga, Ibw, b H ornsby .........................S3 c Jackson, b G ib s o n ............. 9 M. E. Pavii, b Hornsby ...19 c Robinson, b H ornsby ... 9 M. D. Kanga, c Heseltine, b Horns* y .................10 b H ornsby...........14 N. C. Bapaso!a, b Hill ... 3 R. E. Mody, c Gibson, b b H ornsby........... 4 H ornsby .........................37 D. D. Daruwalla, lbw, b Gibson ........................... 9 not out .............. 2 D. N. W riter, not out ... 0 Extras ... 7 Total ...........H7 Total ... 67 BOWLING ANALYSIS. L ord H awkb .’ s T eam . First Innings. Second Innings. O. M. R.W . 0 . M. R. W. P a v r i........... 15 5 43 3 ........... 6 2 15 0 Bapasola ... 8 1 33 1 ........... 3 0 9 0 M. Kauga ... 7 1 19 1 ........... 8 2 15 2 R. E. M ody 5 0 14 0 W riter ... 10.1 3 1G 4 ........... 17 4 6 35 8 Gagrat ... 1 0 6 0 Pavri ar d M ody eat h bow led a wide, and Mody two no balls. >P/RSEES. First Innings O. M. R. W . Jackson ... 7 1 22 0 ... H ornsby ... 17 11 46 7 ... H esetine ... 3 0 14 0 Hill ........17 8 45 1 ... G ibeon ... o.l 0 0 1 Second Innings. O. M. R. W. T h e results of the oth er m atches played up, to date, as they have been received by cable are as fo llo w s : T hirteen th M atch — v. C alcu tta .— C a l­ cutta, January 5 and 6 . L ord H a w k e’s team w on by an innings and 83 runs. L o rd H a w k e’s team — 292 (J .H .H orn sby 86, A . J. L . H ill 36^; C a lcu tta— 116 and 92. CR ICKET I S SOUTH AFR ICA . C IV IL IA N S v. D R A G O O N G U A R D S . P layed at P ieterm aritzburg, N atal,on N ovem ber 27. li. J. M e M aster, a m em ber of M ajor W a rto n ’s T eam w h o settled in N atal, m ade 163 n ot out for the C ivilians. F ourteen th M atch — v .B en g al P residen cy . — January 13. D raw n. L ord H aw k e's Team — 158 iC. W . W righ t 37, G. F . V ernon 28, C. H . H eseltine 14 n ot out, L ord H aw ke 17), and 83 fo r 6 w ickets (0 . W . W righ t 31 not o u t ) Presidency— 72 (Cam pbell 27, J. T h om as 24) and 268 for 8 w ick ets—innings closed (C am pbell and M oran each 40, H ick ley and P ayn e each 35, N eil 34.) F ifteen th M atch — v. B ehar W and erers . — January 18 and 19. W an derers w on by 68 runs B ehar W anderers— 169 and 116. L ord H aw ke’ s T ea m —*0 (J. H . J, H orn sby 22) and 127 (J. S. R obin son 53.) S ixteen th M atch —v. U pper I ndia .— Jan u ­ ary 23 and 21. Lord H aw k e's team w on by ten w ickets. Lord H aw ke's T eam — 225 (A. J. L . H ill 62, A. K . L eath am 36, A . E. G ibson 35) and 8 fo r no w icket. U pper In d ia— 140 ai_d 92. Nov. 11- Nov. 11 Nov. I'i- Nov. 28- Nov. 30 Dec. Dec. T h e follow in g are tbe results o f the m atch es as yet played : Colom bo, v. Colombo, drawn. Colom bo, v. Colts, won by 120 runs. Radeilii, v. Up Country O. udp , won 1y au innings and 93 runs. Madras, y. Madras C.C., drawn. Madras, v. Native Team, won I y an in­ nings and G: runs. Madras, v. Madras Presidency, drawn. Bangakre, v. Madras Presidency, won by y wicket?. Banga ore, v. Bangalore and District, won l y an innings and 69 i uns. -Poona, v. Poona and District drawn. -Bombay , v. t'arsees, lost i y 1C9 runs. Bombay, v. Bom tay Presidency, ^ on Vy b wickttj. -Bom bay, v. Parsees (return), w on by 7 runs. -Calcutta, v. Calcutta C.C., won I y an innings and 83 runs. -Calcutta, v. Bengal Presidency, drawn. Mozufferpore, v. fcehar W audertrs, lott . ly 68 runs. Allaba^ad, v. U pper India, won by ten wickets. Dec. 9 - : Dec. 16- Dec. 22- Dec. 26- D ec. 29 Jan. 5 Jan. 13- Jan. 18- Jan. 23- G. H . S. T rott scored 196 fo r South v. E a st M ell ourne. on D ecem ber 24. T h e tota l of the side was 475, for seven w ickets. C ricket on the I ce .— A m on g m atches played on the ico during the recent severe frost w as one betw een team s represen tin g re ­ spectively the crick et clubs of Sadding- ton an d K ib w orth on S addin gton R eservoir. S iddington w ent in first, and scored 205 runs. F ou r w ickets w ere taken in one over. F adin g lig h t caused the gam e to be abandoned w hen 95 runs had been scored by K ibw orth w ith ou t loss. T he N orthern N omads C l u b .— A new w andering cricket clu b, w h ich , it is hoped, w ill occu py a position in the north of E ngland sim ilar to that of the F ree Foresters in the south, has ju st been form ed under th e above title. A strong execu tive com m ittee has been elected, in clu d in g L ord H aw ke, M r. A p pleb y, M r. S. M . Crosfield, M r. E . C. H orn by, M r. H. P h ilipson, and M r. A . G . Steel, w ith M r. Jacob W akefield as hon. treasurer, and M r. P. H . M orton as hon. secretary. Or. ILIANS. D. Pu'.lin, b M cCor­ m ick ..........................62 J. T. henderson, c Capt Wa ter, t> McCormick ........... 0 E M cM aster,notout 163 J. C. Burton, lbw, b A. cCorm ick 36 A.H.Hime, b M cCor­ m ick ................... 0 R. Charlesworth, c Col. burney, b M cCorm ick .......... 24 T. K.Murray,not out 4 itxtras ...........27 Total , ..316 W. H. Shepherd, H. Thom pson, C. H. C ot , anl B .C . Samuelson did not bas-innings declared clostd, D ragoon G uards . First Innings. Col. burney,b Thom pson 3S Pte. Hornsby, b Burton... 22 Lieut. M cCoiquodale, b Thom pson ................... 17 Pergt. Davis, b Burton ... 6 Citpt. Walter, st Hime, b Tfiompson .................. 5 Cpl. M cCorm ick,b Burton 3 Cpl. Mills, b Thom pson... 6 T. S. M. Knight, b Thom p­ son .................................. 8 Lieur. Pee’, b Pullin........... 7 Capt. Mercer, b Pullin ... 1 Lieut. Lafone, not out ... 2 Extras ................... 4 Total ........... 119 Second Inning?, c Pullin, by Me- Master ......... . 0 cShepherdbHims 2 run cut c and b Hime 14 not out ...........35 b Him e.................. 0 c M cMaster, b M urray... ... 1 b Hime ........... l st Hime, b Mur­ ray ................... 3 run out ...........22 c Pulliu, b Hen derson ........... o Extras ... 8 Total 83 P IE T E R M A R IT Z B U R G C L U B v. C O L L KGE. P layed at P ieterm aritzburg on D ecem ber 10. M cM aster, it w ill be seen, was again one of the ch ief scorers fo r th e C lub. M.C.C. Macfarlane, b Ash ... 12 Watson, o a sh .......... 3 Arms rong, c Reid, b Ash .......................... 5 Newland,c and b Ash 40 Brady, b Ho:gato ... 34 McMa-ter, b Ash ... 39 Edwards, lbw, b Ash 24 Henderson, c Ash, b H o lg a te ................... 4 R. Tucker, not out ... 1 P. Tucker, b Abh ... 0 Extras ...........20 Total ... C ollege . Findlay, b Newland 19 W arren,run out ...1 3 Carbutt.b Arm strong 24 Ash, c Brady, b New­ land ..........................16 H olgate,bArm strong 4 Fisher, c Brady, b N e w la n d ................. 7 Hawkins,bArmstrong 2 Levy, c and b Arm­ strong ................... Ireland, run out ... Deane, not o u t ......... Reid, lbw, b .Newland Extras ........... T o ta l.........1 W E S T E R N P R O V IN C E v. A R M Y A N D N A V Y . T h e U nited S ervices had all the best o f this m atch, played at N ew lands on D ecem ber 24. T h e W estern team w as n ot representative w ith M ilton, Castens, V»an B y l and others aw ay. L ieut. H u tch in son m u^e m ore than one h alf of the S ervice’ s total. F ran k H earne took three c f the eigh t w ickets dow n of the Services for 52 runs. F ive o f the P rovince w ickets fell to M iddleton at a cost of 45 runs. W estern P rovince . A.Riehards.c Middle­ ton, b Ellis .......... 21 T. W atson, b M iddle­ ton .......................... 7 A. C .Tofts, b Eilis ... 3 Hearne, c Axford, b E l l is .......................... 7 Dawson-Thomas, not out .......................... 62 H. Baker, Ibw, b M iddleton ........... 2 J. B. M itchell, c Mc- Farlane, b M iddle­ ton .......................... A. Wadham, b MIdd.'eton ........... W a t e r m e y e r , b Middleton .......... Goodman, b Axford Spence, b Axford ... Extras.................. Total .. 115