Cricket 1893
JAN. 26 , 1893 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 13 LORD HAWKE’S TEAM IN INDIA. In the last number of C ricket we were able to give fall details of the doings of Lord Hawke’s Team up to the close of the seventh match. This was against the Madras Presi dency, and the Englishmen were able to claim a decisive victory with nine wickets to spare. The fall score, though, did not arrive till a later date, and therefore, to make the statistics of the tour complete we publish it now. M adras P residency . First Innings. Mr. L. W . Fox cRobinson, b Jackson.......................... Mr. F. G. Smallwood, c Maclean, b G ibson ... 9 Mr. E. Swayne,b Jackson 16 Mr. W. J. Birkley, c Rob- inBOD, b G ibson .......... 11 Mr. A. Jones, c Robinson, b G ib s o n .......................... 4 Lieut. E. T. Hill, c Fol jam be. b Gibson ........... 1 Mr. E. H.D.Sewell,not out 70 Major Bruce, b Jackson 16 Mr. C. E. Price, b Jackson 0 Pte. r. Reeve3, c Gibson, b Hornsby ........... ... 52 Pte. Bagwell, b Hornsby 19 B .................................. 3 T otal .................. 203 Second Innings. 2 c Robinson,bHill 39 cQ ibbs.bFoljam te c Robinson, b Gibson ... b Foljam be not out b Foijam be c and b Hill b H ill........... b B i l l ........... b Rill ........... b Foljambe... Ext r-s ... Total ...112 L ord H awke ’ s E leven .— First Inning?. Lord Hawke, c Major Bruce, b Kagweli .. £9 Mr. C. W. W right, b Sewell .................. 61 Mr. A. E. G ibson ltw , b Bagwell................. <5 Mr. H F. W right, c Reeves, b Sewell ... 26 Mr. J. H. Hornsby, c Swayne, b Bagwell 4 Mr. A. J. L . Hill, b Sewell ...................59 Mr. J. S. Robinson.c Swayne, h S;w e'l 2 Mr. J. A. Gi bS, st Jones, b Sewell ... 10 Mr. G . A. Foljam be, not out ...................33 Mr. M. F. Maclean,b Sewell ................... 3 Mr. F. S. Jackson, abscn (ill; ........... 0 E xtras ...........16 Total ...280 In the Second Innings Lord Fliwke scored (not out), IS, W right b Bagwe.l 17, G ibson (not out) 6.—l’otil, 35. BOW LING ANVLY4IS. M adras . First Inniugs. Jackson ... Gibson Hill ........... Foljambe ... Maclean ... Horn3by ... O. M. R. W. , 23 7 75 . 28 11 51 . 6 0 15 9 1 29 0 3 0 21 0 8 0 29 2 Second Innings. 0. M. R. W. ........... 15 5 24 1 ........... 10 1 25 5 ........... 11.2 4 23 4 ........... 13 5 27 0 L ord ’ s H awke T eam . First Innings. Sewell... Bagwell Price ... Hill ... Keevea Swayne O. M. R. W. . 41 7 107 6 . 31 5 81 3 0 16 0 21 0 0 Second Innings. O. M. K. W , 7 4 16 0 . 3 0 8 1 3 0 12 0 EIGHTH M A T C H - y . b a n g a l o r e a n d DISTRICT. After leaving Madras the team went on to Bangalore, where they met an eleven repre senting the District on December 9 and 10 The wicket at the outset was not in a favour able condition for rungetting, and the loca eleven, who went in first, made a poor show against the bowling of Heseltine and Hornsby, rhe latter was particularly effective, and no Jess than eight of the ten wickets fell to his bowling at an average of under four runs. Capt. Jones’ batting was the one note worthy feature of the innings. Going in first wicket down he was seventh out, and his 21 represented nearly one half of the total from the bat. The Englishmen gave a very different display when it came to their turn to bat. Lord Hawke set his men a good example by his free hitting, and his share of the first i06 was 56, which included eleven fours. H. F. W right and Foljambe, too, scored at a good pace, and indeed the rate of run-getting was so uniformly high that 272 runs had been made for nine wickets between 12.40 and 5.15 p.m. On the following morning Lord Hawke closed his innings, and Bangalore had to go in with 221 to avoid an innings defeat. Fox, who went in first for them, opened well, obtaining 49 of the first 78 by free and taking cricket. After his departure, though, no one gave the English bowlers any real trouble, and eventually Bangalore were defeated by an innings and 88 runs. B angalore . First Innings. Mr. L. W . Fox, b H ornsby 3 W . J. Birkley, b Hornsby 0 Capt. A. Jones,b Heseltine 21 Mr. Jairam, b Hornsby ... 1 Major Bruce, c Robinson, b Hornsby.......................... 4 Mr. J. A. W etherall, b H eseltine.......................... 0 Lieut. E. T. HilJ, c Wright, b dornsby .................. 0 Private Bagwell, c R obin son, b Hornsby ........... 4 Capt. Adamson,b Hornsby 11 Mr. C. E. Price, c Hill, b Hornsby .......................... 3 Sergt-Ma jor Rolfe.not out 1 B .................................. 3 Total .................. 51 L ord H awke ’ s T eam . Second Innings. c Robinson, b G ib s o n ...........49 run out ........... 0 c Robinson, b Foljam be ... 6 c Hill, b G ibson 14 b H ornsby...........13 c Gibbs, b Hill 10 b H ornsby.......... 19 b H ill................... 8 b Foljam be ... 2 run out ........... 2 cRobinson,bH ill 2 Extras........... 7 Total ...132 Lord Hawke, c Bag- well, b Birkley ... 56 Mr. C. W . * right, b A dam son................. 4 Mr. A. E. Gibson, b Bagwell ........... .. 0 Mr H. F. W right, b P r ic e .........................6? Mr. J. H. Hornsby, b P rice .........................22 Mr. A. J. L. Hill, c Birk'ey, b Price .. 22 BOW LING ANALY3I3. B angalore . First Innings. Second Inning3. Mr. Heseltine Mr. Hornsby O. M. R. W . 14 6 21 2 ... 13.9 5 27 8 ... Mr. Foljam be Mr. G ibson ... Mr. Hill O. M. R. W. 5 1 21 G 17 7 14 0 50 2 80 2 9 3 18 2 7.2 2 13 3 L ord H awke ’ s T eam . O. M. R. W. Pte.Bagwell 16 3 60 1 Cap1. Vdam- *on ... 31 8 67 1 Mr. Birkley 3 0 13 1 O. M. R, W. Lieuf.Hill 12 2 34 0 Mr.Jairam 3 0 14 0 Mr. Price 20.1 7 52 6 Mr. J. S. Robinson, c and b Price ........... 9 Mr. G. A. F o 'ja m 'e , not out .................41 Mr. I.A.Gibbs, b Price 9 Mr. M. F. Maclean, b Price... ........... 2 Mr. C. H. Heseltine, not out ................... 7 Extra? .........32 T o t i l .......272 NINTH M A TCH -v. POONA GYMKHANA. Though the Poona eleven were in arrears to the extent of 101 runs on the first innings, they played up so pluckily that there was very little iu the draw at the finish to favour either side. Amongst the local players were at least two well-known to English C ricket readers, H. R. Troup, who played for Gloucestershire, and Surgeon Capt. Trask, of Somersetshire- Poona, who went in first on Dec. 10,made a rather disappointing show. Troup and Wilkins put on 35 runs for the fourth wicket, but Foljambe and Gibson bowled with marked effect on the later bats men, and with ten extras, the total was only 84. Lord Hawke was again seen to great advantage when his side went in to bat, and his 62 was a good as well as a valuable innings. Several of the next batsmen failed, but the tail made full amends, and Robinson, Mac’ ean, and Heseltine lent such useful assistance that the Englishmen were able to claim a very usefal lead of 101 runs. Poona had lost one good batsman in their second in nings for twelve runs, when play ceased on the first day. Still, in a minority of 91, the local team had apparently a rather hope less task when the game was re sumed on the following morning. Thanks, however, to the steady cricket of Trask and Troup and some vigorous hitting by Stockdale, later on, a much better show was made than seemed likely from the first day’s play. In the end theEnglishmen were left with 107 to get to win, and 90 minutes left for play. The way they forced the game at the outset showed that they meant to do their best to win. Still, after a time they found their position a little doubtful, and the game was ultimately drawn in a very even condition. P oona G ymkhana . First Innings. Surg. Capt. Trask (capt.), b H orn sby.......................... 0 Capt. DuCane. bHeseltine 2 H.R.Troup, cHill, bGibson 27 C .C .Luard, b Hornsby ... 0 A. D. Wilkins, b G ibson 14 T.\I. Usfcorne, b Foijam be 0 A. Fagan, b Foljambe ... 7 H.E.Stockdale, bFoljam be 1 Schneider, stW right, bFol- jam be ...........................19 H. Anderson, c Vernon, b Gibson ........................... 4 Sinclair, not out ........... 0 E x tr a s ...........................10 Total ...................84 Second Innings. b Foljam te ... 46 b Foljam be ... 5 1 b w, b Hornsby 24 b Hornsby........... 4 c Hornsby,bGit son ............... c Vernon, b Gib son ................... b Gibson ........... not out ........... cFoljam be.bGib. son ...................21 b Foljam be ... 6 b Heseltine ... 0 Extras ...%... 21 Total ...207 16 11 12 41 L ord H awke ’ s T eam . First Innings. Second Innings. L^rd Hawke (capt.),h w, b Stockdale ......................62 b Stockdale ... C. W. W right, b Schneider 11 run out ........... A . E. Gibson, b Anderson 4 not out ........... G. F. Vernon, c Luard, b Stockdale ...................... 12 b Schneider ... H. F. Wright, b Stockdale 6 run ont ........... A.T.L.Hill, 1 b w, b Troup 3 not out ........... J. H. Hornsby, c Irask, b c Troup, b Stock- Stockdale ...................13 d a le ..................... G. A Foljam be, c and b Stockdale............................ 0 J. S. R otinson, notout 20 retired hurt ... M. K. Maclean, 1 b w, b Schneider ... ... 25 C. H. Heeeltire. c Schm i- der, * An* cr>or........... 13 E xtras .................... 13 Total ........... 185 I x ras Total . BOW LING ANALYSIS. P oona . F rst Innings. O. M. R. W . Hornsby ... 12 7 16 2 Heseltine 10 3 17 1 Fo jam be 13.4 4 21 4 G itson ... 12 4 20 3 Second Innings O. M. R. W . ........... 16 2 43 2 ........... 5.2 1 12 1 ........... 19 7 51 3 ........... 32 15 55 4 Hill 17 8 25 0 L ord H aw ke ’ s T eam . First Innings. O. M. R. W . Schneider 11 5 34 2 Anderson 8.3 1 .v3 2 Stockdale 17 4 53 4 Sinclair... 3 1 10 0 Troup ... 16 4 4i 2 Second Inniugs. O. M. R. W ........... 7 4 9 1 ......... 6 2 1G 0 .......... 13 2 26 2 TENTH MATCH—v. PARSEES. The matches with the Parsee cricketers at Bombay were naturally looked forward to by ,the members of Lord Hawke’s team as the most interesting of the tour. It was from the Parsees that Mr. Vernon’s combination had received their one defeat twelve months before, and as it was certain
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