Cricket 1893

JTJNE 8, 1893 CRICKET: A WEEKLY EECOED OF THE GAME. 183 OXFORD UNIVERSITY v. M.C.C. & G. Oxford University brought its home matches to a close on Tuesday with a defeat at the hands of a by no means representative eleven of the M.C.C. and G. Owing to the Schools, in addition to the absence of their wicket-keeper, W. H. Brain, Oxford was without its three usual bowlers, Messrs. Bathurst, Wilson, and Wood, and in this department the team was decidedly weak. In batting, too, with the exception of the two Palairets, the form was very disappointing, Generally the team shaped so badly against Mead, the Essex slow bowler, that he was able to obtain eleven wickets at a cost of exactly eleven runs apiece. M.C.C. won by an innings and 46 runs. M.C.C. Bean, b Arkwright ... 28 Mr. G. L. Wilson, c Rice, b Leveson- Gower ...................42 Capt. F. D. Quinton b C layton............... 45 Mr. J. H. J. Hornsby, b Arkwright .......... 4 Mr. H; Philipson, c and b Arkwright ... 0 Mr. H. T. Hewett, c Smith, b L. Palairet 27 Mr.S. M. J. Woods, c A r k w r i g h t , b Raikes .................63 Mr.A.E. Leatham, st Field, b Leveson- Gower .................36 Carlin, not out ... 37 Mead, c Smith, b Leveson-Gower , Geeson, b Clayton . B 11,lb 7 ......... 1 Total ... . 321 O xford U n iversity . First Innings. Mr. L. C. H. Palairet, c Philipson, b Hornsby ... 10 Mr. R. C. N. Palairet, b M ea d ...............................56 Mr. G. J. Mordaunt, b Woods ........................12 Mr. C. B. Fry, b Woods ... 17 Mr. H. D. G. Leveson- Gower, b Woods .......... 2 Mr. G. O. Smith, b Mead 4 Mr. R. W. Rice, not out ... 8 Mr. F. G. H. Clayton, st Carlin, b Mead .......... Mr. G. B. Raikes, b Mead Mr. H. Arkwright, Hornsby, b M ead.......... 8 not out Mr. O. Field, c Geeson, b Mead ................................ 0 B 28, lb 2 .................30 Second Innings. cHewett, b Mead 40 b Hornsby.......... 2 b Mead ..........13 b Mead .......... 5 c Carlin, b Hornsby......... 15 c Bean, b Mead 14 c Carlin, b Hornsby..........14 c Carlin, b Mead 1 b Wilson .......... 4 b Wilson .......... 4 B 2, lb 2 ... 4 O. Arkwright 28 Raikes ... 12 L. Palairet 16 Fry .......... 6 Total .................159 Total ...116 BOWLING ANALYSIS. M.C.C. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. 9 77 3 ILeveson* 4 34 1 | Gower 17 0 76 3 5 57 II Clayton 10.2 3 32 2 1 27 0 | O xford U niversity . First Innings. O. M. R. W. Mead ..........41.117 61 6 . Hornsby ... 18 9 17 1 . Wood .......... 23 7 41 3 Geeson . Second Innings. O. M. R. W. ... 87 13 60 5 ... 25 13 32 3 17 11 10 0 Bean . 2 16 0 Wilson 2.4 1 4 2 CRYSTAL PALACE v. STREATHAM.—Played at Crystal Palace on June 3. Streatham . first Innings. W. Bird, c Fox, b Lul­ ham ........................ 2 H. H. Scott, c Fox, b Umney .................13 W. S. Trollope, b Patterson................ 45 F.W. Leaf, b Lulham 9 K. J. Key, b Lulham 2 A. C. Broad bent, c Fox, b Lulham ... 0 R.H.DeMontmorency, Total ..........139 c Nelson, b Fox ... 27 In the Second Innings Key scored,b Patterson.52. Broadbent, b Umney, 22, Gibbs, not out. 11, Morti­ mer, not out, 10, Morgan, c Mitchell b Umney, 8 ; b 7, lb 2—Total 112. C rystal P alacb . W . Gibbs, o Nelson, b Lulham ..........18 G. E. Morgan, c F. W. Aste, b Lulham D. O. Kerr.b Lulham C. H. Mortimer, not out ........................ C. Morgan, b Fox ... B 8, lb 1 .......... F. H. Nelson, c Kerr, b Trollope .......... 4 W.F. Umney, c Scott, b Trollope ..........12 C. J. M. Fox,c Broad- bent, b S co tt......... 32 C. Mitchell, b Mont­ morency .................76 Capt.Fleming.c Scott, b Montmorency ... 4 F. W. Aste, c Mont­ morency, b Scott,.. 7 out 11 P. Currey, c Bird, b Scott........................ 8 H. Aste, b Scott ... 13 F. C. Barchard, b Montmorency ... 2 A. W.Gardner Wooll- oton,bMontmorency 0 E.H.Lulham, not oat 0 B 5, lb 3, w2 ...10 Total ...185 UXBRIDGE v. HAMPSTEAD.-Played at Ux­ bridge on May 31. U xbridge . J.C. Bibbert, b Besch 36 W.R. Collins,c Hale,b Besch........................14 Woods, b Thornton... 41 W.Miles.c LipBeombe, b Be8ch ................. 4 F. B. Hughas, not out 62 C.Newton.bThornton 4 E.Stevens.bThornton 0 C.E. Stevens, b Hale 14 F. J. Rutter, run out 15 F. W. Thomas, b Thornton ........... 0 E. R. Woodbridge, c and b Thornton ... 15 B 14, lb 3 .............17 Total.. H ampstead . J. G. Q. Beech, b E. Stevens ... ..........64 W. W. A'Deane, c Hibbert. b Miles ... 2 S. Howard Williams* b W ood» ................. 2 W. Hale, c Hughes, b M iles........................56 G. Thornton, c Miles, b C. Stevens..........21 J. S. Worthington, b Woods ................. 3 E. Bishop, b Woods 0 H. R. Lipscombe, c Miles, b Woods ... 12 w. C. Black, b Miles 0 O. Tudor, b Mi'es ... 8 C. McMillan, notout 3 B7, lb 4 ..........11 T otal. .. 182 NORWOOD v. DULWICH.—Played at South Nor­ wood on June 3. N orwood . R. S. Raby, b Pearse 6 Ac Conan Doyle, c E. J. Hea6man, b Pearce ................. 0 R. S. Rogers, bPearse 4 L.F. Elliott, b Pearse 11 T. D. Lee. b Pearse 11 L. de Mfthtezuma, hw, b Pearse.......... 0 A. P. Roe. b Pearse 14 F. S. Hallam, lbw, b Pearse ... 25 A. Springett, b T. S. Tregellas .. R. Grace, not out H. Featherstone, Pearce .......... B 14, lb 7 ... Total ... 16 .. 14 b .. 18 ... 21 ..140 E ulwich . H. Thompson, b Roe 0 T. S. Tregellas, b Roe 12 B. Heasman, c Elliott, b Roe ... 4 J. A. Bimington, b M ontezum a.......... 5 E. J. Heasman, bRoe 1 W. Morris, b Monte­ zuma........................ 5 V. Jone?, b Monte­ zuma........................ 6 L.Philllps.c Hallam, b Montezuma ... 9 T. R. Pearse, c Lee.b Hallam .................32 C. P. Tregella?, b Hallam ................. 6 H. Messenger, not out ........................ 2 B 7, lb 5 .................12 Total 94 HORNSEY RISE v. E. FINCHLEY ALLIAUCE Played at Finchley on June 3. E. F in ch le y A llia n ce . H. Diver, cFindlater, b J. B. Davies........ 25 G. Powell, b G. Gale 5 C. L. Tomlin, c Find- later, b J. B. Davies 1 Hazel, b J. Houden... 13 Swain, bJ. Burke ...29 Middlemass, b J. Howden ................. 1 Munro, b.J.B. Davies Edgerton, b J. How­ den ........................ Shenton, bJ. Burke D. Smith, b Find- later, b Oxley Hooton, not out Extras................. Total 124 E ornsey R ise . Oxley, b Hooton ... 5 G. Gale, c Diver, b Hazel ...............11 Buckthorpe, c and b Hooton .................. 3 J. Howden, run out 4 J. B. Davies, c Edger­ ton, b Hooton.......... 3 A. Dames, c Edger­ ton, b H a ze l.......... 0 J. H. Burke, c Smith, b H ooton................. H. Lanham, c and b Hooton ................. Cook, c Swain, b Hooton ................. Findlater, not out ... Total 38 SPENCER v. HEATHFIELD.—Played at Wands­ worth on June 3. H eathfield . M. Humm, notout ...101 J. Stevens, not out... 60 J. Brewer, c Gadsden, B 10, lb 5 ..........15 b Plummer ......... 80 I H. Scutts, b Johnson 13 1 Total ......... 219 J. Trathan. H. Taylor, H. Brannan, R. Brown, W. Bolton, J. Pullen, and W. Kinnard did not bat. InDings declared closed. S pencer . R. B.Watt s, b Stevens 0 G.Lipscomb.b Humm 5 H. Latham, run out... 0 W. E. Johnson, b Stevens ................. 6 G. Hammond, c and b Pullen .................28 A. F. Gadsdon, b Stevens ................. 9 L. Vickery, c Brewer, b Kinnard.................14 M. Cox, not out ... 25 S. Anderson, c Ste­ vens,bPuilea ...10 S. Plummer, run out ........................ 0 M. Vickery, not out 1 B 5, lb 1, w 1 ... 7 Total ...105 KENSINGTON PARK v. BLACKHEATH.— Played at Rectory Field on June 3. K ensington P ark . G. H. T. Stree.b C. W. For>es ................. 3 W. J. Scott, b D. H. ForVes .................30 W.E. Holdship, c and b Fhilc< x ................23 C. A. White, c M. Ch ist pherson, b Phi'cox .................22 I D. C. Lee, c A. W. Steward, b Philcox 0 P. Reynolds, not out 41 M. A. Nicolas, b Phil­ cox ......................... 8 B lackheath . S. Castle, b Reynoldsl31 S. Christopherson H. R. Blaker.c Abney b White ................. 0 D. H. Forbes. bAbney 4 K. B. Stswart bAbney 0 E. A. Philcox, b Rey­ nolds .......................15 A. w.Stewart, b Hold- bh ip ................................ 1 R. Young, b Hold* thip ........................ 5 C. W. Forbes did not bat 24 C. A. Hooper, b S. Christopherson .?. B. Pares b Philcox.. Capt. Maxwell.c and b S. Christopher­ son ........................ L. E. G. Abney, b S. Christopherson ... 3 B ............... 4 Total ...158 not out ...............103 M.Ohristopherson, b Holdsbip .......... 7 A. G. Hubbard, b Abney ............... 7 B ... ........... 5 Total . CHARLTON TARK v. BLACKHEATH (2).— Played at Charlton Park on June 3. B lackheath . F. Napier, c North,b Burnett................. H. Mason, b Burnett M. Rutherford, b Burnett.......... R. A.^egan.c TurrelJ b Hunter . 0 H.O.^laker.h Burnett 2J K. Chris’opherson, b Burnett .................37 J. h . c . Fegan, b Hunter .................10 C. L. Hemmerde, not out ........................42 G. R. Hutchinson, c Turrell, b Burnett 4 R.P.Parsons.bHunter 0 P. Newton, c and b H. C. Sargent................. 7 C harlton P ark . G.M.Maryon Wilson, JS.R.Sargent, c and b b M ason.................18 J Napier ................... 1 H. E. Lawrence, c J. A. H. Pease, b Fegan 30 B 9, lb 2 ... 11 Total......... 140 Fegan, b Napier ... 15 Capt. W. McCunlis, b Napier .......... ... 0 H.Turrell,b R.Fegan 56 J. Hunter, c Hutch­ inson. b Mason .. 0 R. North, c Hutchin­ son, b Napier.......... 6 H. C. Sargent did not bat. Dr. J.Newton Martin, not o u t .................. 11 A. Burnett, b Fegan 5 B6, lb 3 ... ... 9 Total..........148 UPPER CLAPTON v. BUCKHURST HILL.— Hayed at Buckhurst Hill on June 3. U pper C lapton . W. J. Sowerby, Ibw, b W. Rop-r ............23 E. J. Miroy, b Russell 28 W. H. Seal, c T. R. Barwe‘1, b Roper 9 H. E. Barham, b Russell ... .......... 1 P. A. Irby, b Russell 0 W. w. R.Robinson, b Rus?ell J. J. Willocks, st Mc- Ewen, b Russell... 0 J. S. Teke'l, not out 10 J. B. Gottingham, b Russell ................. 7 E. C. Mott, b Russsll 0 Osborn, b Russell ... 4 B 10 W. Roper, c Barham, B uckhurst H il l . Total C. 26 b Sowerby T. C. Roper, b E M ott........................ u Russell, l.w , b Osborn ................. 7 W. W. Tween, b Osborn ................. 5 G. Me Ewen, run out 25 O. Chirlesworth, b Osborn ................. 0 T. S. Barwell, b Osborn ... .......... W. J. Phillips, b Sow erby................. E. Barwell. not out... J. M. McKerteie, b Osborn ................. F. Gingell, b Osborn B 2, lb 2 .............. .. Total ..........: LONDON AND COUNTY BANK v. LONDON AND SOUTH-WESTERN BANK.—Played at Townley Park on June 1 and 2. L. & S.-W. B. C. B. Wood, not out... 97 W. W» y, b Broom­ field ........................ 1 W. D.Topp. hw ... 0 W. J. Hale, b Bichop 28 W. Bolton, b Bishop 6 E. N. Davis,b Bishop 0 F. Goodall, run out... 3 W. R. Smith, b Bishop A. E. Nightingale, c Walrond, b Bishop ................. 0 W. Woodward, b B ish o p ................. 12 F. Viveash, not out... 2 B 6, lb 2 ................. 8 Total 157 A.Jackson, runout W. E. Broomfie d, b Goodall ................. F. H. Thirlwall, c Wood, b Goodall ... W.R Pattinson.c and b Goodall................. T. Bishop, c Wood, b Goodall ................. C. E. Blomfield, b Gooda’l ................. L. & C. B. H. F. Bass, c and b Goodall ................. H. W. Walrond, b Viveash ................. S. H. Sargent, b Viveash ................. C. E. Cull, b Viveash F. J. Finlinson, not out ................. ... B 8, lb 1........ . .. Total... . 44