Cricket 1893
180 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. JUNE 1, 1893 CRICKET NETS! CRICKET NETS! 18ffc. by 6lt. from 5/10; complete with Poles and Back stop. 11/- Other sizes at proportionate prices. Send for illustrated catalogues of Tennis Nets; Fishing, Rabbit, and Sheep Netting, &c., &c., Post Free, to A ndrew P o tte r , Melbourne Works, Wolverhampton. Awarded 10Gold &Silver Medals PAINT ,o r \ ' S i CSXCKKT\ ^ a sd S. £ . rEwn8aR0UN08\^ MK8, 8ARD-:H3,\<' PAtlAOES. \ AaA all open >paee>. K enninfton Li. J. NICOLiLS. W . A. WOOF, ROBERTSBRIDGE, PATENTEE & MANUFACTURER OF THE AUTOMATIC BAT HANDLE. T H E S E engravings show the advan tages this handle gives, as each curve forms a key or abutment, against the elastic substance. Although these handles are in two pieces from the shoulder of the blade, it is impossible to get them out of shape. Thf se bats, introduced in 1889, have been used by ihe best Cricketers of England, Australia, and. New Zealand, as well as having been sent to India and Africa, and the uni versal testimony is that nothing has ever been brought into the Cricketing world to give such advantages to the batsman in batting and driving powers. COUNTY CRICKETER, AND CRICKET GOACH CHELTENHAM COLLEGE IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MAN FOR Cricket, Tennis, Football and Golf Goods A few cricketers procured bhaped B a t W . G. Grace, W. W. W. H. Patterson, H. Pigg, J J. J. Ferris, with Australian Retail. N o tic e in cask o f In frin g e m e n t.— The Patentee does not bind him self to any number o f Curves. Crxcjcet Ground TEAK SEATS Lawn Tennis TEAK SEATS and folding TEAK CHAIRS Buy CASTLE’S Teak Seata, which require neither nor VAB5I8H. supplied to ths Surrey County Clnb, Oval. H. CASTLE & SONS BALTIC WHARF, Mftllbank, S.Yi City&South London Railway. N E W R O U T E TO T H E O V A L . Trains worked entirely by ElectricLocomotives Bun every few minute? -o and from CITY (King W' Street), BORO', ELEPHANT & CASTLE , OVAL, and STOCKWELL (for Clapham Common). SINGLE FARE (any distance) 3 d . The Oval Station is about 50 yards from the Entrance to the Surrey Cricket Ground SUFFOLK ROAD, CHELTENHAM. ILLUSTBATED PBICE LIST FBEE J. D. BARTLETT, Railway Approach, WATERLOO STATION. A n y young aspiring C ricketer m a j become great in the C ricket F ield by using B A R T L E T T ’S Celebrated R E P E R C U S S IV E B A TS - i The Australians during their last visit all used Our Celebrated REPER- CUSSIYE BATS See Cricket at Oval, Sept. 22nd, 1888.-52 runs made in lef s than half an hour, and 87 runs in an hour and three quarters from our Bats. Admitted the Fastest Scoring Bat of the Season. May be had of all Dealers in Cricket Goods. -71, W A T E R L O J R O A D . B R E A K F A S T - S U P P E R . E P P S ’ S G R A T E F U L -C O M F O R T IN G . C O C O A B O I L I N G W A T E R O R M I L K . THOMAS O. JENKIN, General Manager. Undoubtedly the Best Balls I have ever bowled with. F. R. SPOFFORTH. Dear Sir,—I have given your Balls a thorough trial, and must say that I like them better than any others I have bowled with, they keep their Bhape and do not increase in size, which is a great fault with many, and a big Ball is very difficult to manipulate.—Yours truly, GEORGE A. LOHMANN. Dear Sir,—We used your Balls in the last Inter-colonial match at Sydney, they lasting well on a hard wicket, and at the same time keeping their shape right through a long innings. The cricketers are very pleased indeed with the Balls and can recommend them to anyone.—I remain Yours very truly, C. T. B. TURNER. John Wisden’s Improved Special School Balls Are used by all the important Preparatory Schools. 21, GratDourn St. lomloii Universally acknowledged the Best Balls made they are in use at Lords, nearly all County Grounds, also Melbourne and Sydney Grounds and Principal Clubs throughout the World. Patent Batting Gloves BAGS, NETS, STUMPS, &c. &c. JOHNWISDEN&GO. Cricket Goods M AN UFACT URERS CRAW FORD ’S PATENT “ Eictliei” Cricket Bats GRANDEST D R IV E R S E V E R MADE. W A R S O P ’S P A T E N T B A T S . W A R S O P ’ S A L L C A N E B A T S .
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