Cricket 1891

APRIL 16, 1891 CRICKET A WEEKLY EECORD OF THE GAME; 55 BOWLING ANALYSIS. T he C ounty . First Innings. Second Innings. O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Hillier.......... 7 2 7 0 Martin . 7 4 7 0 ............... 7 2 8 2 Jones .......... 5 2 4 0 M iles.......... 8 5 11 1 ... ... 8 4 8 1 Parkman ... 5 2 3 0 Gardner ... 3 0 15 0 Ferris........ . 12 2 13 4 .......... 8 1 25 1 Tibbets . 9 5 13 1 ............... 8 1 13 0 Townsend.. . 6 1 19 3 Matthews... 5 2 3 1 Toms ... '7 1 34 1 Stiudard 9 2 12 1 Thompson 3 0 9 1 T he C olts . First Innings. O. M. R. W. Ferris.......... 30 12 55 4 Secood Innings. O. M. R. W. Murch.. Tlpa Q W .G. Grace 15 Roberts ... 20 4 0 5 5 2 6 25 1 9 35 11 .......... 12 E. M. Grace 8 RadclifFe... 8 Brown ... 3 Townsend 8 13 7 31 14 14 3 38 8 17 3 11 0 12 2 4 0 29 4 G. G. HEARNE’ S X I. v. XV. OF DART- FORD AND DISTRICT. Judging from his fine batting performance in this annual match at Dartford on Easter Monday, Alec Hearne fully intends this season to maintain his consistent form of last year. It enabled his side to declare their innings closed when only five wickets had fallen for 286. The local fifteen proved quite unable to cope with the deliveries of Devey and Ekins, and were all disposed of for a total of 44. Seven of them, indeed, failed to get a run between them, and Devey “ c and b " no fewer than four of his opponents. G. G. H earne ’ s XI. A. Hearne, not out...158 W. Devey, c Fieher,b Higgins ................. 8 J. H. Huish, b Fisher .................16 G. Burton, c Pawle, b H iggin s.................40 R. Collins, F. E. Huish, A. E. McBain, H.Hooker, and H. Ekins did not bat. D artford and D istrict . G.G. Hearne, run out 39 H. Wood, c Harbour, b Johnson .............15 E xtras....................10 T otal........... 286 Fieher, b Ekins.......... Pawle. run out.......... R. Hearne, b Ekins... Johnson, b Ekins ... R. 8tevens, b Devey T. Stevens, c and b Devey ................. G. Ekins, c and b Devey ................. Kirkiey, c and b Devey ................. Daniels, b Devey Ayley, c and bDevey Harbour, b Hooker Leggett, b Hooker , Bryson, b Hooker ... J. Stevens, b Collins Bengley, not out Extra .......... Total ... NORTHBROOK CLUB, A general meeting of the members of this Club was held on March 23 at the Lord Northbrook, Burnt Ash-road, Lee. The formal business having been got through, the Chairman said he had a pleasiD g duty to perform in asking Mr. Charles Pearse to accept at his hands, on behalf of the club, a small testimonial expressive of their appreciation of the services rendered by him during the ten years he occupied the post of captain, and which, he was glad to know, had been subscribed for by the past as well as present members of the club. iVhen Mr. Pearse was first eleoted oaptain—at a critical period in the olub’ s history—he made certain ? rifln^ses h® had nobly and faithfully fulfilled, proving himself a model captain, good all-round crioketer,and jovial companion, appreciated and esteemed not only by all their °iW? members, but also by those of every other TT J*1.*0*1he was brought into contact. *ie (the chairman) w$s assured th$t every member of the club felt that Mr. Pearse deserved some little rest from his arduous labours on their behalf, and that they shared with him the hope that he would be spared many years to help the club on to further victories. The Chairman then amidst loud cheers handed to Mr. Pearse a handsome and valuable clock (with suitable inscription) and pair of mantelpiece ornaments, the whole being in Algerian onyx, and accompanied by an illuminated and framed address, signed by the Earl of Northbrook, the president, Messrs. T. Blenkiron and W. Marks, vice-presidents, the officers, and about 60 other members of the club. The address reads as follows : “ Northbrook Cricket Club.—Testimonial presented to C. Pearse, Esq., upon his resig­ nation of the captaincy of the club, by the president, vice-presidents, and members, in recognition of his services, ability, and zeal in promoting the interests and welfare of the olub during the past 10 years, 1880-90.” Mr. Pearse made a suitable response. A resolution expressing the deep regret with which the members had heard of the death of their former colleague,- Captain H. L. Barrow, who was recently killed in action at Tokar, was carried unanimously. NORTHBROOK CLUB (LEE). F ixtures for 1891. April 25—Opening Match May 2—Lee, v. Bromley ♦May 2—Malden, v. Malden Wanderers May 9—Lee, v. Addiscombe *May 9—Addiscombe, v. Addiscombe May 16—Bexley, v. Bexley ♦May 16—Lee, v. Heathfield May 18—Lee, v. Granville ♦May 18—Lee, v. Granville May 23—Lee, v. Whitgift Wanderers ♦May 23—Manor Way, v. Blackheath Pro. School May 30—Lee, v. Dulwich ♦May 30—Dulwich, v. Dulwich June 6—Hampton Wick, v. Hampton Wick ♦June 6—Lee, v. Greenhithe ♦June 9, 10—Lee, v. Alliance Bank June IS—Lee, v. Pallingswick *June 13—Mottingham, v. Mottingham ♦June 17—Eltham, v. Royal Naval School June 20—Lee, v. Crays and Orpington ♦June 20—Sheerness, v. Sheppy United Jnne 27—Lee, v. Norwood ♦June 27—Norwood, v. Norwood July 4—Bromley, v. Bromley ♦July 4—Lee, v. Mottingham July 11—Chiswick Park, v. Chiswick Park ♦July 11—Eltham, v. Royal Naval School July 18 —Lee, v. Heathfield ♦July 18—Wandsworth, v. Heathfield July 22—Norwood, v. Norwood ♦July 25—New Eltham, v. New Eltham ♦July 28, 29—Lae, v. Alliance Bank Aug.l—Dulwieb, v. Dulwich ♦Aug. 1—Lee, v. Dulwich Aug. 3—Lee, v. Granville ♦Aug. 3—Lee, v. Granville Aug. 8—Blackheath, v. Blackheath ♦Aug. 8—Malden, v. Malden Wanderers Aug. 12—Lee, v. Hampton Wick Aug. 13—Mr. Marks’ v. Mr. Ingram’s Tea** (Members’ Sons). Aug. 15—Acton, v. Pallingswick ♦Aug. 15—Lee, v. Sheppy United Aug. 22—Lee, v. Junior Middlesex ♦Aug. 22—Greenhithe, v. Greenhithe Aug 27—Kevington Park, v. Crays and Orpington Aug. 29—Addiscombe, v. Addiscombe ♦Aug. 29—Lee, v. Addiscombe Sept. 5—Lee, v. Burlington Wanderars ♦Sept. 5—Bexley, v. Bexley Sept. 12—Lee, 1st XI. v. Next XVI. * Second Team Matches. CROYDON CLUB. F ix tu r e s f o r 1891 April 11—Croydon, Under 30 v. Over 30 April 18—Croydon, Married v. Single April 25 —Honor Oak, v. Honor Oak April 25 —Croydon, v. Granville May 2—Cane Hill, v. London County Asylum May 2 —Croydon, v. Selhurst May 9—Croydon, v. Mitcham May 9—Mitcham, v. Mitcham May 13—Tunbridge Wells, v. Tunbridge.Wells May 16—Norwood, v. Norwood May 16—Croydon, v. Norwood May 18—Addiscorrrte, v. Addiscombc May 18—Croydon, v. Addiscombe May 23—Wandsworth, v. Spencer May 23—.Croydon, v. Spencer May 23—Thornton Heath, v. Irenic May 27—Norbury, v. Mr. J. W. Hobbs May 30—Croydon, v.Beddington May 30—Beddington, v. Beddington May 30—Norbury, v. Norbury Park June 6—Dulwich, v. Dulwich June 6—Croydon, v. Whitgift School June 6—North End, Croydon,v. 'Whitgift School II. June 10—Croydon, v. Clapham Wanderers June 13—Croydon, v. Whitgift Wanderers June 13—Lee, v. Granville June 17—Croydon, v. Norbury Park June 20—Croydon, v. Spencer June 20—Wandsworth, v. Spencer June 20—Tulse Hill, v. Norwood Park June 24—Croydon, v. Mr. J. W. Hobb3’S June 27—Kenley, v. Kenley June 27—Croydon, v. Norbury Park June 27—Addiscombe, v. Ashburton July 1—Lee, v. Granville July 4—Forest Hill, v. Forest Hill July 4—Croydon, v. Forest Hill July 7—Croydon, v. Peripatetics July 11—Beddington, v. Beddington Juiy 11—Croydon, v. Beddington July 11—North End, Croydon, v. Whitgift School July 18—Croydon, v. Dulwich July 18—Denmark Hill, v. Brixton Wanderers July 25—Norbury, v. Norbury Park July 25—Croydon, v. Norwood Park July 27—Croydon, v. Burlington Wanderers July 28—Croydon, v. Brixton Wanderers July 29—Croydon, v. M.C.C. and G. July 30—Croydon, v. Granville July 31—Croydon, v. Kenley Aug. 1—Croydon, v. Old Wellingburians Aug. 1—Carshalton, v. Carshalton Aug. 3—Addiscombe, v. Addiscombe Aug. 3—Croydon, v. Addiscombe Aug. 8—Mitcham, v. Mitcham Aug. 8—Croydon, v. Mitcham Aug. 15—Croydon, v. Norwood Aug. 15—Norwood, v. Norwood Aug. 19—Croydon, v. Oaklfeigh Wanderers Aug. 22—Croydon, v. Burlington Wanderers Aug 22—Selhurst, v. Selhurst Aug. 29—Denmark Hill, v. Brixton Wanderers Aug. 29—Croydon, v. Brixton Wanderers Sept. 2—Croydon, v. Tunbridge Wells Sept. 5—Croydon, v. Forest Hill Sept. 5—Forest Hill, v. Forest Hill Sept. 12—Croydon, Club Match C A L C U T T A C LUB v. P. AND O. S.S. “ R O H IL L A .” Played at Calcutta on Feb 4. T he |-C lub . First Innings Second Innings. Kearns, b Warren ........ 0 b W arren...........89 Williamson, c Copley, b Warren ...................... 0 b W arren........... 1 Bolton, b Warren .......... 0 c Warren, b G ordon.......... 3 Reddie, b Warren ........ 9 b W arren ........... 32 Butler, c and b Harris ... 9 c Warren, b Gordon .......... 0 Powell, c and b Harris ... 2 b W arren........... 3 Gones, b Copley................. 0 c Mitchell, b G ordon.......... 1 Rule, c and b Warren ... 2 b W arren ........... 0 Turner, not o u t................. 2 c Warren, b Harris .......... 24 Pritchett, c Mayes, b Cop'ey ... ............... 0 not out ........... 2 Substitute, c and b Warren ........................ 4 Paine, c John­ son, b Harris 38 B 3, lb 3 .................. 6 B 4, lb 1, w 3 8 Total ... 34 Total ...151 P. and O. S.S. “ R ohilla .” First Innings. Warren, b William­ son ........................15 Harris, b Kearns ... 6 Gordon, c Butler, b Kearns ................. 1 Johnson, b Kearns ... 0 Martin, c Kearns, b Williamson .......... 3 Bageant, st Paine, b Williamson .......... 0 In the Second Innings Warren scored (not out) 1, Harris, b Williamson 26, Gordon, b Williamson 14, Martin, b Paine 8; b 9, lb 7.—Total, 65. Copley, c Butler, b Williamson .......... Graves, b Kearns ... Mayes, b Williamson Mitchell, not out ... Waters, b Kearns ... B ........................ Total 13 0 0 G 0 6 eo C R IC K E T E E S -B est G oods City Agents — b e a k t h is M a e k . —Advt. P aeto n Sc L e s t e r 94, Q u e e n St., C jm a p s id f .