Cricket 1891

48 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. MARCH 26, 1891 CRICKET SHIRTS. T HE S P E C I A L W H I T E C A N V A S C L U B S H I R T As Mann factored and Infcrodnoed to the oricketing world by os in 1884, and supplied^ 4 / 6 GBCh daring the last £ ix seasons to some of the leading gentlemen and professional players I . In England and Australia. Washes snowy white: is soft, absorbent, porouB and un- j / hTGB fOT 1 3 /- ahrinkable. Beware of Im itations. ) CARRIAGE PAID. C l H H T "> T T T ^ T T T T T ^ Q Q y ( 8ol« Manufacturara A. X j L U A I T \ f i ms b ur y p i v r m r n t . i n m n i . n o 25 p e s a v c e ed T ‘ I NEW DEPARTURE We are now offering D IRECT to the CONSUMER our UNSHRINKABLE CRICKETING FLANNELS Please write for our Patterns (FREE) of NEW GOODS for coming SEASON which comprise the LATEST NOVELT IES in Design and Colour for O E I C K E T I N G & TEIsTNXS SXJITS You may wash them every day and T H E Y W ILL NOT SHRINK, but will improve in co’ our and softness of texture. CRICKET and TENNIS SHIRTS, TROUSERS and COATS in PURE WHITE and in Lovely Designs in FANCY STRIPES on WHITE FRENCH GREY, ETON GREY, SELF GREY and LAVENDER GROUNDS beautifully Soft in Texture. G ENT’S and BO Y S ’ SHIRTS, TROUSERS, KNICKERS, COAT3, for CRICKET, TENNIS, BOATING , FOOTBALL , FISH ING , SHOOTING & TOURING- SH IR T 3, 5/11 to 10/6- TROUSERS, 6/11 to 14/6- F I T G U A R l N T K K D . BOYS’ UNSHRINKABLE FLANNEL SUITS, HANDSOMELY TRIMMED, from 10s. to 11s. 6d., Sailor Pattern. BR IT ISH TR AD E JOIJItNAL says:—“ W e find they do not shrink but are improved in appearance and handle after washing.” THE MANUFACTUHER AND INVENTOR says :—“ The sample sent us after having been tested to see if it would shrink bears out the makers’ claim for it.” W E S T R I D I N G F L A N N E L C O . , L E E D S . CASH W ITH ORDER. CARRIAGE PAID. PER C EN T . SAVED H I G H E S T AW A R D ( F I R S T PR IZE) F O R B U T S A N D B A L L S , M E L B O U R N E E X H I B I T I O N , 1888-9. AQUILACLAPSHAW&SALMH q £G' s T£/ t £-£ Wholesale and Retail G R E EN ’S PATENT LAWN MOWERS GREEN'S PATENT “ SILENS MESSOR” LAWN MOWERS Jfor D on k ey , P o n y & H o rse P ow e r Have stood the test for upwards of 30 years, and lia*e carried off EVERY HIGHEST PRIZE which has been given in all cases of competi­ tion. They are in constant use in all the Royal Gardens, Large Parks, and Cricket Grounds in the kingdom. Over 165,000 Sold. GREEN'S Rollers for Hand, Pony & Horse are also unequalled. Send for Price List. Repairs promptly executed at our London or Leeds Establishments. GREEN’S NEW PATENT WHEEL GEARED LAWN MOWER, (W ith S ide D elivery ), for Donkey, Pony & Horse Power THOMAS GREEN & SON, L i m i t e d , Surrey Works, Blackfriars Ftd., London and SmithfleldIron Works, Leeds. APPOINTED BY ROYAL WARRANT MAKERS TO H.M. THE QUEEN, & H.R.H . THE PRINCE OK WALES. THE ONLY MAKERS HOLDING A KOYAL WARRANT FOR HORTICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A.C. & S.’s “ RESILIENT” Bat possesses Splendid Driving Power and does not Ja r the Hand 1891 Illustrated List N ow Ready. Free to all parts o f the W orld on application- 5, CAYTON ST., CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C. Printed for the Proprietor by W kiqht & Co., 41, St. Andrew's Hill, Doctors' Commons, London, E.G., March 26th, 1891.