Cricket 1891

MARCH 26, 1891 CRICKET: A WEEKLY EECOED OP THE GAME; 47 Manufacturers of MARQUEES AND TEN1 Of every Description for CRICKET, TENNIS, &c. CRICKET NETS AND CANVAS SC Write for Illustrated Catalogue and 1 Post Free. MARQUEES AND TENTS ON H C RICKF.T! CAUTION! Messrs. J. LYO Xc and SONS, firvl 23. Red Cross-street, Ori-plegaie. London, E.C., » 8,Chnr«-h-stro t, Mane-tester. Manufacturers o f the OUK»IN’ BBGIKTKKKD MARYLKBONE an I ALL ENG LA? CRICKET BAGS, regret that ihey have to caution the pul acainst purchasing bags pira ing their d si ms of Infer quality. None are g nuine unless bearing the reirisi cr< d in mark stamped on the bottom of eac'i ba~. vi*.,“ TrlB MA1I L. BONE” and “ TUB ALL E N G L aN U " To be obi a r from all respcctabl •cricketing establishments, or wholesale the above. Price Li«ts U"on npplica ion.___________________ __ C r i c k e t i c A im » .\ • •• t h e m.v.a w w .x ; CRICKET BAT BAG (Itesistcre I No. 7,351) and ‘ Tl ALL E N G L A N D " (ltegisterel No. 7,3.i2). Any pcr« mining use of these titles without our authority will ren themselves liable to legal proceed nps— J L yons AND to: 22 »n<l 23. Red Cross-street, Crippleg.ue, Londou, E.C., and Cl'urch-«tre<*t, M a n c h e s t e r . _________________________ ___ R A N S O M E S At the Jubilee Meeting of the R.A.S.E., Windsor, HEB MAJESTY the QUEEN and H.B.H. P rincess VICTORIA of PRUSSIA each purchased a R ansomes ’ L awn M ow er . All Mowers sent on a Montn’s Trial Carriage Paid. LAWN MOWERS THE BEST IN TH E WORLD. In all sizes to suit every requirement. “ NEW AUTOMATON ” the Best Gear Machine. “ CHAIN AUTOMATON” the Best Chain Machine. “ NEW PARIS ” the Best Small Machine. “ EDGE CUTTER ” the only one of real service. “ BANK CUTTER” the Best for Cutting 81opes. The BEST PONY &HORSE-POWER MOWERS. Orders executed promptly by all Ironmongers. RANSOMES, SIMS, & JEFFERIES Limited, IPSWICH. ar utUtffUUO tLfcffcifc. i&t-fr-tt'f. ALL OLUBB, HOTELS, SCHOOLB, Ae., At. BEOULD HAVE THE CELEBRATED GOUHTY AND OTHER CRICKET ELEVEN8. B t E. HAWKINS & Co., 108, K I N 9 ’ B R O A D , B R IG H T O N , ITh# Mott lawresting Photographs o! the Ags. 8/8 eaeh Post Free. Bile ol Photo 13-in. by 10-In. & u o P hoto * off a ll th e P r in c ipa l C B io n T iB f JUST PUBLISHED. OENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at LORD’S. GENTLEMEN of ENGLAND at The OVAL, ENGLAND at LORD’S. ENGLAND at the OVAL. Oapital Photos o f THE PARSERS, 1/3 e&oh : the whole set of 14,16/- tJndei th 8 Patronage of Paines C h ristian , Ph tn c* Chbistiam V iotoB , T b s E a r l o f S h s t h b ld , &o., &o, n The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES. Photographed Specially for the E arl of 8heffieUL L ord S h e f f ie ld w r i t e s “ I hope you will find ?i&n 7 customers for auoh exceedingly good an! izeeilenft Photographs." Jubilee F o o tb a ll F estival. T h o Oral, Hsroh 19,1887. Under the inur^dlate Patronage ol H.K.H. T h e P binoh osr W a les. S p lsn d id P h o to g ra p h s o i th b F o u b T ia k b , Large Size (12 by 10), 8/0 each; Or 10/- the Set of Four. Cabinets, 1/0 each J 0 V 5/- the Set of Pour. Poet Free. R-B.—AU Orders must be accompanied by a remittance. Latest Portraits of the Celebrated Jookeyi - (I n C ostume )— •. a r c h e r (h .k .h . t h e prince or w alm i ), 0. WOOD (Sib G. Ch b tw h d ). r. WUBB (D uk e o r W estm in stsb). _ _ T. LOATBS, uarce Slie, Beautifully Finished and KouuftoA on India Tints, 7 /0 each, Cabinet Size, 1/- eaoh. Post Free, Oath with Order, Latest Portraits of L O R D HA R R I S - „ (I n C ricket C ostume ). «ar*e Bijo (ia in. by 10 in.), Bs. each, post-Hew K K Cabinets, 2s. each, post-free: "J i.—Tl lete Portraits have been much admired by all who have seen them. » . HAWK I NS & CO., _ (Late Hennah & Kent) inn p h o to g r aph ic ABTIBTB, 108, KINO'S BOAD, BBIGHTOH, n md AL ND CMuti blio n ior 1 rude UY- n *d of VL.i’.iiU.N;<i ‘ HE e son .er S SOX.S, .| 3, APOLOGY Messrs. J. Lj'ons and Sons, Kiddc minster Gentlemen,— If 1 have in any way infringed your rights by usir g the word Marylebone in invoice of cricket bags. I a ' lopise for havin' done so. I how Ter. ignorant that the word w.^s used by you as a Tra le Mark, raid I will for the future discontinue the use of it as applied to bags of my manufacture. I am, Gentlemen, yours obediently, __________________(Sgnfd) BENJAMIN ANKRETT. T E N T S ! T E N T S 1 T E N T S ! SUITABLE FOE Gardens, Lawns, Cricket Clubs, ETC. 40 FEET IN CIRCUMFERENCE, PURE WHITE LINEN, WITH POLES, PEGS, & LINES C O M P L E T E 3 0 /- E A C H . O E O K G r K R O B I N S O N , Government Contractor, Rye, Sussex. GEORGE LEWIN l a t e GEO. KENT, ATHLETIC CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, 29, KING WILLIAM STREET, LONDON BRIDGE, E.C. Established 1869. CRICKET, BOATING, and TENNIS OUTFITS. Shrunk Flannel Trousers ................. 8/11 to 18/9 „ „ Shirts ........................ 5 11 to 12/6 Oxford Matte or Canvas ditto, white or coloured ...................................... I/ll — Shrunk Flannel Jackets........................10/9 to 16 9 Special Club Stripe ditto (to order only) 23 6 — Silk or Elastic Belts............................... 10£d. to 2/- Club Silk Scarfs...................................... 1/6 — „ „ Sashes...................................... 2/6 to 8/6 „ „ Hat Ribbon ........................ 1/- to 21- SPECIAL NOTICE ! G E O R G E L E W I N Is opening New Premises at 8 , CROOKED LANE, CANNON ST., E C, At the back of his present establishment, for the Eale and Manufacture of Athletic Clothing, where there will be a LAYATORY AND DRESSING ROOM For the use of his Customers. T S , LAWN REENS, Price List IRE. C O B B E T T ’S Cricket Bat Company, Limited, Beg to inform their Customers that all BATS will In future be NUMBERED, in order to enable thi COMPANY TO TBACE THOSE OF THEIB OWN MANUFACTUBE. P u n to ry ■ 6 6 . C a D la n d -a trfle t. U a r y la b o n * . NOW READY. VOL. IX. o f “ C R I C K E T ” Neatly bound in dark green cloth, with gilt lettering. P r i c e 8 s . 6 d . (Per Parcels Post, securely packed, 9d. extra.) B E S I D E S Full Scores of all principa matches played in 1890, and a mass of Valuable Information, it contains Portraits and Biographies of the following Eminent Cricketers:— D r. J. E. B abbett Mr. J. McC. B lackham M r . K. E . B urn M r . P. C. C harlton M r . C. E . D e T rafford M r . S. E. G regory Mr. E. M . H adow L ord H arris M r . H. T . H ew ett M r . P h il ip H ilton M r . H. J. M ordaunt M r . W . L . M urdoch M r . D . S. N ewhall M r . D avid S cott M r . H ugh T rumble W alter R ichards J. W . S harpe E . J. T yler E dward W ain whig ht F rank W ard CASES FO R B IN D IN G , 2s. 6 d. OFFICE of " C R I C K E T , ” 41, St Andrew’ s Hill, Doctors’ Commons, E.C INTER-UNIVERSITY RECORDS. Full particulars of all Competitions in Athletics, Bicycling,Billiards, Chess, Cricket, Cross Country, Lawn Tennis, Polo, Racquets, Rifle Contests* Rowing, and Tennis, between Oxford and Cam­ bridge, from 1827 to 1887. Sent post-free on re­ ceipt of 1/2 in stamps, by WRIGHT & Co.» (1, St, Andrew’s Hill, E.C C H A R T E R H O U S E R E C O R D S 1850 — 1890. Contains Scores, with Bowling Analyses, of all Cricket Matches played by CHARTERHOUSE against WESTMINSTER, WELLINGTON, & RUGBY. F u l l D e ta ils op a l l CHARTERHOUSE & WESTMINSTER FOOTBALL MATCHES. SCORES OF RIFLE CONTESTS AGAINST WINCHESTER, WELLINGTON, & HARROW, & in Competitions for the ASHBURTON SHIULD ; and Indices to Char­ terhouse, Westminster, & Wellington REPRESENTATIVES. Sent Post-Free on receipt of 21 Stamps by WRIGHT & Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, E.C. JOHNED 6 IN 6 T 0 NandCO., (E st a b l ish e d 1805.) 19, LONG LANE, WEST SMITHFIELD, LONDON, E.C. Manufactory-108, OLD KENT ROAD, S.E. NEXT ISSUE, APRIL 16,