Cricket 1891

38G CEICKET: A WEEKLY RECOBD OF THE GAME. AUG. 27, 1891 City&SouthLondon Railway. N E W R O U T E TO T H E < > Trains worked entirely by Electric Locomotives Run every few minutes to and from CITY (King William Street), BORO’, ELEPHANT & CASTLE, OVAL, and STOCKWELL (for Clapham Common). SINGLE FAEE (any distance) 2 d . T he Oval Station is about 50 yards from the Entrance to the Surrey Cricket Ground. THOMAS C. JENKIN, General Manager. PHOTOGRAPHS OF CELEBRATED ELEVENS, 1884-90. ALL CLUBS, HOTELS, SCHOOLS, &c., &c. SHOULD HAVE THE CELEBRATED County ot^er Gric^et Elevens. B y E. H A W K IN S & Co., 108, KING ’S ROAD, BKIGHTON. The Most Interesting Photographs of the Age. 3/6 ea ch P ost Free. Size of Photo 12in. by lOin. ALSO PHOTOS OF A LL TH E PRIN CIPAL CRICKETERS. GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND AT LORD’S GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND AT THE OVAL ENGLAND AT LORD’ S ENGLAND AT THE OVAL. Capital Photos of THE PARSEES, Is. 6d. each; the whole set of 14,15s. Under the Patronage of P r in c e C h r is t ia n , P r in c e C h r is t ia n V ic t o r , T h e E a r l o f S h e f f ie l d , & c ., & c . The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES: Photographed Specially fo r the E arl of Sheffield. L o r d S h e f f ie l d writes “ I hope you will find many customers for such exceedingly good and excellent Photographs.” Jubilee Football Festival, The Oval. March 19,1887. Under the immediate Patronage of H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Splendid Photographs of the Four Teams. Large Size (12 by 10) 3 /6 each; or 10/- the set of Four. Cabinets 1/6 each; or 5/- the set of Four. Post free. N.B.—All Orders must be accompanied by a remittance Latest Portraits of Celebrated Jockeys. (In Costume)— Large Size, Beautifully Finished and Mounted on India Tints, 7 /6 each. Cabinet Size 2/- each, r* japjr£Post Free. Cash with Order. Latest Portraits of LORD HARRIS (In Cricket Costume). Large size (12in. by lOin.) 5s. each, post-free. Cabinets 2s. each, post-free. N.B.—These Portraits have been much admired by all who have seen them. E. HAWKINS & Co-, (Late Hennah & Kent) P H O T O G R A P H I C A R T I S T S , 108, KING ’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. GEORGE LEWIN (Late GEORGE KENT), ATHLETIC CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, 8, CROOKED LANE , A nd 2 9 , KING WILLIAM STREET , L O N D O N B R ID G E , E .C . ESTABLISHED 1869. Football Clubs are respectfully reminded that to ensure thorough satisfaction, as regards colour and fit for Jerseys and Shirts, that their orders should be placed without delay. SPECIAL N O T IC E .-G E O R G E L E W IN has opened New Premises at 8, CROOKED LANE, CANNON STREET, E.C. at the back of his present establishment for the sale and manufacture of Athletic Clothing exclusively, where there is also a commodious Dressing Room and Lavatory at the service of his customers, f r e e o f c h a r g e . ^ CA S TLE ’S T^ \ 1^ea^ Seats, ADDRESS— H. CASTLE & SONS BALTIC WHARF, M I L L B A N K . S .W . L J. NICOLL. S, ROBERTSBRIDGE, PATENTEE & MANUFACTURER OF THE AUTOMATIC BAT HANDLE T H E B E engravings show the advan- £ tages thishandle gives, ^ as each curve forms a ' key or abutment, against the elastic substance. Although these handles are in two pieces from the shoulder of the blade, it is impossible to get them out of shape. These bats, introduced in 1889, have been used by the best Cricketers of England, Australia and New Zealand, as well as having been sent to India and Africa, and the uni­ versal testimony is that nothing has ever been brought into the Cricketing world to give such advantages to the batsman in cutting and driving powers A few first class cricketers who have procured the Perfect Shaped and Balanced B at:—W. G. Grace, W. W. Read, W . L. Murdoch, W. H. Patterson, H. Pigg, J. Briggs, J. J. Lyons, J. J. Ferris, with Australian orders Wholesale and Retail. SHORTHINTSsCRICKET BY w . w . READ. This Valuable Information on Modern Eatting, which will be found of enormous use to all classes of Cricketers, can be had free on receipt of One Stamp from N o t ic e in c a s e o f I n f r in g e m e n t .— The Patentee does not bind himself to any number of Curves. W. H. COOK & 0 0 . , (LIM ITED ), Sole Manufacturers of the now Celebrated “MAGIC’’ BAT AND ALL ORICKET AND LAWN TENNIt REQUISITES, 67, BARBICAN, E.C. C O B B E T T ’S Cricket Bit Company,Limited, Beg to Inform their Oastomers that all BATS wUi In Future be NUMBERED, in order to enable tkl COMPANY TO TRACE THOSE 0 ? THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. Factory: 66, OaplaBd-itreat. MaryleboM. _ m m b Is the very thing for H f f mat ■ Bk Athletes. EveryCricketer m ff I I I I I should carry KOLA Mm I I I I I CHOCOLATE for eating, & ■ f t I I I I I drink KOLATINA as a l « I I I beverage, and KOLA B % a t-Jf S T B ELIXIR, the new muscle ■ » ■ b ra c e rs. After partak- ingof Kola, a French regiment lastyearm arched for 12 hours without food and without feeling fatigued. Either preparation of all Chemists, 1/-, 2/-, & 3/6, or from the sole wholesale proprietors, T. Christy &Co., 25, Lime Street, London, E.C. NEW BOOK BY W. A. BETTESW0R1H NOW READY—AT ALL BOOKSTALLS. Price 1/- post-free 1/2. A ROYAL ROAD TO CRICKET, BY AN OLD 8USSEX CRICKETER. LONDON: ILIFFE & SON, 3, ST. BRIDE S T., E.C. G r a c e P a r l o u r C r ic k e t . —A Handsome Birth­ day Present for boys. Matches played and analy­ sis kept same as on the cricket field. Any number can play, and endless enjoyment and amusement is afforded by this ingenious Indoor Game. Post free, securely packed, 2/10.— W r ig h t & Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill. London. B O I L I N G W A T E R O R M I L K . E P P S ’ S GRATEFUL -COM FOR TING . C O C O A B R E A K F A S T OR 8 U P P E R ADVERTISE [ESTIMATES FREE ■ A P P L Y T O -J HENRYSELLS 167 & 168, FLEET ST. LO NDON . E.C. P rin ted lor the Proprietor bv W r i g h t & Oo., 41, St. Andrew's Hill, D o c to r s ' G jjim o jj, bjudon, tfi.O., iu g a it 27oh, 1891.