Cricket 1891
AUG. 27, 1891 CRIOKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 385 Telegraphic Address-1' SLIBBLE,” London. Telephone No 2-396 S L Y D IB B L E & Co ., Marque,Tent,Awning,FlagMakers, k . TO H.M. GOVERNMENT, ETC., ETC. O F F I C E A N D M A N U F A C T O R I E S - 1,2,3,4,5&6, Cornwall St., London, E. a n d 213 to 217, Cable St., London, E. I l l u s t r a t e d P r ic e L is t s P o st F r e e on a pp lic a tio n MARQU E E S . Packed in Valise with Pegs and Poles complete- 60ft. by 30ft. with 6ft. walls... ................ £52 0 0 50ft. by 25ft. „ ................. 37 5 0 40ft. by 20ft. „ 25 0 0 30ft. by 16ft. „ ................ 1!) 5 0 22ft. by 14ft. „ ................ 12 0 0 18ft. by 12ft. „ ................ 10 0 0 19ft. by 10ft. „ ................ 9 0 0 ROUND W A L L T E N T S . 24ft. circumference, 6ft. walls... ................ £4 0 0 30ft. n ••• ................ 4 15 0 40ft. j * )» ................ 6 0 0 50ft. 19 19 ................ 9 0 0 T H E “ S IMP L EX ” T E N T . E sp e c ia lly adapted lor P rivate L aw n T enn is Parties No. 1. 12ft. by 7ft. 6in. .£3 10 0 No. 2. 0 0 No. 1. 10ft. 6in. by 7ft. £3 5 0 No. 2. £2 15 0 Very commodious and easily erected, no outside lines, sets up in its own area, and fitted with n^n slipping runners. Weighs about lGlbs., inclusive of poles, pe^ s, &c. Size of about when packed in valise, 4ft. by Sin. diameter. SQUARE T E N T S . PI,AIN OR FANCY STKIPED. Oft. square £3. 8ft. square £4. 10ft. square £6 10s. 12ft. square ,£8 I L L U S T R A T E D G A T A L O G - T T E S PO
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