Cricket 1891
376 CEICKET: A WEEKLY BECOED OF THE GAME* AUG. 27, 1891 ORICKET, FOOTBALL, & TENNIS GROUNDS v-/ (all thoroughly drained, October, 1888), TO L E T at Hyde Farm, Balham, for Season, Day, or Saturdays, close to Railway Station. Special reduced return railway fares from Victoria, 5d. London Bridge 7d.—Apply H . B e n h a m (Proprietor), 104, Rossiter Road, Balham. (Cycling and Running Tracks now ready.) NOTTINGHAM SCORES a n d BIOGRAPHIE8, 1838 to 1890. Demy 8vo., 564 pp., cloth boards, 6s., post free. C h a r l e s H. R ic h a r d s , Publisher, Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham. HASTINGS AND ST. LEONARDS CRICKET WEEK, 1891. T w o G r a n d Ma t c h es W ill be Played on the C E N T R A L CRICKET GROUND, HASTINGS, As follows— Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, Sept. 10 , 11 , 12 . N O R T H v. S O U T H , TEAMS NORTH S elected from the following— M r . A . T . K e m b l e M r . C . W . W r ig h t A t t e w b l l C h a t t e r t o n F l o w e r s G u n n H a l l P e e l P o u g h e r S h e r w in U l y e t t A . W ar d SOUTH Selected from tho following— D r . W . G . G r a c e M r . J. J . F e r r is M r . W. L. M u r d o c h M r . W . N e w h a m M r . W .W . R e a d M r . A . E . S t o d d a r t M r . S. M . J. Woods A b e l B u t t L o h m a n n M a r t in SriAitPK W o o d Monday,Tuesday,&Wedne 8 d ay,£ept.l 4 , 15 ,16 Gentleman v. Players. TEAMS GENTLEMEN Selected from the following— D r . W . G . G r a c e M r . A . T . K ic m b le M r . J. J. F k r r is M b . W . L . M u r d o c h M r . \V , N e w h a m M r . T. C . O ’B r ie n M r . H . P iq g M r . W .W . R e a d M r . C . A . S m it h M r . E. C. S t r e a t f e il d M r . A . E. S t o d d a r t M r . S . M . J. W oods PLAYERS Selected from the following— A b e l A t t e w e l l B e a n B u t t C h a t t e r t o n G u n n L o h m a n n M a r t in P e e l M . R e a d U l y e t t W o o d OUTFITS FOR'CRICKET, ROWING, TENNIS CYCLING AND ALL SPORTS. t o b e o b t a in e d o p W . J . P i l e , The City Athletic Outfitter 171, F EN CH U R CH S T R E E T , E.O. AND 73, Park Street, Regent’s Park, N.W. Flannel Shirts, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6, 9/6; Flannel Trousers ~ " 1/6,10/6,12/6,14/6; Flannel Caps (large assort m ent),!/-, 1/6; “ Perfecta” Straw Hat (weighs only 2oz.), 2/6; Shoes for Running, Boating, and Tennis, from 2/6 ; Running Drawers, 2/11, 3/6, 4/6; Toe Capa, 9d. per pair; Corks, 6d. per pair; Elastic and Silk Belts, 1/-; Hat Ribbons, 1 1 - ; Boxing Gloves, from 4/6; Indian Clubs, from 1/6 per pair. Badges embroidered in the best style. Designs worked out on the shortest notice.—W. J. PILE, Outfitter by appointment to the C.T.C., London Athletic Club (L.A.C.), London Bowing Club (L.B.C.), Blackheath Harriers, and other leading ClubB. Send for Price List to 371, Fenchurch St. or 71 and 73 Park St. Regent’s Park, N.W. Wickets pitched at 12 the first day of each Match other days at 11.30. Dr. W. G. Grace will captain the South and Gentlemen’s Teams. Umpires : Thoms and Carpenter. Cheap Fares on S.E.R. and L.B. & S.C.R. and Excursion Trains will run. Admission to the Ground - - O N E SHILLING Covered Grand Stand 1 s . extra. Carriage holding Five 5 s. W eekly tickets, including adm ission to the Ground, and a numbered reserved seat in the grand stand, September 10 to 16 inclusive, price 10s., can now be obtained from M e M c C ormick , Central Cricket Ground, Hastings CRICKET ENGRAVING. Grace, W . W . Read, W . L. Murdoch, A. E. Stoddart, T. C. O’Brien, S. M. J. Woods, W . Newham, J. J. Ferris, A. T. Kemble, E. O. Streatfeild, 0. A. Smith, and H.Pigg. Players : Lohmann, Abel, Gunn, Attewell, Bean, Ulyett, Peel, Chatterton, Martin, M. Read, and Wood or Butt. Cricket: WEEKLYBEGOBDOFTHEGAME. 41, ST. ANDREWS HILL, LONDON, E.C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1891. Dafrtftmx The abstraot and brief chronicle of the time.— Hamlet, P. F. K elly , whose bowling proved to be so very destructive against the two crack Clubs of Philadelphia on the occasion of their visit to Chicago at the beginning of this month, will be well remembered in connection with Metro politan cricket some few years back. His name was to be found in the scores of C eic k e t , and some six or seven summers back he did many good bowling performances for the Stoics and other Clubs of a similar class. In the three matches in which he represented Chicago recently,he was remarkably successful, as the following figures will show:— Wkts Chicago C.C. v. Germantown .. J 8 16 „ „ v. Belmont .. . . / 7 Assn. v. Belmont Runs. 31 35 34 25 31 21 T h e managers of the Hastings and St. Leonards Week have shown themselves from the first so thoroughly alive to the importance of providing cricket of the very best quality only on the occasion of their annual gathering that it is quite superfluous to state that the good folk of Hastings and neighbourhood will have an opportunity afforded them next .month of judging the form of most at all events of the best players of the day, amateur as well as professional. Shrewsbury’s absence of course will be much regretted, but no doubt there are good reasons for his non-appearance. The American and Australian tours are clearly responsible for the omission of some leading players in notably Mr. McGregor, who would otherwise, I believe, have kept wicket for the South as well as the Gentlemen. T h is gives a total of thirty-one wickets for 177 runs, or an average of 5.70. According to the American Cricketer Kelly is a “ fast left-handed bowler, who frequently sends down a medium pace ball with a nasty break back. This is his most dangerous delivery. When hit to any extent, however, he bowls much faster and can be more readily played.” According to the latest advices from America, it is almost certain that the final match of the Inter-City League series will be between the Chicago and Philadelphian teams. The date given for the contest is September 11 and 12, at Philadelphia. TjiOR SALE, a PROOF on INDIA PAPER of the Celebrated Picture by G . H. B a b b a b l e and R. P o n so n b y -S t a p i . e s , ENGLAND v. AUSTRALIA. (An ideal match at Lord’s between picked elevens.) Size 54 by 36, framed 2in. solid oak, i gilt slip, strainer of linen. Complete with Key, framed lin, oak. What offers? Apply 11P a l e t t e ,’’ Office of this Paper. S t il l , as I have already said, though they have been met by some small obstacles, the cricket fathers of Hastings and St. Leonards have once more good reason to be satisfied with the result of their efforts to make their week interest ing as well as attractive to the public for whom they have to cater. The names of the players from whom the elevens for the two matches will be selected have been forwarded to me by a prominent member of the executive, so that I am able to give the teams on the best possible authority. N o rth v. S outh , September 10,11, 12. North : Messrs. C. W . Wright, A. T. Kemble, and Gunn, Attewell, Ulyett, Chatterton, Peel, A. Ward, Pougher, Flowers, Hall, and Sherwin. South Messrs.W. G. Grace, W . W . Bead, W . L. Murdoch,A.E. Stoddart, S. M. J. Woods, J. J. Ferris, W . Newham, and Lohmann, Abel, Martin, Sharpe, Butt or Wood. G en tlem en v. P layees , September 14, 15, 16. Gentlemen: Messrs. W . G C an it be possible that the real reason for Mr. Hornby’s action in closing Lancashire’s innings at the Oval on Saturday was a certain amount of fear that he might secure the much dreaded pair ? Perish the thought! Yet there are hypercriticalpeoplewho canhardly explain his decision on any other hypothesis. At all events he would have been the next batsman to go in had the innings been allowed to take its natural course. The Lancashire captain has always been a bit of a joker, even in the thick of the excitemint of a keenly contested match, and this was perhaps only another instance of his taste for the humorous. T h ere is something muoh more serious however, in the report, which I have every reason to thinkwell-foanded,that the com pletion ofjthe Surrey matoh at the Oval, on Saturday last, was really Mr. Hornby’s final appearance in County Cricket. He has felt the effects of a double attack of influenza considerably of late, and it was not settled until almost the commence ment of the game that he would Captain the Lancashire Eleven against Surrey in the recent match.
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