Cricket 1891

DE. CARTER MOFFAT’S Health-giving Appliances are used by H.M. the Queen, their R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales, H R.H. Princess Louise, also by the Marquis of Lome, Marquis of Salisbury, Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Goschen, Lord Churchill, and Thousands of Eminent Men and Women at home and abroad ELECTRICITY. IN FAILING HEALTH I MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL AGES AND IN ALL STATIONS OF LIFE SHOULD STOP TAKING POISONOUS MEDICINES AND DRUGS AND SIMPLY WEAR 5/61 ^ P O ST F R E E ^ DR.CARTERMOFFAT’SE™ c FEATHER-WEICHT ELECTRIC BODY BELTr S C I E N T I F I C A L L Y T E S T E D A N D G U A R A N T E E D G E N U I N E . 5/6 IM P O S T F R E E ^ They Invigorate, Strengthen, a id Brace up the whole System. Thousands of Unsolicited Testimonials They impart increased Vitality, Strength and Energy. FOR LADIES SUFFERING FROM Indigestion Liver Torpidity Constipation Internal Weakness Palpitation Spinal Weakness Drowsiness Kidney Affections Gout Varicose Veins Rheumatism Sleeplessness Melancholia Heart Weakness Bronchitis Shortness of Breath Asthma Deficient Circulation i and all Nervous Affections. Weight under 2 ozs. Weight under 2 ozs. MANY YEAES’ BRONCHITIS. “ 39, Reek Street, Ordsall Lane, Salford. “ Dear Sir,—Having suffered for a great many years from bronchitis and other complaints, I thought I would try one of your Electric Belts. I have derived great benefit from it. For a long time I have had to take medicine every other day, but since I have had the Belt t have not taken any. I feel a different woman altogether, and shall be glad to recommend it to my friends.—Yours truly, "M rs. F lizabeth B errisford .” FURTHER SPLENDID EVIDENCE. H 10, Lydford Road, Paddington, Feb. 26,1891. " Dear Sir,—I think it only right that I should ac­ knowledge to you the benefit derived from wearing one of your Belts after a fair trial. I have suffered much from pains in head and back,and which three physicians said proceeded from my liver, and who aid me no good, although consulted at various times. I was persuaded to wear one of your Belts, and am and have been quite a different man. You may make whatever use you like of this letter, es­ pecially if it will benefit men like—Yours faithfully, ^ “ J ames B. R ichards ." FOR HEALTH . RHEUMATIC GOUT. " 20, Clifton-road, Worthing, Sussex, Feb. 23, 1891. “ Dear Sir,—The Belt I received from you five weeks ago is doing me good. When I received it I was feeling quite fll with rheumatic gout, but after wearing the Belt a fortnight my pains left me,and I have onlyhad a few slight pains since.—Yours truly “ Miss A. B riggs .M ENDURED RHEUMATISM FOR NEARLY FIVE YEARS. " O.S.R., St. Scholasticus Priory, Llanthony Abbey, Abergavenny. “ Your wonderful Belt which you sent me has completely taken away the rheumatism I had en­ dured for nearly five years. I shall be happy to — - ’ ---------- aefits a< * ' " • 1 i any “ R ev . EXCESSIVE WEAKNES8, NERVOUS DEBILITY, AND SPASMS. “ Dear Sir,—For years past I have been suffering from excessive weakness, nervous debility, and spasms, caused by an accident I met with a long time since. I can now eat better, sleep better, and walk better, since wearing your Belt. “ R. W ooton , Portsmouth.” FOR GENTLEMEN SUFFERING FROM Indigestion Sciatica Constipation Liver Inaction Melancholia Stomach Distension Epilepsy Nervous Exhaustion Paralysis Nervous Depression Gout Weak Heart &Circulation Rheumatism Brain Overwork Palpitation Nervous Excitability aLd all Painful, Nervous and Drug-Baffling Cases. speak of the benefits derived from your treatment if it will in .............................. ~ _ to relieve other sufferers. ame M ary C ecilia , Nun.” DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS—LIVER COMPLAINT. “ The Nook, Feltham, Feb. 20,1891. ‘ Dear Sir,—I sent for one of your 5s. 6d. Belts a month ago, and 1 must say, after giving it a fair trial, I feel much better. My spirit s are brighter, and the unpleasant taste in the morning has en­ tirely disappeared, which I am very thankful to say “ Miss J. A bcott .” SEVERE PAINS IN BACK. “ Leeswood Hall, Mold, Feb. 20,1891. “ Dear Sir,—Having purchased one of your 5s. 6d, Electric Belts on Jan. 1, I am able to state that I have derived great benefit from it. I am pleased to say the pains in my back are much lef s and not so severe. “ Miss C. R oberts .'* HIGH RECOMMENDATION FROM REV. MR. SPURGEON. “ 253, Lewisham High Road, Brockley. “ Dear Dr. Carter Moffat,—I have recom­ mended the Rev. . . . of King's Lynn, who is my dear friend, to try one of your Belts. “ C. SPURGEON.” Now Beady, Post free on Application, “ ELECTRICITY IN FAILING HEALTH,” B y D r . CARTER MOFFAT. DR. CARTER MOFFAT V-fn 11 I l_ 11 ITI V I I n I j (formerly Senior and Principal Demon­ strator, Burgeon’s Hall, Royal College of Surgeon’s, Edinburgh', may be consulted daily, F R E E O F C H A R G E , on all matters relating to Health, and the applica­ tion of Curative Electricity, between the hours of 10 and 5. FR EE CONSULTATIONS DAILY Between the hours of 10 & 5. COUNTRY PATIENTS Can have Advice by Letter FREE OF CHARGE. Procure a Belt without Delay by Sending P.O. for 5s., and Six Penny Stamps Addressed to O N L Y A D D R E S S MAGNETO-ELECTRICBATTERY CO., IMPERIAL MANSIONS, CAUTION _See that every BELT is stamped with our full Name and Address and beware of spurious imitations, for which as much as four^timesJjhejn-icejtfiai^ Printed for the Proprietor by W rig h t & Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, Doctors’ Commons, London, B.C., August 20th, 1891.