Cricket 1891

AUG. 6, 1891 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 329 PHOTOGRAPHS O F C E L E B R A T E D E L E V E N S , 1884-90. ALL CLUB3, HOTELS, SCHOOLS, &c., &c. 6H OULD HAVE THE C KLEBRATED County % otlier Cricket Elevens. B y E . H AW K IN S & Co., 108, K I N G ’ S B O A D , B lt lG H T O N . The Most Interesting Photographs of tho Age. 3 /6 each Post Free. Size of Photo I2in. by lOin. ALSO PHOTOS OF ALL THE PRINCIPAL CRICKETERS. GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND AT LOED’S GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND AT THE OVAL ENGLAND AT LORD’S ENGLAND AT THE OVAL. Capital Photos of THE PAESEES, Is. 6d. each; the whole set of 14,15s. Under the Patronage of P rince lh r is tia n , P rin ce C h ristian V icto r, T h e E a rl o f S h e ffie ld , &c., &c. The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES: Photographed Specially fo r the E arl of Sheffield. L ord S h e ffie ld writes “ I hope you will find many customers for such exceedingly good and excellent Photographs.” Jubilee Football Festival, The Oval. March 19,1687. Under the immediate Patronage of H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Splendid Photographs of the Four Teams. Large Size (12 by 10) 3/6 each; or 10/- the set of Four. Cabinets 1/6 each; or 5/- the set of Four. Post-free. N.B.—All Orders must be accompanied by a remittance Latest Portraits of Celebrated Jockeys. (In Costume)— Large Size, Beautifully Finished and Mounted on India Tints, 7/6 each. Cabinet Size 2/- each. Post Free. Cash with Order. Latest Portraits of LOED HARRIS (In Cricket Costume). Lirge size (Kin. by lOin.) 6s. each, post-free. Cabinets 2s. each, post-free. N.B.—These Portraits have been much admired by all who have seen them. E. HAWKINS & Co , (Late Hennah & Kent) PHOTOGRAPH IC ARTIS TS , 10 8 , K I N G ’S B O A D , B B I G H T O N . C O B B E T T ’ S Cricket BatCompany,Limited, Beg to inform their Customers that all BATS will IB fntnre be NUMBERED, In order to enable tfct COMPANY TO TRACE THOSE OF THEIB OWN MANUFACTURE. Factory. 66, Oapland-atreet, MaryLebon*. CRICKET AND LAWN TEN N IS—SEASON 1891. Messrs. C o l l in s beg to direct attention to their SERIES o f CRICKET SCORING and LAWN TENNIS BOOKS. They are made of their well known “ SIGHT PRESERVING” PAPER, and being printed in dark green ink, the glare of the sun upon the page is materially lessened. Each Book contains the amended Laws of the Game as passed by the Marylebone Cricket Club. THE “ UNRIVALLED” CRICKET SCORING BOOKS. Retail Price The “ Handy,” a compact little book for pocket, size 5in. by 3|in., with space for 29 innings, neatly bound .............. 6d. The “ Pocket,” size 7in. by 4in., 55 innings, neatly bound.............................................. s. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin., neat fancy covers, 30 innings ... 6d. The " Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin. bound in cloth, 62 innings .............. Is. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin., bound in cloth, 100 innings ............. Is. 6d. The '* Unrivalled,” quarter-bound, cloth sides, flush, turned in ......................... 3s. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin., half-bound roan, cloth sides, very strong, 200 innings ............................. 4s. Collins’ Shilling Packet of “ Unrivalled ” Cricket Scoring Sheets Containing 18 sheets of two innings each, size 12in. by lOin., with the Laws of the Game, in stiff cover, price Is. Lawn Tennis Scoring Bocfe. The “ P ocket” (size 8in. by 5in.), 40 matches stronsly bound, 6d. each. Sold by all Booksellers and Stationers. WILLIAM COLLINS, SONS, & Co., Limited. L o n d o n : BRIDEWELL PLACE. G l a s g o w : 139, STIRLING R«AD. E d in b u r g h : 8, ST. GILES STREET. m i d l a n d r a i l w a y . S T J M M E B T ZR ^IIt T 1 8 ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND.-Direct Route to and from PERTH, DUNDEE, ABERDEEN, and the Highland Railway, via the FORTH BRIDGE. oJln Additional Express Train Ie .ves London (St. Pancras) at 7.15 p.m. for Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen, Porth, Inverness, and the North of cotland. 'Jhe connection by this train to the North of Ireland via Annan aDd Stranraer has been ro-escabliahed. New Day Express from Glasgow (St. Enoch) at 12.30 p.m., for Manchester, Liverpool, and London, reaching St. Pancras at 1010. Dining Saloon Car from Leeds to London, Table d'hote , 3s. Gel. IMPROVED SUNDAY SERVICE—YORKSHIRE AND LONDON. On Sundays an Express leaves Bradford at 4.25, Leeds at 4.55, and Sheffield at 6.52 for London, reaching St. Pancras at 9 45 p.m. And the 3.15 p.m. Express from St. Pancras on Sundays conveys Passengers for Yorkshire who arrive at Sheffield at 7.3, Leeds at 8.0, and Bradford at 8.30 p.m. The following express trai» service will be in operation until further notice :- LONDON (St. Pancras) fcdint.urgh (Waverley) Glasgow (St. Enoch) ,.. Gitenock.......... .......... Belfast ........................ ■3 © ( Dundee .......... L ,£jc Ji «rth .................. ■S'C j 'VDerdeen .......... k -JQlluverxiusa ...... *Buxton Manchester... j ............ T . ( Vic .......... Liverpool (Central) .......... Southport ........................ Bolton .......... ................. Blackburn ......... ......... Rochdale.......... .......... ... Sheffield ............................ Leeds... ............................... Bradford............................... Windermere (Lake side) ... Ambleside (by Steamer) ... Keswick (via Penrith) depart arrive WERE DAYS. a.m 3 15 3 55 3 50 1 25 i ‘it 5 58 i 4u 9 46 .0 0 10 0 105 12 5 i045 1-255 1023 ■5 53 10 5 1058 1 35 2 50 2 40 a.m 3 0 a.m J 45 J l I 45 1231 .. 1 33 2 2 lt 3 ; a.nJa.m | u’on'p.ra p.m p.m [p.m p.m p.m 10 0 1035 12 0 1220 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 5 40 8 20 H40 9 5c r>R:!(! 1135 1030 |23 GG30 i 15 Id40 5 45 8 5 9 ( 2 25 1 20 -i 20 7 25 8 35 9 3 2 45 1 25 t>30 7 25 8 37 9 40 3 95 5 10 I 15 8 15 9 25 1030 3 55 5 49 9 55 Ila2i 3 16 4 57 6 51 7 62 9 18 1017 3 47 5 30 7 20 8 20 10 5 11 3 3 4a 5 0, 7 4a 8 3 9 48 1019 2 0 .„ b « 6 33 8 5 9 Vc i 55 — j I « 7 25 9 28 10 S 3 23 .. i 3 8 0 1010 1041' 5 35 f 55 6 50 ..... lift 9 5 - 8 7 15 4 45 36 25 ^10C0 £6 20 f 38 21 a ll f 5 — p.m 9 15 6 4u jq..... -.104** pm 9 20 3 50 i 45 11 I 5 45 5*16 1 1 7 2 53 miu nght 12 0 1E15 5 11 5 21 5 5! 8H3 5H4( 6H2t 5H44 4 11 5 2( 6 2£ 10h5* 12G.1 p.m 3 15 p.TO 7 15 4 45 6 25 i 45 i 45 p.ra'p.m 9 15 9 20 6 40 7 30 d 20 6 f. 8 20 U 5 )1049 5 S 45 1 ( I 45 mid- nght 12 0 I J I 53 5 10 5 20 5 55 8 35 5 46 6 20 5 44 A—On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays Passengers arrive Southport at 11.55 a.m. B—Belfast arrive via Barrow. C—Via Stranraer and iarne. D— Passengers for Buxton leave St. Pancras at 12.30. E—These times will apply on and after July 13. G—These times do not apply to Sundays. H—Arrives a little later on Sundays. *A new Express is now running to Matlock, Buxton, &c., leaving St. Pancras at 12.30 p.m., and reaching Buxton at 4.40 p m. DRAWING ROOM SALOON CARS by Day Express Trains between St. Pancras and Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. LUNCHEON AND DINING SALOON CARS between St. Pancras and Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Bradford, and Manchester. SLEEPING SALOON CARS by Night Express Trains between St. Pancras and Manchester, Liverpool, Stranraer, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Perth. For Train Service in the opposite direction and further particulars see the Company’s Time Tables and Bills. DERBY, JU L Y 1891. JOHN NOBLE, General Manager.