Cricket 1891
JULY 23, 1891 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 298 CRICKET AND LAWN TEN NIS—SEASON 1891. Messrs. C o l lin s beg to direct attention to their SERIES o p CRICKWT SCORING and LAWN TENNIS BOOKS. Th^y are made of their well known “ SIGHT PRESERVING” PAPER, and being printed in dark green ink, the glare of the eun upon the page is materially lessened. Each Book contains the amended Laws of the liame as passed by the Marylebone Cricket Club. IHE “ UNRIVALLED ” CRICKET SCuRING BOOKS. Retail Price The “ Handy,” a compact little book for pocket, size 5in. by 3|in.t with space for 29 innings, Deatly bound .............. 6d. The "Pocket,” size 7in. by 4in., 55 innings, neatly bound............................................. Is. The “ Unrivaled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin , neat fancy covers, 30 innings ... 6d. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin. bound in cloth. 62 innings ............... Is. The ‘ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin., bound in cloth, 100 innings .............Is. 6d. The “ Unrivalled,” quarter-bound, cloth sides, flush, turned in ......................... 3s. The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by lOin., half bound roan, cloth sides, very strong, 200 innings ............................. 4s. Collins’ Shilling Packet of “ Unrivalled ” Cricket Scoring Sheets Containing 18 sheets of two innings each, size I2in. by lOin., with the Laws of the Game, in stiff cover, price Is. Lawn Tennis Scoring Book. The “ P ocket” (size 8in. by 5in.), 40 matches Btron ly bound, 6d. each. Sold by all Booksellers and Stationers. WILLIAM COLLIt\S, SONS, & Co., Limited. London: BRIDEWELL PLACE. G la sg o w : 139, STIRLING ROAD. E dinburgh : 8, ST. GILES STREET. TENTS! TENTSITENTS! FOR CRICKET CLUBS, GARDENS, CAMPING OUT, AC . 40 FEET IN CIRCUMFERENCE, WITH POLES, Ac. COM PLETE from 2 0 / to 30/- EACH . W . F O W L , T H E ARCADE, L OW E S T O F T : A CHALLENGE TO THE WORLD! NO MOKE SPLIT BATS. WRAPPING SUPERSEDED BY W H I T E H O U S E ’S INVINCIBLE BAT SHIELDS 21- each, POST-FREE 2/2. E. W H I T E H O U S E & C J . , M K L 'i’ O N M O W B R A Y . TENTS! WATERPROOF TENTS! rpWENTYLAWN TENTS for Sale, 6ft. square A with walls 6ft. high, and awning 6ft. square. Made from best quality canvas rendered Rot proof, and Waterproof t-y the Birkinyre Chemical process. Complete with Guys. Pegs, Po es, &c. P R IC E 7 0 /- E A C H . GOUROCK ROPEWORK CO., 15, JBlLLITGR S T R E E T , LONDON City &South London Railway. N E W R O U T E TO T H E O V A L . Trains worked entirely by Electric Locomotives Run every few minutes to and from CITY (King William Street), BORO’, ELEPHANT & CASTLE , OVAL, and STOCKWELL (for Clapham Common). SINGLE FARE (any distance) 3 d . The Oval Station is about 50 yards from the Entrance to the Surrey Cricket Ground. THOMAS C. JENKIN, General Manager. C om ic C r ic k e t .— By the CorKney Sportsman (Alec Nelson). A profusely illustrated and viva cious volume. Post free, 1/2. Wrigtt & Co., 41, St. Andrew’s Hill, E.C. Can be had from all news agents or VV. H. Smith’s bookstalls. m i d l a n d r a i l w a y . s t j i m i i m i i e i r , i S 9 i . ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND.—Direct Route to and from PERTH, DUNDEE, ABERDEEN and the Highland Railway, via the FORTH BRIDGE. An Additional Express Train le*ves London (St. Pancras) at 7.15 p.m. for Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen, Perth, Inverness, and the North of Scotland. 'Jhe connection by this train to the North of Ireland via Annan and Stranraer has been re-esoabiished. New Day Express from Glasgow (St. Enoch) at 12.30 p.m., for Manchester, Liverpool, and London, reaching St. Pancras at 1010. Dining Saloon Car from Leeds to London, Table d'hote, 'is. 6 d. 12.0 Midnight Express from London (St. Pancras) now conveys Passengers for Sheffield, Leeds, Bradford, Carlisle, and from July 18th for Belfast and North of Ireland also, via Annan, Stranraer, and Larne. IMPROVED SUNDAY SERVICE—YORKSHIRE AND LONDON. On Sundays an Express leaves Bradford at 4.25, Leeds at 4.55, and Shtffield at 5.52 for London, reaching St. Pancras at 9.45 p.m. And the 3 1 p.m. Express from St. Pancras on Sundays conveys Passengers for Yorkshire who arrive at Sheffield at 7.3, Leeds at 8 . 0 , and Bradford ai 8.30 p.m. Grange-over Sands and Lake D is t r ic t —Revised and improved Service of Trains between London (St. Pancras), Grange, Ulverston, Barrow-in- Purness, and the English Lake District, via Carnforth. The following express train service will be in operation until further notice :— LONDON (St. Pancras) Edinburgh (Waverley) Glasgow (St. Enoch) ... . Greenock.......................... Belfast ............................. 5 <o ( Dundee .............. IPerth ....................... .S’S Aberdeen .............. vInverness .............. *Buxton .......................... Manchester... j y|“ * ' ‘ Liverpool (Central) ... Southport ............... Holton ...................... Blackburn ............... Rochdale............................ Sheffield ...................... Leeds............................... Bradford........................ Windermere (Lake side) Ambleside (by Steamer) Keswick (via Penrith)____ depart arrive WEEK DAYS. a.m 9 15 3 55 3 50 4 25 61o 5 58 40 9 49 10 0 10 0 105J 12 5 1045 1255 1023 8 53 10 5 1056 1 35 2 50 2 40 a.m a.m 9 0 9 45 10 0 1035 4 20 7 0 i 40 7 45 9 bt l<35 10?0 123 6G30 i 15 2 25 2 45 3 25 i 55 S 16 3 47 3 41 1231 o (M i 3a 2 0 I 55 2 lb i 38 3 25 l 4(J 5 35 5 55 6 50 9 5 a onlp mi 12 0 1220 m p.m 03 04 0 p.m p m 5 0 5 40 5B30 . Id40 4 20 4 25 5 10 5 49 4 57 .....6 5 30 ... 7 5 0 ......7 ... 3 50 .... 4 45'.. ... 5 20 , 7 55 .. 45 ... ;8 5 i0|7 25 8 25 30 7 25.8 37 15'8 i5|9 25 I 9 55 51 7 52 9 18 20!8 20 10 5 48 8 3 9 18 .. Id 33 8 5 .. 7 26 9 28 .. is 01010 9 0 9 3 .. 9 40 .. 1030 . Ua2l .. 1017 . 11 3 .. 1019 .. ... 9 13 ...... 10 5 ... 104< ......9 47 ... UG5 ft t 3 pm *7 15 “ 4 45 00 rBO ^ICCO a 6 20 £6 5 *j8 20 co11 6 p.m 9 15 6 4 q 50 8 45 11 0 1 45 3*15 20 mia- nght 12 0 4E15 5 10 5 20 5 55 8H33 5H46 6H20 5H44 4 15 5 20 6 2C I0h50 1265 i0g4 p.m 3 15 P.BO 7 15 4 45 6 25 S 45 9 45 p.mlp.m 9 15 9 20 6 40 7 30 6 20 6 5 8 20 11 5 ... 10 t 3l6’i8 0 8 48 8 45 U 0 2 45 2 53 mid- ught 12 0 5 10 5 20 5 55 8 35 5 46 6 20 5 44 A—On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays Passengers arrive Southport at 11.55 a.m. B-Belfast arrive via Barrow P v ;Q ___ n Passengers for Buxton leave St. Pancras at 12.30. E-These imes will apoly on and after July 13. G - These Jmes do Z t La.rne' D_ little later on Sundays. *A new Express is now ruuning to Matlocfc, Buxton, &c., leaving St. Pancras at 12.30 p.m., and reachh^ Buxton at 4 40 p m GSa +7.15 p.m. from St. Pancras arrives at Greenock in time for Passengers to join the Highlands. ‘ Columba,’ “ Iona,” and “ Lord of the Isles” Steamers lor the EmnhM«hGaud0Gl“ agow 00N CARS *** ^ BX‘'re38 TrainS between St- Pancras and Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool, LUNCHEON AND DiNING SALOON CARS between St. Pancras and Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Bradford and Mani-hpster- SLEEPING SALOON CARS by Night Express Trains between St. Pancras and Manchester, Liverpool Stranrker ^ fo r Train Service in the opposite direction and further particulars see the Company’s Time Tables and Bills. ’ » Ed nburgh, a id Perth DERBY, JULY 1891. JOHN NOBLE, General Manager.
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