Cricket 1891
292 CEICKET: A WEEKLY .RECORD OP THE GAME. JULY 23, 1891 C O B B E T T ' S Cricket Bat Company, Limited, Beg to inform their Customers that all BATS wU) In ratnre be NUMBERED, in order to enable ttai COMPANY TO TRACE THOSE Of THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. F a c to ry : 6 6 . Oaplftnd-itreet. M a ry lo b o n * L . J . N I C O L L . S , ROBERTSBRIDGE, PATENTEE & MANUFACTURER OF THE AUTOMATIC BAT HANDLE r r i H E S E engravings -*• show the advan tages thishandle gives, as each curve forms a key or abutment, against the elastic substance. Although these handles are in two pieces from the shoulder of the blade, it is impossible to get them out of shape. These bats, introduced in 1889, have been used by the best Cricketers of England, Australia and New Zealand, as well as having been sent to India and Africa, and the uni versal testimony is that nothing has ever been brought into the Cricketing world to give such advantages to the batsman in cutting and driving powers A few first class cricketers who have procured the Perfect fchaped and Balanced Bat:—W. G. Grace, W. W . Read, W. L. Murdoch, W . H. Patterson, H. Pigg, J. Briggs, J. J. Lyons, J. J. Ferris, with Australian orders Wholesale and Retail. N o t ic e in c a s e of I n f r in g e m e n t — The Patentee does not bind himself to any number of Curves. TENTS ! TENTS ! TENTS ! SUITABLE FOB Gardens, Lawns, Cricket Clubs, ETC. JO FEET IN CIRCUMFERENCE, PURE WHIT LINEN, WITH POLES, PEGS, & LINES. COMPLETE 30/- EACH. G E O R G E R O B I N S O N , Government Contractor, Rye, Sussex. PHOTOGRAPHS OF CELEBRATED ELEVENS, 1884-90. ALL CLUBS, HOTELS, SCHOOLS, &c., &c. SHOULD H AVE TH E CELEBRATED County ^ otlier Cricket Elevens. B y E. H A Y /K IN S & C o , 108 , K I N G ’ S B O A D , B R I G H T O N . The Most Interesting Photographs of the Age. 3 /6 ea ch P ost F ree. Size of Photo 12in. by lOin. ALEO PHOTOS OF ALL TH E PRIN CIPAL CRICKETERS- GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND AT LORD’ S GENTLEMEN OF ENGLAND AT THE OVAL ENGLAND AT LORD’S ENGLAND AT THE OVAL. Capital Photos of THE PARSEES, Is. 6d. each; the whole set of 14,15s. Under the Patronage of P r in c e C h r is tia n , P r in c e C h t ia n V ic t o r , T h e E a r l o f S h e f f i e l d , & c ., & c . The AUSTRALIANS and PARSEES: Photographed Specially for the E arl of Sheffield. L o r d S h e f f ie l d writes “ I hope you will find many customers for such exceedingly good and excellent Photographs.” Jubilee Football Festival, The Oval. March 19,1887. Under the immediate Patronage of H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Splendid Photographs of the Four Teams. Large Size (12 bylO) 3 /6 each; or 10/- the set of Four. Cabinets 1/6 each; or 5/- the set of Four. Post-free. N . B A l l Orders must be accompanied by a remittance Latest Portraits of Celebrated t ockeys. (In Costume)— Large Size, Beautifully Finished and Mounted on India Tints, 7 /6 each. Cabinet Size 2/- each. Post Free. Cash with Order. Latest Portraits of LORD HARRIS (In Cricket Costume). Large size (12in. by lOin.) 5s. each, post-free. Cabinets 2s. each, post-free. N.B.—These Portraits have been much admired by all who have seen them. E. HAWKINS & Co, (Late Hennah & Kent) PHOTOGRAPH IC AR TIS TS , 10 8 , K I N G ’ S R O A D , B R I G H T O N . GEORGE LEWIN (Late GEORGE KENT), ATHLETIC CLOTHING MANUFACTURER, 8 , CROOKED LANE , A n d 2 9 , K IN G W IL L IAM S T R E E T ? L O N D O N B R ID G E , E .C . ESTABLISHED 1869. Football Clubs are respectfully reminded that to ensure thorough satisfaction, as regards colour and Fit for Jerseys and Shirts, that their orders should be placed without delay. SPECIAL N O T IC E .-G E O R G E L EW IN has opened New Premises at 8, CROOKED LANE, CANNON STREET, E.C. at the back of his present establishment for the sale and manufacture of Athletic Clothing exclusively, where there is also a commodious Dressing Room and Lavatory at the service of his customers, free of charge. C r ic k e t C h a t fo r 1890.—(Seventh Year of Issue), enlarged and improved edition, post free 1/2. Containing in addition to Fifteen Portraits and Biographies, a Special Cabinet Portrait of M r . J o h n S h u t e r , the Surrey captain, together with groups of the following counties Notts, Lanca shire and Gloucestershire. To be had at the Office of this paper, of all Booksellers, or W. II. Smith &Sons stalls. The initials B & JVI are The ylmprove with Washing printed on every 5 yards. They are Hygienic, and are made in Cream, Natural, Undyed, and in Non- Injurious 'Vegetable Colours; also in Cream and Natural TJndyed W ool; are soft and fine. XJnrivalled for Shirts, Pyjamas, Cricket, Tennis, and Boating Suits, Dresses, Rotes, Undervests, Summer Vests, Combinations, Night dresses, and all Children’s Garments. Most suitable for Seaside and Toutists’ wear. Being unshrinkable, they do not felt and become hard lay washing, but always retain their softness and elasticity. For strength and durability they are unequalled. They arc made of the linest and softest wool which can be procured, and consequently do not irritate sensitive skinB. Shrun'k in the wash, have they ? Well, why don't you wear BARKER & MOODY'S UN SHRINKABLE FLANNELS ? Unlike other Flannels, they become softer , and improve with washing. Ask your Draper for them, or write to the Proprietors— BARKER a n d MOODY, P e rs e v e ran ce M ills , Leeds, For name of nearest Agent.
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