Cricket 1891

20 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. FEB, 26,1891 help fill his partner’s place ; or the long field will play wider from the bowler’s wicket, w d not quite so deep in the field, and the middle wicket will play between the long field and the bowler’s wicket, and as deep in the field as he can save a un. ^ Whenever the man that covers the point and middle wicket is taken away to fill any other place, the middle wicket and the long-field (the off side) will have to cover that part of the field in the best manner they can. All that has been said on this Game is for M id d lin g B ow lin g . Fast bowling the players stand farther back, or more behind the wicket, and if the bowling is good, the players that stand long-field, will stand to save one run. I f slow bowling, the players stand more forward, or more before the wicket, except the wicket keeper, the first slip, and the long-stop; all the alteration these players have in standing, is farther back or nearer to the hitter, according to the pace of bowling. B y T. B o xall . T h e L aw s of C r ic k e t , as B e v ise d by th e C r ic k e t C lu b , at M a r y -L e -B one . 1800 , The Ball must weigh not less than five ounces and a half, nor more than five ounces and three quarters. At the beginning of each innings, either party may call for a new ball.] T h e B at Must not exceed four inches and one quarter in the widest part. T h e S tum ps Must be twenty-four inches out of the ground, the B a il seven inches in length. T he B o w lin g C rease Must be in a line with the stumps three feet in length, with a return crease : T he P opping C rease Must be three feet ten inches from the icket, and parallel to it. T he W ickets Must be opposite to each other, at the distance of twenty-two yards. T he P arty w ho goes from H ome Shall have the choice of the innings, and the pitching of the wickets, which shall be pitched within thirty yards of a centre fixed by the adversaries. When the parties meet at a third place, the bowlers shall toss up for the pitching of the wickets and the choice of.going in. It shall not be lawful for either party during a match, without the consent of the other, to alter the ground, by rolling, watering, covering, mowing, or beating. This rule is not meant to prevent the striker from beating the ground with his bat near where he stands during the in­ nings, or to prevent the bowler from filling up holes, watering his ground, on using sawdust, &c., when the ground is wet. T h e B o w ler Shall deliver the Ball with one foot behind the bowling-crease, and within the return-crease, and shall bowl four balls before he changes wickets, which he shall do but once in the same innings. He may order a striker, at his wicket, to stand on which side of it he pleases. T h e S t r ik e r is O u t' If the bail is bowled off or the stumps bowled out of the ground. Or, if the ball from a stroke over or under his bat, or upon his hand, (but not wrist) is held before it touches the ground, although it be hugged to the body of the catcher. Or, if in striking, or at any other time while the ball is in play, both his feet are over the popping crease, and his wicket put down, except his bat is grounded within it. Or, if in striking at the ball he hits down his wicket. Or, if under pretence of running a notch, or otherwise, either of the strikers prevent a ball from being caught, the striker of the ball is out. Or, if the ball is struck up, and he wil­ fully strikes it again. Or, if running a notch, the wicket is struck down by a throw or with the ball in hand, before the foot, hand, or bat is grounded over the popping-crease. But if the bail is off the stumps must be struck out of the ground. Or, if the striker touohes or takes up the ball while in play, unless at the request of the opposite party. I f with his foot or leg he stops the ball, which the bowler in the opinion of the umpire at the bowler’s wicket, shall have pitched in a straight line to the wicket, and would have hit it. I f the players have crossed each other, he that runs for the wicket which is put down is out. When a ball is caught, no notch is to be reckoned. When a striker is out, the notch they were running for is not to be reckoned. When the ball has been in the bowler’s or wicket keeper’s hand, it is considered as no longer in play, and the strikers need not keep within their ground till the umpire has called P lay ; but if the player goes out of his ground with an intent to run before the ball is delivered, the bowler may put him out. If the striker is hurt, he may retire from his wicket, and have his innings at any time in that innings. I f a B triker is hurt, some person may be allowed to stand out for him, but not go in. If any person stops the ball with his hat, the ball is to be considered as dead, and the opposite party to add five notches to their score, if any are run, they are to have five in all. I f the ball is struck up, the striker may guard his wicket, either with his bat or his body. In single wicket matches, if the striker moves out of his ground to strike at the ball, he shall be allowed no notch for such stroke. T he W ick et K e e pe r Shall stand at a reasonable distance behind the wicket, and shall not move till the ball is out of the bowler’s hand, and shall not by any noise incommode the striker; and, if his hands, knees, feet, or head, be over or before the wicket, though the ball hit it, it shall not be out. T h e U m pires Are the sole judges of fair and unfair play, and all disputes shall be determined by them ; each at his own wicket ; but, in case of a catch, which the umpire at the wicket cannot see sufficiently to decide upon, he may apply to tne other umpire, whose opinion is conclusive. They shall allow two minutes for each man to come in, and fifteen minutes be­ tween each innings; when the umpire shall call play, the party refusing to play shall lose the match. They are not to order a player out, un­ less appealed to by the adversaries. But if the bowler’s foot is not behind the bowling crease, and within the re­ turn crease, when he delivers the ball, they must, unasked, call no ball. If the striker runs a short notch, the umpire must call no notch. That the umpire at the bowler’s wicket shall be first applied to, to decide on all catches. The umpires are not to be changed during the match, but by the consent of both parties. B ets . If the notches of one player are laid against another, the bets depend on the first innings, unless otherwise specified. I f the bets are made upon both innings, and one party beats the other in one innings, the notches in the first innings shall determine the bet. But, if the other party goes in a second time, then the bet must be determined by the number on the score. FINIS. “ W isden ’ s A lm an a ck ” for 1891.—The Almanack haa become so indispensable to the library of every cricketer that the appearance of eaoh succeeding issue is awaited with general interest. Of the twenty-eighth edition it only need be said that it is fully up to the standard of the best of its predecessors, the highest possible testimony to the accuracy of the statistics, as well as the variety of the information. The frontispiece consists of excellent photographs of five great wicket­ keepers, in the persons of J. McC. Blackham, G. Maogregor of Cambridge University, Pil­ ling, Sherwin. and Wood. The fact that these are the work of Messrs. Hawkins and Co., of Brighton, will be ample proof of the excellence of the likenesses as well as of the high character of the reproduction. NEXT ISSUE, MARCH 26.