Cricket 1891

180 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J U N E 18, 1891 LONDON & WESTM INSTER BANK v. LONDON <fc COUNTY BANK. Played at Dulwich on June 3 and 4. L ondon W e st m in st e r B an k . L. Pitt-Brook, c Sar- T. W. Macintosh, b geant, b Blomfie d 32 Heasman ......... 4 C. A. Snell, b BlomH. B. Squire, st Bliz­ field ...................... 31 ard, b Blomfield ... 9 C. S. J. Douglas, b A. Podmore, b Blom­ Blomfield ......... 4 field ...................... 0 G. Raby, c Heasman, J. M. Allcock,not out 0 b Blomfield ......... 6 C. C. Simpson, b C T.Lawless, c Wells, Blomfield ........ 0 b Blomfield ......... 7 B 1, lb 5, w 1 ... 7 P. W. Brooks, b — Broomfield ......... 6 Total .........106 L ondon & C ounty B ank . G. F. Wells, c Snell, b Podmore .........21 J. Bearsum, lbw, b Podmore.............. 1 G. P. Blizard, c Raby, b Podmore 8 S. H. Sargant, hw, b Lawless ............... 0 W. Jacob, run out ... 3 C. E. Blomfield,cPod- more, b Lawless ... 0 F. Bishop, run out... Wald ck, not out ... King, b Podmore ... Broomfield, absent... F. H. Thirwall, absent ................ Total ......... GRANVILLE (LEE) v. BLACKHEATH PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. Playe l at Lee, Kent, on June 3. G r a n v il l e . b Julius Moore, Dalglieph............... 21 E. G. Henderson, b Wetherell .........11 R. F. Taylor, b Dalgliesh............... 1 F. E. Lander, c Latham, b Wether- ell ......................16 H. N. Pope, b Bluett 26 W. Morris, not out... 7 L. R. Glover, c Jack­ son, b Wetherell... C. E. E. Lee, c and b Wetherell ......... A. L. Ryder,b Bluett G. C. L. Lamb, b Bluett ............... G. C. V. Sims, absent B 2, lb 2, w 1 ... Total .........93 B lack h eath P r o pr ie t a r y S chool . F. C. Wetherell, lbw, b Lamb ... .........11 F. B. Malim, c Morris, b Sims ... 16 H. P. Woolrych, c Moore, b Lamb ... 6 R. M. Dalgliesh, not out ... ...............21 W. R. Whately, c Morris, b Lamb ... 0 E. P. Lewis, b Lamb...................... 1 H. N. Bluett, c Sims, b L am S ................13 C. R. Hone, b Lamb 2 L. J. Jackson, b Sims...................... 0 R. A. Brandram, not out B 13,lb 2 Total 0 ... 15 ... 85 S. Tatham did not bat. GRANVILLE (LEE) v. ELTHAM . Played at Eltham on June 6. G r a n v ill e . J. Wilson, jun., b E. Hamilton ... ... 2 P. P. Lincoln, c E. Hamilton, b Hay­ wood ...................... 3 W. Morris, run out... 6 C. J. M. Godfrey, run out ......................61 Dr. Campbel1, st Philips b Mactag- gart ......................12 Total .........152 S. G. C. Starkey b Mactaggart ......... 2 A R. Layman did not bat. (Innings declared finished). E l t h a m . W. Edwards, not out .........................38 B. F. Gordon, b E. Hamilton ......... 0 Joseph Wilson, run out ....................... 5 H. W. Edwards, not out ........................10 B 8, lb 2, w 3 ...13 GRANVILLE (LEE) v. ELIOT PLACE SCHOOL. Played at Lee, Kent, on June 6. G ranville . G. C. V. Sims, c Yeo­ man, b 8haw......... H. Holmes, not out... J. A. Johnston, b Shaw...................... B 13,lb 1 ......... R.Haywood, c Camp- >ell,b W.Edwards 25 H. E. mortis, not out 0 B 5, lb 1, w1, nb2 9 F. Bayley, c and bH. Edwards... ......... 8 T. Phillips, run out .. 7 E. Hamilton, not out ......................45 C. H. Hunter, b Total .......... 94 Starkey ............... 0 J. Fleming, J. M. Hamilton, J. G. Mactaggart, Col. Gordon, and E. M. Burnand did not bat. CRICKETERS— B e st Goods City Agents — b e a r t h is M a r k .— A d v t. P arton & L e st e r , 94, Q u e e n S t ., C h e a p s id e . H. L.'Harris, b Yeo­ man .........* ......... 0 F. E. Lander, b Johnson............... 45 W. E. Poulsom, b Johnson............... 3 E. Furze, b Yeoman 4 F. G. Bull, c Me- Total Kenzie, b Johnson 23 R. F. Taylor, b Bhaw 1 A. N. Davies and E. C. Lamb did not bat. nings declared finished). E lio t P lace S chool . First Innings. E. Rinold, b Bull........ M. McKenzie, b 8ims A. Fraser, b Bull........ J. Gibbon, b Bull H. Yeoman, not out... R. Travers, b Bull ... W. Johnson, b Eull ... Hersee, b Bull ......... Lund, b Bull ......... Bruce, b Bull ......... B ...................... ...121 (In- Total .........19 Second Innings. 3 b Sims............... 7 0 b Sims............... 0 4 b Sims............... 0 3 b Davies ......... 4 0 b Sims.............. 8 5 b Sims............... 2 2 lbw, b Sims 1 0 lbw, b Sims 5 0 b Lamb ......... 8 0 b Lamb ......... 0 0 notout............... 0 2 B ............... 4 19 Total ... 39 GRANVILLE (LEE) v. PANTHER. Played at Catford on June 6. G r a n v il l e . P. Thirkell, b T. S. Smith A. D. Parry, b Wil­ liams...................... 4 C. G. Lamb, b Pearse ............... 30 H. W. Gill, run out... 6 E. T. Lloyd, run out 0 F. Edwards, c T. S. Smith, b Williams 8 Julius Moore, b Pearse ................13 P a n th e r . First Innings. Kirkby, lbw, b J. Moore H. Philips, b J. Moore T. S. Smith, b Lamb... A. Smith, b J. Moore Aylen, run out ......... Williams, not out ... Pearse, c Thirkell, b Moore...................... Dossantos, b J. Moore Green, run out ......... A. Larkman, b Lamb P. Larkman, absent ... B ...................... Total ......... W. Helder, c A. Smith, b Pearse ... 8 E G. Henderson, c A. Larkman, b T. S. Smith............... 6 A. N. Moore, not out 17 J. E. Ho mes, b T. S. Smith ............... 5 B 4, lb 2, w 1 ... 7 Total ...105 Second Innings. ... 1 c Thirkell, b Edwards........ 26 ... 0 b Helder ......... 0 ... 8 b Helder ......... 5 ... 6 c Lloyd, b Helder ......... 5 ... 3 c Thirkell, b J. Moore ......... 7 ... 2 c Helder, b J. Moore .........15 J. ... 4 not out ......... 4 ... 2 not out ......... 3 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 .. 4 B 9, lb 2, w 1 12 ... 30 Total ... 77 WELLINGTON COLLEGE v. CHARTER­ HOUSE. Played at Charterhouse on June 8. W ellin g to n . R.H.Raphael, b Wil­ son ......................52 E. E. Forbes, not out 13 B 10, lb 9,w 1 ...20 M. D. Wood, not out 171 A. F. Fellowes, lbw, b Stanborough.........31 G. H. Lyon, b Stan­ borough ............... 2 Y. J. Mordaunt, c Total Merriman, b Smith 79 R . E. Shepherd, C. Waterer, A. C. Williams, G. Knowles, and V. A. Vanderbyl did not bat. C h ar ter h o u se . First Innings. G. A. Gardiner, lbw, b Raphael ............... 10 E. B. Winch, c Lyon, b Fellowes .........18 H. F. Reynolds, d Fel­ lowes ...................... 0 B. K. Wilkinson, lbw, b Fellowes ......... 0 G. O. Smith, not out G. S. Wilson, b Fel­ lowes ..................... 10 H. A. Merriman, b Fellowes............... E.H. Bray,b Raphael W. W. Greenhill, b Shepherd ......... L. K. Stanborough, c Knowles, b Wood F.W.Stringer,bWood B 7, lb 8, nb 1 ... 16 Total ...142 In the Second Innings E. B. Winch scored b Lyon 26, G. O. Smith, (not out) 11, G. S. Wilson, b Mordaunt 5, E. H. Bray, (not out) 50; b 13.—Total, 105. ISLINGTON ALBION v. THESPIANS. Played at Alexandra Park on June 9. I slin g to n A lb io n . G. B. Croft, b Wheat- m a n ...................... 1 F. B. Dent, lbw, b Wheatman .........16 F. O. Tubby, c Gard­ ner, b Wheatman 5 F. Bisiker, b White­ head ...................... 85 H. J. Carter, b Dar­ win ...................... 28 H. K. Gow, b Darwin 12 E. Tyer, b White­ head ...................... 1 T. Tilbrook, b White­ head ...................... 4 W. Morice, not out... 16 V. Christy, c and b Briggs ................ 0 V. Scanlan, b White­ head ...................... 0 B 16, lb 1, w 1 ... 18 Total ...136 T h espia n s . . V. Gardner, lbw. P. Darwin, not out... 6 b Tubby ......... ... 10 C. Field, b Dent ... 0 ■. A. Bell, b Dent ... 5 F. W. Wiltshire, Wheatman, c absent ......... ... 0 Gow, b Dent ... ... 15 E. Mills, b Dent ... 9 . Briggs, lbw, b S. O. Else, b Tubby 0 Tubby ......... ... 13 B 1, lb 1 ......... 2 Whitehead, c — Croft, b Dent... ... 23 Total ......... Brockbank, b Dent............... ... 0 LYRIC C. & G. v. 24th REGIMENT. Played at Barnes on June 13, 2 4 th R e g im e n t . Sergt.Blakeley,bSpof- forth...................... 66 Corpl. Barber, b Mid­ dleton ................82 Col.-Sergt. Webster, b Murdoch ......... 1 Lieut. Ferguson, c Raphael, b Mur­ doch ......................87 Lieut. Woodgate, c Fox, b Johnson ... 13 Lieut. Straubenzee, b Raphael .........10 L yr ic C. Capt. Palmes, b Spofforth .........12 Bandsman Delaber- touche, b Raphael 0 BandsmanWhitcombe, c Fox, b Raphael... 5 Lieut.Smith, b Thornton ... 4 DrummerCooper, not out ........................ 10 B 15, lb 3, w 1, nb2 21 Total & G. Mr. F. R. Ppofforth, b Woodgate ......... 8 Mr. W. L. Murdoch, run out ................69 Mr. C. I. Thornton, c Cooper,bWoodgate 4 Mr. a . F. Kemp, b Woodgate .........52 Mr. R. C. Welch, not out ...................... 0 Major McCall, Tott, and Johnson did not bat. Capt. Middleton, b Woodgate ......... 0 Capt. J. Fox, b Wood­ gate ......................12 Mr. E. G. Raphael, b Woodgate .........2T B 2, lb 3 ......... 5 Total ..170 UPPER TOOTING v. HA ILEYBURY COJ j LE g e . Played at Haileybury on June 13th. U p p e r T ooting . First 'Innings. F. G. Thorne, b Lush­ ington ................ 4 J. A. Lyon, b D’Aeth 14 E. C. Taylor, c Bart- .............. ... 23 b ... 11 b ... 15 W. H. DuBuisson, c K Cleaver, b Dixon ... 6 G. F. Bonner,not out 31 P. C. Probyn,c Lush­ ington, b Haynes... 25 J. D. Gifford, b Oliver 1 C. J. Head (H.), b Haynes ................ 0 B 20, lb 1 .........21 lett, b Dixon D. C. Bartley, Lushington ... R. M. Harvey, Lushington ... F. Clemence, Partridge, b Lush- Total .........156 ington ................ 5 In the Second Innings F. G. Thorne scored (not out) 3, J. A. Lyon, c Oliver, b Lushington 0, F. Clemence, b Oliver 41, W. H. DuBuisson, c D’Aeth, b Lushington 12, P. C. Probyn, b D’Aeth 0, J. D. Gifford (not out) 8; b 10, lb 4, w 1.—Total, 79. H a il e y b u r y C o lle g e . D. M. M. Bartlett, c Bonner, b Bartley... 21 E. C. Morley, c Probyn, b Bartley 52 S. H. Haynes, b Bartley ................ 2 C. P. Dixon, b Bon­ ner ...................... 3 W. E C. Partridge, b Gifford ............... 17 L. C. Cleaver, b Gif­ ford ......... ......... 3 L. L. H. D’Aeth, b Gifford ......... ... 4 L. R. Lempraere, c Thorne, b Gifford 9 E. C. West, c Thorne, b Gifford............... 0 G. F. H. Lushington, b Bartley ... ... 19 M. R. Oliver, not out ...................... 0 B 14, lb 3 .........17 T otal ...147