Cricket 1891

178 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. JUNE 11, 1891 R.M .A., WOOLWICH, v. FREE FORESTERS. Played at Woolwich on June 3. R.M .A., W oolw ich . First Innings. W.ElIe**haw,bRobert- J. G. Austin, c Hole, son ...................... 0 b Mordaunt......... 4 R. J. Yelf, c Wyld, b S. F. Gosling, b Robertson............... 0 Mordaunt ......... 5 E. B. Macnaghten, c F.M.Rickard.b Mor­ Mordaunt,b Robertdaunt ................ 0 son ...................... 3 J. B. F. Currie, c J. E. Cairnes, b Cowper-Coles, b Curteis ................ 21 Moraaunt ......... 3 J. W. F. Lamont, c F. H. G. Stanton, not Johnson, b Robertout ...................... 4 son ...................... 2 B 7, nb 2 ......... 9 B.Atkinson, b Curteis 19 — E. E. N. Waters, b Total ... 71 Mordaunt............... 1 In the Second Innings Ellershaw scored (not out) 43, Yelf, b Mordaunt 0, Rickard, c JohnsoD , b Cowper-Coles 3, Currie,c Mordaunt,b Cowper-Coles 0, Stanton, c and b Hole 5; b 14.—Total, 63. F ree F oresters . J. K. Johnson, c Rick­ ard?, b Macnaghten 25 Capt. Cowper-Coles, c Gosling, b Mac­ naghten ................ 3 Neville-lieese, b Mac­ naghten ................ 7 Capt. W. G. Wyld, b Macnaghten ... 1 H. E, Hoffmeister, b Macnaghten ......... 0 J.Robertson.c Austen, b Macnagnten ... 10 E. C. Mordaunt, b Macnaghten ......... 6 Capt.Curteis,run out 0 F. T. Welman, not out ......................15 Capt. Elliott, c Gos­ ling,b Macnagbten 9 S. H. F. Hole, st Currie, b Mac­ naghten................ 2 E. Rutter, b Mac­ naghten............... 8 B 3, lb 2, nb 1 ... 6 T ota l.........92 HAMPSTEAD v. HIGHGATE SCHOOL. Played at Highgate on June 6. H am pstead . W. S. Hale, b Hibbert 8 N. B. Beete, bHibtert 0 O. L. l'udor, b Craw­ ford ...................... 3 L. W. Badnall, b Crawford ......... 7 E. M. Gwynn, c Ekins, b Crawford 0 A. Reid, b Hibbert ... 5 B. W. Sharp, b Greig 73 H. B. Hayman, b Greig......................24 A. C. Robertson, c and b Greig .........11 J. c i. Howard, not out ...................... 6 G. Riley, b Chapman 0 B 12, nb 1 ...........13 Total ...150 H ighgate S chool . First Innings R. A. Blunt, b Hale... 14 R. S. Chapman, H. Francis, run out... 4 ~ C\ C. F. Jlosken, b Sharp ............... 0 G. R. Crawford, b H ale......................14 C. A. Chandler, c and b Riley ............... 4 R. A. Greig, c Sharp, Total ... .„ 56 b Halo ............... In the Second Innings R. A. Blunt scored b Badnall 5, 11. Francis, b Badnall 4, G. R. Craw­ ford (uot out) X, H. B. Hibbert (not out) 34; b 6.— Total, 52. Hale, b Riley... S. L. King, b Hale ... A. D. Brown, not out C. M. Ekins, b Hale H. B. Hibbert, b Hale B ...................... ISLINGTON ALBION v. BROOKFIELD. Played at Highgate on May 9. I slin gton A l b io n . S. H. Williams, not R. F. Chaldecott, c ... 84 Quartly, b Locker 13 F. I. Richards, c Parker, b Puyne ... 8 A. G. Cocke, not out 2 F. Bisiker, b liapson 1 Extras................17 out J. H. Beaumont, Locker, bPayne ... W. H. Robson, c Burton, b Locker... J. P. Ward, c Parker, b Rapson............... H. K. Gow, b Cook ... Total H. Collet and C. A. Covemton did not bat. B r o o k f ie l d . .142 J. S. Pajne, b Collet W. A. Locker, b l ha’decott ......... F. E. Quartly, c and b Chaldecott......... F. Cook, b Collet H. F. Webster, o Williams, b Collet C. F. Burton, b Collet J. Lindfield, c Beau­ mont, b Chaldecott E. J. Rapson, run out ...................... D. Craig, not out ... U. Parker, c Chalde­ cott, b CoHet......... C. Nibloe, run out ... Extras................ Total ISLINGTON ALBION v. TRAFALGAR. Played at Alexandra Park on May 23. I slington A lbion . S. H. Williams, c and b C. E. Wallace ... 5 R. G. Chaldecott, ... 37 retired hurt H. K. Gow, Jackson ... J. P. Ward, Jackson ................ L. H. Oxley, c C. Freeman, b H. Jackson ............... F.Bisiker, st Gripper, b C. Wallace......... b H. b H. ! 41 C. A. Covernton, c Owen, b P. B. Freeman................£0 J. Seward, c and b Gripper................17 C. Nibloe, b P. B. Freeman............... 0 H. Collet, not out ... 3 R. Nicholls, absent... 0 Extras................ 4 Total ...141 T rafalgar . W. D. Wallace, c Chaldecott,b Collet 0 T. C. Owen, b Chalde­ cott ......................13 H. B. Gripper, c Wil­ liams, b Chaldecott 1 C. E. Wallace, b Chaldecott .........16 C. D. Freeman, c Bisiker, b Chalde­ cott ...................... 6 P. B. Freeman, not out ................ ... 1 H. Jackson, c Oxley, b Chaldecott......... 1 R. Jackson, absent... 0 L. Smith, absent ... 0 P. R. Norton, absent 0 Total ... 33 ISLINGTON ALBION v. HORNSEY. Played at Alexandra Park on June 6. I slin gton A lb io n . S. H. Williams, c Jeff, b Clarke ............... 2 R. G. Chaldecott, b Clarke ............... 19 G. B. Croft, b Lush- ington ............... 7 W H. Robson, c and b Clarke ... J. H. Beaumont, Lushington ... . H. K. Gow, c Dent, Lushington .. . . 34 J. P. Ward, b Clarke 2 J. H. Oxley, c and b Bacmeister ......... 0 C. A. Covernton, c and b Lushington 29 J. Seward, not out ... 3 H. Collet, c Dent, b Bacmeister Extras... Total ...112 H orn se t . B. A. Clarke, b Collet C.S. Knight, ftChalde­ cott ...................... F. (J. Lushington, c Oxley, b Collet F. B. Dent, b Collet... E. H. Bacmeister, lbw, b Chaldecott G. R. Makeham, run out ...................... B. F. Furniss, c and b Chaldecott......... F. O. Tubby, c Beau­ mont, b Chaldecott W. A. Burton, c Croft, b Chaldecott......... H. Jeff, c Robson, o Chaldecott ......... T. A. Nicholls, not out ...................... Extras............... Total ......... HONOR OAK v. LOUGHBOROUGH. Played at Honor Oak on June 3. H onor O ak . G. S. Harrison, b Ajacks ................17 T. H. Shearman, c Bolger, b Ajacks ... 5 C. P. Smedley, c and b Hargraves ......... 5 R. Tokely, c Brown, b Aj*cks............... 32 C.D. Hayep, b Ajacks ................ 4 T. E. Swain, b Ajacks ................15 T. Dickason, c Reed, b Ajacks ............... 0 T. J. Gracey, b Ajacks ............... F. E. Thompson, not out ...................... A, J. Attridge, c Brown, b Ajacks... A. Poole, c and b Clark ............... Lb 2, w 1, nb 1 ... Total ... 97 Lambert, c Smedley, b Harrison ......... 7 W. Brown, c Shear­ man, b Harrison ... 0 Clark, c Gracey, b Harrison............... 0 Kibble, b Dickason... 4 Ajacks, b Harrison ... 46 Reid, b Dickaaon ... 0 J. Brown, b Harrison 4 L oughborough . Hargreaves, b Die - ason...................... 3 Farrow, b Tokely ... 16 Edwin, notout ... 9 Bolger, c Swain, b Dickason............... 1 Lb 2, w 1 ......... 3 Total ... 93 T h re e ) D ozen O rder of G oing - in C ards with latest improvements, together with Wooden Case for hanging up in Pavilion or tent, sent on receipt of 2/9, by tne Manager of this Paper, 41, St. Andrew's Hill, Doctors’ Commons, E.C. HONOR OAK v. BRIXTON. Played at Brixton on June 6. B rixton . First Innings. Leleu, c Warren, b G. Harrison............... T. Hose, b Dickason... C. McRoberts, lbw, b Dickason................ J. Riley, c North, b G. Harrison............... P. Hughes, lbw, b Dickason............... A. Cheesewright, c Kenyon, b Dick­ ason ...................... F. Smith, run out ... W. Dennis, c Ken­ yon, b Dickason ... S. Bourne, c and b G. Harrison............... E. Dines, b Dickason W. C. Wheeler, not out ...................... B2, w l ................ Total 37 In the Second Innings Leleu scored b Dickason 0, T. Hose, b G. Harrison 21, C. McRoberts, c F. Harrison, b G. Harrison 4, J. Riley, c Shearman, b Dickason 1, A. Cheesewright, b Diokason, 1, F. Smith (not out) 16, W. Dennis (not out) 17; b l.— Total, 61. H onor O ak . G. Harrison, b Riley 10 F. Harrison, b Mc­ Roberts ............... 19 R. Tokely, b Dennis 14 G. Smedley, c Hose, b McRoberts......... 0 F. Lett, b Riley.........12 J. H. Warren, not out 31 T. H. Shearman, b Dennis ................ 6 B. Kenyon, b Den­ nis ...................... 8 T. Dickason, b Den­ nis ...................... 0 W. North, b Riley ... 4 C. H. Mayo, b Riley 0 B 8, lb 7, w 3 ... 18 Total .. 122 HENDON v. CLAPTON. Played at Hendon on June 6. H endon . F.W. Andrew, b Den­ ham ......................23 H.E. Langton, c Low, b Denham ......... 1 F.W.Talbot.bMcEwen 1 S. W. Scott, c Hood,b McEvren ............... 21 A. R. Trim eD , run out 0 J. M. Capel, b Den­ ham ...................... 2 W. R. Moon, c Gads- don, b Waterer ... 12 A. Podmore, b Mc­ Ewen ................ T. W. Mackintosh, c M c E w e n , b Waterer................ J. A. Wylde, notout G. E. Waller, b Waterer................ Lb 2, w 2, nb 1 ... Total . 67 C lapton . H. B. Denham, b Wal­ ler ...................... 3 R.R Eruce, b Capel... 0 W. R. Hood, c Waller, b Capel ... ... ... 12 W.E. Hall, c Trimen, b Waller ................ 0 W. Low, c Moon, b Waller ................ 6 J. H. Douglas, lbw, b Capel...................... 6 P. Waterer, c Pod­ more, bCapel......... 5 J. W. McEwen, b Capel ............... 8 H. E. Gadsdon, run out ......................13 J. J. Waggett, lbw, b Scott ......... 8 W. H. Gardner, not out ...................... 0 Lb 3, w 1 ......... 4 Total 65 JOHNEDBINGTOH m CO., (E st a b l ish e d 1806.) 19, liONQ LANE, WEST SMITHFIELD, LONDON, E.C. Manufactory—108, OLD KENT ROAD, S E. Manufacturers of MARQUEES AND TENTS Of every Description for CRICKET, LAWN TENNIS, &c. CRICKET NETS AND CANYAS SCREENS. Write for Illustrated Catalogue and Price Post Free. MARQUEES AND TENTS ON HIRE.