Cricket 1891

JUNE 11, 1891 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 1 177 NE’ER-DO-WEELS v. DULWICH COLLEGE. Played at Dulwich on June 3. N b ’ e r - do -W e e l s . D. H. Barry, c and b Jordan ............... 12 Commander Mugge- ridge, b Jordan ... 2 H. E. M. Stutfield, c Brown, b Pearce ... 35 Major Dalbiac, b Jordan ................ 2 P. C. Smith, b Jordan 34 F. B. May, c Edwards, b Jordan................14 T. B. Harbottle, b Pearce ............... 27 S.Howard,c Howard, b Pearce............... 13 B.Lawrence.bPearce 0 L. Marshall, not out 6 F. G. Lovegrove,lbw, b Pearce............... 5 B 12, lb 2 .........14 Total... ..164 D u lw ich C o l l e g e . N. Miller, b May ... 3 G. Jordan, b May ... 7 F. Gillingham, c Har- J, R. Gillingham, b bottle, b Dalbiac ... 22 Marshall ......... 0 E. Douglas, c Stut- W. R. Pearce, c Mug- field, b Dalbiac ... 23 geridge, b May ... 0 E. H. Shand, st Har- W. H. Edwards, not bottle, b Dalbiac ... 0 out ...................... 0 F. D. Browne, b Mar- B 4, lb 2, w 1 ... 7 shall ... .« ......... 7 — T. N. Howard, run out 18 Total.........104 C. Wells, lbw, b May 17 In the Second Innings N. Miller scored c sub, b Harbottle, 16, F. Gillingham b Harbottle, 11, E. Douglas (not out), 17, T. N. Howard (not out) 4; b 5, w 1.—Total, 54. NE ’ER-DO-WEELS v. SURBITON. Played at Surbiton on June 6. S u r b ito n . Rev. A. E. Beavan, b Bruce...................... 4 Strachan, b Marshall 10 R. Howell, c Marshall, b Bruce ............... 17 Revd. T. A. Murray, b Marshall............... 5 A. J. Hill, not out ...101 W. Gray, b Raphael 33 H. Burr, c Howard, b Bruce ............... 15 Rev. C. R. Bailey did not tat. (Innings declared closed.) N e ’ kr - do -W e e l s . D. H. Barry, b Gray 12 E. G. Raphael, b Hill 46 P. H. Martineau, c Howell, b Trouncer 8 F. B. May, b Hill ... 15 J. G. T. Bruee, c Sun­ derland, b Gray ... 21 J. Gaisford, o Strac- han,bHill ......... 6 C. A. Trouncer, b M ay......................52 C. O. Fawcus, run out 1 G. E. T. Sunderland, not oub ............... 0 B 10, lb 2, w 2, nb 1 15 T otal.........253 T. B. Harbottle, run out ...................... 4 S. Howard, not out .. 16 L. B. Burns, b Gray L. Marshall, not out B 3, lb 1 ......... Totil ...135 E. Brookes did not bat. ETON RAMBLERS v. ELSTREE MASTERS. Played at Elstree on June 6. E l s t r e e M asters . Rev. V.Royle.c Tolle- mache, b Bain­ bridge ................ Rev. R. J. Gornall, b Toilemache ......... T. C. Weatherhead, b Tollemache ......... F. T. M’Donnell, not out ...................... B 1,1b 2 ......... Rev.F.Meyrick Jones, b Leveson-Gower... 14 C. P. Wilson, b Leve­ son-Gower ......... 3 Rev. W. H. Bather, b Leveson-Gower ... 17 W. N. Roe, b Leve- soa-Gower ......... 9 Almond, c Swete, b Bainbridge ... ... 33 A. T. B. Dunn, c Hoare, b Tolle­ mache ................56 Bonynge, b Bain­ bridge ................. 3 E ton R a m b le r s . First Innings. Second Innings W. R. Hoare, b Roe .........11 H. W. Bainbridge, b Roe.. F. Thomas, b Wilson Total . ...151 2 b Bather not out st Wilson, Bather ... 0 b Bather lbw, b Bather , Hon. M. G. Tollemache, I? Roe ............................. N. T. Nickalls, c and b Roe F. C. Pilkington, b Roe ... 20 C. G. Farmer, b Wilson ... 3 T. d. Barnard, b Wilson ... 16 not out C. Leveson-Gower, c Mey- rick Jones, b Roe ......... 0 I. Z. Malcolm, b Roe......... 0 V. L. Swete, not ou t... B 5 ,lb 1 ......... WALTHAMSTOW v. ENFIELD. Played at Walthamstow on June 6. W alth am stow . H Willoughby Lyle, b Lyde ............... 2 A. D. Arundel, b Cat­ ling ......................16 J. A. Wallet, b Prit­ chard ..................... 0 J. Johns, b Lyde ... 9 A. E. Murton, c Lyde, b Smedley .........17 H. Blomfleld, c Lyde, b Smedley ... ... 0 E. Latham, c Catling, b Smedley ......... 1 T. Ernest Platt, c Catling, b Boxall... 16 W. M. Lloyd, c Web­ ster, b Boundy ... 21 E. Roberts, run out 1 J. Branch, not out... 0 B2, lb 2, w 1, nb 2 7 Total , , 90 E n f ie l d . 0 c Dunn,b Bather 14 b Bather ... B 1, lb 3 C. Boxall, b Wallet ... 0 R. Pritchard, run out 10 E. Boundy, c Lyle, b Wallet ............... 19 C. Catling, b Wal et... 2 J. H. Wood, b Johna 7 A. Lyde, run out ... 8 Williams, not out ... A. Smedley, c Johns, b Wallet ......... Grosp, not o u t......... B6, lb 1 ......... Total , , 63 T otal... ... 60 T ota l ... 92 Webster and W. Boundy did not bat. TONBRIDGE SCHOOL v. BLUE MANTLES. Played at Tonbridge on June 3. T onbrtdge S chool . R. S. H. Bai8S, c Blackburne - Maze, b Parke ............... 51 D. Ronald, c W. H. Andrews, b Thorn­ ton S. Kennington, Parke............... B. D. Bannon, Kelsey ... G3 b M. O’C. Tandy, c Substitute, b P. T. Andrews..................99 G. L. Greig, not out 18 B 19,lb 12, wl, nb2 34 Total..........358 C. S. Wood, K. Clarke, E. K. Le Fleming, A. M. Marshall and J. M. Marshall did not bat. (Innings declared finished.) B l u e M a n tles . Major Spens.cTundy, bJ. Marshall.........10 T. H. Kelsey, c Le Fleming, b J. Mar­ shall ......................13 Rev. R. T. Thornton, b J. Marshall......... 2 W. H. Andrews, b J. Marshall............... 2 Rev. A. T. 8cott, b J. Marshall............... 2 E. A. Parke, not out... 10 G. Britten Holmes, b J. Marshall ......... 0 W. P. Blackburne- Maze, b J. Mar­ shall ...................... C. J. Andrews, c Tandy,b J.Marshall F. Andrews, bJ. Mar­ shall ...................... Major Evans, absent B ...................... Total......... EWELL v. CRYSTAL PALACE. Played on June 6. E w e l l , W. Chawnan, b Aste 0 W. H. Peake, c Cun ey b Kallender ...........29 G. H. Longman, c Cipriani, b Turner 6 A. Scott, st Cipriani, b Aste ..................14 J. E. Perks, c Marks, b Turner ............... 36 T. A. Riulinson, b Turner.................. 15 A. Killick, bAste ... 2 R. Mason, b Turner 6 A. Perks, notout ... 21 W. Beams, not out... 8 B3, lb3, w l ... 7 ........144 Total W. E. Harrowell did not bat. C r ystal P alace , A.Kayess, bLongman 5 A.C.Paterson,not out 10 D. A. de Villiers, b A. B. Cipriani, Peake, b Scott G. A. KaUender, Scott, b Harrowell 12 . Scott......... G. Marks, b Scott ... 4 B5,lb2... F. Aste, b Longman 42 j H. Turner, c A. Perks, Total b Scott ............... 40 i C. A.Pipe, W. Amsden, and P. Currey didnot bat. ...122 A c u sto m e r w r it e s 4‘ Your goods are a marvel of cheapness, and conclusively prove the great advantage of dealing directly with real manufac­ turers.” Send for Patterns to Hardman & Sons, Fernhill Mills, Bury, Manufacturers of Blankets, Serges, Tennis and Yachting Flannels, &c. Specially low summer prices for Blankets. Please name Paper.—Advt. CROYDON v. WH ITG IFT SCHOOL. Played at North End, Croydon, on June 6. W h it g if t S chool First Innings. S. H. Farwig, b Hardy ... 8 W. A. Conduitt, c Archer, b Coates ...................... 5 J. Callaghan, run out ... 6 S. G. Mansfield, c Archer, b Coates ...................... 7 G. F. Hampton, c Archer, b Coates ...................... 0 W. S. McBride, b Hardy 2 R. F. Townley, b Hardy ... 1 C. Bailey, c and b Hardy 0 H. P. Moore, lbw, b Paget 1 H. Walker, not o u t......... 4 F. H. Newcomb, b Hardy 0 B ............................ 15 Second Innings. b Paget ......... 0 c Joy, b Flinton 6 Paget, Flinton ... c Archer, b Flinton ......... b Flinton ......... c and b Hinton b Flinton ......... b Flinton ......... c Joy, b Paget... not out ......... B ... ......... 16 Total ................49 C roydon . Total ... 41 T B. Joy, b Farwig... 9 W. N. Coates, b Con- d uitt......................35 E. W. Archer, b Conduitt............... 1 W. J. K. Flinton, c Townley, b Farwig 5 A. E. Drage, b Con­ duitt ...................... 8 T. S. Ready, b Cal­ laghan ............... 7 G. Spicer, lbw, b Conduitt............... 4 C. G. Paget, b Cal­ laghan ................ 0 J. H. Hardy, not out ...................... 5 J. Petrie, b Con­ duitt...................... 0 A. N. Other, absent 0 B ...................... 1 Total ... 75 CROYDON v. WH ITG IFT SCHOOL. Played at Croydon on June G. W h it g if t S chool . A. Thompson, c Tur­ ner, b Balch ......... 0 E. M. Goodbody, b Balch......................15 H. Biscoe, c Long, b Balch......................11 G. H. Williams, c Ward, b Archer ... 0 A. S. Greenway, b Balch...................... 0 J. O. G. Harrison, b Austen ............... S3 E. T. Warner c Long, b Turner............... 19 C roydon . H.W.Ward, c Thomp­ son, b Warner ... 16 A.C. Dent, b Harri­ son ...................... 7 C. G, May, b Harri­ son ...................... 8 R. J. Shrimpton, b Warner ............... 22 J. A. Archer, llw, b Harrison............... 4 W. C. H. Brunt, b Harrison................. 0 0 W. T. Entwistle, b Austen ................ C. A. Hamilton, c Shrimpton, b Aus­ ten ...................... 4 H. S. Loveday, not out ......................16 J. B. Alderson b Bach ... ......... B 10, lb 4 .........14 Total.........110 G.F.Long, c Thomp­ son, b Harrison ... 9 A. Hill, lbw, b Warner............... 2 E. H. Balch, not out 3 F.Turner,b Harrison 0 T.P.Austen, c Good­ body, b Harrison 2 B ...................... 4 T ota l.........77 CROYDON v. DULWICH. Played at Dulwich on June G. C roydon . H. R. Groom, b Tregellas............... 8 R. Biscoe, c Mac­ donald, b Tregellas 26 C. W. M. Feist, o Morris,b Macdonald G2 S. J. Ching, b l'regel- E. R. Wilkinson, Morris ......... J. Whitcomb, Tregellas......... 9 J.C. Neech, b Morris 2 W. H. Bagott, b Pearse ................ C. P. Wicks, b Pearse H, 1. Hipwell, b Morris ................ J. Aris, notout B 15, lb 5 ......... Total... ..139 D u l w ic h . J.A. Macdonald, c and b Ching ............... 3 E. H. Heasman, c Groom, b Ching .. 17 O. Jones, b Ching ... 19 A. H. Knott, b Ching 5 T. R. Pearse, b Feist 1 W Morris, not out ... 21 T. S. Tregellas, b Ching ............... 2 W. vt. Field, not out ...................... 6 B 2, lb 2 ......... 4 Total... . 78 G. L. Burdge, B. W. Heasman, and E. Budge did not bat.