Cricket 1891

176 CKICKET: A WEEKLY EECOED OF THE GAME. JUNE 11, 1891 INCOGNITI v. CLIFTON COLLEGE. Played at Clifton on June 3 and 4, C lift o n C ollege . First Innings. Second Innings. T. L. Borrett, c Sidney, b Miller ......................... 0 c and b Cassan 7 J. A. Healing, st Taylor, b , Cassan ..................... 20 c Hemming, b Miller ......... 8 H. Simson, b Townsend... 18 lbw, b Cassan ... 0 H. N. Perrin, b Cassan ... 9 b Miller .......... 0 S. D. Corbett, b Miller ...40b Miller ...........10 H. L. W. Norrington, b Townsend......................... 6 c Vizard, Miller b Miller ... c Coleridge, Cassan ... H. R. Wansey, b Cassan ... 0 W. G. Grace, c and b Miller................................17 B. M. L. Brodhurst, not out ................................30 c Low, b Cassan 8 W. A. G. Williams, b D’Aeth...............................21 run out .. 8 H. G. Petersen, c Taylor, b Miller ...................... 5 not out ... 0 B 13, lb 8........................ 21 B 4, lb 1 ... 5 Total ............... 187 Total ... 75 I ncogn iti . First Innings. F. A. Coleridge, c Borrett, b Perrin... 5 J. H. Curtis, c Peter­ sen, b Corbett ... 49 A. J. P. Miller, st Petersen, b Grace 32 E. Cassan, not out ... 7 Sir A. W. L. Hem­ ming, b Corbett ... 0 B 21, lb 4, w 4 ... 29 E. J. Tay’or, lbw, Wansey .................. 16 Capt. “L. N. D’Aeth, lbw, b Grace.......... 5 F . Townsend, b Brodhurst .........39 Capt. R. D. Vizard, b Perrin ................. 7 J. C. Low. b Brod­ hurst...................... 0 T S. Sidney, c Perrin, b Williams .........21 Total ..210 In the Second Innings E. J. Taylor scored (run out) 17, Capt. L. N. D’Aeth (not out) 30, F. Towns­ end, b Grace 0, Capt. R. D. Vizard, b Grace 0, J. C. Low, (not out) 4; b 1, w 1.—Total, 53. INCOGNITI v. EAST GLOUCESTER SHIRE. Played at Cheltenham on June 5. E a st G lo u cestersh ire . E. M. Blair, b Miller 5 Eliiott, b Cassan ... 2 O. Phillips, c D’Aeth, b Miller ............... 7 Major Young, c Hem­ ming, b G. Pember­ ton ......................47 H. Jessop, b Miller... 31 Butt, c and b Miller 4 C. H. Turner, c A. Pemberton,b Miller 65 E. Jessop, c D’Aeth, b Miller ............... 8 G. Bearcroft, not out ......................10 C. Travers, b Cassan 0 G. B. Matthews, b Cassan ............... 2 B ...................... 8 Total ...189 I ncogn iti . First Innings. Capt. L. N. D’Aeth, run out ............... 16 T. S. Sidney, c H. Jessop, b Elliott ... 17 J. C. Low. c H. Jessop, b Elliott ... 1 A. E. Leatham, c H. Jessop, b Elliott ... 1 Lord Truro, not out 38 A. 8. Winterbotham, c Blair, b H. Jessop 18 Sir A. W. L. Hem­ ming, lbw, b H. Jessop ................ 7 In the Second Innings Capt. L. N. D’Aeth scored c E. J< S8op, b Butt 7, A, E. Leatham, b Butt 7, A. S. Winterbotham, c Matthews, b H. Jessop 39, Sir A. W. L. Hemming (not out) 20; b 2, lb 1, w 1.— Total, 77. A. J. P. Miller, b H. Jessop ......... G. P. L. Pemberton, run out ................ E. Cassan, c Turner, b E lliott............... A. Pemberton, c and b E lliott................ B 7, lb 1, w 1 ... Total ...116 INCOGNITI v. CHELTENHAM COLLEGE. Played at Cheltenham on June G. C h elten h am C o l le g e . C. B. Champain, c Symons, b D’Aeth 55 C. Campbell, c Hay- garth, b D’Aeth ... 0 J. R. Campbell, c Haygarth,bWiater- botham ............... 0 E. N. Brooke, c Truro, b Winter­ botham ............... 2 A, S. Anton, b Miller 1 R. G. L. Austin, lbw, b D’Aeth............... 54 A. G. McPherson, not out ............... 23 A. H. Holdship, c and b Winterbotham... 3 F. H. Barker, b D’Aeth ................ 5 R. K. Healing, b Winterbotham ... 0 E. H. Collen.c Sidney, b Miller ................ 7 B 5, lb 7, w 2 ... 14 T otal ...164 I n co g n iti . Capt. L. N. D’Aeth, st M cP h e rs o n , b Brooke ................ 7 A. S. Winterbotham, c McPherson, b “ Healing ............... 19 E. B. Haygarth, b Brooke ................ 25 Lord Truro, c Anton, b Brooke................ 7 Sir A. W. L. Hem- ming, not out.........16 T.S.Sidney,b Brooke 2 J. C. Low, c Brooke, b Collen............... 26 N. C. Chamberlain, not out ............... 8 B 3, lb 2 ......... 5 Total ...115 J. W. Symons, A. J. P. Miller, and E. Cassan did not bat. INCOGNITI v. HORLEY. Played at Horley on June 6. I ncogniti . Rev. J. H. C. Baxter, c Stevens, b Wood 10 G. F. Bonner, c Dor- ling, b W ood......... 0 A. Bird, b White­ head ......................36 E. A.Parke, c Ireland, b Wood ............... 2 E. J. Coxon, b Flowers ............... 23 Capt. Banbury, b Wood ................ 9 W. Bird did not bat H orley . First Innings. W. Dorling, b Parke 5 A. G. Ireland, lbw, b F. H. Stevens, b Coxon ................ 1 H.R. Whitehead, c A. Bird, b Coxon ... 10 A. Foster, b Coxon ... 14 E. Elmslie, b Coxon 0 Flowers, b Coxon ... 3 W. Kelsey, b Parke... 5 P. E. Raven, c Dor­ ling, b Wood........ 5 J. E. Raven, not out ...................28 H.Jennings, b White­ head .................... 0 J. Nightingale, c Whitehead,bWood 0 B 2, lb 1, w 2 ... 5 Total .....118 Coxon ................ „ W. Wood, c J. Raven, b Coxon ................ 2 E- Cosedge, not out... 1 N. Farwell, b Coxon... 0 B 1, lb 2 Total In the Second Innings W. Dorling scored b Coxon 0, F. H. Stevens, b Parke 8, H. R. White­ head, b P. Raven 1, A. Foster, b Parke 34, E. Elmslie, lbw, b Parke 14, Flowers (not out) 36, W. Kelsey (not out) 10; b 16 lb 5.—Total, 124. HAMPSTEAD v. LONDON SCOTTISH. Played at Hampstead on June 6. L ondon S cottish . Second Innings. b First Innings. A. F. Denniston, b Stod- dart ............................ 13 Thornton, Pawling... J. B. Duthrie, b Stoddart 0 b Pawling ... C. T. Ewart, bThornton... 0 b Parker ... W. E. Maclagan, b Stod­ dart .......................... 10 b Thorn!on F. G. Anderson, b Thorn­ ton ............................. 3 Darsie Anderson,b Thorn­ ton ............................ 1 P. A. Williamson, b Stod­ dart )............................ 0 R. F. Easterbrook, lbw, b Thornton...................... c Lipscombe, Pawling ... b Thornt m b Thornton ... 0 ,.. 17 ,.. 19 15 c Selfe, b Paw­ ling ............... J. Fleming, c Britten- Holmes, b Stoddart ... 14 c Lipscombe, b Pawling......... J.H. Whitehorn, b Thorn­ ton ................ .‘........ 8not out ........... G. Macindoe, not out ... 0 B 6, lb 1 ...................... 7 B l, lb 4 ... Total ............. 71 H a m pste a d , Total . J.G.Q.Besch,bDennisE.Figgis,c William­ ton ..................... 59 son,bEasterbrook 8 E. Britten-Holmes, b Q. L. Jiffery, b Maclagan............... 16 Easterbrook .. 4 T.M.Farmiloe.cFlem- S. S. Pawling b ing, b Ewart ......... 23 Denniston ... 9 G. Thornton, b Ewart 1 F. V. Selfe, not A. E. Stoddart, c out ............... ... 1 Williamson, b EastB 5, lb 3 ... ... 8 erbrook ............... 18 — H. R. Lipscombe, b Total ... ...159 Denniston............... 8 A Russtll Parker, b Denniston ......... 0 CR ICKETERS-B est G oods Citif Agents— b e a r t h is M a r k .— A d vt* P a r to n & L e s t e r , 94, Q u e e n S t ., C h ea psid e CLAPHAM WANDERERS v. EALING- Played at Ealing on June G. E a lin g . First Inning?. C.C. Chambers.b Bate 24 T. N. Tyndale, b bate 1 E. A. James, c Goldie, ’ " ' 14 W. A. Daw, not out 14 E.L.Wood, st A.Beh- rend, b bicknell... 0 J. H. Young, b Bate 3 G.N. Harris, b Bick­ nell ...................... 2 Extras bBate... R. M. Pearce, c sub, Bate ......................13 E. Alloway, b Bate ... 12 .........10 G. Perkins, c and Bate ...................... 0 Tottl .................93 H. G. Atkinson, Goldie, b Bate... In the Second Innings James scored c Bicknell b Bate 21, Pearce, c A. Behiend, b Colman G, Allo­ way (not out) 31, Atkinson (not out) 4, Daw, c Bur­ ton, b Collins 14, Wood, b Colman 8; extras 9.— Total, 93. C laph am W anderers . S. Colman, b Harris... 11 F. E. Saunders, b All­ oway ........................25 G. E. Bicknell, c James, b Harris ... 4 B. Burton, c Tyndale, b Harris ................. 13 A. H. Behrend, b Per­ kins ........................33 H. V. Bate, c Perkins, b Harris .................37 E.Collins, c Perkins, b Alloway .........14 A. Goldie, c Atkin­ son, b Perkins ... 0 T. Behrend,c Harris, b Alloway ......... 8 A. O. Keely, not out 0 Extras............... 9 Total . ...157 WELLING v. WALTHAMSTOW . Played at Welling on June 6. W alth am stow . F. Walsham, b Green 15 H. J. Cook, not out 11 D. Nicholson, Green ............... 5 H. D. Tuck, run out 66 J. Gunton, b Butcher 10 B. H. Heath, b Green 5 W. J. Willis, out .............. . B 5, lb 3, w5.., Total .. not 0 13 ...125 M. Heath, J. Latham, A. Thompson, and W. Dcck did not bat. W e l l in g . C. Butcher, b WalJenkins, not out ... G sham ...................... 2 Green, b Walsham Clayton, c Cook, b 2 W. Sevenoaks, b Tuck...................... 2 Walsham ......... 2 H. M. Collard, c WalA. Weeks, not out ... 5 sham, b Tuck......... 4 G. Williams, b Tuck 0 R. Williams, lbw, b B 3, lb 2............... 5 Buck...................... 0 —. T. Freeman, b Tuck 0 Total ......... Storer, b Tuck ......... 0 BURLINGTON WANDERERS v. ADDISCOMBE, Played at Addiscombe on June 2. First Innings. E. C. Lindup, run out E.B. Warren, b Turner F. W. Ledger, b Turner S. Cook, c Cooper, Turner ............... B urlington W a n d e r e rs . Second Innings. , 5 c Cooper, b Peck 1 , 23 b Turner ......... 7 14 c and b Turner 5 17 H. T. Bull, b Turner......... 0 H. E. Hockley, b Turner... 13 J. P. Baxter, not out........ 5 A. E. Gent, lbw, b.Turner 19 A. L. Pattison, b Turner 1 W. J. Jenkins, b Turner... 0 B 11, lb 2, w 2 .........15 Total ................112 A ddiscom be . First Innings. F. Hill, c Warren, b Baxter............................19 H. Hall, b Baxter ......... 2 R. Langton, b Bull .........14 L. J. Turner, bB u ll......... 0 R. J. Grant, st Warren, b Bull ............................. 1 J. Marks, b Baxter ......... 0 Peck, c sub., b Bull ......... G A. W. Cooper, c Cook, b Bull ............................ 4 c Marks, b Turner ......... b Peck............... not out ......... run out ......... c Peok, b Turner b Turner ......... b Turner ......... Lb ......... Total ... 43 Second Innings, c Jenkins, b Baxter .........21 b Bull................ G b bmxter ......... 0 c Baxter, b Bull 23 c Warren; b Bull 7 c Ledger, b Bull 0 c Bull, b Baxter 0 N. Cutler, b Baxter ... H. A. Roper, b Baxter W. Lemmon, not out B ...................... T otal ... ... ... 0 ... 4 , 55 st Warren, b Baxter ......... 7 not out ......... 7 c Pattison, b Bull................ 2 c sub., b Bull ... 2 B 1,1b 1, w 1 3 T otal ... 78