Cricket 1891

JUNE 11, 1891 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 175 S u t t o n . First Innings. Second Innings. D. R. Hallam, c Bovill, b S tu rt............................. 5 not out E. Windus, c Alcock, b Sturt ............................ 0 Mawer, b Sturt ... ......... 4 b Martin F. Flemwell, c and b Alcock............................ 8 b Sturt... T. P. Draper, b Alcock ... 15 bSturt... L. J. Paice, c Martin, b Alcock............................ 0 b Martin H. Ashworth, c Lyall, b Sturt ... ...................... 11 W. A. Beaumont, b Sturt 0 F. Barry, b Alcock ......... 2 A .Hyslop, not out ......... 1 not out... E. H. Bambridge, c Earn- Bhaw, b Alcock............... 3 B 5, lb 2...................... 7 , 17 Total.. 56 B 4, lb 1, w 1 6 Total ... 56 W IMBLEDON v. UPPER TOOTING. Played at Wimbledon on June 6. W im bledon . First Innings. Second Innings. H. S. Schwann, b Ur­ wick ............................ 4 c Taylor, b Street ......... 15 R. F. Denniston, b Taylor 2 run out ......... 0 L. G. Oliver, c Urwick, b Taylor............................ 15 b Street ... ... 14 H. C. Willock, b Taylor ... 14 b Street ......... 40 G. A. Bimington, b Urwick 11 not out ......... 18 E. W. Reeves, b Urwick ... 5 b Thorne ......... 13 C. W. Aston Key, absent 0 st Thorne, b Ur­ wick ............... 3 J.I.D. Nicholl, lbw, b Tay­ lor ................................... 7 b U rwick......... 38 S. Christopherson, b Ur­ wick ............... ... w. 2 not out ......... 14 A. W.Reeves, b Taylor ... 1 C. L. Sanders, not out ... 8 B ............................ 4 B 10. nb 7 ... 17 Total ................ 68 Total ...172 U p p e r T o o tin g . F. G. Thorne, c Rim- ington, b Aston-Key 22 J. A. Lyon,b Christo­ pherson ............... 16 G. W. Thompson, c Christopherson, b Aston-Key .........35 E. C. Taylor, b S. Christopherson ... 6 E. S. Morphew.c Rim- ington, b S. Christo­ pherson ............... 2 F. Clements, c Aston- Key, b Christopher­ son ...................... 8 S. Harper, c Christo- pherson, b Oliver 13 H. B. Street, c Rim- ington, b Christo­ pherson ................ 3 H.8. Urwick,c Aston Key, b E. W. Reeves ............... 22 R.C. Franks,run out 0 L. C. B. Wright, not out........................ 0 B ...................... 5 Total . ... 132 CHARLTON PARK v. CLAPHAM WAN­ DERERS. Played at Charlton Park on June 3. C la ph a m W a n d e r e rs . First Innings. D. A de Viliiers, b Hunter ............... A. O. Keely, not out Stapley, bPease ... A. N. Other, b Hun­ ter B 10, lb 2, nb 1... 13 S. Colman, c Dickson, b Green ............... e G. E. Bicknell, b Hol­ ton ......................51 H. V. Bate, c and b Dickson ............... 25 F.E.Saunders,bPease 42 A. H. Behrend, c and b Dickson............... 3 L. W. Dryland, st Lawrence............... 4 In the Second Innings S. Colman scored b Dick son 17, G. E. Bicknell, (not out) 3, A. H. Behrend, c Pease, b Dickson 7, L. W. Dryland, (not out) 4, A. O. Keely, b Pease 0; b 2.—Total, 83. C h a r l to n P a r k . Total ...155 out 0 A. H. Pease, Ibw, b Bate ...................... 7 Rev. F. W. Green, run out ......................27 J. Hunter, b Bate ... 81 F. W. Ho.ton, b Dry­ land ......................33 Rev.W. M. McAllister, b Colman................ 2 H. E. Lawrence, b Bicknell ................ 5 W. J. C. Keats, lbw, b Biclnell ......... 6 R. S. Wild, c and b Dryland............... 0 A. J. Chipp, not out 0 A. Burnett, Jbw, b Dryland............... 1 B 7, w 1 ......... 8 Total ...120 CRICKETERS— B e s t < C C B « G oods City Agents — b e a r t h is M a r k .— A d v t. P a r to n & L e s t e r , 94, Q u e e n S t ., C h e a p s id e . CHARLTON PARK v. BLACKHEATH . Played at Charlton Park on June 6. B la c k h e ath . R. A. Fegan, c Keats, b R isch ................ E.P.Parsons. b Keats H. Christopherson, b K eats................ D. Christopherson, b Dickson ......... B ...................... H. C. Blaker, b Keats 25 Rev. T. Oldham, st Lawrence, b Martin 24 F. Napier, b Hunter 10 E. B. Thurston, b Keats...................... 5 E. G. Hemmerde, b Keats......................10 G. Burness, b Keats... 1 R. A Newton, not out 16 C h arlto n P ark . G. Maryon Wilson, b [ F-_W. P. Holton, c Newton ................ 9 H. W. Dickson, c and b Thurston .........64 W. McCanlis, b New­ ton ...................... 2 Total ... 97 Thurston ... ... 3 J. Hunter, not out 14 W. Martin, not out 16 B 8, nb 1 ......... 9 Total ...117 A. H. Pease. A. J. Thornton, G. Risch, H. E- Lawrence, and W. J. C. Keats did not bat. CHARLTON PARK v. BANK OF ENG LAND. Played at Catford Bridge on June 6. C h arlton P ar k . S.R.Sargent,c Young, b Hay ............... 41 A. F. Lovey, b Hay ... 84 E. A. Redman, not out ......................28 W. Burnett, b Horne 7 A. J. Dodd, not out 33 B 10, w 2 .........12 Total Innings declared closed. B a n k o f E ngland ...205 H. R. Young, b Mc­ Allister ................ A. Stahlschmidt. c McAllister, b Ogilvy Sumner, lbw, b Mc­ Allister ................ Leeds, b McAllister ... Hay, b M cA llister ... Bartlett,bMcAllister Stephens, c Sargent, b Burnett .........15 Horne, b McAllister 1 Chipp, not out........ 13 Miller, b McAllister 3 Heath, c McAllister, b Ogilvy................ 1 B 4, lb 3, w 2 ... 9 Total 66 SOUTHGATE v. STOICS. Played at Southgate on June 6. S o u t h g a t e . b J. Bradshaw, Walton ................ 0 F. A. West, b Dixon 2 Hon. Dudley Pelham, b D ixon,................15 A. E White, b Walton 65 C. S. Villiers, c Oven- don b Hollingworth 15 L. Dudley Smith, b Ovendon ............... 5 P. C. Brachi,b Vivian 5 W. R. Jenkins, b Vivian ................ 4 J. Allen, b Walton ... 11 VV. M. Ellinor, b Walton ......... ... 0 W. 8. Harris,not out 1 B10, lb 2, w l ...13 Total ...136 S to ics . G. Davies, b Pelham 36 J. W.Vivian,b Pelham 0 C. Dixon, b West ... 2 J. R. Hollingworth, b Ellinor ............... 21 H. E. Ransom, bWest ll J. E. Walton, not out ll M. Abbott not out ... 0 B 6 lb 3 ................ 9 Total , 90 NORTHBROOK v. GREENHITHE. Played at Lee on June 6. G r e e n h it h e . W. Bliss, b East ... 10 J. W. Judd, b Leeds .. 7 F. G. Stevens, b Leeds 4 H. Westbrook, run out ......................15 A. Stevrns, c Wool­ mer, b Leeds......... 8 T. Lockyer, b Leeds 2 Rev. A. F. Owen, b Leeds......... ......... 7 G. Dearne, not out G. Livingstone, b Leeds ................ G. Purton, b Abbott J, Gorham, b Leeds B 13,lb 7 0 2 0 ... 20 Total ... 82 J. Dacres, Stevens ............... 19 W. D. Butler, b A. Stevens ............... 0 S. AbboU, not out ... 76 H. Leeds, b Lockyer 10 A. East, c A. Stevens, b F. Stevens ......... 0 P. R. Steele, e Owen, b F. Stevens......... 0 C. W. Richards, c Owen, b F. Stevens.ll N orthbrook . A. West- F. Mote, b brook ................ 2 S. O. Woolmer, b Westbrook ......... 0 H. C. Cooper, bWest- brook ................ 0 G. W. A. Mitchell, b Westbrook ......... 0 B 6, lb 3, w 1.........10 Total ...128 NORBURY PARK v. HENDON. Played at Norbury Park on June 3. N orbu ry P a r k . Second Innings. First Ipnings. W.R. Manning, b Godling- ton ............................ 0 Rev. J. H. Swinstead, b Wooley ...................... 8 E. M. Colls, b Godlington 21 W. E. Hobbs, c sub.b Jack- c and b Trimen c Jackman, b Drew c Jackman, Langton... , 24 —.Sleat, not out......... W. Wteeler, b Wooley N. Greenop, b Wooley R. W. McDougall, Wooley ................ H. Hart, b Wooley ... A. T. Hobbs, b Wooley A. Beare, b Wooley ... Extras ................ c Trimen, Wooley ... 40 not out 2 retired......... 2 2 b Wooley ... 0 0 c Drew, Trimen ... Extras... . 41 b ... 9 b ... 44 ... 0 ... 74 , 0 , 16 Total ..........93 H endon . Total ...191 A. R. Trimen, c Mc­ Dougall, b Greenop 0 Jackman, b Greenop 18 J. A. Wylde, b Colls 6 H. E. Langdon, lbw, b Colls ................ 5 W. Etheriogton, c Beare, b Colls......... 2 B. D. Godlington, not out ...................... 19 J.Wooley, c Greenop, b Colls ................ A. C. Plews, b Colls D. Clarke, b Colls ... —.Roseman, b Sleat Dr. Drew, b Sleat ... Extras............... Total 0 0 0 9 4 y , 72 INCOGNITI v. DULWICH COLLEGE. Played at Dulwich on May 27. I n c o g n iti . A. Bird, c Jordan, b Edwards................10 Sir A. W. L. Hem­ ming, b Jordan ... 11 J. I. D. Nicholl, b Jordan ................ 0 W. C. Bridgeman, b Edwards............... 37 G. H. P. Street, c Pearce, b Edwards 8 C. 8. W. Cobbold and P. Hilton did not bat. Dulwich College did not bat. G. A. Rimington, b Edwards............... 16 E. E. Felton, not ouc 13 Rev. J. H. C. Baxter, b Jordan................ 4 C. F. Wade, not out 6 B ...................... 1 Total ...101 INCOGNITI v. SHERBORNE SCHOOL. Played at Sherborne on June 1 and 2. S h er b o r n e S chool . Second Innings, run out .........56 First Innings. A. W. F. Rutty, c and b Miller............................ 10 W. T. Lambert, c Miller, b Cassan ...................... 4 F. B. L. Mannsell, b Capt. D’A eth............... 28 T. N. Atkinson, b Miller... 0 G. M. Carey, b Cassan ... 3 W. H. Randolph, b Miller 5 T. C. Rogerson, c Wilson, b Casaau ......................12 J. E. Stevens, b Miller ... 11 H. H. Joy, b Wilson......... 7 P. D. Hunter, not out ... 12 S. Galpin, b Miller ......... 1 B 8, lb 19, wl .........28 lbw, b Hodgson CO b Hodgson... c Sidney, Miller ... bMiller b Hodgson... . 18 . 1 . 0 Total ............... 12L I n c o g n it i . First Innings. b Miller c Hunter, Miller ... c Hunter, Cassan ... not out b Cassan ... B 13, lb 4, nb 1 18 Total ...204 15 12 C. H. Hodgson, b Rutty ................28 Sir A. W. L. Hem­ ming, b Rutty ... 2 C. H. Hunter, b Rogerson...............10 Capt. R. D. Vizard, b Rogerson................ 0 J. C. Low, run out ... 12 T. W. Wilson, c Gal- Total .........112 pin, b Carey.........18 In the Second Innings C. H. Hodgson scored (not out) 41, C. H. Hunter, (not out) 51, T. S. Sidney, c Carey, b Joy 20; b 1, lb 1.—Total, 114. Capt. L. N. D’Aetb, c Carey, b Rutty C. D’Aeth, b Carey ... T. S. Sidney, b Carey A. J. P. Miller, not out ...................... E. Cassan, b Rutty... B 7, lb 2, w 1 ...