Cricket 1891

174 CKICKET: A WEEKLY EECORD OF THE GAME. JUNE 11, 1891 TOTTENHAM COLLEGE v. SOUTHGATE COLLEGE. Played at New Southgate on June 8, T ottenh am C o l l e g e . Second Innings. First Innings. F. W. Barnes, c Wickes, b Farton ...................... 0 C. V. Monk, b Parton ... 10 H. Simpson, not out.........10 P. Lamb, c Wickes, b Par­ ton ............................. 0 H. Payne, b Parton......... 0 J. Parry, st Davies, b Collett............................ 0 H. Olley, b Collett ......... 0 T. Chandler, b Parton ... 1 F. Whiting, Ifcw, b Collett 8 W. Golding, b 3ollett ... 0 W. Middleton, b Parton... 0 Extras...................... 3 c and b Humph­ rey ............... 22 lbw, b Parton ... 10 b Parton ......... 8 b Collett ......... 4 not out .........14 b Collett ......... 0 b Humphrey ... 0 c Wickes, b Humphrey ... 0 lbw, b Collett ... C c Wickes, b Nelson ......... 5 b Parton ......... 1 Extras......... 3 Total ............... 27 S outhgate C o l le g e . Total 67 First Innings. Davies, b Barnes ......... Bishop, b Barnes ......... Collett, b Barnes ......... Humphrey, run ou t......... Nelson, b Monk ... ......... Parton, c Parry, b Monk Perry, c and b Monk Wickes, c Parry, b Monk Kenton, c and b Barnes ... Brown, c Paynp, b Barnes Morse, not out ............... Extras ............... Second Innings. 7 c and b Barnes 0 1 b Monk ......... 1 8 b Barnes ......... 0 4 b Monk ........ 1 0 b Monk ......... 0 0 b Barnes ........ 0 0 b Barnes ........ 1 0 c Whiting, b Barnes ......... 0 0 not out ......... 0 0 run out ........ 1 0 not out ......... 0 1 Extras......... 3 Total ............... 21 Total ... 7 TOTTENHAM COLLEGE v. VESTA. Played at West Ham Park on June 6. T otten h am C o l le g e . F. W. Barnes, c HodG. Harston.c sub., b son, b Thomas 2 Morrison ......... 9 C. V. Monk, b Vivian 1 H. Simpson, b Vivian 7 A. Smith, b Vivian ... 18 P.Lamb, b Morrison 4 H. Foord, b Thomas 4 T. Monk, not out ... 0 S. Monk, b Vivian ... 4 Extras ......... 8 J. C. Morton, b — Vivian ............... 1 Total......... 62 H. Payne, b Vivian ... 4 V esta . A. S. Vivian, c Lamb, M. E. H. Martin, b b Foord ............... 11 Monk ................ 21 T. Hodson, c Morton, K. Martin, c and b b Foord ............... 2 Monk ............... 2 E. J. Waldon, c J. H. Melrose, not Lamb, b Foord ... 5 out ......... ......... 6 A. E. Thomas, b R. U. W. Finlinson, b Monk...................... X) Foord ................ 0 J. Morrison, run out 19 Extras... ... ... 5 G. Matthews, run out 0 — S. D. Holmes, b Total ......... 87 Monk...................... 6 LYRIC C.C. & GROUND v. M.C.C. & GROUND. Played at St. Ann’s, Barnes, on June 6. M.C.C. Davenport, b Spof- forth......................55 West, b Spofforth ... 21 Davidson, run out ... 22 Mr. Cyril Foley, lbw, b Spofforth .........13 Mr. D. C. Lee, c Mur­ doch, b Spofforth .. 16 Mr. J. R. Shaw, c Welch, b Spofforth 0 Major Ker Fox, lbw, b Spofforth ........... 10 Captain Fox, bJohn­ son ...................... 18 Mr. E. Rodriguez, c Murdoch, b Spof­ forth........................ 10 Burton, not out ...12 B 4, lb 1, nb 6 ...11 L yric C.C. Total ...186 Mr. A. F. Kemp, b Davidson ......... 2 Dr. J. E. Barrett, b Burton ............... 10 Mr. W. L. Murdoch, b Davidson ......... 4 Mr. C. I. Thornton, c Foley, b Burton ... 4 Mr. G. F. Vernon, c Davenport, b Davidson............... 5 Mr. F. B. Spofforth, c Major Fox, b Davideon............... 8 Mr. F. T. Welman, b Davidson ......... 7 Mr. W. Earle, not o u t...................... 13 Mr. R. C. Welch, c Foley, b David­ son ...................... 0 Tott, b Davidson ... 0 Johnson, b Davidson 5 B ...................... 3 Total 61 FOREST H ILL v. ERRATICS. Played at Forest Hill on June 2. E rr a tic s . First Innings. Second Innings. R. Joyce, b Edwards, b Capes.............................13 b Knight ........... 2 B. V. Gardner, c Seel, b Edwards ...................... 0 A. M. Sturges, c H«skings, b Edwards......................23 G. E. Southey, b Ed­ wards ............................ 2 S. Green, b Capes ........ 0 A. Meller, b Capes ........ 0 A. B. Franks, b Capes ... 1 F. Wood, bCapes ........ 1 P. M. Simpson, b Edwards 1 R. Macginty, not out ... 0 F. Wiltshire, absent........ 0 B 5, lb 1 .................... 6 c Baker, b Ed­ wards ......... 2 b Edwards....... 0 b Edwards....... 0 c and b Knight... 0 b Edwards....... 1 b Edwards ... 1 not out ....... 0 bEdwards...... 5 c Seel, b Knight 38 absent............... 0 Total .........47 Total... 29 F orest H il l . W.L. Stewart,b Simp­ son ...................... 0 A. W. Hoskings, b Sturges ............... 47 J. A. Knight, run out 18 H. Baker, b Joyce ... 16 E. H. Edwards, c Southey, b Sturges 11 F. Spel, b Joyce........ 6 F. Skipper, c Sturges, Total b Simpson .........20 E. J. Foulkes, c and b Simpson .........11 W.W.Capes.c Green, b Gardner ......... 5 R.W. Roper, not out 4 F. J. R. Frere, b Simpson.............. 0 B 14, lb 2, w 2 ... 18 ...156 FOREST H ILL v. ST. DUNSTAN ’ S COLLEGE. Played at Forest Hill on June 3. S t . D u n sta n ’ s C o l le g e . First Innings. Second InLings. L. V. Cockell, c Trotter, b Capes ...................... 1 c and b Foulkes 5 E. L. Cockell, b Capes ... 0 c Fenner, b Moore ......... 1 E. B. Dowsett, b Capes ... 2 c Tucknott, b Rook............... 34 H. C. Plant, c Fenner, b Capes ............................ 1 b Moore ......... 3 R. Boyd, c Morley, b Capes ............................ 0 run out ......... 3 H. M. Webb, c and b R ook.............................. 1 c Fenner, b Foulkes ......... 11 E. H. Pearson, b Capes ... 4 c Rook.b Trotter 3 G. D. King, b Capes......... 0 c sub, b Capes . 11 F. Martin, not out ......... 4 n' t out ......... 0 G. W. Dawley, b Capes ... 0 run out ......... 3 G. Hassall, c and b Rook 1 c and b Capes ... 1 B 4, lb 4 ...................... 8 B ................ 6 Total ............... 22 Total... 81 F orest H il l . J. Trotter, b Dowsett 6 C. Moore, run out 4 E. D. Foulkes, c L. Cockell, b Plant ... 6 W. W. Capep, b L. Cockell ............... 6 W. N. Rook, b Boyd... 32 T. Fenner, b Boyd ... 0 G. Birkett, c Martin, b L. Cockell......... Morley, b Boyd Tucknott, not out ... B l .w l ......... Total , 63 FOREST H IL L v. BROCKLEY. Played at Brockley on June 6. B rockley . S.R. Best.c Harrower, b Oldham............... M.A.Jacques, c Todd, b Edwards ......... J. F. Griffith, c Todd, b Edwards ......... J. W. Pratt, b Edwards............... G. Tokeley, run out ... J. G. Welchman, b Edwards ............... H.Sexton, c Roberts, b Oldham ......... —Mirehouse, lbw, b Oldham............... H. J. Spon, b Old­ ham ...................... a . Fowler, not out ... S. Fraser, b Edwards B 3, lb 3, w 1 ... Total 40 F o r e st H i l l . W.L.Pierce.c Jacques, b Welchman .........12 A. C. Roberts,run out 5 J. H. Todd, b Sexton 43 H. R. Carruthers, c and b Welchman ... 20 F. Skipper, c Mire­ house, b Sexton ... 0 E. H. Edwards, c Welchman,b Sexton 1 Rev. H. A. p. Sawyer, b Sexton ................ 3 A. C. Quincy b Welchman ... ... 1 W. Harrower, b Welchman ... 2 F. Oldham, c Best, b Sexton ......... 1 E. D. Foulkes, not out ................ 0 B 2, lb 3 ... ... 5 Total . 93 FOREST H ILL v. BROCKLEY. Played at Forest Hill on June 6. F orest H il l . H. T. Watmough, b Dutton ............... 2 L.H.Roberts,bDutton 10 W, N. Rook, b Dutton 6 E. W. Hole, b Dutton 0 L. B. Meredith, c Welchman, b Hep- penstall ................ 4 G.F. Reckitt, c White, b Heppenstall......... 2 G. H. Dicker, b Hep­ penstall ................ 0 B rockley . T. W. FoyroD.c Ball, b Dutton ......... 5 W. W. Capes, b Hep- penatall............... 6 H. M. Waldock, not out ...................... 0 J. R. Wigginton, b Dutton ................ ft B 4, lb 1 ......... 5 Total ... 40 G. H. Apps, run out 0 Dutton, b Waldock 18 H. Fry, b Capes .. P. Heppenstall, Capes...................... P. Gibbon, b Capes ... G. H. Welchman, b W aldock............... G. Ball, b Roberts ... First Innings. H. Squire, c Mere­ dith, b Wa'dock ... 5 J. Reeves, b Capes 6 R. White, not out ... 3 D. Westrow.b Capes 3 B 11, lb 2, w l ... 14 Total 67 In the Second Innings Apps scored (not out) 6, Fry, b Rook 4, Heppenstall, b Rook 7, Gibbon (not out) 4, Ball, c Waldock,b Rook 1, White, b Rook 12: b 1, lb 3.—Total, 38. BLACKHEATH v. ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE, GREENWICH. Played at Rectory Field on June 2. B la c k h e ath , K. Christopherson, b Morgan ............... 57 M. Christopherson, b Mooney ................ 2 P. Cast’e, b Mooney ... 5 C. E. S. Mason, b Morgan ................18 Street, c Oldham, b Morgan ................12 G. O. Jacob,c Fitzher­ bert, b Morgan ... 4 Rev. F. W. S. Le Liovre.c Fitzherbert b 1?inlaison ......... 7 G. F. M. Camroux, c Oldham,b Morgan 1 E. P. Isaacs, not out 17 F. Henderson, b Fiu- laison ................ 6 H. P. Borrett, b Fin- lauon ................ 0 B 3, lb 1 ......... 4 Total ...133 R.N. C o l le g e . First Inning*. A. H. Oldham, c Castle, b Isaacs............................ 0 E. McCarthy, run out ... 2 S. A. Percy Ayscough, c M. Christopherson, b Isaacs............................. 0 J.B.Finlaison,c Le Lievre, bIsaacs ...................... 29 C. T. Borrett, c M. Christo­ pherson, b Isaacs.......... 0 E. S. Fitzherbert, b Isaacs.............................. 1 F. Mansel Jones,b Mason 3 M. W. Consett, not out ... 3 Hon. F, S. H. Boyle, b Mason............................ 0 R. H. Morgan, b Mason ... 0 E. Mooney, bMason ... 0 B 1, w 1 ...................... 2 Total ................40 Second Innings. c Camroux, b Isaacs ......... 4 cM.Christopher- son, b Isaacs 3 c Mason, b Isaacs ......... 0 c Street, b Isaacs ......... 25 c Mason, b Isaacs ......... 7 c Street, b Isaacs ......... 4 c Jacob, b Mason 4 b Mason .........]l b Mason not out not out B ... ... 7 ... 16 ... 8 ... 6 T otal.. 95 SUTTON v. LEATHERHEAD . Played at Leatherhead on June 6. L e a t h e r h e a d . First Innings. F. W. Earnshaw, b Mawer............................ 1 A. S. Bull, b Paice ......... 2 Rev. Henderson, b Mawer 0 M. Bovill, b Paice ......... 2 C. Lyall, b Paice ......... 6 A. H. Tritton. b Paice ... 2 F. Sturt, b Mawer .........13 W. Hargreaves, b Mawer 0 R. Alcock, b Mawer......... 0 W. H. Martin, not out ... 14 G. Willis, b Paice ......... 0 B ............................. 1 Second Innings. 10 T ota ... 41 b Paice b Paice .......... 6 b Paice .......... 0 c Flemwell, b Paice .......... 5 b Paice .......... 2 b Mawer .......... 4 c FlemwelJ, b Paice .......... 14 b Draper .......... 4 b Draper .......... 6 k Mawer .......... 8 not out ......... 0 B 8, lb 1, nb 2 11 T otal ... 70