Cricket 1891

JUNE 11, 1891 CBICKET: A WEEKLY EECORD OF THE GAME; 169 HAMPSTEAD v. UXBRIDGE. Played at Uxbridge on June 8. U xb r id g e . W. R. Collins, c A’Deane, b Stod- dart ...................... 7 C. E. Stevens, b Tliornt.on ......... 5 W.H. Miles.c Bishop, b Thornton .........18 J. C. Hibbert, c and b Sharp ............... 8 J. B. Hughes, b Riley......................18 R. Moss, c Milton, b Riley...................... 1 H. L. Ames, c Stod- dart, b Sharp ... 7 O. G. Langley, not out ......................10 G. E. Swatman, c A’Deane, b Riley ... 1 C. Coles, b Stodd'art 6 J. C. Gumbrell, run out B Total ... 10 ... 92 H a m p ste a d . W. W. A’Deane, b J. G. Q. Besch, c Moss...................... 1 Coles, b Miles 2 A “ Sticker,” b Moss 1 E. W. Bishop, b Moss 7 A. E. Stoddart, b W. S. Hale, c Moss, b Moss...................... 21 Miles...................... 10 G. Thornton, c ColA. W. Sharp, not out 2 lins, b Moss ......... 0 G. Riley, b Moss ... 2 T. M. Farmiloe, c B 1, nb 1 ......... 2 Ames, b Moss......... 42 J. C. Milton, b Moss 6 Total ......... 96 QUERNMORE HOUSE SCHOOL, KENT, v. ABBEY SCHOOL, BECKENHAM. Played at Plaistow on June 3. Q u e rn m o re H o u s e S c h o o l First Innings. Clark, b Morgan ... Coke, b Morgan P. Ashton, b Shirreff Harvey, b Morgan ... Trubshaw, c Hills, b Shirreff ............... Morgan, run out Jones, b Morgan ... Hodges, b Morgan ... Edey, c Morgan Englehardt, b Shirreff D. A. Clarke, out ............. B 1, w 2 ., Total .. Hills, b Hills, not 42 In the Second Innings Clark scored b Shirreff 1, Coke, c and b Morean 1, P. Ashton, c Hills, b Mor­ gan 1, Harvey, b Morgan 1, Trubshaw. (not out) 2, Morgan, c and b Morgan 7; b 5.—Total, 18. A b b e y S ch o ol . Hills, b Coke .. ... 7 Daviep, c Trubshaw, b Coke ................ 1 Johnston, c Ashton, b Coke ............... 11 Winch, b Ashton ... 9 Morgan, c and b Coke 2 Shirreff, c and b Coke 12 Carr, c and b Ashton ............... 12 Allix, c and b Ashton ................ Matthews, b Ashton Blackwood, c Jones, b Ashton............... Brown, not out B 4,lb 1 ......... Total .........' HAMPTON W ICK v. NORTHBROOK. Played at Hampton W ick on June 6. N orthbrook . First Innings. C. Pearse, lbw, b B u ll...................... 1 C. A. Hooper, b Bull 13 J. Fisher, c Pocock, b Bull ............... 0 Vernon Smith, b Pocock .............. 0 T. W. BlenkiroD, not out ...................... 8 B 5, w 1 ......... 6 A. H. Smith, c Keel­ ing, b Pocock.........16 H. N. Smith, b Po­ cock ......................17 C. O. Springthorpe, c Keeling, b Pocock 0 A. E. Coates, b P aice.....................23 R. W. Burroughs, b Bull ......................31 A. C. Nixon, c Po­ cock, b Sheather Total «119 In the Second Innings C. O. Springthorpe scored b Miles 0, R. W. Burroughs (not out) 2, A. C. Nixon, b Jones 2, C. Pearse, b Jones 1, J. Fisher, (run out) 12; b 7,—Total, 24. H am pton W ic k . C. A. L. Bull, c A. H. Smith, b Vernon Smith ............... 20 J. P. Sheather, b Blenkiron ......... 3 T. Rutter, c Pearse, b Blenkiron .... ... 4 J. W. Briggs, b Blenk­ iron ...................... H. E. Pocock, b Vernon Smith ... 31 E. W. J. Wright, c and b Burroughs... 8 S. A. Miles, c H. N. Smith, b Blenkiron H. Maitland, b Ver­ non Smith ......... W. Jones, b Vernon Smith ................ H. C. Paice, b Vernon Smith ............... ^A. P. Keeling, not out B 3, lb 8 Tpt^l ... 11 ... 98 SUNNINGDALE SCHOOL v. FARN - BOROUGH SCHOOL. Played at Sunningdale School on Jun6 6. F a r n b o r o u g h S c h o o l. First Innings. Hon. B. Gordon-Lennox, b Woodroffe ................ Second Innings. 3 c G. G. Gunter, c Finlay, b Woodroffe......................23 E. F. Penn, lbw, b Crocker ...................... 6 C. J. W. Farwell, run out 1 A. G. Stern, b Woodroffe... 5 R. W. Oppenheim, c Crocker, b Woodroffe ... 1 R. H. Evans, b Crocker ... 0 R. M. Sims, b Crocker ... 0 Hon. J. D. Bamilton, b Crocker ...................... 0 W. T. Hodgson, b Crocker 2 F. Pickering, not out ... 0 Melvill, Woodroffe and Clair St. , 29 b Woodroffe ... b Crocker......... c and b Walker b Walker ......... b Crocker ......... lbw, b Crocker... b Crocker ......... not out ......... c Urlwin, b Crocker ......... B 1, lb 1, w 1 Total Total ... 71 S u n n in g d ale S chool . H. J. P. King, st Lennox, b Penn ... 0 J. Urlwin, c Penn, b Lennox ............... 6 F. Crocker, c Stern, b Penn ............... 9 P. C. Walker, b Penn 7 D. M. King, lbw, b Gunter ............... 0 Hon. C. H. M. St. Clair, b Gunter ... 19 C. R. Woodroffe, b Penn...................... 0 J. L. Melvill, c and and b Lennox P. Pige-Leschallas, not out ................ I. A. Finlay, c Oppen­ heim, b Lennox ... R. S. Lucy, c Oppen­ heim, b Gunter ... B 4, lb 1, w 5 ... 10 Total ...107 SUNNINGDALE SCHOOL v. ST. NEOT’ S SCHOOL. Played at Sunningdale School on June 3. S t. N e o t ’s S c h o o l. First Innings. A. E. Kennedy, b Wcod- roffe ............................ R. M. Cole-Hamilton, b Woodroffe...................... R. A. B. Ponsonby, b Woodroffe...................... P. Sumner, b St. Clair ... K. R. V. Andras, b St. Clair ............................ Hon. E. B. Meade, b Woodroffe...................... J. N. Eyre, b Woodroffe ... Hon. T. Lister, lbw, b St. Clair ...................... J. Chapman, b St. Clair ... M. J. Hamilton, not out ... R. E. Crichton, b St. Clair ............................. B l . w l ...................... Second Innings. 0 b St. Clair......... 5 cPige-Le8cliallas, b Woodroffe... b St. Clair . b St.Clair . 0 bKemp-Welch.. c and b St. Clair run out ......... not out not out B 1, w1, nb 1... Total ... ; Total ............... 14 S u nn ingdale S ch o ol . G. H. Grant, c and b Hamilton ......... B. C. D. Kemp- Weleh, not out ... Hon. W. C. W. Eger- ton, b Hamilton ... Hon. A. C. Murray, b Andras ................ W ...................... Hon. C. H. M. St. Clair, b Lister ... 32 C. R. Woodroffe, c Co’e-Hamilton, b Andras ................ 7 J. L. Melvill, c and b Meade ..................10 P. Pige-Leschallas, b Kennedy...............26 I. A. Finlay, run out 58 E. I. D. Gordon, b Meade ............... 8 R. S. Lucy, c Hamil­ ton, b Andras ... 18 Total ...177 SOUTHGATE v. TRAFALGAR. Played at Tottenham on June 6. S o u th g a te . E. C. Smnders, b P. Freeman E. P. Sugden, b Jack­ son ... .................. 3 W. D. White, b P. Freeman............... 9 A. L. Ford, b A Free­ man ......................40 D. Fairweather, b Robertson .........14 E. Jiggins, csub. b C. Total Wallace ............... 0 T r a fa lg a r scored 75. F. Bryan, b A. Free­ man ......................70 A. S. Harris,c Rotert- son, b A. Freeman 3 S. F. Kemp, b Abbott 1 W. J. Seward, csub., b Abbott............... 0 W. S. Harris, not out 2 B 11, lb 2 ......... 13 ...161 UPPER TOOTING v. TEDDINGTON. Played Upper Tooting on June 6. T e d d in g to n . L. Hinton, b R. M. Harvey ................14 C. Howard, b R. M. Harvey ............... 0 R. E. Yerburgh, not out ......................18 J. R. Boden-Smitb, b R. M. Harvey......... 0 W. Clarke, b Russell 0 F. Gosney, b R. M, Harvey ................ 0 E. Burrows, c Fox, b Russell............... 0 E. S. Stearns, b Russell ................* 1 E. Collinson, b Rus­ sell ...................... 2 H. Ackary. c Sandi- lands, b Russell ... 0 A. N. Other, al sent 0 U2, lb 3, nb 2 ... 7 Total ... 42 E. L. Fox, c Boden- Smith, b Gosney ... 20 R. R. Sandilands, b Gosney ................ 3 A. J. Lane, b Hinton 24 R. M. Harvey, b Gos­ ney ...................... 2 P. W. Russell, c Clarke, b Gosney 28 S. Lea-Smith, b Hin­ ton ............. . ... 5 U p p e r T ooting . E. K. Harvey, c sub, b Ackary..................50 J. H. Titcombe, b Gosney ................. 8 E.T.Powell.bAckary 0 H. Cogill, d Ackary 6 N. Lloyd, not out ... 1 B 17, lb 4, w 1 ... 22 Total ...169 LONDON & COUNTY BANK v. LONDON & WESTM INSTER BANK. Played at Dulwich on June 3 and 4. L. & L. Pitt-Brook, c Sar- gant, b Blomfield... 32 C. A. Snell, b Blom­ field ......................31 C. S. Douglas, b Blomfield ......... 4 G. Raby, c Heareum, b Broomfield......... 6 C.T.Lawless, c Wells, b Blomfield ......... 7 P. W. Brooks, b Broomfield ......... 6 T. W. Mackintosh Hearsum......... W. B. H. B. Squire, st Bliz- ard, b Blomfield A. Podmore, b Blom­ field ...................... J. M. Allcock, not out ...................... C. C. Simpson, b Blomfield ......... Bl,lb5, w l ... Total ...1C6 4 ; & C. B. G. F. Wells, c Snell, b Podmore .........21 J. Hearsum, lbw, b Podmore................ 1 G. P. Blizard, c Raby, b Podmore ......... 8 S. H. Sargant, hw, b Law less............... 0 W. Jacob, run out ... 3 W, E. Broomfield and bat. C. E. Blomfield, c Podmore,bLawless 0 F. Bit-hop, ron ou t... 2 B.M.Waldock,not out 3 R. H. King, b Pod­ more ...................... 1 Total .........89 T. H. Thirlwall did no^ QUERNMORE (BROMLEY) v. LONSDALE CHAMBERS. Played at Plaistow on June 6. Q u e r n m o r e . First Innings. J, T. Burns, b Wilson ... 8 J. Hodgson, b Capper ...11 D. W. Burrows, b Wilson... 3 H. A. Saunders, c T. Williams, b Lewis ... 6 R. Goodfellow, b Capper 2 J. Gibson, lbw, b Lewis ...24 W. Atty, c Lewis, b Wilson 7 J. C. Padwick, c T Williams, b Lewis ......... F. W. Pearce, b Lewis Second Innings. b Capper ......... 1 c and b Capper 8 c Beardall, b Capper ......... 4 b Lewis ......... 0 c Collins, b Lewis 5 not out .........19 b Lewis ......... 6 Lewis run out A. Wai e, c Lewis, b T. W illiam s...................... A. Coke, st T. Williams, b L ew is............................. o W. Rivington, notout ... 3 B 6, w8 ...................14 Total ................. 95 L onsdale 1 b T. Williams . 6 b Lewis ... . b Capper ... . B ............. 6 T. Williams, c Burns, b Burrows ......... 9 F. Capper, run out ... 3 J. A. Collins, b Bums 0 B. K. Wilson, b Bur­ rows ...................... 6 J. B. Matthews, b Gibson ......... ... 39 Hankinson, c Gib­ son, b Pearce......... 9 A B. Stokes, b Pearce 0 Total ... 58 C h a m b e r s . R. A. Lewis, b Bur­ rows ...................... 7 A. H. Williams, not out ...................... 6 F. H. S. Merewether, b B urns................ 6 C.H.Trimmer, bCoke 43 >S. T. Beardall.bBurns 3 B 13, lb 2, w 1 ... 16 Total ..447