Cricket 1891

168 CRICKET A WEEKLY RECOED OF THE GAME. JUNE 11, 1891 S h ir l e y H o u se . N. S. Braidwood, run out ......................13 P.M. Vipan. b Perkins 2 S. H. Day, c Owen, b Perkiog ............... 3 W . H. Dalgliesh, b A. Mason ................. 5 D. W. Auld, b E. Mason ............... 9 L. Haselwood, c Soames, b Perkins 8 N. V. Leaver, b A. Mason ............... 5 F. R. Tanks, c Owen, b E. Mason ......... F. B. Dalgliesh, o Heath, b A. Mason A. C. Baylay, not out ...................... R. J. Buchly, c Wad- ling, b A. Mason... B 3, lb 1, w 1 ... Total ......... CRYSTAL PALACE v. ASYLUM. CANE HILL Played at Purley on June 2. C ane H il l A sylum . Second Innings. 0 First Innings. Rev. J. C. Crawford, Mitchell, b Bicknell J. D. Lee, c Mitchell, b Bicknell ......................27 Dr. Fitzgerald, b Bicknell 0 A. F. Clarke, c Mitchell, b Bicknell ...................... c De Villiers, Bicknell... b Bicknell......... 0 b Column .........41 18 c Amsden,bBick- H. Smith, st Gardner, Kayess.......................... Dr. Moodie, b Mitchell .. G. Stanley, not out ... . Dr. Boycott, c and b Mitchell ...................... H. B. Sholl, b Bicknell ... L. Lowlock, c and b Mitchell ...................... R.Sturman,lbw,b Mitchell Extras...................... 12 nell c Fleming, Bickn^ll... c Kayess, Bicknell ... b Fleming ... b Fleming ... st Amsden, Bicknell... not oat Extras .. . 2G . 10 Total ............... 91 C r y s t a l P a l a c e . Total...123 A. tV.Gardner-Woollo- ton, st Clarke, b Crawford ............... 39 S. Shorter, b Sholl ... 0 A-Kayess.c Crawford, b Sholl ............... 0 C.MitclielI,lbw,bSholl 9 S. Colman, c and b Fitzgerald .........51 G. E. BicKnell.notout 50 Capt. Fleming, lbw, b Stanley ............... 31 C. Gardner, run out 1 D. De Villiers,c Lee, b Crawford.........19 W. Amsden, at Clarke,b Crawford 5 Rev. Greenwood, b Crawford ......... 0 Extras .........10 Total ...215 BROADWATER v. GUILDFORD. Played at Broadwater on June 3. B r oadw ater . Second Innings, First Innings. W. D. Marshall, b North- cote ........................... 5 J. Street, run out ......2-2 A. Street, c Martin, b Hol- royd ......................... 24 E. Powley, b Holroyd ... 0 M. Marshall, c G , J?ranks, b Northcote .............. 0 N. Debenham, b Holroyd... 0 E. Agate, b Holroyd...... 0 Rev. A . M. Hill, c Wood, b Holroyd .................... C W. Gray, b Northcote ... 6 W . Debenham, b Holroyd 1 G . Holden, not out ....... 0 B ........................... 3 Total ............67 G u ild fo r d . First Innings. Farnfield, b A. Street 4 i Cretce, b Holden ... 0 b Wood b Holroyd ... b Holroyd... not out b Holroyd... b Wood b Wood not out B2\lb2, w l 23 Total ...156 Wood, lbw, b Street 4 Martin, not out ... 3 Young, c W. Mar­ shall, b Holden ... 0 B 5, lb 4 ......... 9 T. Smith, run out ... 25 Tramley, b Holden ... 0 Northcote, b Holden 17 G. Hewitt, c W. Mar­ shall, b A. Street ... 33 Holroyd, c Hill, b Holden ................ 4 Total .........104 G. Franks, b Holden 5 In the Second Innings Farnfield scored c Hill, d Street 0, T. Smith, (not out) 24, Tramley, b W. Debenham 28, Northcote, (not out) 29,; b 5, lb 8.—Total, 89. MARLBOROUGH BLUES v. TONBRIDGE SCHOOL. Played on the School-ground on May 30. M a r l b o r o u g h B l u e s . C. H. M. Thring, b J. Marshall............... 11 T. E. Etlinger,bWood 15 R. H. Isacke, b Wood 31 H. de L. Houseman, b J. Marshall ......... 4 T. W. Weeding, b A. Marshall............... 0 H. Freeman, b A. Marshall............... 8 W. G. Fellowes, not out ......................22 R. O. B. Lane, b Clarke ... ... 14 J. S. Bacon, b J. Mar­ shall ............... 6 W. A. F. Rogers, c Ronald, b A. Mar­ shall ...................... 2 C. V. Isacke, b Wood 0 B 8, lb 1 ......... 9 T otal ...122 T onbridge S c h o o l . R. S. H. Baigs, b Fel­ lowes ......................55 D. Ronald,b R. Isacke 23 B. D. Bannon, c su^., b Thring............... 19 M. O’ C. Tandy, b Fellowes............... 2 S. Kennington, b Fel­ lowes...................... 1 O L. Craig, b Fel­ lowes ............... 0 C. S. Wood, not out 23 A. M. Marshall, b Thring ................ 0 K. Clarke, not out ... 6 B 10, lb 5, w l, nb3 19 Total ...148 E. K. Le Fleming and J. M. Marshall did not bat SOUTH HAMPSTEAD v. JU MIDDLESEX. Played on June 6. J u n io r M id d l e s e x . W. Couchman.c LamJ. B. Palmer, b A. C. bert, b A. C.Thomas 0 Thomas................ 1 A. O. Breeds, b GilW. H. Palmer, c and liard ...................... 2 b Gilliard ......... 0 J. E. Gillard, b A. C. H. Dorrington, run Thomas ............... 0 out ...................... 3 A. C. Bowden, b 15. H. Clart, run out 5 Gilliard ............... 13 F. Henry, not out ... 2 A. J. Houghton, b Lb ...................... 1 Gilliard ............... 7 _ A.Wheatley.bGilliard 1 Total ......... 35 S o u t h H a m p s t e a d . A. H. Hill, b Dor- rington ............... 2 A. C. Thomas,not out 5 W. S. Hair, b Henry 14 R. H. Head, not out 9 B 8, lb 1, w 1 ... 10 Total ...170 L. E. Thomas, b Henry ............... 3 F. W. Tew, lbw, b Palmer ............... 1 J. J. Lambert, b Dor- rington ...............39 W. Hanwell, b Henry 14 P. B. Gilliard, b Dor- rington ............... 43 H. W. Brooman. c Dorrington, b Gil- lard ......................30 T. B. Orgias did not bat. W ILLESDEN v. LONDON HOSPITAL. Played at Willesden on June 6. L on don H o s p ita l. S. H. Burch, c sub., b Reynolds .........18 B. Jones, b J. Major- Lucas ............... 20 W. Bower, c Pritt, b Reynolds............... 1 W. E. Fry c T. H. C. Levick bJ. Major- Lucas...................... 9 H. Pearse, c R>bert- so d , b T. H. C. Levick ............... 2 H. L. Penny, c T. H. C.Levick,bJ.Major- Lucas......................19 A. R. Fagan, c G. Levick, b J. Major- Lucas ............... 13 G.R. Chappel.c Pritt, b J. Major-Lucas... 3 E. Chichester, c Bay- ford,b H. Y. Brown 0 P. A. Green, not out 4 E. Le Geyt, b J. Major-Lucas ... 1 B 11, lb 2 .........13 Total ...103 W il l e s d e n . W. M, Robertson, c and b Chichester... 3 J. Major-Lucas, cFry, b Green .................. 43 A. Y. Baxter, b Chi­ chester ...................29 H. W. Pritt, b Green 10 T. H. C. Levir-k, not out .......................103 F. J. Reynolds, run out .........................13 G B D. Levick, Ibw, b Pearse ..................12 H. Y. Brown,cFagan, b Penny............... 8 E. H.* Bayford, b Pearse ............... 0 P. C. Stuart, c and b Penny ............... 0 F. S. Long, b Penny 0 B 4, nb 2 .............. 6 T otal ...227 CR ICKETERS-B est < G C B ^ G o o d s City Agents— b e a r t h i s M a rk .— Advt. B arton fy L e s t e r 94, Queen S t., C h e a p s iu e . SHIRLEY HOUSE SCHOOL, BLACK­ HEATH, v. ABBEY SCHOOL, BECK­ ENHAM. Played at Beckenham on June 6. S h ir l e y H ouse . First Innings. N. S. Braidwood, not out... F. M. Vipan, c bhewell, b Morgan ...................... S. H. Day, c Winch, b Morgan ...................... W. H. Dalgliesh, c Mat­ thews, b Morgan ......... W. D. Auld, b Shirreff ... 0 L. Haselwood, c and b Morgan ...................... 5 N. V. Leaver, b Shirreff ... 1 F. R. Tunks, b Shirreff ... 5 R. J. Buchly, b Shirreff ... 0 G. ff. Bellairs, run out ... 2 A C. Baylay, b Shirrelf ... 3 Second Innings. 20 c and b Morgan 4 4 b Shirreff......... 2 0 b M organ........ 0 1 c Davies b Shirreff.......... 5 b Atkinson ... 3 B 3, lb 1, w 2 b Morgan......... c JohnstoD, b Morgan......... b Atkinson not out ......... not out ......... c Johnston, b Morgan......... B 4, lb 1, w 1 Total .........47 A b b e y S chool . Total H. G. Davies, c Bel­ lairs, b Auld ......... A. T. Atkinson,b Auld A. H. Johnston, run out ...................... B. E. Morgan, b Haselwood ......... G. B. Winch, b Auld G. 'Shewell, c Day, b A uld...................... C. W. Shirreff, b Auld 0 H. W. Carr, b Auld... 0 J. E. Matthews, b Auld...................... 1 A. Blackwood,b Auld 10 J. P. Allix, not out... 7 Total 46 DULWICH v. GRAVESEND. Played at Gravesend on June 3. D u l w ic h . First Innings. A. R. Colyer, c A. Boorman, b Collins 16 R. E. Mays, c A. Boorman, b Collins 19 Shepherd, b Reid ... 6 H. Marks, b Collins 0 C. J. Taylor, not out 0 J. A. Macdonald, run out ................. 14 O. Jones, b Collins ... 39 F. M. Walker, b Col­ lins .................10 T. F. Colyer, b New­ ton .................. 1 J. Rimmington,b Col­ lins .................. 1 Total ........... 119 W. Morris, bNewton 13 In the SecondInnings J. A. Macdonald scored (not out) 66, F. M. Walker, b Collins 14, T. F. Colyer (run out) 0, J. Rimmington (run out) 0, A. R. Colyer, c F. Boorman, b Hedger 21, R. E. Mays (not out) 12; b 7, lb 2.—Total, 122. A. Boorman, Ibw, Morris ............... 4 J. Russell, not out ... 39 Collins, b Morris ... 4 C. Hedger, b Jones ... 4 F. Newton, b Morris 23 W. Troughton, c J. F. Colyer, b Morris ... 1 Reid, run out ......... 2 G ra v e s e n d . b F. Boorman, b Morris M. Matthews, c Shep­ herd, b Morris ... J. R. Croft, run out... F. Raine, b Morris ... Total .........i WEST WRATTING PARK v. A JESUS ELEVEN. Played at West Wratting Park on June 1. J e s u s C o l l e g e . P. A. Fryer, b Cob­ bold ...................... 3 L. Hamilton, c Open­ shaw, b Meyer ... 0 A. Finch, b Meyer ... 0 O.F. Badeley, bHill... 76 L. Dale, c Clay, b Vaudrey................27 A. J. Hall', b Hill ... 0 C.W. Johnson,not ont 30 C. E. Cheatte,c Cob­ bold, b Meyer W. J.Lias, bMeyer... A. F. Henderson, b Hill ...................... H.P. Chapman,b Hill Extras ............... Total .........1 W e s t W r a t t in g P a r k . W. R. Gray, b Finch 2 W. N. Cobbold, b Dale 10 H. R. Meyer, c Da!e,b Finch...................... 9 E. C. Clay, b Finch ... 3 F.W. Beckford,c Lias, bCheatte......... 2 J. Openshaw,c Bade­ ley, b Chcatte W. H. Napier,not out 25 H. Hill, not out ... 4 Extras ............... 14 Total ...106 A. Whittaker, C. Vaudrey, and F. A. Breul did not bat.